The most liked npc

hello everyone, some of you may remember i made a poll about the most "annoying npc" some time ago. now i'm curious to see what the community's most liked npc is. i encourage friendly debate but no flame wars please. :P
- The most liked npc33 votes
- mincs36.36%
- korgan  6.06%
- jan33.33%
- xzar24.24%
BG2 - Saemon Havarian, there is only one person that can backstab that many powerful people and get away with it.
I was impressed by the insight you were allowed to gain about why he was who he was. In the end, he struck me as more believable then some of the other NPCs. I did, at times, feel that his brash manner was carried a bit to far. I understand completely why many players came to hate him for it. Still, I believed his story, believed his character, saw his vulnerable side. I cared what happened to him.
Having said that, it is really hard to compete with Jan Jansen.
@laptopman666, if you can't create more options by editing your initial post, you'll have to create a new poll. Check with @Dee if this is ok with him. Forum policy dictates that the forum is not to be 'spammed' with polls. Maybe he could delete your current poll, so that you can create a new one?
On topic, It doesn't say "joinable", so dradeel and thalantyr+Melimcamp are some of my favorite characters, and xanis my favorite joinable, with Khalid tailing right behind him. For bg2... I haven't played enough, but contrary to popular opinion, I really like Saemon Havarian. Sure, he's a backstabbing jackass, but where would you be without him? And I imagine him as really cool and charismatic, and he's very smart. We would be bros. or as bros as you can get with CN backstabbing jackass.
What is funny is that I like ALL these controversial NPCs, yet I am not very fond of characters like Korgan that seem to be universally liked but not necessarily loved.
I generally think the more controversial characters are "better". If people passionately dislike them for their personalities and not because of poor writing then I think they do their job.
Then there are Keldorn, Xzar and Sarevok. EVERYONE seems to love those guys. 'Cuz they rule.
I'm very partial to Jaheira (and Khalid). Not gonna lie, I kind of like Harpers in general, and Jaheira's conflicts with them in BG2 just made for a pretty believable dilemma. I just wish she had more to say to a female PC, or had been conceived as a platonic relationship instead of the romance.
Honorable mention goes to Haer'dalis, who singlehandedly made me interested in the Planescape setting.
BG2 - Haer'dalis - Great character and fights me for Aerie wish the entire love triangle thing was finished.
TOB - Sarevok always joins me.
Honorable mentions as they join my party a lot - Minsc, Imoen, Jaheira, Kagain, and Valygar's corpse.
bg1, Alora
bg2, Mazzy
I do dig Xzar and Sarevok and all the controversial NPCs you mentioned!
BG2 - Viconia/Korgan, Jaheira's romance is good.
ToB - Sarevok/Immy.
To be fair, though, I like the Zhents and the Red Wizards too. I enjoy the flavor of the feuding organizations in general, and I'm such a lore hound, having them around just makes me happy.
Of the ones that don't stand a fighting chance-..
Oh, forget it. You all know who I'm going to say anyway.
BG2EE: Yoshimo, Haer'Dalis (maybe Rasaad, haven't been able to play BG2EE yet)
Chopped up, properly marinated and served in a curry Anomen is the best. Much better than the shorties and the elves who have hardly any meat on them...