Lmao exactly about Neera ... glad you guys get my gist.
@Coutelier You need to stop getting personally offended any time somebody dislikes Aerie. She's a good character, which means people will like her and people will dislike her.
Oh, god. I think a made a girl cry when I made a pro-Khalid joke(in the spirit of the thread, mind you) in her anti-Khalid discussion. I don actually know if she creied(probably not) but she did make a "why are people so mean on the internet?" thread. That was an ordeal.
See, if I made a comment like 'Viconia is just a teenage boys fantasy of what a woman is like', I'd just expect people to disagree with me and tell me why she's a great character who has fantastic arc and I'm a terrible person for thinking that. Which I don't really think about Viconia btw. I do think it about Safana.
I'm one of the pro Arie people, but not to strongly. I get tired of her whining, but I usually play good so I don't want to be mean to her, and an elf chick her age should be... Worth it?:P(despite her con score)
Her con isn't actually bad (and actually it's higher than Viccy's). But 8 or 9 I believe is supposed to be average, so they only seem low because they're being compared to other NPC's/individuals who are obviously supposed to be exceptional. I still want to try and play through the game with the most average character possible, with just all 8 or 9 in stats at the start. Haven't decided what class yet though.
Oh, I forgot. I have the clas of kazoroth on her this run, so it's artificially 7 :P because, why not?
This NPC comparison is way off-topic, but I'll just say that I quite like all of the NPCs. Of course I like some more than others, but all of them can have a credible role when the rest of your party is a reasonable fit for them.
On topic, my first protagonist (in both BG1 and BG2) was a CG human male vanilla Mage. I can't remember much about his stats or companions, though, it was too long ago.
My first one in Baldur's Gate I was a Ranger- I forget his name and I gave up on him after a little bit.I don't even remember when or why.
In BG2, my first one was an Invoker, who is the best and most powerful character I ever created, as well as leading a completely epic party (no I am not exaggerating, it's true).
I started playing around December 1999. (And BG was only the second computer game I had tried after Age of Empires II: Age of Conquerors. So I was really spoiled right out of the gate, although no games in my experience came close to equaling either of them in the following five years or so. So I sort of stopped looking).
@Lemernis your gaming experience is shockingly similar to my own. Those were also the first two games I ever played, and I remember getting confused and always right clicking when trying to move characters in Baldur's Gate because I was used to Age of Empires XD
@Twani, @jackjack, so who was the character that was sacrificed in BG2 to make room for Imoen? I'd never heard this before.
I expect:
Yoshimo, who will depart permanently when party reaches Spellhold to rescue Imoen (the game designers probably thought most folks would keep him until then, given the shortage of thieves, at least on their first playthrough, and then you swap him for Imoen). But originally, Imoen was supposed to die, and in the files there are still traces left of banters Yoshimo was supposed to have post-Spellhold.
@Coutelier, @Nonnahswriter, interesting I never knew that "Spoiler" was killed because of Imoen, let alone that developers had planned it the other way around. Would have been pretty interesting because of the shock value of charname's childhood friend's death. It would have created a more credible TOB ending too.
I always found it a bit strained that Charname can take Bhaal's portfolio when Imoen is still alive even though only the last remaining Bhaalspawn is supposed to be able to ascend. That's what the whole knockout race in TOB is about.
I always found it a bit strained that Charname can take Bhaal's portfolio when Imoen is still alive even though only the last remaining Bhaalspawn is supposed to be able to ascend. That's what the whole knockout race in TOB is about.
Oh, I dunno about that; this isn't "Highlander", so it's not necessary to say "There can be only one!" The point is that enough of Bhaal's essence must be gathered into one Bhaalspawn for ascension to become possible, but "enough" doesn't necessarily mean "every last drop that there ever was". I find it plausible that leaving out a small amount (and as one of the lesser Bhaalspawn, Imoen has only a small amount) would not prevent ascension.
It would be kind of unrealistic that every single bhaalspawn have to die, what is the chance of finding every single one in a reasonable time? Someone could be living a 'normal' life in a village somewhere as a farmer, you would never know as there isn't a list of bhaalspawn.
In my opinion the bhaalspawn that teleports whom you help by throwing fear on didn't die, it doesn't make sense that he'll teleport half across the world and then still die? Unless it's just bad luck and a wolf ate him.
@SionIV I won't spoil folks who wish to read firsthand from the Sundering novels and the Murder in Baldur's Gate adventure, but for those who are interested:
Some time during the 1480's Viekang reappears to challenge Abdel Adrian to a duel.
@SionIV I won't spoil folks who wish to read firsthand from the Sundering novels and the Murder in Baldur's Gate adventure, but for those who are interested:
Some time during the 1480's Viekang reappears to challenge Abdel Adrian to a duel.
