Level adder v0.5

This magical shit adds X (with X being the number you enter at installation time for each choice) to every single 'Classed' enemy (every single non-joinable NPC that has a class the PC can also use/be), which makes them more powerful if you later install SCS (and don't disable it from correcting all the mistakes in the creatures' proper stats for their levels).
I think that this is a must for BG1, because it's very easy, but watch out, you can get a level 5 Carbos at Candlekeep if you choose to add 4 levels to every single Thief (single class thief) in the game, also, don't blame me if Tarnesh starts casting level 5 spells of stuff like that.
You'll be asked for every single class, only Sorcerers will get the same as Mages.
It also gives the user the option to install one of the "Multiply HP by X" components to make the game (stupidly) harder (it's recommended to install this particular component AFTER BG2Tweaks' "Max HP for every creature", the rest should be installed before).
It's compatible with everything, since it copies and changes one (or two or three, depends on the class) single bytes of the CRE files, which does not cause issues (as far as I know).
It will only work in BG2/BGEE engines, that means no BG1, IWD nor PS:T.
I recommend installing this after mods that add Quests or new creatures/enemies/quest givers to the game, . It's completely useless unless (redundancy!) you use SCS, it's recommended to install the BG2Tweaks' "Max HP for every creature in the game" component, which will use the modifications done by this mod, so your level 5 Carbos will get 30 HP.
Until now, I can point that SCS has a level override feature for several creatures in the game, they won't get the bonus, they will be set to the level SCS points them.
-This won't affect the game much if you don't later use SCS & the BG2Tweaks component named "Max HP for all creatures in the game".
-Please don't blame me because now all the mages have a 21 levels bonus.
-Don't message me, use this thread instead if you need to say something about this.
-THIS IS THE README. Surprise! It's short but it says all it has to say.
Updated to v0.4. Now Clerics don't get their level bonus twice.
Updated to v0.5, now the mod installs, no longer ships a copy of WeiDU.
This magical shit adds X (with X being the number you enter at installation time for each choice) to every single 'Classed' enemy (every single non-joinable NPC that has a class the PC can also use/be), which makes them more powerful if you later install SCS (and don't disable it from correcting all the mistakes in the creatures' proper stats for their levels).
I think that this is a must for BG1, because it's very easy, but watch out, you can get a level 5 Carbos at Candlekeep if you choose to add 4 levels to every single Thief (single class thief) in the game, also, don't blame me if Tarnesh starts casting level 5 spells of stuff like that.
You'll be asked for every single class, only Sorcerers will get the same as Mages.
It also gives the user the option to install one of the "Multiply HP by X" components to make the game (stupidly) harder (it's recommended to install this particular component AFTER BG2Tweaks' "Max HP for every creature", the rest should be installed before).
It's compatible with everything, since it copies and changes one (or two or three, depends on the class) single bytes of the CRE files, which does not cause issues (as far as I know).
It will only work in BG2/BGEE engines, that means no BG1, IWD nor PS:T.
I recommend installing this after mods that add Quests or new creatures/enemies/quest givers to the game, . It's completely useless unless (redundancy!) you use SCS, it's recommended to install the BG2Tweaks' "Max HP for every creature in the game" component, which will use the modifications done by this mod, so your level 5 Carbos will get 30 HP.
Until now, I can point that SCS has a level override feature for several creatures in the game, they won't get the bonus, they will be set to the level SCS points them.
-This won't affect the game much if you don't later use SCS & the BG2Tweaks component named "Max HP for all creatures in the game".
-Please don't blame me because now all the mages have a 21 levels bonus.
-Don't message me, use this thread instead if you need to say something about this.
-THIS IS THE README. Surprise! It's short but it says all it has to say.
Updated to v0.4. Now Clerics don't get their level bonus twice.
Updated to v0.5, now the mod installs, no longer ships a copy of WeiDU.
Post edited by CrevsDaak on
I would hate if I had to uninstall the whole game. ( If i will not satisfied )
Technical question:
DMG is not such a big problem, because enemies on highest difficulty can hit really hard, but you'd be able to do something what multiplied health of all enemies? (at least twice)
The level and damage are not everything if you can kill a lich or dragon on few hits. :-)
This time I didn't include a copy of WeiDU so you'll have to get one from here or rename one from other mod.
Also, watch out, because for some reason I can't delete the old archive
So basically it's the snake level, huh?
I would like to try this mod out, but I'm getting the following error message. Any idea what is causing this?
[C:\Program Files (x86)\BeamDog\Games\00766\setup-7c#addlevel.exe] WeiDU version
In state 754, I expected one of these tokens:
[2] ~~
Parse error (state 754) at LPAREN
[7C#ADDLEVEL/7C#ADDLEVEL.TP2] PARSE ERROR at line 416 column 1-26
Near Text: (
GLR parse error
[7C#ADDLEVEL/7C#ADDLEVEL.TP2] ERROR at line 416 column 1-26
Near Text: (
ERROR: parsing [7C#ADDLEVEL/7C#ADDLEVEL.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: problem parsing TP file [7C#ADDLEVEL/7C#ADDLEVEL.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error
FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error
Press ENTER to exit.
Sorry I didn't include the executable; I completely forgot about it, lol.
When I said I'm at the point where BG loses all challenge it's the point where your in Baldur's Gate, but haven't done any of ToSC bit yet, although come to think of it, once you've done ToSC it kinda loses much of it's challenge because all the bosses are so very gimmicky and easily countered.
Also I'm very guilty of making munchkin CHARNAME's who would be fine soloing but have a party anyway. My current is a fighter/assassin and he is just wrong. I really can't help myself, it's a problem.
(You can also use another mod's by making a copy and renaming it.)
(Also remember that it won't make much effect if you don't install it before SCS and the max HP tweak.) Hahaha yeah. I get that same feeling very often. That's why I created this mod originally—when I play solo I reach up to 1.5M XP in BG1, since I complete everything and farm Wyverns/Ankhegs—, to make end-game enemies more than a joke (some get freaking dangerous, like Slythe and Kristin (were those the names? I'm referring to the assassins in the Undercellar in Chapter 7, but I haven't played since a long time... Which is less than 6 months but still a lot), but others still aren't challenging) to a solo character (I rarely play with parties, and when I do I never end them).
i suppose thieves should get around 7-8 bonus levels, but mages maybe just 2-3 (with conservative scs options & improved encounters), right?
edit: also, could someone tell me which are some of the most common "non-classed" enemies? i don't have the game installed right now...