*** All seemed well indeed until they were getting close to Nashkel. The party had made steady progress. They had convinced three Flaming Fist officers who had accused them of banditry that they were innocent adventurers, and they had managed to slay a band of Hobgoblins, including Archers, with little difficulty. One of the monsters had worn a pair of enchanted boots that they would have to get identified later on at a store. North of Nashkel the party got into serious trouble though. They were attacked by a gang of Kobolds, at least two of them Archer Commandos plus two Guards. Before they knew it both Khalid and Xzar were down, while none of the Kobolds had suffered any serious injuries. [I was a bit distracted here by an RL intervention.]
Jaheira was very upset, Montaron less so, but Galadhiel commanded her three remaining companions to retreat in a northeasterly direction, into the bushes. Thus, they managed to escape from the Kobolds. Galadhiel told Imoen and Jaheira to wait, and left with Montaron to scout the area, hidden in shadows. This wasn’t too difficult because it was night time. The two found the location where Khalid and Xzar had fallen, still guarded by two Kobolds. Aided by the advantage of surprise, the adventurers had no difficulty dispatching the Kobolds, Montaron by using a backstab, and Galadhiel in close combat. Galadhiel took their fallen comrades’ bodies and saw how they disappeared in the vastness of her magical bag of holding. The two then scouted further south, but saw no further threats. So after a short trek through the grass and the bushes, the party returned to the road again. On it they met Lord Foreshadow who gave Galadhiel a ring she was told she ought to wear because it would help her gain the love of a comrade. This surprised her. She had taken a liking to Khalid, soft-spoken and enchantingly nervous due probably to the unpredictable nature of his (wild) magic, and surely hoped that a priest would resurrect him, but she hadn’t forgotten that Khalid was Jaheira’s husband. For that reason she had never looked at Khalid as anything more than a friend. Xzar and Montaron did not appeal to Galadhiel in any way, so she could only hope that Lord Foreshadow’s ring would help her gain someone else’s love.
In Nashkel, the party was greeted by an Amnish soldier who told them of troubles in the Nashkel Mines and of a Guard Captain who had gone on a murdering frenzy. His whereabouts were unknown though. They also spoke with the town’s mayor, Berrun Ghastkill, who had indeed expected Jaheira’s arrival. He further detailed the problems in the Mines. Not only had the iron ore been of suspect quality as of late, various miners had gone missing as well. Jaheira was eager to get into the Mines but Imoen and Galadhiel didn’t hesitate to point out that their party had not even been able to hold their ground against a couple of puny Kobolds, losing Khalid and Xzar in the process. The girls didn’t feel ready to investigate any Mine where people go missing. Instead they decided to get Khalid and Xzar raised at the local temple of Helm, rest at the Inn, and visit the nearby Carnival to see if they could do some minor quests for people, and earn themselves some gold. That way they could prepare themselves better for an expedition into the Nashkel Mines.
At the Nashkel Inn they were detained by yet another bounty hunter, a priestess this time. She wouldn’t be swayed with gold and she gave the adventurers little to no time to prepare for battle as she buffed herself and started casting a Hold Person, which prompted the party to leave the inn to avoid the energy of the spell. When they re-entered, Montaron and Khalid engaged the priestess in melee, Galadhiel attacked from mid-range with her throwing daggers and Jaheira, Imoen and Xzar remained by the door from where they attacked with their ranged weapons and Larlochs respectively. The priestess pulled off another Hold Person, this time holding Khalid, but a damaging blow by Montaron finished her off.
After the fight, the party finally had the time to rest. When Montaron and Xzar retreated to their rooms, Galadhiel confessed to Imoen, and later Khalid and Jaheira that the priestess hadn’t been the first to be after her head. She explained to them that the warrior that had slaughtered Gorion had wanted the sage to hand her over to him, and that the Mage at the stairs to the entrance of the Friendly Arm Inn had carried a bounty notice mentioning a price on her head. Imoen, Khalid and Jaheira were shocked by the news but expressed tgeir gratitude for Galadhiel's honesty. They'd be better prepared for any future attacks, Khalid told her. Galadhiel was fearful of mentioning the same information to Montaron and Xzar. She had come to appreciate Montaron as a respectable warrior, but the duo’s evil alignment, their unclear intentions and their threats directed at Khalid and Jaheira, who she trusted more, made it difficult for her to trust them.
In the morning Imoen, the merriest of the six, woke the others and urged them to get up and visit the Nashkel Carnival with her as they had planned the day before. Galadhiel hadn't slept very well at all, having dreamt a disturbing dream of Gorion, and woke the next morning with what appeared to be a new healing power. She told this to Imoen but kept it from the others. The Carnival was a relatively quiet affair, though there was some entertainment in the form of a Mage who summoned a friendly Ogre, a Bard who recited poetry, and gambling tents. There were also a great many merchants with interesting wares for sale, such as enchanted weaponry, magical potions, and spell scrolls. Galadhiel bought a Dagger +1 from one of them. A pompous Jester mocked Montaron’s clothes, infuriating the latter, before he disappeared inside one of the tents. The rogue didn’t hesitate to go after the buffon, and had his companions follow suit. Inside, there was no trace of the Jester, but they did encounter two Human Mages, a male and a female. The man warned them to back off because he was about to kill the witch, obviously speaking of the female Mage. Montaron, still irate, hurled an insult at the Mage, which prompted the latter to kill the female Mage within the blink of an eye and to buff himself with magical protections. The party attacked the Mage, who cast Sleep on Xzar and Khalid before they could flee the tent. He also summoned a number of monsters to his aid: two Hobgoblins and a Worg. This kind of opposition was too much for Imoen and Montaron who fell defending their companions from the summoned monsters while at the same time being under attack from the Mage before Galadhiel’s thrown daggers and a critical hit by Jaheira struck the Mage down.
This wasn’t what they had expected from their visit to the Carnival: no quests and a deadly encounter with a Mage that had left two casualties. The good thing was that they had found some interesting loot in the form of two enchanted mage robes and a few spell scrolls. After Xzar and Khalid awoke, the party returned to Nahskel where they got Montaron and Imoen raised at the Helm temple. Galadhiel then used Montaron’s and Imoen’s deaths at the hands of a single foe to prove her point to the others that they still weren’t ready yet to enter the Nashkel Mines whose corridors were likely to leave little room for escape, compared to the open lands they had explored so far. Besides, the fact that a bounty hunter had recently found her in Nashkel, made Galadhiel reluctant to stay in the region for long. Instead she convinced the others to return to Beregost where they still had a number of jobs to do (getting rid of the spiders for Landrin) and people to do jobs for (returning a cloak to Gurke, killing Half-Ogres for Bjornin the injured Paladin).
