If the BG NPCs existed in the modern world, what would they be doing?

Sup fools!
Been thinking about this one for awhile. If the characters were alive today in the modern world, what would they do as a profession?
I can see Minsc working at a zoo or coaching youth soccer
Nalia would work for Greenpeace
Oddly enough I can see Korgan as a cop, lol
Any suggestions?
Been thinking about this one for awhile. If the characters were alive today in the modern world, what would they do as a profession?
I can see Minsc working at a zoo or coaching youth soccer
Nalia would work for Greenpeace
Oddly enough I can see Korgan as a cop, lol
Any suggestions?
Edwin a politician.
Tiax would be in a mental institution.
Safana would be a socialite, good friends with Kim Kardashian and the likes.
Keldorn maybe a lawyer or a judge.
Cernd would be a worker at an outdoor education centre.
Imoen--college/late high school student
Kivan--survival expert
Khalid--some boring office job
Jahiera--international aid worker
Viconia--ummm, running from the law, just like in-game?
Kaigan--running a gun shop
Garrick--trying to make it big on broadway
Safana--whatever they call pimping when a chick does it
Edwin--maybe working for Monsanto?
Dynaheir--small, local government position
Xan--moping around a chemistry lab somewhere
Shar-teel--MMA fighter
Coran--burglary and general suavity, as in game
Yeslik--miner, or pastor/church authority
Tiax--raving "prophet" on a bust street corner
Skie--high school parties
Who did I forget?
Would be hilarious as one of those televised courtroom programs, lol.
I love Elminster's Cernd too.
[spoiler] I could see him calling all the GMO OMG! protestors ignorant simians. And finally I'd agree with him on something![/spoiler]
I could see Yeslick owning a brewery
Kivan would have a baller hardware store
Skie would work retail and complain about it all day lol
Good idea for Yeslick, though can't see kivan in retail. Not really a people person, that one.
I feel as though Valygar would fit in as a military man.
I actually highly doubt that Anomen would be involved in any real-world religions. I don't htink they provide the same sort of prestige and excitement that drew him to Helm's service. I could see him as an athlete or in law enforcement.
Rasaad would be a teacher.
I think Dorn would be an action star (but a real jerk in real life)
Nalia would be a charity fund-raiser and lady-who-lunches. (She's not violent enough for a direct-action organisation like Greenpeace.)
Skie would be working in retail, yes, but I think specifically fashion retail. (And yes, complaining.)
I can see Kagain running a brewery more easily than Yeslick - he's always longing for an ale. (But Kagain is Evil, so obviously he'd sell lager.) Yeslick more likely a preacher, probably the fiery tub-thumping sort.
Yes, definitely Faldorn would like the ELF (or the ALF, or these days Greenpeace) - she's obviously the "direct action" type.
I can see Edwin as a politician, but I think the cunning corporate executive is an even better idea.
Quayle probably wouldn't make it to professor, he'd more likely be a schoolmaster who couldn't understand why he hadn't made it to professor. But yes, some sort of teaching job.
I see Minsc ending up as a security guard or a bouncer.
No, I don't see Korgan as a cop, that'd be too organised ... I think he'd prefer to be a gangster. Perhaps a drug lord like that Guzman bloke in Mexico (who is also famous for being very short, so Korgan might fit right in!)
Yes, Tiax would end up in a mental institution, just like in-game.
No, I don't see Coran sticking to burglary - thieving may be okay for Good-aligned in the game, but it doesn't fit well in RL. Maybe he'd become a politician (and call it "tax" instead of "theft").
Yes, His Honour Judge Keldorn Firecam sounds just right for him, nice one!
Eldoth as a pimp, yes, for sure.
Safana might be a successful call-girl for a while, but she might end up as a junkie later.
Garrick, yes, he'd surely still be an aspiring actor/singer/something.
I see Ajantis and Kivan as both being military - Ajantis as a death-or-glory type, and Kivan probably doing something quiet and deadly in the special forces.
Dorn would surely still be a contract killer.
Rasaad would probably be some sort of missionary, probably somewhere awful.
Montaron would probably be driving a cab ... or a limo for the dodgier sort of client.
No, I can't see Xzar as a politician, not smooth enough. More of a mad scientist type, I reckon, working on something horrible in a secret government lab ... or otherwise a genius back-street mechanic, the sort who can tell you what's wrong with your car in two seconds and fix it in three, but who also has a side-line in modifying your gun to full-auto.
