With 10 INT, I shudder to think of the type of doctor Anomen would make! XD
Obviously, you never met my GP. He had less than that. You shouldn't really diagnose yourself, but with him you had to. And suggest what kind of treatment you should receive and he would say 'oh yes... drugs... that's probably a good idea.'
So honestly, your post is nonsensical at best - the themes featured in my post are just on par with those featured on the game - and the only profanity there was the b-word, which is barely profane nowadays.
Nonsensical literally means 'does not make sense'. The b-word has been reappropriated countless times into positive meanings. And my themes were indeed just on par with those featured on the game, if not less heavy - it's a R13 game after all.
So I fail to comprehend how the 'Insanity Wolf' Meme fits the situation. According to KYM: "While Courage Wolf often encourages people to overcome life’s obstacles, Insanity wolf tells his viewers to rape, kill, and commit other acts of insanity." - I have done none of that.
Aerie would be a good little woman who stays at home to take care of the house and the many babies she would have. Tiax would be in a mental institution. He would be running it and not be a patient. Dr. Tiax rules over all!
Aerie would just one or two babies, but ideally a little later in life. She still wants to travel and see the world, but that's put in possible jeapordy by her romance (even though in her romantic epilogue she goes travelling a lot anyway; she's not really a staying at home type). But we have something in the real world she'd be grateful for; contraception.
But travelling on her own would still involve having to talk to lots of people, which why I think science student/research assistant is the best path for her.
I'm more drawn now to the idea of Anomen as a travel, writing and giving talks about all his adventures in remote corners of the world, many of which are obviously BS, like the time he wrestled a tiger and then was made a god.
For some reason I keep imagining Mazzy riding a police motorcycle and with really big sunglasses that she whips off her face as she dismounts.
Aaerie would definately torture a lot of naive and good men with her destructive depression because they fell in love with her beauty and "deep" personality (which i find very questionable...) and bodie would be my wife or goddess. I think i would lick her boots to accept me as a lover or companion, i would not hesitate to do anything for her whatever she demands. She is just GREAT!
Aerie would definitely at times grow frustrated with all the assumptions and labels people give her, which are far more embedded in our culture than in FR. She'll probably make some angry blog posts about it every now and then, but then feel embarassed and delete them and go make cookies for the old folks home.
I don't know if Mazzy has much political ambition, but I can definitely see her as bodyguard and really leaping to intercept bullets.
Alora and Kivan would star in their own odd-couple sitcom. He's a depressed park ranger mourning the death of his wife... she's a girl who just wants to have fun. And then Eldoth says 'heyyy...'
Alan Moore does call me himself a wizard, but it's not like you would guess he was a wizard to look at him... well, okay, it is actually a lot like that.
On topic:
Due to a terrible mishap in filing at a store, Korgan once had a disastrous stint playing Santa Claus.
Jaheira would be a woman from Russia in search for foreign man to marry... Edwin would be Putin's right hand man. Tiax is certainly Obama. Khalid would be a non native, USA mercenary, taking part in the wars for systematic oppression, sorry, "liberation" i meant to say, of foreign lands, probably against both his will and morals... Montaron is your average, greek politician (midget, spineless, dirty, boorish peasant of a crook/cheat/swindler, crafty at stealing, and of evil alignment). Imoen would be the neighbour's daughter, you always wanted to bang, but never took the risk to even try to... Ajantis, is probably Mr. Kassidiaris, one of the canditates for major of Athens. He wants to kill bandits, too, is on a mission from his order, and wants to clean the land of its vermin; literally! Kivan is the new pope, who had been an executioner once. Minsc is Berlusconi! Replace Dynaheir also with a slightly underage professional escort, and the set is complete! Garrick is Justin Bieber, just because! PERIOD! Xan is your male emo, fashion model. Shar-Teel is certainly Frau Merkel. Viconia is certainly Frau Laggard.
