Okay....304 characters...but the first problem will be figuring out where the breaks are. Is the first part ".", '.-", .-.", ".-.-.-...", or something longer? The longest morse code items are 5 characters long (well, 6 if you count things like "&") so that gives us a slight start.
A cool thing about the Magna Carta was that it was granted by 'Evil' King John of Robin Hood fame. 'Good' King Richard 'the Lionhearted' was a more old-school King, and given his involvement with the third crusade, I'm amazed he managed to keep such a rosy reputation.
Okay....304 characters...but the first problem will be figuring out where the breaks are. Is the first part ".", '.-", .-.", ".-.-.-...", or something longer? The longest morse code items are 5 characters long (well, 6 if you count things like "&") so that gives us a slight start.
Here's one in return. A clue, the result is exactly 100 characters long.
_\,,| _|,,| \,,/_ _\,,| /'0'\ \,,|_ |,,/_ \,,/_ _|,,| |,,/_ /°o°\ _\,,| /'0'\ /._.\ /'0'\ /._.\ /'0'\ /._.\ _\,,/
This year is the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta. Recently an event in Buckingham Palace happened to commemorate this document.
The document contains the idea that no-one is above the law, and it still forms the foundation of many modern ideas and documents today.
A cool thing about the Magna Carta was that it was granted by 'Evil' King John of Robin Hood fame. 'Good' King Richard 'the Lionhearted' was a more old-school King, and given his involvement with the third crusade, I'm amazed he managed to keep such a rosy reputation.
-. --- .-- --..-- / .-- .. - .... / .- / - . -..- - / . -.. .. - --- .-. / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. .- -. / -.-. .... .- -. --. . / - .... . / -.-. .... .- .-. .- -.-. - . .-. ... / .-.. .. -.- . / - .... .. ... ---...
=*** * =* ==* === *** **** ** ] ** *** ] *= ] =* ** =*=* * ] ==* **= =*==
--- .-. / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. .- -. / -- .- -.- . / .- / -.. --- ..- -... .-.. . / -.-. --- -.. . / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / ..-. ..- -. ---... / .- --.- .-- / ...- .--- -.- .--. -- / -.- / -.-. --- / . - -.-. -... .- --..-- / -.. .-- ...- / ...- .--- --. .- / -.-- -.-. .--. ...- / .- --.- .-- / ...- --.- / ...- .--- -.- .--. -- / ...- .--- -.-. ...- .-.-.- / -.- / -- .--. --.- -.-- / ..- --. . - --. ...- ..- .-.-.- / -- --. --. .-. / ...- .--- --. / .-. -.-. .--. ...- -.-. -. --.- --.- .--. ..- .-.-.- / -.-. -. -.-- -.-. .- ..- / -- --. --. .-. / ...- .--- --. / .-. -.-. .--. ...- -.-. -. --.- --.- .--. ..- .-.-.-
And now, have some ascii64 fun:
We have found Voyager ... Send more Chuck Berry.
(Unfortunately, I can't find a youtube clip of Steve Martin delivering the line.)