ok perfect. I made the MP game name: Mercenaries psswd: sword4hire
since normally weekends/sundays work we should be good for normal gameplay. Do we get the ball rolling tonight or tomorrow night or saturday? just to get far enough for @winters to take care of his own business Sunday in either Beregost or Nashkel, while myself and @Blackraven do some minor exploration and looting (no main questline of course), and whoever else we meet along the way or start with.
Character Name: Sterling, NE Fighter. Two-handed sword, bow, two-handed style STR 18/76, DEX 17, CON 16, INT 16, WIS 12, CHA 16.
Bio: Sterling lives on the thin line between arrogance and confidence (often seem as a pompous ass) ,getting by with his intelligence and charm. Sterling often tries to out smart and outwit his opponents before resorting to brute force. He has the ability to pursue long-term strategies to advance himself through manipulation and deception while resisting the short term satisfaction of a quick buck. Although, after a couple of drinks, he becomes narrowed minded focusing on the present needs and desires which often leads to brute force and irrational decisions. We may lose some battles boys, but we will surely win the war.
I'm going to mess around a bit with Shadowkeeper (to at least edit in a kit)
@StrayedMonkey, I see you went with high stats in the end. Is everyone going to do that? If so, I'll also take my highish 87 roll. (It's going to be pretty much no reload after all.)
@Blackraven yeah, im more excited about playing real life stats (as in myself) more than anything. plus given the style we are going to play i think it more than balances it out, which is primarily why i chose a non-kitted fighter and avoided dual wielding weapons best for DPS. Just playing me and using my personal favorite types of weapons regardless of abundance or powerful magic items.
plus if we agree to playing all together for main quest stuff without metagaming it should be good fun. Especially when some memebers are unable to play, which leaves room for smaller party, minor exploration and excursions that are not critical to the storyline. RPing that fits perfectly for players absence or addition with mercenaries.
and from a fighters standpoint my int, wis and cha dont effect my class attributes at all. they just add flavor to my personality, tactical advantages, and overall mindset. and theres a good chance i have horrible luck and end up with low HP, which makes it more challenging for a vanilla fighter not using a shield or two weapons
@Blackraven , @meagloth , @Cygnus post your chosen characters, preferably with a little bio to give insight into your character, mindset, and general attitude.
If you dont get the Sterling reference its Sterling Archer (tv show) .
Oh and i know theres a bagillion comments. so once we actually get logged in, I'll create a new thread outlining RP, rules, game style, and characters parting in all or some of this adventure. and of course general game times.
@Blackraven , definitely mess around with shadowkeeper. The whole point is to be fun, and be basically playing yourself. I would highly recommend editing especially for stats(save time) avatar appearance, and colors not available.
Alright, I'll see what I can do. I'm avable most weekdays 3-5ish(u.s.central time) and weekends are not really predictable. Just tell me when you're doing something and I'll see if I'm available. I've provided an RP reason in my bio Here's the portrait. If you guys want I can change it to one BG ones.
In all MP games I was part of, the biggest issue was always communication. I've never tried BGEE MP before so honestly, no idea how this works - any thoughts?
Ok here's my character. We even kind of look alike (except for the the pointy ears and the black hair - mine's brown, but long as well).
As to Korethil's (and my RL) alignment, I won't be RP'ing him as a "Might save your life, might steal your car" kind of guy. I'm not like that either. Put very briefly, Korethil is Chaotic in that, rather than to rely on a moral code, he's very flexible and pragmatic in his ways of dealing (or deciding not to deal) with any problems he encounters. He's Neutral, as opposed to Good/Evil, because he often doesn't take a stance and prefers to let things be. He's insufficiently interested in personal wealth or power beyond what's helpful for survival to be Evil and too detached to be considered Good by others.
I'm aware that this isn't exactly a mercenary type @StrayedMonkey had in mind for the party, but I think it's nice for RP purposes to have somewhat differing personalities and motivations in the party. Plus I think that Korethil fits in the group anyway thanks to both his above-mentioned detachedness (very much like me in RL) and his vindictiveness vis-a-vis the drow, orcs and the bandits that hinder his research (unlike me in RL, obviously). By the way, @meagloth's Sorcerer isn't exactly a mercenary either according to his cryptical biography
Since @winters is going to play a mechanical Thief (Bounty Hunter), I kitted my Cleric/Thief as an Assassin. Winters said his Bounty Hunter will focus on mechanical thievery (traps, locks). This allows my Cleric/Assassin to focus on stealth in BG1 and maybe pickpocketing or detect illusions in BG2.
EDIT: @StrayedMonkey, I have zero experience with Multi Player... Which steps do I take to find and access your game?
@Blackraven just click multiplayer and his game should show up, when he's online. It's pretty self-explanatory. Also, I think(though I'm not sure) that your portrait needs to bee called the same thing in our games, so if you could either upload the bmp or tell us the filename so we can rename it that'll be great.
Ok thanks @meagloth, I hadn't selected the Beamdog.net protocol. @StrayedMonkey: Are we supposed to start playing today? I'm going to be offline for about two hours, but after that, I'd be available. What about the others?
I'm up and running, but the forecast says there might be a thunderstorm today evening, so it's possible that I'll dissapear for a bit - keeping fingers crossed
It's 7 pm for me so I'll be around for at least 6-7 more hours.
Also, does anyone know if xp cap remover/high level abilities for BGEE tend to crash MP games? I have just temporarily uninstalled BG NPC Project, with aching heart, but it would definitely mess stuff up. I'd really prefer to leave my already overstrained installation in peace.
@Blackraven@meagloth we are good to roll. MP seems to be working fine. I should note that the animations are ridiculous. They seem to thoroughly enjoy swinging at thin air...
