Who was your first?

Who was your charname when you first finished BG? I still remember the charname pretty well, despite it being sometime in 1999-2000 when I first finished the game.
charname was a female human cleric named Clerica wielding Ashideena. I don't remember her actual stats, and I don't really remember who else was in the party.
Interesting, I don't actually remember my charname when I first finished BG:EE. I'm a pretty avid re-roller, so I can't remember which one actually finished BG:EE!
Who was your first?
charname was a female human cleric named Clerica wielding Ashideena. I don't remember her actual stats, and I don't really remember who else was in the party.
Interesting, I don't actually remember my charname when I first finished BG:EE. I'm a pretty avid re-roller, so I can't remember which one actually finished BG:EE!
Who was your first?
First character to finish BG2 was a solo blade, oddly enough.
Also, later there is Carsomyr.
Well I was walking down the southern part of the Docks District when a flashy lady came up to me. She gave me a smoldering glare and said "I'm a fine lookin' strumpet, ain't I?". She then proceeded to ask me for a gold piece, when I...
wait, what was the question?
I think he died more than all of my subsequent CHARNAMES combined.
My first character to beat bg2 was a human cleric dualled into mage. (I was beginning to see the true power) I remember battling the tree of life Irenicus. A friend was with me and he himself was a chronic restarter so he never got that far in the game, we both loved and feared Irenicus's power. We were thinking he would fight like he does in the cutscenes versus cowled wizards, like :bam!: you are dead. He didn't, ofcourse, which slightly dissapointed us but he still managed to kill my character once with a wail of the banshee in a time stop. We reloaded and killed him good, though. Imagine our surprise when the game did not end when we beat him, only to be dragged down to hell. We thought 'woah it is like the final act of Diablo 2, (pandomenium fortress) only better!' Aah, good times, good times.. ^^
My level one spells were Find Familiar and Shield, my CON ended at 3 XD!!
My very first playthrough. I'm a Baldur's Gate virgin and like 13. Lets make a ranger, cuz like, Drizzt and stuff.
Time to roll my character... I have a brilliant idea! Lets make him so well rounded that he's awesome. 14 in every stat! I'm so powerful and well-rounded. Adventure, here I come!
Then I go to the Friendly Arms Inn. Everyone and their Great Aunt Sally tells me "go south to Beregost". Pssshhhht, silly videogame, you can't fool me. Clearly there is some secret cool area north of the FAI. Lets check it out.
"oooohhh this looks like nature. No one can stop a badass ranger in his natural environment! I'm so cool!"
A big green bug pops out of the ground spits in my general direction and my character explodes into tiny chunks of meat and guts and blood forever scarring my preteen mind.
I also claim that honour.
My first BG1 character was an Elf Ranger (Legolas, much?)... But my first attempt at BG2 was so much later that the Ranger was lost to the void, so I rerolled into Irenicus' dungeon as a min-maxed Undead Hunter wearing Keldorn's craggy features... In-game lore was not my strong point... In fact I think he sided with Bhodi!!!
Actually my first attempt at any RPG is usually a knight of some sort... Heavy armour, sword and board.
I just figure it's usually the easiest way to get to know the system, and most campaigns suit an heroic figure... I also like slapping on the cool new armour/weaponry I just found!
Next play is a stealthy sniper/ backstabber/ thief. A less moral approach.
Mages come 3rd run as they usually involve the greatest amount of game knowledge to use effectively.
First to beat SoA with: Swashbuckler - I would have done ToB with him but my TOB CD had a scratch or an error, game kep crashing all the time, 2003.
First to beat ToB with: Lenne, female elven Fighter/Thief badass (only two years ago)
Also remember not taking the lore too seriously. I definitely had Viconia and Sarevok in my party at the end. Not knowing that their alignment could be changed and not wanting them to leave the party in anger, I gave evil answers to much of their dialogue
Still beat Melissian, though, so I can't complain too much.
I've told this story before, but here we go. Be prepared:
So I sap tarted playing bg before I could read, cause my dad would occasonlyy play, and ya'know, little kid what to do whatever dad does, and so he would try to help us, but all those words.... It isn't the most captivating game to. Five year old. He would try to help us play, but having a little brother, I can tell you from personal experience it's a pain it has to have to read all the dialog out loud, and explain whatnot means after doing so, and try to leave out the bits a little out of five-year old range, and still be as smooth as possible. I think my dad must have finished it once, bu pt no more than that.
