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If I could change one thing about Baldur's Gate ...

Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
Baldur's Gate is a great game, almost flawless in my opinion, but if there was one thing you could change about it what would it be?

For me it would be Shoal the Nereid and the fact that if you talk to her you die. There's no saving throw, no chance to avoid it by choosing the right dialogue option. You just die. The first time it happened to me I sat there stunned, thinking you have got to be kidding me. And it still bugs me that the only was to get through the encounter is to choose one of your NPCs to sacrifice (albeit for a very short time).

So, that's my bugbear; what's yours?


  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I'd add another 20 lines to Noober... XD

    Really though, I can think of many things but I feel like each one of them would still anger some people. I really like the game as it is, and I hope I'll like BGEE even more! :)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    I would give druids especially access to their spell list in IWD2.
  • JediMindTrixJediMindTrix Member Posts: 305
    I would restore 95% of the cut content.

    And add twenty hours of gameplay to Throne of Bhaal >:)>
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    Dual wielding and trying to use bow made me use single weapon style more than dual wield if the wielding gets changed to iwd2 style i could really dual wield not only try to.
  • TheCoffeeGodTheCoffeeGod Member Posts: 618
    Seeing as how I'm a packrat who loves to keep/sell EVERYTHING in the game, I want unlimited stackability of ALL items in the game.
    I'd probably settle on 4 unlimited Bag of Holding though, just to be able to keep sellables/keepables apart from eachother while adventuring.

  • WolfheartWolfheart Member Posts: 170
    I'd make sorcerer able to multiclass with Clerics and/or thieves.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    I would add NPC Interactions.
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    Dual wielding/sword-shield/2-handed is my biggest let down. I want to switch between sword-shield and bow if I like.
  • g314g314 Member Posts: 201
    You mean Baldur's Gate as a whole, or just BG1?

    If you mean the entire saga, I'd like to get the chance to import my party into BG2 and expand ToB. As for BG1 I agree with @mch202: I would like more NPC banters, especially with Imoen.
  • Ulfgar_TorunnUlfgar_Torunn Member Posts: 169
    If I had my druthers, I would like to see more combat options for non-spellcasters. Using a warrior heavy party can often devolve into clicking and waiting for the enemy to die (ala Runescape). ToB fixes this to some extent with HLA.
  • PaheejPaheej Member Posts: 126
    Download and play the mod "Unfinished Business" and you've got pretty much all cut content.

    Download the "Ease of Use" mod which allows you to stack almost all items, including jewlry, potions, unlimited arrow stacking, etc.

    Download the "BG1 NPC Banter Pack" which adds party banter, dialogue trees, and other options similar to BG2.

    Crank the frame rate to 45 or 60 and don't pause if you need a little bit more excitement with close combat classes. Having said that, this is defintely a cool idea - essentially you'd have to incorporate some ideas from 3rd and 4th edition D&D
  • TheCoffeeGodTheCoffeeGod Member Posts: 618
    edited August 2012
    I'm well aware of all mods.
    That was in reference to actually changing the content of vanilla BG rather than modding it.

  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    An extended epilogue for BG1.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited August 2012
    3rd edition rules

    Edit: @paheej any suggestions for me other than a buggy icewind gate?
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    More interesting magic items. Every weapon category should have a unique item that is especially cool. Greatswords have several; longswords have the +2, +1 cold damage; the rest, not so much. Armor needs some fancier stuff with unique color palettes, behavior, and resistances.
  • SallparadiseSallparadise Member Posts: 94
    Make dungeon passages wider and your party members not retarded when using them.
    Loved BG1. Hated going into Firewine Bridge, Ulster School.
  • JediMindTrixJediMindTrix Member Posts: 305
    edited August 2012

    List of still unrestored content. I've played UB a billion times :P

    I'd say about 60% of the cut content has been restored, but looking through that list there are some items I'd find to be gems. Also the Haer'dalis and Valygar romances were never properly restored (and that mod for Haer'dalis is SOA only). Those would be major restorations and add depth to characters I've found to be rather bland (well, not Haer'dalis...)
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    Find a way to revive Montaron, Get Montaron and Xzar back in my group in both SOA and TOB
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    To be able to import my party from 1 to 2...
  • Jedi_GnomeJedi_Gnome Member Posts: 92
    Remove racial restrictions to romances and classes.
  • drawnacroldrawnacrol Member Posts: 253
    KolonKu said:

    I'd like an actual cutscene between BG1 and BG2, where the party is captured by Irenicus' assasins. Imagine the cliffhanger it would have been back in the day!

    That would be awesome!

    They probably had no idea what direction they were taking with BGII. Remember the scene at the end of 2 where the cloaked men are around a table with the Bhall symbol on it. Didn't make much sense and was most likely an abandoned concept.
  • PaladynPaladyn Member Posts: 23
    Change game so you could play after ending and make somwhere a home for party, by claiming one of empty houses.
  • ElzarathElzarath Member Posts: 173
    @drawnacrol I'm pretty sure those people were 'the 5' from ToB, even though for memory there was 7 or 8 people around that table.
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    Give fighters and thieves etc some low level abilities to use in combat, giving them more options and ways in which to excel.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    edited August 2012
    i would change the fact that baldur's gate doesn't come with a pocket dimension where time stops flowing (outside the dimension) and you stop aging while inside it.

    one of those would be useful period, but if i could change anything about the game, it would be that each copy of the game comes with one.

    Edit: although, if time stopped outside of the dimension, and someone died in there (say from not eating) would time come to a freeze outside of the dimension or would an infinite amount of time go by, then somehow, time would start up again outside and things would resume like normal? hmmmm, will have to think on that one....
  • ManveruManveru Member Posts: 75
    Enable more class - race combinations, I never understood why you can't be a paladin if you're an elf, dwarf of half-elf
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @Manveru It's a second edition rules limitation. I don't know if they can openly change character creation rules without breaking their contract with Wizards of the Coast. We''ll probably see it in a mod in the future as these tables are being softcoded.
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