Not to tear up your post, but here goes me tearing up your post. Don't take it to seriously:
Jahiera is married.
I sense some political rage....
Yea, probably.
We could go there
Depends, but of you feel that way...
Ajantis is to dumb and naive to ever have political aspirations, I'm afraid.
I can see Xan as a high school teacher. "This class is especially hopeless today!" and, of course, while grading tests: "We're all doomed". Branwen would be a combat medic. Minsc - zoo worker, tolerated by every animal he encounters and loved by all the kids. Jaheira, some kind of militant neopagan who considers Christians to be usurpers (while I share this sentiment, she would be of the kind that aims to eradicate Christianity and bring faith in old gods back). In the books (ARGH, they were awesome in the "The Room" way) she was a follower of Mielikki, who is actually a Finnish goddess.
I've discovered there was a similar discussion in the past. There're many good ideas in that thread, just as here
Let me quote some assuptions from there:
Anomen would be a med student who wants to be a surgeon. He would be pompous, thinking that surgeons are like gods and that women could not be good doctors.
Nalia would be at all the occupy rallies, with her iPhone/iPad and her Starbucks coffee, wearing designer shoes and offering to buy people a better quality tent. To help them out, of course.
Jaheira would be an intellectual/activist, engaged in equal rights between genders and environmental issues.
Eldoth would end up in politics.
Tiax would found a cult, Tiaxism, in which he would be considered the god.
Alora - well, you wouldn't really notice her though, she would just be a fun loving student hanging out in disco's at night partying with friends and at daytime doing a study that's not really useful, but tickles her curiosity.
Viconia would be a Prime Minister of the UK in 1979-90, but she would use an alias and wore loads of makeup.
The idea of Anomen anywhere near a live patient absolutely terrifies me. This is not to say there's no such thing as a blowhard with an M.D., (to say nothing of surgeons in particular), but I get the inkling that he'd be the type of dullard that would coax some poor young waif into doing all of his O-chem work, and continue this pattern until he finally became a fixture in the hot seat of M&M conferences. He's simply too dumb.
hmmm... I kinda disagree. 10 intelligence is above average. You'd be surprised how much of medical school is sheer hard work and wanting it more than other students. I've seen some brilliant minds fail out or drop out of pre-med only to go on and be more successful in another field, while some people who succeed are incapable of doing pretty much anything outside of the sciences.
Haha thats great! When I was in second grade we had to each take our class hamster home for a week to feed and care for him. It was meant to teach us responsibility.
I didn't realize he was a miniature giant space hamster named Boo at the time, but man he was adorable!
A few weeks ago I saw a guy on the tram. He was HUGE, heavily tattooed, had a ton of scars (rough neighbourhood...) and he sat in front of me holding a tiny, old fashioned phone with buttons. The expression on his face was completely innocent and confused (not matching to the rest of him at all) when he couldn't hit the right button with these large fingers. I started looking for a hamster somewhere close to him.
They'd all be living together in a beach house, filming a reality show.
And I'd watch the stupid thing every week, just waiting for Minsc, Edwin, and Dynaheir to get into a fight (which they probably never would, though Jaheira and Xzar might come to blows.)
They'd all be living together in a beach house, filming a reality show.
And I'd watch the stupid thing every week, just waiting for Minsc, Edwin, and Dynaheir to get into a fight (which they probably never would, though Jaheira and Xzar might come to blows.)
whats up with all the nudity in so many new-age "art" images these days? Not one single step of the ladder is correctly textured... just distortion everywhere with the pink wood. Fix that and stop watching to much AI controlled sex slaves with rubber bodys! ...
To me all these models look exactly like ancient greek statues dont you think too?
whats up with all the nudity in so many new-age "art" images these days? Not one single step of the ladder is correctly textured... just distortion everywhere with the pink wood. Fix that and stop watching to much AI controlled sex slaves with rubber bodys! ...