On their way to Beregost, Khalid and Jaheira and Xzar and Montaron kept bickering. Galadhiel and Imoen tried to calm the two camps, but they could both see a fight break out at one point. Montaron especially seemed a walking time bomb. Thankfully they still reached Beregost as a party of six. They decided to first travel west, south-west in search of Bjornin’s Half-Ogres. Their route led them to an area replete with Gnolls and Skeletons, of which they slew a bunch and looted their corpses for their weapons (throwing daggers, halberds, and a short sword) before they met a Ranger, Chaotic Good as Galadhiel’s Know Alignment taught her, who had been observing the party. He introduced himself as Kivan [Stalker, specialized in Spears and Long bows] and said that he was out hunting bandits that had killed someone dear to him. Khalid, Jaheira, Imoen and Galadhiel were sympathetic to the Ranger’s cause; Xzar and Montaron less so. Kivan’s joining the party made Xzar and Montaron decide to go their own, separate path. The party of (now) five reached a perfectly round building; the High Hedge - Imoen and Galadhiel knew this from stories they had been told in Candlekeep of a peculiar, reclusive wizard inhabiting it, Thalantyr. The party paid this Thalantyr a visit and discovered first of all that the Mage was very grumpy and secondly, that he had a great assortment of spells, potions, and enchanted items for sale. Thalantyr gifted Kivan a well-crafted Elven Spear of Entanglement +2 [10% chance with every hit that opponent is entangled for 24 seconds, no save] for services rendered. He enchanted Galadhiel’s Dagger +1, transforming it into a Returning Throwing Dagger +1, and he identified the robes the party had taken from the dead wizards at the Carnival. One was a Knave’s Robe, and the other a Robe of Electric Resistance. Khalid was quite eager to put on the Knave’s Robe, but Jaheira warned him that such a Robe would leave him too exposed in battle as long as he didn’t have any magical protections to shield himself with. Timidly, Khalid agreed to wait with donning the robe. Galadhiel still had an Armor scroll and other scrolls from Tarnesh, and she knew that Gellana Mirrorshade, a priestess presiding over a small temple within the walls of the Friendly Arm Inn, sold potions of genius. She suggested that rather than pursuing the Half-Ogres they could clear the spiders in Landrin’s home first, return to Landrin at the Friendly Arm Inn, and get Khalid a potion of healing. Thus was their course. In Beregost, they had no difficulty dispatching the Spiders with ranged attacks after Kivan had drawn them out in the streets.
Galadhiel picked up Landrin’s boots and wine, as well the corpse of the largest of the Huge Spiders, after which the adventurers allowed themselves some rest. It was Imoen who suggested that they looked for lodgings at the Red Sheaf Inn, an inn they hadn’t visited yet. She came to regret that decision moments later when another bounty hunter, a Dwarf named Karlat, first injured and then slew her at the door. It all went very fast: there was no bargaining with the Dwarf, he simply attacked the first person in sight, which happened to be Imoen. Jaheira and Khalid in melee, and Kivan and Galadhiel retaliated and managed to kill the Dwarf before he’d do any more harm, although he nearly slew Khalid before he fell. The killing blow was for Galadhiel this time.
Embarrassingly, Galadhiel had to tell Kivan about the bounty hunters sooner than she had wanted to, but the Ranger seemed to trust her and her entourage or at least gave them the benefit of the doubt.
I think I’m screwed with Kivan btw, as I recruited after haven spoken to Berrun Ghastkill in Nashkel, which as I understand it leaves a very limited time frame within which I’d have to dismantle the Bandit Camp.
In the inn the companions spoke with a Halfling named Perdue, whose stolen short sword they still had and returned to the man for a modest reward. Before resting, the party made a short visit to the Temple of Lathander where the high priest Keldath Ormlyr raised Imoen and told the companions of a 5,000 GP bounty on the head of Bassilus, an evil Cleric of Cyric. A hunt for Bassilus was something for later though. First the companions traveled back to the Friendly Arm Inn, luckily without having to face any nasty ambushes on the way. Landrin was thankful and rewarded them handsomely, and Gellana the priestess sold them a potion of genius. Khalid, after having quaffed the potion, failed to scribe Color Spray, Larloch’s Minor Drain, and Magic Missile, but fortunately he did manage to copy Armor and Grease to his spellbook. The party rested a night at the Inn and Khalid presented himself the next day in his Knave’s Robe, looking more sagely than ever. Galadhiel mentioned Gurke’s quest, the Tasloi in the Cloakwood, and Kivan eagerly showed the party the way. After having dealt with powerful wizards, bounty hunters that kill for a living and well-organized groups of Kobolds, the Tasloi were easy prey. Thus the party traveled to Beregost with Gurke’s cloak, only to find that Gurke didn’t even want to have the cloak anymore. Not that Galadhiel or Kivan complained about this; they had great use for what indeed proved to be a Cloak of Non-Detection. The sight of Bjornin, still limping, reminded the party of the Half-Ogres south-west of Beregost. The companions traveled to the High Edge and then south, until they saved a talking chicken from an attacking wolf. The chicken claimed to be a polymorphed man, Thalantyr’s apprentice Melicamp, and implored the party to escort the creature. Suppressing snickers, the companions honored Melicamp’s request and returned to Thalantyr with te he chicken only to see the Mage fail to restore Melicamp to his human form, killing the apprentice in the process. A bit of waste of time this venture and a waste of Melicamp's life, Galadhiel thought to herself, but that’s something she couldn’t have known before. The party’s next foray into the lands south of the High Hedge led them to Bassilus, not far from where they had encountered Melicamp. The priest was surrounded by undead, animated corpses and skeletons of his victims, and spoke to them as if they were his family. The man was clearly delusional. Jaheira wanted to confront the priest, but Imoen and Galadhiel checked her and came up with a plan play along with the priest’s delusions and to lure him back to Beregost. The plan worked in that the priest lost his concentration and his control over the undead, but he wouldn’t accompany the party to Beregost, and turned hostile instead. A very bloody fight ensued, in which two Unholy Blights decimated the entire party but Galadhiel who had been ceaselessly throwing her dagger from a relatively safe distance, and Jaheira, aided by her summoned Spirit Bear. Jaheira fell anyway to a hit of Bassilus’ enchanted war hammer just when she was trying to heal herself, but the Spirit Bear finished the priest off before he could fell Galadhiel, the last one standing of the companions.
Galadhiel sadly picked up her companions’s bodies and equipment and stored them inside her bag of holding, together with Bassilus’ possessions and his undead army’s weaponry. She then scouted the area, had Jaheira’s Spirit Bear kill off three Hobgoblins that threatened her and returned to the Temple of Lathander to claim the bounty and spend a substantial part of it on resurrections of her party members.
At this point I felt bad about not having included a rule on the consequences of party members’ deaths. As of now, I’m tossing a coin each time a party member dies in order to decide whether they’ll permanently lose 1 CON upon resurrection. I think this is a sufficient incentive to be more careful with my NPCs.
With her companions back by her side, Galadhiel guided the party via the High Hedge, where the sale of Imoen’s Wand of Magic Missiles allowed them to buy two Ioun Stones (one for Imoen that grants Infravision and one for Galadhiel that grants +1 DEX), allthe way to the area where Bjornin’s Half-Ogres roamed, south of where they had faced Bassilus before. As such the slow and poorly disciplined Half-Ogres weren't much of a threat, but Khalid, in an attempt to be helpful caused the party some serious problems when he tried to cast Grease on the monsters but somehow targeted himself instead. [This must have his wild magic at work here, because I cannot have aimed that poorly when I had him cast the spell.] Jaheira barely escaped with her life as she suffered a hit by one of the Half-Ogres, before she could get herself into safety and before she saw Galadhiel, Imoen and Kivan kill the slowed Half-Ogres with ranged attacks. Before they returned to Beregost to bring Bjornin the good tidings, the companions traveled further to the west where they protected an excavation site for an archaelogist named Charleston Nib against any bandits and where they ran into Commander Brage, the frenzied guard captain from Nashkel. They escorted the latter back to Nashkel where they left him in the hand of the priest of Helm, Nalin, and then returned to Beregost to tell Bjornin of the vanquished Half-Ogres. The Paladin was most grateful and rewarded the party with an enchanted medium shield that Khalid would equip. Also in Beregost, Imoen decided to greet the young man who was still standing in front of the Burning Wizard. It turned out that he had been working for his misstress Silke, a somewhat well-known Bard. Garrick, as the young man was called, a Bard himself, asked the party to help him protect his mistress against a number of thugs. The companions immediately agreed to the task, but when the supposed thugs turned out to be nothing but innocent commoners they refused to kill, it was Silke they had to protect themselves against. Aided by Jaheira's Spirit Lion this wasn't that hard a task as it might have been. Silke cast a few vicious Magic Missiles Galadhiel's way, but they weren't enough to beat her.
