What s so awesome about Minsc?
Don t get me wrong ,I have nothing against Minsc . It s just that Edwin is my favorite character so I never actually played with Minsc (or not for too long at least ) but I notice that he is in a lot of parties (http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/1578/your-perfect-party/p1) & is generally liked (even favorite character for a lot for ppl) ... sooo why? (just curious)
He has the best Strength in the game, that's a big perk. His Dexterity and Constitution are decent (16). So overall he's a pretty good warrior. I've always had better luck with Khalid (best-rounded), Kagain (decent strength, bad dex, epic con), and Kivan (good strength, good dex, meh con) though.
He also seems like he was born to wield that stupid talking sword...
As a player who favours NG/LG Fighters, Clerics, and Paladins, Minsc's will to purge the world of darkness is something that I have a great appreciation for.
I am known to play serious characters with no time for "fun and games." Despite this, I still enjoy having Minsc around.
Things that are not awesome about Minsc: N/A
'nuff said.
Admittedly, It was only when BG2 was released that I tried the above party and thought it was great. It's very well balanced, with two tanks, thief, healer and magic user. It doesn't really matter what your character is because the party is already balanced imo.
1. has charisma
2. more or less forced into a party
He has no fighting advantages whatsoever, but this game isnt really about powerplaying. Anymore, lol.
But seriously, he shines in BG2 the most, especially if you make him dual wiled Flail of Ages with Defender of Easthaven, with armor of faith. Really sturdy, plenty of health and good, solid damage attacks. That and thanks to the FoA, he can also easily disrupt mage attacks
The first time I took him for his quest and strength
You can't have Boo without Minsc and why wouldn't you want to have miniature giant space hamster in your party?
Plus the fact that he simply oozes epic-level awesomeness doesn't hurt.
The Answer: Butt Kicking for Goodness!
Alternate Answer: Go for the eyes Boo, Go for the eyes!
Seriously one of the better written and imaginative characters
Honestly Minsc was one of the first CRPG characters whose spoken lines made me laugh outloud...after I heard hi say it again....I want sure I had heard him right the first time
that's all he has, that's all he needs
the same thing i want irl.
Minsc is, for me, a lovely example of what makes these games so enjoyable: superb writing and thoughtful characterisation.