To me all these models look exactly like ancient greek statues dont you think too?
I don't get it?
Nonsensical literally means 'does not make sense'.
The b-word has been reappropriated countless times into positive meanings.
And my themes were indeed just on par with those featured on the game, if not less heavy - it's a R13 game after all.
So I fail to comprehend how the 'Insanity Wolf' Meme fits the situation.
According to KYM:
"While Courage Wolf often encourages people to overcome life’s obstacles, Insanity wolf tells his viewers to rape, kill, and commit other acts of insanity."
- I have done none of that.
Honestly, private messages are probably the best way to interact with a moderator. I'd rather not get this discussion too off topic
... That was a joke.
Tiax would be in a mental institution. He would be running it and not be a patient. Dr. Tiax rules over all!
But travelling on her own would still involve having to talk to lots of people, which why I think science student/research assistant is the best path for her.
I'm more drawn now to the idea of Anomen as a travel, writing and giving talks about all his adventures in remote corners of the world, many of which are obviously BS, like the time he wrestled a tiger and then was made a god.
For some reason I keep imagining Mazzy riding a police motorcycle and with really big sunglasses that she whips off her face as she dismounts.
I don't know if Mazzy has much political ambition, but I can definitely see her as bodyguard and really leaping to intercept bullets.
Alora and Kivan would star in their own odd-couple sitcom. He's a depressed park ranger mourning the death of his wife... she's a girl who just wants to have fun. And then Eldoth says 'heyyy...'
And Elminster would be Alan Moore.
On topic:
Due to a terrible mishap in filing at a store, Korgan once had a disastrous stint playing Santa Claus.
Jahiera is married.
I sense some political rage....
Yea, probably.
We could go there
Depends, but of you feel that way...
Ajantis is to dumb and naive to ever have political aspirations, I'm afraid.
Garrick is to nice and charismatic and competent to be that guy.
Xan... I think is better then that.
I don't see it
Idunnoevenknowwhodatiz. (I'm american! Trololololololololol!)
Branwen would be a combat medic.
Minsc - zoo worker, tolerated by every animal he encounters and loved by all the kids.
Jaheira, some kind of militant neopagan who considers Christians to be usurpers (while I share this sentiment, she would be of the kind that aims to eradicate Christianity and bring faith in old gods back). In the books (ARGH, they were awesome in the "The Room" way) she was a follower of Mielikki, who is actually a Finnish goddess.
Let me quote some assuptions from there:
Anomen would be a med student who wants to be a surgeon. He would be pompous, thinking that surgeons are like gods and that women could not be good doctors.
Nalia would be at all the occupy rallies, with her iPhone/iPad and her Starbucks coffee, wearing designer shoes and offering to buy people a better quality tent. To help them out, of course.
Jaheira would be an intellectual/activist, engaged in equal rights between genders and environmental issues.
Eldoth would end up in politics.
Tiax would found a cult, Tiaxism, in which he would be considered the god.
Alora - well, you wouldn't really notice her though, she would just be a fun loving student hanging out in disco's at night partying with friends and at daytime doing a study that's not really useful, but tickles her curiosity.
Viconia would be a Prime Minister of the UK in 1979-90, but she would use an alias and wore loads of makeup.
Aaaand Noober would be on this forum.
(image made by @Syntia13 )
As a real life kindergarten teacher I must say I would love to have him as an assistant. Who wouldnt love nature-studies with Minsc on the team?
When I was in second grade we had to each take our class hamster home for a week to feed and care for him. It was meant to teach us responsibility.
I didn't realize he was a miniature giant space hamster named Boo at the time, but man he was adorable!
I started looking for a hamster somewhere close to him.
And I'd watch the stupid thing every week, just waiting for Minsc, Edwin, and Dynaheir to get into a fight (which they probably never would, though Jaheira and Xzar might come to blows.)
To me all these models look exactly like ancient greek statues dont you think too?