*** The party is now without any quests and has little reason to shun the Nashkel Mines, except my metagame knowledge that they're very inexperienced for SCS Nashkel Mines. Galadhiel is level 4, Imoen level 3, Jaheira level 1/1, Khalid, level 2/1 and Kivan level 3...
I find myself a bit woolly again, upcoming installments (supposing Galadhiel won't fall) are likely to be shorter with only minor character observations for flavor. I'm keen on saving my more extensive writing for my other Swashbuckler Lenno, who fell to a trap introduced by a different mod setup in my game, in a minimal reload advanture.
After they got an enchanted belt they had found on Silke identified by Taerom Fuiruim at the Thunderhammer Smithy as the Golden Girdle, the party decided to finally travel south, to the Nashkel Mines. There was little else for them to do in terms of questing after all. There was Kivan’s revenge, but none of the companions had any idea where to look for the bandits he had spoken of. Galadhiel and Kivan scouted the area outside the Mines but found no suspect activity. They did run into a sculptor who was outlawed for the theft of two emeralds. When the party approached him a bounty hunter named Greywolf arrived and attacked the party after Galadhiel suggested he let the sculptor finish his work before taking him in. Jaheira nearly fell to Greywolf’s swings with his mighty halberd, but her Spirit Wolf saved her.
At the Mine entrance the party decided to split up. Imoen, Khalid, and Jaheira would travel back North, to Baldur’s Gate to see if there was any work there. Kivan and Galadhiel, stealthy the both of them, would investigate the Nashkel Mines together. The five would reunite at the Friendly Arm Inn. What Galadhiel and Kivan encountered at the Mines wasn’t pretty: the first level was quiet, but at the second (lower) level, they encountered human corpses and large groups of Kobolds that would be too much for them to handle even if the others had been there.
Kivan and Galadhiel decided to return to Nashkel, to report their findings to Berrun Ghastkill. They took one of many pieces of what looked to be contaminated iron ore with them. The two Elves tried to convince the Mayor to order the Nashkel Guard to clear the Mines of the Kobold infestation but he would have nothing of it. With increasing tension between Baldur’s Gate and Amn Ghastkill was unwilling to leave his town virtually unguarded. Kivan and Galadhiel had noticed little of such tension but were understanding of Ghastkill’s decision. They could do nothing more than promise him to return later, and better prepared. Meanwhile they suggested that Ghastkill had the Mines closed. There wasn’t any good iron coming from them anyway. Kivan, a Ranger through and through, proposed that rather than following the beaten track northward, they could trek through the Cloudpeaks and slowly make their way to the Friendly Arm Inn. Galadhiel, a fond explorer herself, approved.
The following quests, until Kivan and Galadhiel reunite with the others, are basically necessary XP farming in order for the party to be able to tackle the Nashkel Mines.
The Cloudpeaks were not friendly to Kivan and Galadhiel. First they ran into a small party of three hunters that provoked them into a fight. One, their spokeswoman, was a melee fighter dual-wielding scimitars. Galadhiel kited the melee fighter while Kivan pelted her until she fell and dropped two Scimitars +1 that Galadhiel kept for herself. The other two were archers who would have perforated the Elven companions if it weren’t for their potions of defense they had ‘acquired’ from the men they had saved from Silke the thespian in Beregost (they were rewarded one, but Imoen had pickpocketed two more). Kivan and Galadhiel closed in on the two and each of them successfully took on one of the archers in melee combat.
After that bloody encounter, still protected by their potions of defense, the duo took on two bandits who had wanted to take their gold. It would have been a one-sided affair if it weren’t for a band of Kobolds that came to the bandits’ aid. This was exactly the type of encounter the Elves had decided to shun in the Nashkel Mines. They first took on the Kobolds, the weaker (but no less damaging) of their foes, and saved the bandits for last. Either way, Galadhiel and Kivan had to consume what healing potions they had, and Galadhiel even had to quaff a potion of invisibility to enable herself to heal.
The adventurers further did a few minor quests, such as helping little two children who had lost their pets and protecting a Dryad, before they traveled to the northwest until they reached the coast. There they met a gypsy-like woman who presented herself as Safana. She told Kivan about a treasure cave, guarded by Golems. Galadhiel snuck past Sirines in front of the cave and past the Flesh Golems inside it. She had to disarm a number of traps (and triggered one, a lightning trap that seriously injured her). She looted the place and left with Kivan, leaving Safana wondering what had happened. The duo then traveled east to Nashkel where they bought all the healing potions they could get from Nalin, and where they met a Rashemaar Ranger, Minsc, who begged them to help him release his witch from Gnoll captors at a Stronghold on the southern coast. This they did. Getting there was a bit tedious to Kivan and Galadhiel, as they had to pass through the Cloudpeaks again, but the campaign was a successful one, with Minsc showing himself a formidable frontliner and Kivan and Galadhiel being very effective ranged attackers.
Minsc and his protégé, Dynaheir, were very grateful and wanted to remain by Galadhiel’s and Kivan’s side. The four of them traveled north together. Minsc and Dynaheir went all the way to the Friendly Arm Inn, but Galadhiel and Kivan stopped for healing potions at the Temple of Latahander where Keldath Ormlyr begged them to rid the lands east of the Temple of a Basilisk plague, and most importantly, the Gnomish wizard Mutamin who was in control of the Basilisks and used the lizards to petrify hapless travelers. Armed with a green scroll of protection from petrification, Galadhiel had no difficulty dispatching the beasts, while unprotected Kivan made sure to steer clear of them. A very rare, friendly Ghoul named Korax managed to hold Mutamin in spite of his many magical protections, after which the Gnome was easily felled. Galadhiel found an enchanted mage robe and enchanted Bracers on the Gnome as well as a number of spells. In the same area, Korax, Kivan and Galadhiel took on a group of hunters, of which at least one (Peter) was evil according to Galadhiel’s Know Alignment powers. Korax held their Mage, Kivan fought one of their warriors, and Galadhiel resisted their Cleric’s attempts to hold her. A fourth hunter, an archer, was slain by Kivan and Galadhiel together. The duo found a Quarterstaff +1, a number of spells, and some potions and gold on their foes’ corpses. The staff would be a nice present for Jaheira. [I overwrote two screenshots here, so no pics.] The time Galadhiel and Kivan spent between just the two of them brought them closer together as friends. Galadhiel has come to appreciate her Elven companion, for his no-nonsense attitude, his trust in her despite the bounty hunters, and his fighting style built on speed, dexterity and wit rather than brute force. She could have seen more in him than a mere trustworthy companion if it weren’t for his backstory. Kivan was still heart-stricken due to the painful loss of his beloved Deheriana after she was tortured and abused by one Tazok. Galadhiel felt they shouldn’t tarry in finding Tazok and his cohorts. If only they had some clues on where to look. The duo traveled to the Friendly Arm Inn where they reunited with Khalid, Jaheira and Imoen. Kivan and Galadhiel told them of the situation in the Nashkel Mines, and were informed by the three of their trip to Baldur’s Gate. They had been denied entrance into the city because of supposed bandit activity in the region. They hadn’t seen much of such activity, but the party decided to explore the areas surrounding Baldur’s Gate once more, if only for Kivan’s sake. They found a few small groups of bandits, but nothing to lock up an entire city for. Jaheira warned them of Ankhegs south of Baldur’s Gate. They slew a good many of the giant insects, returned the body of a young man that had fallen victim to the beasts to his father, and killed a young priestess of Umberlee (barely an adolescent, but already corrupted by the Bitch Queen) for three fishermen. [Thanks to the splitting up and the quests done in the meantime by Kivan and Galadhiel (and Minsc) the party was now around level 4-5, Galadhiel even level 6.] The companions decided to travel south once more, to the Nashkel Mines. They made a stop in Beregost where they accepted Taerom Fuiruim’s offer to make them a suit of Ankheg armor from a shell of one of the Ankhegs they had slain south of Baldur’s Gate, excellent armor for Jaheira. They had to wait a tenday for it though. The companions then continued their way south straight to the Nashkel Mines. They encountered them the way they were when Kivan and Galadhiel had entered them: full of Kobolds. They had to dispatch one group on the second level, which they did mostly by dividing them. On the third level there was a very large group of about 25-30 Kobolds on a bridge. Khalid cast Grease toward them, so that they could only attack the party with a few at a time. This piecemeal approach paid off well even though Jaheira suffered some serious injuries before the battle was over, which required her to retreat.
