Help Me Select Spells For My Red Dragon Disciple

So I don't know when I'll get around to playing the character, but I want to roll a Pyromantic Red Dragon Disciple. Obviously he'd take spells like burning hands, fireball, red fireshield, ect. ect. but I don't know what else to take. He only gets five choices per spell level, so I think there are enough options, but I'm curious what all would work. Obviously, draconic spells and spells commonly used by dragons would make sense as well.
So far, the requisite spells I can see are:
LVL 1: Burning Hands
LVL 2: Agannazar's Scorcher
LVL 3: Fireball, Flame Arrow, Melf's Minute Meteors, Protection From Fire (?)
LVL 4: Fireshield (Red)
LVL 5: Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental, Sunfire
LVL 6: Conjure Fire Elemental
LVL 7: Summon Efreeti (? It's a fire creature, isn't it?)
LVL 8: Incendiary Cloud
LVL 9: Dragon's Breath (Not too redundant, is it?), Comet (?), Meteor Swarm (?)
As you can see, not the most powerful sorcerer every. A very damage heavy one, easily defeated by fire resistant foes. Unsurprisingly, I would NOT be playing this guy in a solo game. I may like the challenge of solo runs, but I'm not suicidal.
So far, the requisite spells I can see are:
LVL 1: Burning Hands
LVL 2: Agannazar's Scorcher
LVL 3: Fireball, Flame Arrow, Melf's Minute Meteors, Protection From Fire (?)
LVL 4: Fireshield (Red)
LVL 5: Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental, Sunfire
LVL 6: Conjure Fire Elemental
LVL 7: Summon Efreeti (? It's a fire creature, isn't it?)
LVL 8: Incendiary Cloud
LVL 9: Dragon's Breath (Not too redundant, is it?), Comet (?), Meteor Swarm (?)
As you can see, not the most powerful sorcerer every. A very damage heavy one, easily defeated by fire resistant foes. Unsurprisingly, I would NOT be playing this guy in a solo game. I may like the challenge of solo runs, but I'm not suicidal.
So far I have
Level 1: Burning Hands, Identify, Magic Missiles, Sleep, and Spook.
Level 2: Detect Invisibility, Agannazar's Scorcher, Stinking Cloud, Horror
Level 3: Fireball, Invisibility 10'radius, Slow
Level 4: Stoneskin, Emotion:Hopelessness
Level 5: Sunfire
1)Burning hands (fire spell), spook(dragons are scary), identify(dragon lore!), magic missile(basic blast spell), pro from evil (a must to have to be untouchable by infernal gated enemies)
2)Aganazar's scorcher (fire spell) Horror (dragon fear!) Detect invisibility (dragons see invisible) Strength (dragons are powerful) Resist fear (dragons are never afraid)
3)Fireball, Flame arrow, Melf's minute meteors (Fire spells) Remove magic (lowly adventurers come protected by fire, thinking they are safe) Pro from fire is a waste IMHO as dragon disciple will gain innate fire resistance anyway. So for the last pick Dire Charm (Dragons like enslaving the weak)
4)Stoneskin (dragon hide is tough!) Fireshield:red (fire spell) Greater Malison (dragons like to toy with enemies) Emotion:hopelesness (when you face a dragon, you weep and lie down and die) Minor sequencer (dragons are masters of meta-magic)
5)Sun-fire (fire spell) Breach (no puny spells can protect puny mages) Conjure lesser fire elemental is moot because lvl 6 version is bigger and better, so Chaos (seeing a dragon causes panic and discord among enemies) Lower resist (essential against other dragons) and minor spell turning (spellcasters weak tricks can not touch a dragon)
6)Conjure fire elemental (tough summon that lasts longer than 5th version) Pro from magic weapons (makes dragon untouchable, as it should be) True Sight (no illusion can work against a mighty dragon) PW:Silence (puny spellcasters will suffer!) Tensers Trans (when the dragon really needs to enter melee, he will be grand at it)
7)Delayed blast fireball (burn!) Ruby ray (it is ruby so is red, it weakens enemy mages, it is cool!) PW:stun (awesomeness of a dragon causes enemies to freeze) Summon Efreeti (fire creature) Spell sequencer (meta magic mastery)
8)Incendiary cloud (burn!) PW:Blind (a dragon is the last thing your mortal eyes will ever see!) Pierce shield (a must for tougher, magical enemies) Spell trigger (meta magic mastery) Pro from energy (a mighty dragon is not bothered by the environment, and with this spell at this point fire will heal you! Revel in incendiary clouds as you heal from the damage that burns your enemies to a tender crisp)
9)Meteor Swarm (burn!) Time stop (mastery of magic and universe) Wail of the banshee (the dragon roars, and the weak drop dead) Spellstrike (ultimate mage debuffer) Chain Contingency (ultimate meta magic)
HLA:Dragon breath (ofcourse!), comet, and eventually all the others.
You could also consider :
- stinking cloud on level 2
- haste on level 3 (firkraag use it)
- polymorph self on level 4 and/or shapechange on level 9 (both firkraag and andalon use humanoid forms for their schemes)
- death fog or cloud kill to emulate acid breath.
Powergaming-wise, you overall you miss quite a few essential spells (web, improved invis, spell immunity, project image, mordy sword, ADHW) while having a few useless ones (detect invis, tenser, meteor swarm,...) but it should remain viable.
The main issue i see is that you are totally reliant on fire damage against which most endgame ennemies are immune. This is why adding spells like shapechange or death fog would give you more weapons to deal with these, while keeping flavor.
I don't think shapechange or poly self spells are mandatory. It might make sense for a dragon to have them to be able to transform into humanoid form. But your dragon disciple is already in humanoid form! Treat it as your 'dragon''s permanent natural ability. Other forms the spell allows you to transform into are all inferior to a dragon's true form.
If you ditch detect invisibility, invisibility can be used instead, Draconis is fond of it. Or role play it as your dragon just :whoosh: flies up to air where most enemies can not reach him at all.
Spell immunity can be subbed for minor spell turning, I believe spell immunity has more strategic uses and still fit the mighty dragon theme. With right combos a puny mage's spells can't touch your dragon at all!
I agree efreeti may not be the best choice, Sphere of Chaos is exciting and can wreak havoc to a group of enemies after a Greater Malison. Stack three of them via Chain Contingency and let chaos reign.
3 Incendiary Clouds in a Chain Contingency will hurt anything not immune to fire, and Dragon Disciple is evantually immune to it, with some magical help the clouds will heal him every round, too! Damage is massive, 60-240 fire damage per round (save vs for half) and since the damage ticks every round three times, groups of high magic resistant foes will get hurt. (drows will learn to fear you!)
Power word:kill can be subbed for Wail of the Banshee, both for having all of the power word spells (these spells are very powerful as they allow no saving throw, thus they fit a dragon) and it fits the theme and is a nice finisher spell. How cool is that the dragon just says 'Die, maggot!' and the critter drops dead.
Against anything not immune to fire, your spellpicks will be largely sufficient. But for TOB, where most major ennemy is fire-immune, it will be really weak.
It's why i really advise for death fog and shapechange, which both fits the theme rather nicely IMO and provide much needed help (especially shapechange combined with timestop) against fire immunes