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If you could only have one weapon out of these, which one would it be?



  • abazigal5abazigal5 Member Posts: 290
    Never mind. I got it.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    abazigal5 said:

    So, I have a question: where is Daystar exactly in the Crooked Crane?

    On the first level there is a secret door (it will be highlighted in purple). You may need a thief searching for traps to see it. Anyways if you go through that door the next area has a chest in it and a lich. Inside the chest (at least I recall it being a chest) is daystar.
  • abazigal5abazigal5 Member Posts: 290
    Thanks. The lich (I was expecting it to take a couple reloads) was killed with no deaths and (I think) no injuries. I just had CHARNAME cast Dispel Magic to dispel it's Improved Mantle, then everyone attacked him, disrupted his spells, etc.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    SionIV said:

    Daystar - Great against undead, too bad it does nothing against other enemies.

    The Daystar hits as a +4 weapon against evil creatures, and the Sunray does 3D6 damage and potentially blinds enemies even if they aren't undead.
  • badbromancebadbromance Member Posts: 238
    I really like killing undead!
  • jmkarlssonjmkarlsson Member Posts: 33
    Excellent weapon that can be used by most of the characters you would expect to have an impact in close combat and not restected to the paladin like carsomyr and you get it early plus it can be upgraded when you get to ToB
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    So I could identify lawful good people in real life.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    It took me a while to choose between the Psion's Blade and Gram, but I did it.
  • bhulikbhulik Member Posts: 2
    for most of the game, FOA is better. But against really tough creatures, carsomyr wins out because those creatures typically have defenses like stoneskin which can be removed with 1 hit from carsomyr. If you were to fight these creatures with FOA, you would have to hit them 5,10, etc times before y ou can do any damage. For that reason alone, carsomyr is the better weapon (because during those 5,10 hits, that creature is hitting you)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited June 2014
    I went with carsomyr because its icon looks the most badass. But to be honest I would probably rate the first 4 listed items with similar values because of how helpful they can be.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Apparently people are thinking in game terms when it comes to this poll. Personally, I was thinking of it as "If I could have only one of these in real life, which would it be?" And that's easy for me. Crom Faeyr! I'd be the strongest man in the world with no work, I'd be able to tear through anything since it's +5, I could work on my mental abilities instead of physical without worrying about being "weak", and blunt weapons are one of the best types of weapons, whether it be games or real life.
  • ifupaulineifupauline Member Posts: 405
    Crom Faeyr, 25 strength, one shot golems and trolls, elemental damage but more important, one handed weapon which means you can really get ridiculous AC using a shield while dealing outrageous amount of damage. You make the best fighters with it. Truly a weapon worth being used by a demi god.
  • kitasemuatanahkitasemuatanah Member Posts: 12
    edited June 2014
    14 years ago, this was the weapon that got Kangaxx the Lich killed while me also got berserked. Will forever be in my heart.
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    Carsomyr. It's hands down the beefiest weapon in the game. Once you equip it, you won't ever needs buffs or anything.. just set script to auto attack and click to move so you can progress.
    It's in fact so OP, so ridiculously fucking effective that I find it ruins my game balance, it ruins my party npc setup and when i don't play a pally/uai char i suffer - knowing there's something better for me out there.. or watch in envy as some 60 year old, past his prime, ready-for-retirement-home paladin kills, shreds, dispells and chunk-explodes all the mighty enemies -i'm- supposed to be killing.

    Screw you, Carsomyr.. screw you.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    I wonder how would @kcwise‌ vote here. A mystery! xD
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    edited July 2014
    if worst comes to worst I could just split it up and give my party each a flail
    Post edited by element on
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    bengoshi said:

    I wonder how would @kcwise‌ vote here. A mystery! xD

    WWKCWD? :)

    If I lived in the Realms myself, I might be tempted to pick Psion's Blade off that list because having your brains chowed by an octopus man is, frankly, super creepy! Not that I'd fight them. I would employ my boots of speed to engage running away mode at top speed, free from stray stuns which might impede my swift, though less than brave, retreat.

    A ring of free action would also be a must to avoid webs from giant spiders, which also have to be one of the WORST ways to go in the realms. Yech. Hey, is there a topic like that? Top Ten Worst Ways To Die In The Realms. If not, there really should be.

    Yes, a terrible Bhaalspawn I would make, although no worse than Viekang really. He who fights and teleports away lives to fight another day.
    Khyron said:

    or watch in envy as some 60 year old, past his prime, ready-for-retirement-home paladin kills, shreds, dispells and chunk-explodes all the mighty enemies -i'm- supposed to be killing.

    Screw you, Carsomyr.. screw you.

    Great post! :)
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    Elrandir said:

    Apparently people are thinking in game terms when it comes to this poll. Personally, I was thinking of it as "If I could have only one of these in real life, which would it be?" And that's easy for me. Crom Faeyr! I'd be the strongest man in the world with no work, I'd be able to tear through anything since it's +5, I could work on my mental abilities instead of physical without worrying about being "weak", and blunt weapons are one of the best types of weapons, whether it be games or real life.

    Yeah, but unless you look like Chris Hemsworth people might wonder a bit about the giant freakin' hammer you'd always have to carry around. :)
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    @kcwise‌ That's a risk I'm willing to take.
  • wampawampa Member Posts: 68
    Ravager +6.

    Halberds. huh.
  • RinpooRinpoo Member Posts: 19
    Daystar was my favorite weapon in the game I always use it in every play through on my ranger.
  • tennisgolfbolltennisgolfboll Member Posts: 457
    Nothing comes close (except carsomyr, but it is pally only and still is worse)
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