And is that book considered canon? I'm curious as i haven't read it myself.
[Edited]: I never knew Abdel Adrian was that bloody huge. I never pictured him that huge when i played him in ToSC.
"Eventually he was joined by Gorion's married friends, Khalid and Jaheira, eventually falling for Jaheira. Eventually, Abdel and Jaheira engaged in a romance and Abdel killed Sarevok, thus completing his vengeance."
"Although Adrian eventually escaped the grasp of Irenicus, he ended up being aided by Bodhi. Slowly, he began to fall in love with Bodhi, who had already fallen for him, with the two ending up on an adventure to stop Irenicus. Travelling with Bodhi, Abdel eventually acted on his feelings for her and the two had sex. However, before they were going to again consummate, Abdel transformed into the Bhaalspawn Slayer and murdered his love"
What the hell? Bodhi? Is this for real or did someone just write random stuff on the wiki? This is worse than most of the bad NPC's you can download for BG2.
"After defeating Irenicus, Abdel resumed his romance with Jaheira and became embroiled in a conflict with the other Bhaalspawn. "
So after having sex with the evil vampire lady he crawled back to Jaheira and she took him back!?
@Blackraven Everyone's already answered for me, but to confirm, I meant Yoshimo. He was originally supposed to be savable, but seeing how popular Imoen was, there was a last minute decision to kill him and keep her. That's why he has traces of banters and comments later in the game hidden in the files, and she has no banters at all in SOA and very few interjections.
I don't see why they could have just left both alive, personally. All Yoshimo would need is a scroll of Wish (or, apparently, a high ranking cleric of Umberlee, if we go by BG1) to be saved from the Geas.
@Blackraven Everyone's already answered for me, but to confirm, I meant Yoshimo. He was originally supposed to be savable, but seeing how popular Imoen was, there was a last minute decision to kill him and keep her. That's why he has traces of banters and comments later in the game hidden in the files, and she has no banters at all in SOA and very few interjections.
I don't see why they could have just left both alive, personally. All Yoshimo would need is a scroll of Wish (or, apparently, a high ranking cleric of Umberlee, if we go by BG1) to be saved from the Geas.
Actually, there is a mod available for regular BG2 and BGT named "Keeping Yoshimo" that does allow you to rescue him from the geas. It's listed as a mod "in progress" at Gibberlings 3 but at least several years ago it seemed to work fine, and there will be no further development for it. I lack the coding skills to update it, but if someone wants to adopt it for EE I'd be thrilled. It's not a complicated mod.
My first was a Mage called Mikacus, My name is Michael and at that time I went by Mikey, I don't remember the stats or anything. My companions were: Minsc, Viconia, who was suffering from the blindness bug the entire playthrough, Imoen, Kagain, and someone I can't remember I finished BG2 first though with a rerolled character with the same name. It took me so long to Beat BG2 since I loved re-rolling for some reason. Almost all my re-rolls were for new mage characters. I almost never played anything else until my brother showed me his awesome green half-orc called Timmy.
@Lemernis, @CrevsDaak I've seen that mod before (Gibberlings3 is where I make my home, chatting about SWTOR usually), but I assumed it was still in progress/in progress. I'd love to see it updated for EE, and perhaps a few reactions to EE content as well (I'm sure dear Yoshimo would have a few comments for storming Heaven, as everyone else does). If I can do anything to help in coding or writing, let me know and I'd be happy to.
@Twani, thanks! I invite you to take a look at it and see what you think.
The mod could certainly be developed further, but honestly I think it's actually fine just with what it sets out to accomplish: keeping Yoshimo. It adds a fight as well, and I think the basic story and dialogues for it work well enough. At one point we had thought to maybe write a quest for Yoshimo but RL demands intruded. Maybe one day eventually it'll get a quest for Yoshimo (e.g., if folks like you and Crevs feel so motivated), but it's really okay if it lacks one.
I lack both the coding skills and time to develop it any further. I haven't played the mod for six years now (my God, has it actually been that long?). In my playtesting of it back when I experienced no bugs at all, and that was playing it heavily modded for both SoA/ToB and BGT. Of course, as we've noted it was coded for SoA/ToB and BGT--not BG2EE.
If you have the time and would like to give it a spin, the mod is a downloadable file attachment on this page:
And the mod's coder Icendoan instructs "To install, simply rename a WeiDU.exe to Setup-#!Yoshi.exe and run it in your BG2 directory after extracting the attached files there." (You can get WeiDU here: http://www.weidu.org/~thebigg/.)
My first ever character was a male ranger, probably named after myself. Ranger purely because I liked Aragorn. I even remember the portrait, it was the guy with short brown hair wearing plate armour. Think I was 11 at the time.