A third encounter was with a Kobold Chieftain and a Shaman leading a group that contained Commandos and Guards as well. Jaheira summoned insects that effectively neutralized the Shaman. The Chieftain on the other hand was an excellent archer who nearly killed both Khalid and Jaheira with his poisoned arrows before he fell.
One level lower the adventurers encountered the leader of the Kobold invasion, a Half-Orc Cyricist priest. He summoned skeletons and more Kobolds to his aid, but Jaheira’s Spirit Wolf took care of the Skeletons while the others attacked the priest. He managed to hold Kivan, but was otherwise harmless and eventually slain by Khalid. The remaining Kobolds were now no real threat anymore to the experienced Kobold killers.
There was some good loot on Mulahey and in a chest, including two pairs of Bracers AC6, a Short Sword +1 (offhand weapon for Imoen), spell scrolls, an empty bag of holding, some gold, and a beautifully crafted Elven long sword, a Moonblade. Khalid was eager to wield the blade but noticed he couldn’t. Apparently it was made for one wielder only. Inspection of the premises taught them who the sword belonged to, the handsomest Elf that Galdhiel had evr laid eyes on: Xan, a Sorcerer from Everaska who had been taken captive by Mulahey. Xan thanked the party for his freedom and offered to join the party. An offer they all readily accepted. This charismatic Elf, well-versed in sorcery, would be a welcome reinforcement to the party they all reckoned. And he was, it soon turned out. On the surface he helped save Galadhiel from Ghasts that had held her in a burial chamber they had entered. Outside, he commented on Galdhiel’s healing powers she was now using openly. He doubted their source, which worried Galadhiel who had stopped giving the issue much thought.
Not much later it was Galadhiel and Kivan who saved Xan and others during a terrifying encounter with an evil wizard and Mustard Jellies. The wizard had managed to Hold both Jaheira and Khalid, Charm Imoen and (PW) Sleep Xan. Luckily this all happened out of the Jellies’ sight, so that Kivan and Galadhiel had only the Mage to focus on. Once the wizard’s protections had been stripped by the duo, he offered little in terms of resistance, and fell to one of Kivan’s arrows. Jaheira, Xan, and Galadhiel made short work of the Mustard Jellies with their enchanted weapons in melee.
The party explored more burial chambers, one of which inhabited by a Revenant. Galadhiel plundered it using stealth and a potion of freedom that prevented the undead abomination from holding her. The companions then trekked back to Nashkel but were waylaid by a group of hired killers at the Nashkel Carnival, four women: two priestesses and two rogues. Xan webbed one of the priestesses, and blinded one of the rogues. The other rogue had disappeared into one of tents. This left only one priestess as a possible source of peril. Everyone except Xan attacked her in melee; they killed her before she could become dangerous. After that the webbed priestess, the blinded rogue, and inside the tent, the last rogue were easy pickings. A third Scimitar +1, a suit of Studded Leather Armor +1 and some spells and potions were the party’s treasure.
After the dust-up Jaheira insisted that they traveled straight to Beregost to pick up her Ankheg armor. The others complied, Galadhiel mainly because she was hopeful that they could also acquire a suit of Shadow Armor for her. Upon arrival they discovered that the Shadow Armor had to wait, but they did find Jaheira’s Ankheg armor ready for her. The party rested and traveled back to Nashkel. Upon crossing the bridge from the north they found another hired assassin waiting for them in front of the Northern Light Inn. He said he was going to kill all six of them. Galadhiel screamed at her companions to retreat over the bridge, which turned out to be a good plan. The assassin was a spellcaster and could have hurt them badly. She hadn’t forgotten about the wizard at the Nashkel Mine exit. Jaheira summoned her Spirit Animal, and Galadhiel, hidden in shadows, returned to check on the assassin. She had the Spirit Lion attack him, and saw how the assassin stupidly saved his best spells for her and her party. But the assassin without his magic was no match for the Spirit Lion.
The party, relieved and full of praise for Jaheira’s Spirit Animals, found a pair of Boots of Avoidance on the assassin as well as some minor loot and a letter pointing toward a contact in Beregost, and brought Berrun Ghastkill the good news of having cleared the Nashkel Mines. They didn’t loiter and headed straight to Beregost to seek out this contact and to purchase the Shadow Armor for Galadhiel (which first required a lucky pickpocketing effort by Imoen with Algernon as its victim) at Feldepost’s Inn with the gold from the sale of miscellaneous loot. Upstairs they dispatched a Mage called Tranzig, the Nashkel assassin’s contact. Apparently there was some bandit activity going on in the Cloakwood, connected to the Nashkel Mine sabotage operation. And interestingly, the letter mentioned Tazok, Kivan’s Nemesis. The party now had the clue they needed to accomplish Kivan’s vengeance.
Wow... I am speechless. @Blackraven I am impressed and shocked that I am just now discovering how amazing a fantasy writer you are. I hope your passion for the game will rub off on me and I will one day come up with an adventure thread of my own as epic as this. In the meantime, this is just amazing. Maybe I would be more of a fantasy reader if there existed more authors with this style out there. I really have some catching up to do as I had no idea this thread existed. Excellent work my friend. Keep it up.
@Elrandir I will definitely check it out. I didn't know threads like this were a thing on these forums. I find it very interesting that there are other people who see more in the game than just min/maxing and powergaming. I do think metagaming and all that is fun, but I kind of felt a bit alone about my feelings on the RP part of an RPG. This definitely makes me feel a lot better about the subject, knowing there are people who really put their heart into their characters and are not solely concerned with how quickly and easily they can finish the game.
@Elrandir I will definitely check it out. I didn't know threads like this were a thing on these forums. I find it very interesting that there are other people who see more in the game than just min/maxing and powergaming. I do think metagaming and all that is fun, but I kind of felt a bit alone about my feelings on the RP part of an RPG. This definitely makes me feel a lot better about the subject, knowing there are people who really put their heart into their characters and are not solely concerned with how quickly and easily they can finish the game.
@Meanbunny, thank you so much. Your words almost made me feel sorry that I didn't invest more in the writing. The thing is that I've started plenty of journaled no-reload playthroughs on the forums, and all of them ended sooner rather than later. In case you're interested, I personally think my best or at least most engaging journal is that of Lenno, whose adventure ended after I added or changed a number of mods, and some traps that hadn't been there in my previous game setup did him in. I still have the save though, and I intend to continue the playthrough at some point as a minimal reload playthrough.
*** Meanwhile, I have news about Galadhiel. After: barely surviving Molkar and his gang,
taming a hostile bandit camp (in two instances),
beating Lendarn, thanks in part to a nice wild surge by Khalid,
murdering Spiders and restoring Centeol to her true form,
Xan's death at the hands of Shadow Druids in Jaheira's quest
was a very bad omen. How were the companions to survive the Cloakwood ambushes by poisonous Wyverns and by Giant Spiders with their constant web spits without relying on Xan's Invisibility 10' Radius? Galadhiel was webbed and killed by said creatures before her companions could save her.
