Real life spell.
Member Posts: 749
What BG1,2 spell would you like to have in real life, excluding Wish?
Oh god no, my wisdom score, it'd never end well.
Time Stop then.
Or Cure Critical Wounds/Heal/Resurrect. That might get me bombarded to Jesus though.
Contenders: Storm of Vengeance, Rightious Might, Summon Deva, Gate, Disintegrate, Call Woodland Creatures (hello ms Nymph), Charm Person and Detect Evil.
Several casts? Going by ajwz train of thought I'l say the 6'th level spell misslead or Similarcrum. While I would miss having a bloody intelligent pet, there's much more fun to be had with the ability to be invisible or in two places at once.
Also i pretty much agree with [b]Drugar[/b], again. Summon Deva and call Call Woodland Creatures do have certain benefits..
Or perhaps Summon Planetar since I'm fairly certain they can cast it anyways >_>
But if we're talking about for fun rather than to solve my biggest life problem, I'd probably have to agree with everybody who said Call Woodland Creatures. Just run off with a beautiful nymph ^^ And if we're talking about something a bit more original... Animate Dead. Let's start raising an undead army to take over the world >:3
Improved Invisibility---for uhh..lots of interesting reasons