But about 4 years later, the first character ever to complete Baldur's Gate was Nadriel, a female ranger, neutral good, wielding long sword and a long bow. Due to her accomplishment she is now the first character I create on every RPG I've played since. So of course she was the character I used to complete BG:EE on Android.
Canon party. I even remember the moment I defeated Sarevok. He had turned on an already weakened Imoen, Nadriel, threw down her bow (in my mind), drew her sword and charged in (yelling "no! Imoen!" ), killing Sarevok with a single strike. Movie ending!
Oh, I forgot. I have the clas of kazoroth on her this run, so it's artificially 7 :P because, why not?
On topic, my first protagonist (in both BG1 and BG2) was a CG human male vanilla Mage. I can't remember much about his stats or companions, though, it was too long ago.
In BG2, my first one was an Invoker, who is the best and most powerful character I ever created, as well as leading a completely epic party (no I am not exaggerating, it's true).
Yep. What.
I always found it a bit strained that Charname can take Bhaal's portfolio when Imoen is still alive even though only the last remaining Bhaalspawn is supposed to be able to ascend. That's what the whole knockout race in TOB is about.
In my opinion the bhaalspawn that teleports whom you help by throwing fear on didn't die, it doesn't make sense that he'll teleport half across the world and then still die? Unless it's just bad luck and a wolf ate him.
Fate of Abdel Adrian: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Abdel_Adrian
Fate of Bhaal: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Bhaal
The Sundering: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Sundering_(event)
[Edited]: I never knew Abdel Adrian was that bloody huge. I never pictured him that huge when i played him in ToSC.
"Eventually he was joined by Gorion's married friends, Khalid and Jaheira, eventually falling for Jaheira. Eventually, Abdel and Jaheira engaged in a romance and Abdel killed Sarevok, thus completing his vengeance."
"Although Adrian eventually escaped the grasp of Irenicus, he ended up being aided by Bodhi. Slowly, he began to fall in love with Bodhi, who had already fallen for him, with the two ending up on an adventure to stop Irenicus. Travelling with Bodhi, Abdel eventually acted on his feelings for her and the two had sex. However, before they were going to again consummate, Abdel transformed into the Bhaalspawn Slayer and murdered his love"
What the hell? Bodhi? Is this for real or did someone just write random stuff on the wiki? This is worse than most of the bad NPC's you can download for BG2.
"After defeating Irenicus, Abdel resumed his romance with Jaheira and became embroiled in a conflict with the other Bhaalspawn. "
So after having sex with the evil vampire lady he crawled back to Jaheira and she took him back!?
I don't see why they could have just left both alive, personally. All Yoshimo would need is a scroll of Wish (or, apparently, a high ranking cleric of Umberlee, if we go by BG1) to be saved from the Geas.
I wonder who wrote that...
And it wouldn't surprise me if whoever wrote that book was the same one who did Saerlith or another really 'interesting' NPC romance mod.
I finished BG2 first though with a rerolled character with the same name. It took me so long to Beat BG2 since I loved re-rolling for some reason. Almost all my re-rolls were for new mage characters. I almost never played anything else until my brother showed me his awesome green half-orc called Timmy.
The mod could certainly be developed further, but honestly I think it's actually fine just with what it sets out to accomplish: keeping Yoshimo. It adds a fight as well, and I think the basic story and dialogues for it work well enough. At one point we had thought to maybe write a quest for Yoshimo but RL demands intruded. Maybe one day eventually it'll get a quest for Yoshimo (e.g., if folks like you and Crevs feel so motivated), but it's really okay if it lacks one.
This page features a storyboard of the mod: http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?showtopic=15662
I lack both the coding skills and time to develop it any further. I haven't played the mod for six years now (my God, has it actually been that long?). In my playtesting of it back when I experienced no bugs at all, and that was playing it heavily modded for both SoA/ToB and BGT. Of course, as we've noted it was coded for SoA/ToB and BGT--not BG2EE.
If you have the time and would like to give it a spin, the mod is a downloadable file attachment on this page:
And the mod's coder Icendoan instructs "To install, simply rename a WeiDU.exe to Setup-#!Yoshi.exe and run it in your BG2 directory after extracting the attached files there." (You can get WeiDU here: http://www.weidu.org/~thebigg/.)
But about 4 years later, the first character ever to complete Baldur's Gate was Nadriel, a female ranger, neutral good, wielding long sword and a long bow.
Due to her accomplishment she is now the first character I create on every RPG I've played since. So of course she was the character I used to complete BG:EE on Android.
Canon party. I even remember the moment I defeated Sarevok. He had turned on an already weakened Imoen, Nadriel, threw down her bow (in my mind), drew her sword and charged in (yelling "no! Imoen!"