Honestly, I don't know how to safely guide a party through the Cloakwood with these SCS ambushes, other than relying on luck or Invisibility 10' Radius. There simply aren't enough invisibility potions and free action items available for a party of six to use. Perhaps I should have had Galadhiel preventively quaff a Potion of Freedom as soon as the ambush took place, but that somehow feel immersion-breaking (unless I'd had all companions drink such a potion, but I hadn't enough for that.)
@Blackraven That is horrible! So sad to see the dashing Swashbuckler have such a pointless and sad fate. To a random ambush, no less. I don't think the prophylactic drinking of a potion is immersion breaking. Maybe she picked up the tip from adventurers who have encountered the beasts before and survived. Either way, she was a figher until the end. Very good show.
Also, I want to apologize for my late response. I don't know how I missed this in my notifications, but I just now seen your post today. I very much look forward to your next endeavors on The Sword Coast. In the meantime, I will surely check out your pride and joy, Lenno. Thanks again for the awesome content. Have a great day.
by Freddy and @jackjack : "Another one bites the dust".
Speaking seriously, those 3 playthrough stories were brilliant. It's so sad to get the bad ending again but it reminds me of Ouroboros. To start something new we have to end something old.
You should write a novel, @Blackraven , where you can combine all your impressions and thoughts from these runs. And, I tell you, at least 500 buyers of your novel are already here, on the forum. ^_^
@CaloNord and @bengoshi, thank you so much for appreciating my efforts. Bengoshi, great to see you back!! The idea of writing a novel isn't as scary to me as it would have been a while back. I'm very interested in writing, and I think the BG Trilogy would make an excellent exercise. I woke up this morning with the idea of telling the story of my newest Charname (a Lorekeeper of Oghma/Mage who barely made it to the Friendly Arm Inn by the way) in a different way: using an omniscient narrator who not only relates the events in Charname's life but also those that involve other NPCs such as Minsc/Dynaheir before you meet them, Sarevok/Tamoko, maybe Tazok, one of BG's Dukes (Eltan, Janneth or Belt), and other characters that come to mind. This would be a huge operation though, and will require lots of added details made up by me. I wonder if this is possible. I would either have to be very concise about Charname's exploits or be very descriptive about the other NPCs. Otherwise there will be no balance between the amount of detail spent on Charname and that spent on other characters.
As do I! I've been writing on an off in my own little universe since around 2005. Purely for fun at this point but I've always though that one day, I will sit down and put it together in a more formal fashion. Places like LuLu allow self publishing fairly easy if your down for the sort of thing or you can shop around for a proper agent. What ever floats your boat!
When a writer loves what they do, it shows in their work. You can really tell when @Blackraven writes that he puts his heart into it. This Lorekeeper of Oghma/Mage sounds extremely interesting. I cannot wait to read the first chapter of that adventure.
Also, you don't really have to consider this a request, but I personally have always wanted to see a RP'ed run of a Half-Orc Fighter/Cleric or pure Cleric, whichever sounds better.
Something is pulling at my heart, telling me that I should try this RP Adventure Thread thing out and that my Half-Orc idea would make an interesting first adventure. Either way, I would definitely need to brainstorm for a good while and write a back story for my character. The funny thing is I rarely ever play a Half-Orc and I think the last time I tried one was almost 10 years ago. I will have to read more of @Blackraven 's work and take some notes on how to be a good writer first though.
Hi @Calonord! That's interesting. I wonder what type of stuff do you write? Fantasy? Personally I've never completed any story I've started (I mean literally any story, not just in the BG playthroughs sphere). This is something I need to work on hehe.
Hey @Meanbunny! Thanks once more for your enthusiasm. It really increases my happiness I've been working on a draft Chapter 1 for a couple of hours now, and I find that the approach I mentioned will require a lot of planning (which perspective to use when etc) as well as knowledge and lore about the FR and the NPCs in the game. I fear I don't have all that knowledge, but I'll see how far I get. I will have to read the dialogues and the books in the game very carefully. Later this week I might post the draft if I make some more progress.
Based on the portrait I'm using my Charname had to be a Half-Elf or a Human; I went with a Half-Elf for multiclass purposes. My approach is usually to find a portrait and invent a Charname including class, personality, alignment etc with it, rather than the other way around.
Re: your Half-Orc Fighter/Cleric or straight Cleric, I can only encourage you to give it a try! Writing a backstory is indeed recommendable, it will guide you in how you'll roleplay your character, and it will help you focus on the roleplay aspects rather than just the strategical (combat) aspects of the game. Half-Orcs are very rare, and they face a lot of prejudice which may shape your character's personality in different ways. A very interesting race from a narrative perspective (mechanics-wise I think they can be a bit OP for certain classes if you min/max their stats). As to you Charname's class, I find the Fighter/Cleric (dual and multi) a very appealing class. I've never played a single class Cleric Charname, but I like the kits even though I would have prefered more kits. Btw Talos has many Half-Orc followers, and in pnp allows for Chaotic Neutral Clerics, so one option could to edit your character. A CN Half-Orc Stormlord of Talos (or a Fighter/Stormlord multiclass) would be pretty unique I think. Anyway, plenty of options I think. Hopefully you're going to make it happen. I'm already looking forward to reading about your Priest or Priestess.
I think after hearing your response, I am pretty much sold on that being my first RP narrative. I just am not really sure where to begin. The way I have always done things in life is if I am going to try something, I don't do it half-assed, I always put my heart into it.
Kinda like when I was a kid and I was into sports, like for instance I got into hockey at a young age. I cried for pro hockey equipment for Christmas even though I had no idea how to even skate. Whenever I got into something, I wanted to do it big. If I was gonna play Catcher in baseball, I wouldn't get one of those cheap Wal-Mart gloves, I begged my mom to take me to the real sports shop to buy a $100 Catcher's mitt. I know, I know, spoiled little brat, but my whole point is that when I get into something, I get into it hard.
What I will probably do when I do find the time to start this RP Narrative, is most likely write the whole story, or at least half of it before I release it on the forums because I don't want to lose motivation by having wide gaps between my chapters, which I have been known to do before. Also, I am not sure if no reload will be a good idea for my first story since I find it quite aggravating to put so much effort into a character just to lose them to something dumb in the long run. I must admit I have never done a no reload run before, but I definitely am going to give it a shot. If anything, no reload adds to the realism and suspense as you always wonder between the chapters, "Did Soandso make it?" which I think compels the readers to keep coming back for more. Not to mention not every story has a happy ending.
I will definitely take some time here in the near future to put a rough draft together. I don't know where this Half-Orc Battle Priest idea came from, but it hit me pretty hard, thats for sure. I think I would owe that to @Blackraven for the inspiration.
Until then, this Lorekeeper of Oghma/Mage is definitely the most interesting sounding character that I have heard of yet. Looking forward to reading it in the near future. Take it easy everyone. Thanks for reading.
Hi @Meanbunny, I'm replying very late to your last post. This is due to computer problems I've had (and still have really). I'm wondering if you've made a start yet with your RP narrative centered around your Half-Orc Battle Priest. I get what you're saying, perfectionism can be stifling. Personally I've already produced about 8 pages of text for my 'novelized' playthrough, and I keep on changing things and wanting to add stuff, and the playthrough itself hasn't progressed in any way since Charname and co made it to the FAI (partly because of aforementioned issues with computer). I don't think it necessary to play no-reload to keep the journal interesting. Although you're right that not every story needs to end happily, to me it would be too much of a disappointment after investing many hours in the backstory, the thinking and the writing if my character's story ended due to a trap somewhere for example. I think the challenge is rather to hook readers with your storytelling, at least that's what I'll be aiming at.