Jaheira ... dunno. I don't quite see the "aid worker" scenario suggested above (too undiplomatic), but I'm not sure what I see instead. I'll be interested to see what others think of.
Viconia just wants a quiet life and to be left alone, so she'd be a housewife, but she'd also be high priestess of the local witches' coven.
@Loub, your idea of "realistic" is horribly depressing ... are you, by any chance, a Greycloak of Evereska?
The rules of this site should not be ignored. This is not the first time a moderator tells you to shorten the excessive profanity and pornographic content.
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*goes to google to find out what a cappadocian is and why they're so fond of prostitution*
Edit: --- the rest became irrelevant ---
Kagain would be the next argentinian president, #5 in the list of worlwide corruption.
Montaron would be a terrorist from Middle Asia who is also a veteran from Vietnam.
Cend would be the same as in the game: bad father and with a '60-like mind.
Brawnen should play the bass with The Pixies, yeaaaah!!
Imoen would be a kids-nurse that steals from her employers and tells them stories about trollops and, well, we know.
Xzar would be a sadomasochist who is pursued by the FBI, the CIA and the NSA.
Jan would try to sell his stylish trinkets via TV propaganda, half an hour of him talking about his latest invention and his family.
The Jan one would be really funny, Crevs! XD
*enters a Minsc-like state of berserker rage*
Considering she is one of the youngest NPCs in BG (we can assume by how she is addressed), I would defer to the High School Special thread that is something here on the forums. I can't find it now. But it basically had Nalia as a member of all the committees and societies in her high school, constantly badgering people to sign up to this and that, and being head speaker.
Skie would definitely be in with the Kardashians.
Safana would be a femme fatale MI:6 agent, or - failing to meet the entry requirements - strike it big for her starring role in as a Bond girl in the latest Daniel Craig movie.
Jan would be writing the cutaway gags for Family Guy, and hopefully reviving the series prior to it's dismal decline god knows how many years ago.
Alora would be a group therapist for the depressed who is constantly sneaking into the notary across the hall's office to nick his office supplies.
Xan would be in Alora's group therapy sessions, making very little headway.
Ajantis and Kivan could be a Tango & Cash style buddy cop pairing lol
Coran would be a Evel Knievel style daredevil
Edwin would be Putin's right hand man.
Tiax is certainly Obama.
Khalid would be a non native, USA mercenary, taking part in the wars for systematic oppression, sorry, "liberation" i meant to say, of foreign lands, probably against both his will and morals...
Montaron is your average, greek politician (midget, spineless, dirty, boorish peasant of a crook/cheat/swindler, crafty at stealing, and of evil alignment).
Imoen would be the neighbour's daughter, you always wanted to bang, but never took the risk to even try to...
Ajantis, is probably Mr. Kassidiaris, one of the canditates for major of Athens. He wants to kill bandits, too, is on a mission from his order, and wants to clean the land of its vermin; literally!
Kivan is the new pope, who had been an executioner once.
Minsc is Berlusconi! Replace Dynaheir also with a slightly underage professional escort, and the set is complete!
Garrick is Justin Bieber, just because! PERIOD!
Xan is your male emo, fashion model.
Shar-Teel is certainly Frau Merkel.
Viconia is certainly Frau Laggard.
@Demonoid_Limewire you wouldn't happen to be Greek as well would you?
She'd probably end up as an assistant to Edwin, the professor, who is tired of being overlooked by the community and claims credit for all his assistants work.
Xan would be a lecturer at a university, regularly telling students that there's no point and they're all doomed (probably Philosophy would be his subject).
Jaheira would work for some secret service.
Faldorn is obviously some kind of eco-warrior.
Minsc would be a wrestler, although he'd regularly need reminding that it is just pretend...
Imoen is one of those mysterious people who seems to do okay despite not having a full time job and no-one can quite work out how she can afford all her clothes, motorcycle, or helicoptor.
Nalia's father owns a large company. She spent a lot of her earlier years messing around, but has decided now to try and use her family's wealth to do some good... she's Tony Stark, basically, but without the alcoholism. And a girl.
Of course, there have been a number of fanfics on this subject. I actually started one a while ago but didn't get very far into it which I posted on this forum. I think Imoen and Aerie are there, and Anomen appears, and Irenicus although it's not clear what he's doing.
Anomen obviously has no problem talking to anyone, even if they all think he's a jerk, but wants recognition from the community. It was either doctor, or writing travelling guides where he teaches you what to do if you're ever trapped in a swamp by bigfoot.