Uh, yeah, I definitely do. Additionally, I find myself attempting to pause in every other game I play. I don't think I would enjoy this game half as much without pause and autopause.
I honestly did not even know autopause existed until last November when I started posting on this forum. Before that I would just jam the spacebar every couple of seconds. I didn't even know about the feedback text, so I would often just guess about when my spells were done casting. The new pictures that tell you what your character will be up to next are so useful.
When i was child and was playing this game for first time i didn't know you can pause in this game, so i had to play without it. Only after 5 hours spent on defeating leaders of Iron Throne i noticed this function. Had to admit it ease much
Also... Q buttan, y u not saiv???????
Tsch, casual gamers. I only play no reload, no pause, no potions, no stats and no proficiencies. And I can only use the keyboard with my tongue.