My plan is to write and publish the story here on the forums chapter by chapter, probably coinciding with the in-game chapters. I can always edit my texts (and posts) if I want to. I really hope you're going to get your plan going. We could even help each other with questions.
I have started the brainstorming process that is for sure, but recently I have had some things come up that have taken away a good chunk of my time from the computer.
I don't know if you guys have heard of the game Magic The Gathering, the competitive collectible trading card game, but I play it with my friends quite a bit. Tomorrow there is a big Star City Games City Champs tournament that I will be entering, so the past week I have been building my deck and playtesting against the meta game to finely tune everything. Hopefull I can top 8 and win some prize money, I could sure use it, lol.
Anyway, I should be back to posting more often soon. I missed reading all your comments the past week. I hope everyone has been doing great.
@Blackraven I hope your computer problems sort themselves out. I know exactly what you are going through. I went a couple months this part year without my computer when I dropped it during a move which caused the motherboard to go and the CPU contacts to scratch thus needing both replaced. Add on tech and warranty support and you can imagine how long that took to get them to take care of the problem. I do know one thing and that is things will sort themselves out. I hope you get it taken care of soon because you are a super valuable member to these forums and definitely one of my favorites.
@Meanbunny, thanks so much for your kindness, there can never be too much of that here on the forums, or anywhere. Makes me appreciate you as a great forum member as well! My computer problems are mostly solved, but like you I've been quite busy albeit with work rather than play.... Good to know that you're in the brainstorming process. I hope you won't let it slip. I'm tryuing to use spare moments to edit or write, but it's a slow process. Meanwhile I'm glad you're enjoying yourself with Magic the Gathering. I had friends back in highschool who used to play that game a fair bit, but I never bothered because it would have meant having to spend my allowance on those cards instead of other things I valued more. Later I realized that it's probably lots of fun Anyway talk soon, best of luck!
@Blackraven Thanks a lot for the recognition, it really means alot. I definitely am not going to let this RP Playthrough slip. It is something I really want to give a shot. I am glad to hear that your computer problems are starting to go away, those things are always mega aggrevating. You are totally correct about Magic though. It takes a lot of money investment if you really want to build a competitive deck, so you do have to start thinking about where you want to dedicate your extra spending cash. On the other hand, you can easily get into the game by buying just a couple booster packs for $4 each at a time. It is quite a lot of fun. Anyway, glad to here things are going well. Looking forward to future updates.
After months of hardly playing the game, after switching to BGEE and BG2EE instead of BGT and after having become enthusiastic about @bengoshi's Totemic Druid, I've decided to do a solo SCS no-reload run with a Shapeshifter Druid, somewhat aptly named Guadelupe:
Note that this is going to be a strategical challenge rather than a true roleplaying adventure (I'll leave the roleplaying to my to be novelized playthrough with Ánhaga the Lorekeeper of Oghma/Mage). @bengoshi's Totemic Druid has been very effective with his totemic and other summons, and I'm interested to see how effective I'm going to be with the Werewolf form. The concept of the Shapeshifter has always appealed a lot to me. An age-old mythical creature, there's something fascinating and oddly romantic about the werewolf to me: the full moon, the bond with the wolf (such an intelligent but ill-understood animal), and the curse...
I'm playing with SCS v28 as my only mod. Here's my WEIDU-log for BGEE, for those who are interested.
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version] ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1000 // Initialise mod (all other components require this): v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2010 // More consistent Breach spell (always affects liches and rakshasas; doesn't penetrate Spell Turning): v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2030 // Iron Skins behaves like Stoneskin (can be brought down by Breach): v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3030 // Re-introduce potions of extra-healing: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Faster Bears: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4010 // Grant large, flying, non-solid or similar creatures protection from Web and Entangle: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // More realistic wolves and wild dogs: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4030 // Improved shapeshifting: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4110 // Allow NPC pairs to separate: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4120 // NPCs go to inns: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4130 // Move NPCs to more convenient locations: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4140 // Allow Yeslick to use axes: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4146 // Skip the Candlekeep tutorial sections -> Skip Candlekeep altogether (warning: breaks the 4th wall!): v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5010 // Move Boo into Minsc's pack: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5020 // Remove the blur graphic effect from the Cloak of Displacement: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5050 // Stackable ankheg shells, winterwolf pelts and wyvern heads: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5060 // Ensure Shar-Teel doesn't die in the original challenge: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6030 // Smarter Mages -> Mages cast some short-duration spells instantly at start of combat, to simulate pre-battle casting: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6040 // Smarter Priests -> Priests cast some short-duration spells instantly at start of combat, to simulate pre-battle casting: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6100 // Potions for NPCs -> All of the potions dropped by slain enemies are recoverable: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6300 // Smarter sirines and dryads: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6310 // Slightly harder carrion crawlers: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6320 // Smarter basilisks: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Improved doppelgangers: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7010 // Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7020 // Improved deployment for parties of assassins: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7030 // Dark Side-based kobold upgrade: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7040 // Relocated bounty hunters: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7050 // Improved Ulcaster: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7060 // Improved Balduran's Isle: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7070 // Improved Durlag's Tower: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7080 // Improved Demon Cultists: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7090 // Improved Cloakwood Druids: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7100 // Improved Bassilus: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7110 // Improved Drasus party: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7130 // Improved Red Wizards: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7140 // Improved Undercity party: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7200 // Tougher chapter-two end battle: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7210 // Tougher chapter-three end battle: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7220 // Tougher chapter-four end battle: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7230 // Tougher chapter-five end battle: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7250 // Improved final battle: v28 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7900 // Improved minor encounters: v28
As you can see, I installed the component 'Improved Shapeshifting'. According to the readme "this component [...] modifies all of the druid innate shapeshift abilities (and the druid/cleric elemental-shapeshift HLA) to be useable instantly (that is, without requiring a six-second cooldown before the next spell can be cast). It does so by creating 'symbolic paws': if you equip one, you instantly shapeshift. Other than that, the effects of the shapeshift are largely the same as previously, though some of the ability score and attack bonuses have been tweaked slightly. Note that shapeshifting still blocks spellcasting."
Enemy druids will use it as well, according to the readme, because I also have the 'improved priests' component installed.
I looked up what is meant by "some of the ability score and attack bonuses have been tweaked slightly", and on the gibberlingsthree forum I found the following information:
Lesser Werewolf: Base AC 4, Str 18/76, Dex 16, 1 attack for base 1d6, MR 10% Werewolf: Base AC 1, Str 19, D17, 2 attacks for base 1d8 (counts as +1), MR 20%, hasted Greater Werewolf: Base AC -4, Str 21, Dex 20, 2 attacks for base 2d6 (counts as +3), MR 40%, Fire/Electrical/Cold/Acid resistance 50%, hasted, regenerate 6 hp/rd
Interestingly, the mod creates three Werewolf forms, making the player start with a lesser werewolf form in BGEE (I don't know yet until what level). It suggests that the Shapeshifter won't be overpowered at lower levels.
I edited the symbolic paws in NearInfinity: - I gave the Werewolf paws a +2 enchantment in determining what it can hit, which I think is mostly a symbolic upgrade from the Lesser Werewolf paw. I don't think it will have any effect on gameplay, unless there are creatures immune to +1 yet not to +2 weapons in BG1 / early SoA. - The Greater Werewolf paw I gave a +4 enchantment. This will make a difference indeed because there are a number of enemies in SoA and ToB that are immune to +3 weapons but not to +4 weapons. I wanted this change because I know I won't like the Werewolf form to gradually become obsolete. Note that these changes only decide what the Werewolf can hit; they do not improve Thac0 or damage.
