Yeah, I was wondering will Protection from Normal Weapons protect you against all physical damage like falling pot, for example...
Protection from all damage, unless it's "magical." That includes gun bullets, swords, fists and cannon balls. If you have protection from a cannon ball, there's no reason a pot or piano would be able to hurt you.
Sleep would be useful for things like non-violent self defense, trolling people on the streets, or to use on yourself for those nights when you can't seem to drift off.
Identify - I work at a thrift store so this spell would come in handy in detecting incredibly valuable donations that we may receive. More green in the blue.
Improved Invisibility - Sneaking into certain places, spying on people, pretending to be a ghost to scare bratty children, oh the possibilities!
Improved Haste - Since I don't have a car I always have to walk and this spell would come in handy when on a tight schedule. I could also win at certain sports and win medals and gain SOME confidence in athleticism.
Strength - This along with Improved Haste, I wouldn't have to take trouble from anyone again. The young men in my town act like they're on steroids so this would more than discourage them from trying to pick a fight with me.
Domination - Control my enemies to either make fools out of themselves or make them end up in jail. Or both.
Friends - A good boost to my social skills. I would cast this whenever I need to convince people or to impress a girl and such. Would be very valuable.
Knock - I'm not one to break into houses but this would come in handy in case I lock myself out of my own house or I need to get through a lock.
Know Alignment - I had people abuse my trust many times and others have tried to con me in the past. This spell would give me an idea on what kind of a person that guy may be.
Far Sight - I would love to see what goes on in the world. Also be useful for spying and would make me a valuable tool for the Canadian Military Intelligence.
Polymorph Self - Master of disguise!
Imprison & Freedom - Useful for a bounty hunter or to give a lengthy time-out to anyone acting like a prick.
Greater Restoration & Resurrection - These two I will use for the least malicious reasons. I would go to third-world countries and do things like cure disease, heal people, raise certain people from the dead along with whatever I can use these for. This could be a double edged sword though because some may see me as a Saint or see me as the False Prophet as told in the Bible.
Um, to everyone who wants to "Summon" a nymph...? Doing so for males is downright DEADLY. You see her, you have a heart attack, you die. Unless you only catch a glimpse.
Um, to everyone who wants to "Summon" a nymph...? Doing so for males is downright DEADLY. You see her, you have a heart attack, you die. Unless you only catch a glimpse.
That could make a man with a blindfold a pretty amazing hitman.
Casting Friends when I do a talk before a city council committee, better still, use Friends to get some speaking time in parliament and have them listen to you and think 'jay, we should indeed be caring more about disabled people and scrap the 'eigen bijdrage' and 'eigen risico' (sorry, my English fails: eigen bijdrage = €200,- euro you have to pay if you need health care, eigen risico = first €200,- of the bills you have to pay yourself).
"Zone of sweet air" go out into the world and become a environmental hero, clean up toxic spills and the like
"Goodberries" spam these and stop world hunger
Yeah, I like those! I was looking for a spell to make the world a better place. Zone of Sweet Air would surely fit the bill. Better still, Zone of Sweet Soil.
Second Coming of Jesus? You're looking at it! I accept tithes in cash and credit.
You should really read the OP carefully...
Identify - I work at a thrift store so this spell would come in handy in detecting incredibly valuable donations that we may receive. More green in the blue.
Improved Invisibility - Sneaking into certain places, spying on people, pretending to be a ghost to scare bratty children, oh the possibilities!
Improved Haste - Since I don't have a car I always have to walk and this spell would come in handy when on a tight schedule. I could also win at certain sports and win medals and gain SOME confidence in athleticism.
Strength - This along with Improved Haste, I wouldn't have to take trouble from anyone again. The young men in my town act like they're on steroids so this would more than discourage them from trying to pick a fight with me.
Domination - Control my enemies to either make fools out of themselves or make them end up in jail. Or both.
Friends - A good boost to my social skills. I would cast this whenever I need to convince people or to impress a girl and such. Would be very valuable.
Knock - I'm not one to break into houses but this would come in handy in case I lock myself out of my own house or I need to get through a lock.
Know Alignment - I had people abuse my trust many times and others have tried to con me in the past. This spell would give me an idea on what kind of a person that guy may be.
Far Sight - I would love to see what goes on in the world. Also be useful for spying and would make me a valuable tool for the Canadian Military Intelligence.
Polymorph Self - Master of disguise!
Imprison & Freedom - Useful for a bounty hunter or to give a lengthy time-out to anyone acting like a prick.
Greater Restoration & Resurrection - These two I will use for the least malicious reasons. I would go to third-world countries and do things like cure disease, heal people, raise certain people from the dead along with whatever I can use these for. This could be a double edged sword though because some may see me as a Saint or see me as the False Prophet as told in the Bible.
Reusable spell, Improved Invisibility, Dimension Door, Clairvoyance, and the list goes on
"Goodberries" spam these and stop world hunger
"Simulacrum" stay at home and do something fun while your doppelganger goes to work/school/insert-whatever-you-dont-want-to-do-here