Tiax (Spellhold)

Isn't he casting arcane spells when you fight Irenicus?
It just hit me now that he's in spellhold and throwing arcane spells at Irenicus when you fight him. But he's a C/T in Baldur's gate. I have no idea how i've missed this so many times.
It just hit me now that he's in spellhold and throwing arcane spells at Irenicus when you fight him. But he's a C/T in Baldur's gate. I have no idea how i've missed this so many times.
Scratch that. It looks like he has a wide variety of spells memorized but his script makes him cast a few cleric spells and then just attack. So he is just a cleric/thief then...
She's mind controlled by Irenicus, shapechanges into him and takes his place for the rest of the game.
*end conspiracy theory*