Finally I found in NearInfinity that the 'Improved Shapeshifting' component converts the Werewolf's attacks into slashing attacks rather than piercing attacks, which I understand is the vanilla damage type. This is a tweak because slashing damage > piercing damage. I'm fine with it because realistcally the paws slash rather than pierce.
I've no experience with Shapeshifters, so there'll be a lot of experimenting with ways to make the Werewolf form as effective as possible. So far I've only discovered two things: (1) weapon proficiency dagger doesn't give a Thac0 bonus even though the paws are flagged in NearInifinity as daggers, and (2) equipping an offhand weapon gives an extra attack even in shapshifted form, at this stage at a massive penalty, but I think my next weapon proficiency pip will go to Two-Handed Weapon Fighting.
At this stage there isn't much to report yet. Guadelupe did some chores in Candlekeep and bought two scimitars (one never knows with the Iron Crisis), a helmet, and 160 darts. She tried to test Shank's mettle but got backstabbed for 2 damage (no poison), after which she hurriedly left the citadel with Gorion. After Gorion's untimely death she had Imoen and Xzar and Monty join in order to receive their donations to her cause, after which she promptly dismissed them. She then traveled south to the High Hedge, where she shifted into Lesser Werewolf form to slay a skeleton. She kept the skelly's skull in her pack and marched on, further southward until she ran into Melicamp the chicken who was attacked by a Wolf. Guadelupe shifted into a Lesser Werewolf and was glad to see she was stronger than the wolf.
Back at the High Hedge Thalantyr successfully anti-chickenated Melicamp, causing Guadelupe to reach level 2, gaining the full 9 hitpoints! In nearby Beregost, pacifying Marl and helping Firebead Elvenhair to a copy of the History of the Unicorn Run (if I'm not mistaken) got her to level 3, with 7 more hitpoints Guadelupe now has access to three level 2 spells. She's going to sleep now, and contently memorize Barkskin. When she's well rested, she'll probably try to make some money in order to buy a scroll or some potions that help her kill basilisks (and be careful with that devious little Mutamin).
I'm very interested in this run. The more druids are there, the better It's intriguing to watch a shapeshifter solo in Amn. But be careful BG1 can also be tough.
I like Guadelupe's portrait and stats. Your tweaks are fun and add diversity.
@bengoshi, Guadelupe salutes Yahiko @Gotural, thanks, I'm having a blast indeed!
In and around Beregost Guadelupe took on Unshey's Spiders, a tiresome dance with darts that only deal 1-3 damage on average, Ogrillons and a rogue Ogre.
Her Lesser Werewolf form was definitely too weak to deal with stronger melee opponents, and besides vulnerable against archers, even with Unshey's girdle equipped (which she learnt from a couple of Hobgoblin archers and Kobold archers). She therefore decided to help Joia at the FAI, and speak with Landrin for the much welcomed XP rewards. She also picked up the Ring of Wizardry, the sale of which helped her assemble a nice collection of potions. At the FAI Tarnesh formed a tricky obstacle. He was provoked into wasting his spells on Guadelupe while she entered and left Gellana's temple. Once he had run out of spells, she finished him off with her darts.
With plenty of gold due to having sold the Ring of Wizardry, Guadelupe bought a scroll of Protection from Petrification at the Nashkel Carnival, and used it in Mutamin's garden to finish off ten Basilisks and Mutamin as well. The operation helped her gain three levels (and, curiously, five hitpoints each time she leveled up). The Basilisks were dealt with in melee, Lesser Werewolf Form, rather than with her darts. Korax was called upon to deal with Mutamin (and the two Basilisks near him). Having quaffed her at that time only Invisibility potion, Guadelupe approached with the Ghoul, and saw Mutamin turn hostile before the Ghoul could make his first attack. The brave Ghoul nevertheless managed to hold Mutamin, after which, the wizard and his pets were easily taken care off.
At level 6, Guadelupe was only one level from her Werewolf form, and thus from permanent haste, and increased attacks. She did a couple of relatively manageable fights and easy quests - including Karlat (against whom two Summon Insects were cast), Greywolf (who thankfully didn't haste himself), Zordral (using the door trick), Charleston Nib, and Brage - before she made it to level 7. The Werewolf form turns out to be quite strong, especially after Guadelupe decided to equip het shapeshift paw in the offhand and the Dagger of Venom in the main hand. The +2 Thac0 penalty in the main hand is a bit of a shame, but the extra APR make up for it, at least for the time being although I can see that change: Thac0 is going to be something to focus on I think). Either way, Ankhegs, Sirines (whose charms were harmless thanks to two potions of magic blocking bought at Thalantyr's), and Flesh Golems all fell to her might in melee combat, though one of the Sirines somehow managed to bring her under the effects of Rigid Thinking and Feeblemind, luckily at a time when it had run out of charms and arrows of biting; and one of the Golems gave her a good pounding, requiring her to retreat and heal. Inside the treasure cave, Guadelupe cast Find Traps. She got held by the first trap, and quaffed two potions of insulation to be prepared for the second trap, but that one didn't trigger when she crossed it (twice).
All this action brought Guadelupe well beyond the level 8 benchmark, and again she was very fortunate at leveling up, receiving no less than 6 hitpoints. With the CON Tome she now sits on 61 hitpoints out of a possible 80. (It's the first time in ages that I'm not playing with the BG2 Tweaks mod that sets all friendly and hostile creatures' hitpoints to max numbers. I must say the game has been kind to me in this respect.)
South of the High Hedge, Zargal, Malkax and Geltik were no match for Guadelupe in her Werewolf form. She would rush the archers and hurt them once or twice before they could even switch to melee, and then deal with the sturdier Zargal. Bassilus on the other hand did instil a feeling of awe in Guadelupe, especially after her Nymphs managed to mentally dominate the priest, allowing her to have a look at his spell repertoire. Various Hold Persons, Animate Dead, Poison, Slay Living, Flamestrike, Harm... lots of potentially lethal spells. Guadelupe had the priest cast most of them on his skeletons. His Animate Dead brought forth a Skeleton Warrior that helped Guadelupe and her Nymphs deal with the priest when the charm wore off.
Guadelupe is now at 6000 XP points from level 9. She'll probably try to scrape those points together, and then go and investigate the Nashkel Mines, armed with wands of sleep and fear to deal with the nasty Kobold mobs.
Running around in Werewolf form almost all the time (except for the occacional casting of Ironskins, Insect Plague, Call Woodland Beings and the occasional Cure Light Wounds) got stale after having reached BG City and the level cap. Guadelupe in Werewolf form was capable of beating down most foes quite easily. Exceptions were Drasus and Genthore (those dudes hit hard) and the Cloudwulfe party at the Iron Throne building. My impression is that the Werewolf in BGEE is pretty powerful especially if the paw is equipped in the off-hand and the Dagger of Venom in the main hand. Anyway, I kind of lost interest, so I decided to go back to what I consider the ultimate solo challenge: a Wizard Slayer.
I'm proud to present to you Hardeth Keenhammer, after my Half-Orc Grynne this time a Dwarven Executioner of Wizards:
I spent a lot of time rerolling until I got a 18/00 STR score, which I consider essential since the STR tome won't be available to Hardeth unless she invites Imoen or another Thief to Candlekeep. (The violet potion sold at the Nashkel Carnival isn't usable by WS, and DUHM won't suffice to get her to the required 24 STR).
Her starting proficiencies are ** Darts and (obviously, given her last name) ** Hammers.
