What do you guys think of Icewind Dale?

In my opinion Ice wind dale 1 was OK a little to much fighting and less quests and Story, but Icewind dale 2 is even worse the story is too similar to the first one and the new rule-set feels a little too stiff.
Does anyone know if they already decided which rule set they may use in BG3. The B1 +B2 rule-sets where great we just need more kits and spells and quests, what lifts BG1 + 2 over the most games is the story the characters and the huge amount of quests. I also plan to play planescape torment again.
Can some one outline wich rules where uses in what games and which you like best and why?
PS: Sorry if we have this topic already pls merge it , I miss a search option in the forum ? Where can I find it ?
Does anyone know if they already decided which rule set they may use in BG3. The B1 +B2 rule-sets where great we just need more kits and spells and quests, what lifts BG1 + 2 over the most games is the story the characters and the huge amount of quests. I also plan to play planescape torment again.
Can some one outline wich rules where uses in what games and which you like best and why?
PS: Sorry if we have this topic already pls merge it , I miss a search option in the forum ? Where can I find it ?
It's just a linear series of battles. There are no characters, no real side quests, no humour. I've played it a couple of times but I can't even remember what the plot was or who I was fighting against. If you've played Baldur's Gate you are always going to remember Sarevok and Irenicus but I doubt many people could name the antagonist in IWD 1 or 2.
I generally prefer 3rd Edition in normal D&D, but 2nd works fine for these games. I do have to say that IWD2 had the most polished engine with many very useful options (like assigning weapon groups).
Baldur's Gate 3 will probably use the most current ruleset from Wizards of the Coast (D&D's publishers), which is 4th Edition at the moment, though if it's released in 2 years, it might feature 5th (aka D&D Next), which sounds better than 4th from what I've heard so far.
"...and waiting for the day when he will return to the faerun & exact his revenge muahahahahaha " XD
+ music was mindblowing
Some people may like to have NPCs, but I actually enjoyed creating all my party members. Some of the best parties I've had are:
A smurf party. 6 gnomes dyed blue and named them after smurfs. Papa Smurf, Smurfette, Brainy, etc
A party of Bards. I'd take them to the inn, get them all drunk, and to toast everyone, before going out for the next quest.
An elemental Mage party. Each mage could only use spells from each element. Water, Fire, Earth, Air, etc
The only thing I don't like is creating new characters at the start. Having to create 6 characters is pretty tedious and time consuming, if you're trying to min/max (powergame). :P
As for Khalid, strength of 15 isn't the worse thing in the world.
random loot
Storywise major steps are defined, just imagine the rest, its an rpg after all. But random loot instantly transformed this adventure, an epic hunt after epic treasures into some generic Diablo. And Diablo is a better game. Its one thing to destroy a dragon and find the Carsomyr, and another to kill a dragon and find a longsword +1, and actually find the Carsomyr in some generic goblin chest. It doesnt even makes sense.
IWD2 additionally completely messed up the armor/defense system, you needed like 70AC to fight in melee. Summons were overpowered etc.. not very fun.
IWD2 added so much choice but choice does not make a better game, it was really far less memorable.
There is a mod which adds NPCs, which seems quite well voiced.
Good example of how to do it:
http://lparchive.org/Icewind-Dale-2/Update 24/
This is basicly how I played IWD1/2, with conversations going on in my head.
I should probably see a doctor about that.
Then the battles: in BG saga to beat a mage, a lich or a dragon you have to study the battle, choose spells, lowering magic resistance and remove protections: in IWD2 I have beaten two white dragons at level 11, almost exclusively with warriors, but mostly, I beat a lich with 2-3 fireballs!
IWD wasn't a bad game. I just didn't love it the way that I love BG.
Iwd1 and Iwd2 is for those who want to play again and again because they love the customisation and the combat system. I love to play to dude that is not special at all, just another mercenary, he's not an hero, he just keep fighting when other flees.
The stories from IWD were wholly forgettable, as well. I only played the series because I was jonesin for some new BG-esque isometric action.
It looks pretty and sounds fantastic but it felt like i was playing Baldur`s gate tactics.
Just as disappointed as when i played Fallout tactics.
Later though, when nostalgia kicked in i was able to enjoy both games for what they are.
I really like the Infinity Engine gameplay, so I loved the chance to stomp around in IWD1 and IWD2.
- The production values are amazing. I often just stand doing nothing in Kuldahar and bathe in the aural and visual atmosphere. It's like being there.
- All the combat, balancing, monsters, battles etc. are really well designed, balanced and challenging throughout.
- Voice acting is first-class, including the voice sets available for your party.
- The story is more than adequate. It's of course no comparison with BG, but it's impressive compared to most other combat-focused RPGs (Dungeon Siege, Diablo, etc). The setting feels authentic and immersive.
- It features Xan's brother