AH one more thing we should stick somewhere along with other do's and don't's. The game tends to erm, leave random characters in Candlekeep while the Bhaalspawn witnesses Gorion getting chunked. It's definitely safer to export them before venturing forth so that the party stays gathered.
P.S. Frame rate has to be the same for all the users so if you tried to speed up the game by editing baldur.ini make sure that it's set to 30 fps.
P.P.S. xp cap remover doesn't interfere with gameplay (so far).
Dudes, I can't write in the chatbox. Any trick? And also, when I imported mu character it got the cleric sprite instead of the thief sprite, is it possible to somehow change that?
@Blackraven press the letter 'T' in your keyboard and the chatbox will show up *and* it will also let you write. You can change your sprite with EEKeeper, not sure if Shadow Keeper handles that, it's under the Appearance tab.
@meagloth you have v1.2.2013 (iPad release version) and they (should) have v1.2000 (PC/Mac release version).
name: Mercenaries
psswd: sword4hire
since normally weekends/sundays work we should be good for normal gameplay. Do we get the ball rolling tonight or tomorrow night or saturday? just to get far enough for @winters to take care of his own business Sunday in either Beregost or Nashkel, while myself and @Blackraven do some minor exploration and looting (no main questline of course), and whoever else we meet along the way or start with.
Character Name: Sterling, NE Fighter. Two-handed sword, bow, two-handed style
STR 18/76, DEX 17, CON 16, INT 16, WIS 12, CHA 16.
Bio: Sterling lives on the thin line between arrogance and confidence (often seem as a pompous ass) ,getting by with his intelligence and charm. Sterling often tries to out smart and outwit his opponents before resorting to brute force. He has the ability to pursue long-term strategies to advance himself through manipulation and deception while resisting the short term satisfaction of a quick buck. Although, after a couple of drinks, he becomes narrowed minded focusing on the present needs and desires which often leads to brute force and irrational decisions. We may lose some battles boys, but we will surely win the war.
I have some time tomorrow afternoon (i.e. tomorrow night for Winters and others based in Europe).
I'm going to mess around a bit with Shadowkeeper (to at least edit in a kit)
@StrayedMonkey, I see you went with high stats in the end. Is everyone going to do that? If so, I'll also take my highish 87 roll. (It's going to be pretty much no reload after all.)
plus if we agree to playing all together for main quest stuff without metagaming it should be good fun. Especially when some memebers are unable to play, which leaves room for smaller party, minor exploration and excursions that are not critical to the storyline. RPing that fits perfectly for players absence or addition with mercenaries.
and from a fighters standpoint my int, wis and cha dont effect my class attributes at all. they just add flavor to my personality, tactical advantages, and overall mindset. and theres a good chance i have horrible luck and end up with low HP, which makes it more challenging for a vanilla fighter not using a shield or two weapons
@Blackraven , @meagloth , @Cygnus post your chosen characters, preferably with a little bio to give insight into your character, mindset, and general attitude.
If you dont get the Sterling reference its Sterling Archer (tv show)
Oh and i know theres a bagillion comments. so once we actually get logged in, I'll create a new thread outlining RP, rules, game style, and characters parting in all or some of this adventure. and of course general game times.
Here's the portrait. If you guys want I can change it to one BG ones.
As to Korethil's (and my RL) alignment, I won't be RP'ing him as a "Might save your life, might steal your car" kind of guy. I'm not like that either. Put very briefly, Korethil is Chaotic in that, rather than to rely on a moral code, he's very flexible and pragmatic in his ways of dealing (or deciding not to deal) with any problems he encounters. He's Neutral, as opposed to Good/Evil, because he often doesn't take a stance and prefers to let things be. He's insufficiently interested in personal wealth or power beyond what's helpful for survival to be Evil and too detached to be considered Good by others.
I'm aware that this isn't exactly a mercenary type @StrayedMonkey had in mind for the party, but I think it's nice for RP purposes to have somewhat differing personalities and motivations in the party. Plus I think that Korethil fits in the group anyway thanks to both his above-mentioned detachedness (very much like me in RL) and his vindictiveness vis-a-vis the drow, orcs and the bandits that hinder his research (unlike me in RL, obviously). By the way, @meagloth's Sorcerer isn't exactly a mercenary either according to his cryptical biography
Since @winters is going to play a mechanical Thief (Bounty Hunter), I kitted my Cleric/Thief as an Assassin. Winters said his Bounty Hunter will focus on mechanical thievery (traps, locks). This allows my Cleric/Assassin to focus on stealth in BG1 and maybe pickpocketing or detect illusions in BG2.
EDIT: @StrayedMonkey, I have zero experience with Multi Player... Which steps do I take to find and access your game?
@StrayedMonkey: Are we supposed to start playing today? I'm going to be offline for about two hours, but after that, I'd be available. What about the others?
It's 7 pm for me so I'll be around for at least 6-7 more hours.
I also want to inform you that tweaking with character appearance in EEKeeper doesn't make any sense bc MP resets it to zero anyway.
P.S. Frame rate has to be the same for all the users so if you tried to speed up the game by editing baldur.ini make sure that it's set to 30 fps.
P.P.S. xp cap remover doesn't interfere with gameplay (so far).
And also, when I imported mu character it got the cleric sprite instead of the thief sprite, is it possible to somehow change that?
@Blackraven @winters @StrayedMonkey
You can change your sprite with EEKeeper, not sure if Shadow Keeper handles that, it's under the Appearance tab.
@meagloth you have v1.2.2013 (iPad release version) and they (should) have v1.2000 (PC/Mac release version).