If you could only have one weapon out of these, which one would it be?

- If you could only have one weapon out of these, which one would it be?106 votes
- Carsomyr24.53%
- Flail of Ages29.25%
- Crom Faeyr20.75%
- Daystar10.38%
- The Equalizer  3.77%
- Gram the Sword of Grief  4.72%
- Psion's Blade  0.00%
- Frostreaver  0.94%
- Runehammer  0.00%
- The Answerer  5.66%
I think the Axe of the Unyielding would be a more appropriate poll choice.
But... but because nobody would vote for a poor axe here, I'd give it my support. A good old axe for your good old dwarf, sir!
Crom Faeyr - You get it too late and have to sacrifice most of your STR items.
Daystar - Great against undead, too bad it does nothing against other enemies.
The Equalizer - Bad weapon that you get way too late.
Gram The Sword of Grief - Carsomyr is better.
Psion's blade - By the time you get this sword you should already know how to beat mind flayers and umberhulks, and be able to so.
Frostreaver - Great axe that you can get early, too bad it's in a list with weapon like FoA that blows it out of the water.
Runehammer - You get it way too late.
The Answerer - There are much better weapons on the list.
FoA - you get it very early in the game and it's the most powerful weapon you can get hold of. The elemental damage and the insane slow ability is that good.
Carsomyr - You can get it very early in the game. It's a bloody +5 two handed sword that has 50% MR and you can get hold of right out of Irenicus dungeon if you want.
Slightly disappointed that there is no Lilarcor option
(Although Celestial Fury warrants a mention too!)
edit: and +4 to hit too!
Carsomyr IS the best weapon. And if you can only have one...then either you learn a HLA as a Theif, or you give it to a Paladin (or are one)...
But the current description for Absolute Immunity is correct as it is written (only +6 weapons can get through it).
Obvious example: if I have (or am) a Paladin, then Carsomyr is excellent, but if there's no Paladin in my party, then it's not much use.
"Sir, we have 20 new people that are here to raid your dungeon"
"Ah i see my dear Tazok, that's another 20 paladins i take it?"
*Tazok looks at the floor, fidgeting nervously*
"No sir, there are only two paladins, sir!"
"WHAT!? Why would... Please don't tell me it's them again, Tazok"
*Tazok is tearing up and shaking badly*
"Yes my lord, it's the F/T who are back"
*Firkraag strokes his holy avenger lovingly*
"A paladin i could understand, but letting one of those filthy use-any-item F/T to get hold of you? What has happened to this crazy world?"
My basic point stands, though: many parties will have no character who can use Carsomyr effectively, so sometimes it's a great weapon and sometimes it's not. There'll certainly be many other parties where no-one has chosen to specialise in (say) axes, or longswords, or you-name-it.
The weapon I would *really* want isn't on this list--Staff of the Magi. Not only is it +5, but you can go invisible by equipping it (which you can do as often as you want, even if someone has a True Sight going), it dispels magic on the target with each hit like Carsomyr does (you can also hit your party members if they need some negative effect removed), and you can Spell Trap yourself (for cleric/mages it will recharge both sets of spells). Fighter/mages or fighter/cleric/mages can also take advantage of Whirlwind, which should keep the target from being able to keep any magical defenses in play. I didn't even count the 2 point bonus to both AC and saving throws, no to mention the extra 2 points of effective AC when facing foes of evil alignment (which means almost all foes you face). The only drawback the Staff has is that it is two-handed, preventing shields or off-hand weapon use.