Do you pause during battles?

Ever since I discovered that pausing interrupted mages' spellcasting in BG1, I've been paranoid about pausing during battles and eventually got into the habit of not pausing at all during battles. It adds an extra little layer of challenge I think.
- Do you pause during battles?117 votes
- Yes98.29%
- No  1.71%
Anyway, I am not a fan of real time strategy games due to my poor motor skills. I also have a copious amount of autopauses turned on (including round end) so I always pause during combat.
There is a *lot* of pausing going on.
On the other hand I tend to let things take their course when attacked by Xvarts and Gibberlings. And though I don't do that for any reason other than taking a break it is definitely curious to see how the party does it on their own. My main quibble with their usual AI behavior is that they do not launch ranged attacks nearly as soon as they can.
This time around playing with the Enhanced Editions I am older and wiser, and prepared to pause a lot more frequently to manage the party, especially the spell casters. The game feels much simpler this time around but I am still not achieving no reload runs (quickly turning into 'minimal' reloads, for very poor definitions of 'minimal'
I suspect one of the hardest game variants would be no-pause, no-reload with a party of six. The party of six is important, as that is what really makes no-pause tricky to manage.
And about Auto pause...
I mostly use Auto-Pause: Trap Found because all those many times you send you freaking thief over the traps, your thief detects the trap and *then* steps over it. No more.
Then I use Auto-Pause: Spell Cast when I use Improved Alacrity.
I make lot of use of the F1-F12 keys when I play, but sometimes my hands get in a silly slumber and I have to pause more or stop playing, but stop playing is never an option...
Can't tell you how many traps I set off before I found the Auto pause setting for it... kind of embarrassing really