Surprised no one else mentioned Flesh to Stone? or hell even Tensor's Transformation? One let's you basically win versus anything, the other makes you a top end fighter, best possible physical condition, etc
Maybe less practical then say friends or charms, etc but fun.....
Though Delayed Blast Fireball and/or Skull Trap could be fun to, hell even Horrid Wilting, get your war on..
Traps would also be amazing to guard your house with, so long as you had a way to bypass them. Maybe releasing when entering, then resetting afterwards?
What I'm amazed by is that nobody has mentioned Otiluke's Resilient Sphere yet. You stick that thing on yourself and you are completely invincible even if a nuclear bomb go of in your city.
Isn't there an aging side effect to the haste spells? I know many games ignore that penalty but in a real life situation the downside is too serious for mere humans.
@Immagikman Yes. a Year of Aging per Haste Spell, a Year for a Limited Wish, and 3 Years for a Wish. But then they added Elixirs of Youth and they already had Potions of Longevity, so...
@Immagikman Yes. a Year of Aging per Haste Spell, a Year for a Limited Wish, and 3 Years for a Wish. But then they added Elixirs of Youth and they already had Potions of Longevity, so...
True but then they made it cheesy by eliminating the rarity of the potions, yes they had ways to extend life but to collect the ingredients to make said potions was....some times more dangerous than just living with the age penalty
You obviously have no experience with Wishes I've never had a DM grant a wish that didn't bite the wisher in the ass somehow Wish for imortality and suddenly you find that you cannot matter how mangled or how horribly disfigured....dismembered.....just itty bitty peices of you still alive scattered all over the place....
XD No, to be fair my character almost always died before I got to the point of wishes in my D&D games. But from what I had guessed about fairy tale wishes, I really should have guessed it was something along those lines. That and the few wishes we were ever allotted for lets say, some sort of quest that we did, were always saved for dead party members. My DM was harsh when it came to bringing guys back, in that there wasn't exactly a temple we could just go back to to pay to bring our guy back. Of course that's even harder when he's been turned to stone and you're trying to carry the statue without breaking him.
Oh I'm certain there are immense drawbacks to immortality, one of them of course being that you can never die and you'll watch all your loved ones die continuously. I just figure that most drawbacks of that nature wouldn't be able to be well implemented into a D&D game. I have heard of "Death Becomes Her" but I have never seen it. Was it any good?
It was an ok movie for its time, nothing to get excited about or anything, just follows the logical fallout of what happens if you somehow become unable to is a comedy movie.....not horrible not great just mediocre.
I think its been playing on HBO or Showtime recently.
What I'm amazed by is that nobody has mentioned Otiluke's Resilient Sphere yet. You stick that thing on yourself and you are completely invincible even if a nuclear bomb go of in your city.
Well, where I live nuclear bomb impacts are pretty rare..... Oh, oh, I forgot one! Too many telephones ringing at once? The boss is yelling at you? You are surrounded by angry complaining customers? Things get too tough in the office and your head is about to explode like a ripe melon? Cast silence 15ft radius!
Spells like Good Berries and other similar that create something from nothing always struck me as suspicious and given me the feeling that some kind of natural balance was being tinkered with... In real life you know some evil corpporation would hire low wage third world mages to spend all day casting the spell and then selling them off...
Spells like Good Berries and other similar that create something from nothing always struck me as suspicious and given me the feeling that some kind of natural balance was being tinkered with... In real life you know some evil corpporation would hire low wage third world mages to spend all day casting the spell and then selling them off...
Just imagine the ways you could cheat in sport. "It's amazing! Half of the away team just went up into thin air." "Strike three, and once again he didn't even move." "New world record!!! Eat your hart out Usain Bolt." "The ref has made some very strange calls today. I doubt he will ever work at this level again"
Maybe less practical then say friends or charms, etc but fun.....
Though Delayed Blast Fireball and/or Skull Trap could be fun to, hell even Horrid Wilting, get your war on..
Traps would also be amazing to guard your house with, so long as you had a way to bypass them. Maybe releasing when entering, then resetting afterwards?
2. Dimension Door
3. Domination
Feeblemind would be quite funny tho
I think its been playing on HBO or Showtime recently.
Oh, oh, I forgot one! Too many telephones ringing at once? The boss is yelling at you? You are surrounded by angry complaining customers? Things get too tough in the office and your head is about to explode like a ripe melon?
Cast silence 15ft radius!
"Ok officer, one moment and I'll just..." *Casts Imprisonment*