I was the only one who really got attached to it, Being the first able to read, and my sister, being a girl and younger than I, had little interest in chunking miniature monsters on a screen. I got pretty into it.
My first CHARNAME, made bode I could even read, was GREAT TIGER, because tigers were(are) my favorite animal, in large part due to Calvin and Hobbes, the other thing I learned to read on. He was a pure class fighter, lawful good(I assume. I don't remember very well, and I'm afraid both the concept and terminology of alignment were quite beyond me at that point.) you'd have to be kidding if you asked me for the stats, but I'm sure my dad set me up with a decent roll, but probably not very high. This was the pre-ee days, when you had to add it up manually.
He had Edwin portrait. This is very important, if you don't know. He had Edwin's portrait cause it looked cool, and more importantly, it was orange, like tigers. The color orange was very important to me. All my chars had Edwin's portrait. All of them. Role playing was beyond my anyway, and it felt wierd(at the time) to roll a lady. Only my sister could do that. So I have a strong connection with Edwin's portrait, hence Meagloth's portrait. I made it before the forums on a terrible painting app in my phone, but when I saw that there were so many people already using Edwin's portrait around here, I touched it up with a real painting app in my iPad, and used it after some debate on whether I wanted to use it or a screenshot of meagloth wearing his archmagi robes and his magically created sword.
I think that was the only one that finished the whole game, GREAT TIGER, though I don't explicitly remember doing so, but I do remember the undercity and final battle. It's likely that this was from clicking the "mission pack" button, which jumped you straight to TotSC with a pumped up party and dimension door.(ahhhh, dimension door. Sometime I miss vanilla)
After a while "disc three" broke(remember the disc changing:P) and you could go to the flaming fist compound anymore, so finishing was out altogether, and I let my restartitis go. We made so many halflings call "Frodo" or "Pipin" that never made it past the walls of candelkeep. Eventually windows '98 became obsolete along with the hardware that ran it, and it was retired. Over time the discs were lost or destroyed, and how I came back to bg to be the forumite I am today is another tale.
my first bg2 char is far less interesting. Just the poorly rolled sorcerer I played bg1ee through with. Before bg2ee, I did play vanilla with a Sorcerer, but it was bugged and I couldn't get to the final battle, so I never actually finished my bg2 char.
Haha, I remember I asked if it was a known bug around here, and @CrevsDaak misunderstood what I was saying and told me to upload the save so he could fix it:P windows '98, crevs. Windows '98.
With BG2 I made a male fighter named Ironside, because of Michael Ironside, obviously. Also I wanted a male because I knew there were romances and wanted to try those. I think Jaheira was the first romance I did because the game just seems to push you in that direction (Aerie did rapidly become one of my favorites though, as despite all her problems she's so determined and brave and sweet and reminded me a lot of some real women I knew who had been through terrible things and are like that as well, and more importantly like someone who wouldn't painting miniatures with me).
So when ToB came along, I made another new character to play through the whole saga with. This time an elven fighter/mage named Anaryl (I think I just took the name from a White Dwarf magazine), and romanced Aerie (not really overly pleased with the turn her romance took in ToB though). So anyway, he became the character I completed the entire game with, but obviously there have been who I've played through at least part of the game with just see different outcomes to quests and try out different NPC's.
But.. NO! I won't mention druids too;) Poor druids...
I have never finished ToB. The first game of the series I played was BG2 SoA and my first character to beat Irenicus was a bounty hunter. Maybe this is why I love rogues.
The first time I finished BG1 while playing the BGT and it was several years later. It was a multiclass mage/thief.
P.S. No matter who was my first, I will be the last, that's for sure!
AnnoymenSir Anomen, Keldorn, Cernd, Imoen and Valygar.My first (again after several severe bouts of "restarteritis") character to finish BG was an evil Fighter/Thief in the company of Kagain, Edwin, Viconia and two other NPCs - I don't remember which ones but they probably were as questionable as the first three.