Rules: - no-reload - full hitpoints allowed at leveling up (I want to minimize the luck factor in this playthrough) - party help allowed at Sarevok's inauguration ceremony - undecided about hiring a Thief to help out in Candlekeep for the above-mentioned STR tome and the WIS tome
Hardeth did most of the mini-quests in Candlekeep, including one-hit killing Shank and Carbos, accepted Imoen, Xzar and Monty for their loot and then booted them, went to the North Coast area (via the High Hedge area) where she killed Shoal with her darts. She then traveled back east, and south-east to help Melicamp. In Beregost she pacified Marl and helped Firebead, after which she returned to the Melicamp/Bassilus area to unlock the South Coast. There she calmed Brage, and convinced him to accompany her to Nashkel. In the border town she found a suit of Ankheg armor and at the local Carnival she acquired a scroll of Protection from Petrification with which she traveled to the Basilisk area. Eight out of ten Basilisks were easily dealt with; Hardeth's first challenge were Mutamin and the two remaining Basilisks. Korax was recruited and led toward Mutamin while Hardeth wisely kept her distance. The Gnome diligently wasted his mind-controlling magic on the Ghoul.
When Mutamin hurled a Magic Missile at Korax, Hardeth stepped in. She directed Korax toward the Gnome, and the Ghoul managed to hold the wizard. Together they slew the mage and the remaining Basilisks.
These feats were just enough to make Hardeth reach level 6. She then started working toward level 7, beginning with the FAI quests: Joia, Tarnesh, Landrin and Unshey. Tarnesh would never be a threat to Hardeth at that point thanks to her excellent HP pool. The wizard did manage to Blind her, but failed to harm her otherwise.
North of the FAI Hardeth cleared the Ankheg cave and slew some more Ankhegs above ground. She also gave Brun the corpse of his dead son plus 100 GP. The Ankhegs altogether cost Hardeth about five potions of healing, well worth the XP.
Hardeth's next and so far biggest challenge was Bassilus. While the priest was in the process of insta-buffing himself with all kinds of protections, Hardeth attacked him with her Darts of Stunning (she had found five Darts of Stunning and five Darts of Wounding in the Ankheg cave). Her first dart stunned him, so she switched to normal darts to finish him off.
She was delighted to lay her hands on the Ashideena, a much better weapon than her mundane War Hammers that kept on shattering. On her way to Keldath to claim the bounty on Bassilus' head she dealt with three Gnolls for Perdue and killed Karlat her fellow Dwarf at the Red Sheaf Inn. With more than 15,000 GP (thanks in large part to the bounty and the Ring of Wizardry she had sold before), Hardeth paid Thalantyr a visit to buy his Protection from Magic Scroll, and she bought about 70 Darts of Stunning from Erdane near Durlag's Tower.
Hardeth intends to explore the coastal areas and some of the southern areas in order to gain more XP and hopefully make it to level 7 for that sweet extra 1/2 APR (giving her four APR with her darts), before she proceeds to investigate the Nashkel Mines.
Ohhh yeaahhh! This is one of the hardest ones, a solo Wizard Slayer. Darts is a good choice, maybe even the best for the Wizard Slayer. I've come to this when trying it myself.
It's a little bit unfortunatel you've found a Shapeshifter run so easy, it's far from what I encountered with the Totemic Druid. Maybe your tweaks influenced it?
Anyway, I'm eager to see how the Wizard Slayer will deal with those who constantly cast *Hold Person / *Fear / *Emotion and so on..
@bengoshi, yes I'm quite enthusiastic about this solo SCS Wizard Slayer challenge, this time unmodded. There is so much I need to think about. Which quests to do and which encounters to avoid? What order to apply? What situations to keep my Protection from Magic Scrolls for? (Afaik there are only two such scrolls before you get to Baldur's Gate. One will definitely be saved for the Cloakwood Mines.)
Indeed quite the contrast with the Shapeshifter, where I simply shredded most enemies with Guadelupe's Werewolf form. I'm not sure if the tweaks made a huge difference because I put the paw in the off-hand. This means I dealt out most damage with the dagger of venom, which is the same in an untweaked game. Ah one thing I forgot to mention: I noticed the tweaked Werewolf MR stacks with MR obtained from potions/items. This was something I disliked, as it can make the Werewolf quite OP. Imagine a Werewolf with Cloak of Balduran and Potions of Magic Protection... It's another reason why I abandoned the run. If I do another Shapeshifter run, it will be unmodded, meaning I would have to uninstall that SCS component, even though I like the fact that the paws cannot be dispelled and that they do slashing damage.
Re: the optimal weapons for a WS, I find it very difficult to decide. Ranged I think bows, crossbows and darts are all fine because they have nice ammo with nasty effects (arrows of dispelling, biting etc, bolts of biting, bolts of lightning, darts or stunning/wounding). Darts have the advantage of 3 base APR. Slings, and throwing daggers/axes seem to be less suitable, due to lack of APR and lack of special effects. Have you been experimenting more with a WS yourself?
When it comes to melee weapons, I think the Stupefier, Varscona, and Ashideena are all very nice weapons. In BG2 flails might be the best option, though I prefer Hammers and Axes for my Dwarf. Some people mention speed weapons as well (i.e. scimitars, short swords), but I think I that if Hardeth makes it to BG2, she'll be rocking the Shield of Harmony most of the time.
I didn't touch my dwarven wizard slayer since the last update - I understood I wanted to finish (hopefully) my Totemic Druid run first. A planning of this run consumes all the free time I have to think about the game. I feel obliged to complete the bet that was born from the @bbear 's poll.
But nonetheless I have thought about a WS. And have come to a conclusion that in order to succeed he should use all the weapons that are somehow useful, no matter what his proficiencies are: darts for darts of stunning/wounding, two-handeded swords for the Free Action effect (spiders bane) in BG1 and immunity to charm/confusion in BG2 (lilarcor), short sword for immunity to hold + hasted (arbane) and mirror image from the mimic sword, long swords for silence spell etc. Arrows can be used to attack enemies from the far distance+retreat, several crossbows have elemental damage to go throw the Stoneskin. The Dagger of Venom is needed to prevent enemy casters from casting. Clubs and staves with a good enchantment are needed for crushing damage in BG1, FoA can do it in BG2. Stupifier can stun even Sarevok. There're wonderful axes in BG2, including the undead-killing one (if your character has a good alignment).
In other words, I think that no matter what the type of the weapon is, the WS has to use it if it's useful from the battle and especially magic point of view.
The fact he's a fighter, makes penalty of not being proficient not big at all.
For BG1 darts are one of the best choices though. And they will stay a good choice in Amn.
All seemed well indeed until they were getting close to Nashkel. The party had made steady progress. They had convinced three Flaming Fist officers who had accused them of banditry that they were innocent adventurers, and they had managed to slay a band of Hobgoblins, including Archers, with little difficulty. One of the monsters had worn a pair of enchanted boots that they would have to get identified later on at a store. North of Nashkel the party got into serious trouble though. They were attacked by a gang of Kobolds, at least two of them Archer Commandos plus two Guards. Before they knew it both Khalid and Xzar were down, while none of the Kobolds had suffered any serious injuries. [I was a bit distracted here by an RL intervention.]
Jaheira was very upset, Montaron less so, but Galadhiel commanded her three remaining companions to retreat in a northeasterly direction, into the bushes. Thus, they managed to escape from the Kobolds. Galadhiel told Imoen and Jaheira to wait, and left with Montaron to scout the area, hidden in shadows. This wasn’t too difficult because it was night time. The two found the location where Khalid and Xzar had fallen, still guarded by two Kobolds. Aided by the advantage of surprise, the adventurers had no difficulty dispatching the Kobolds, Montaron by using a backstab, and Galadhiel in close combat. Galadhiel took their fallen comrades’ bodies and saw how they disappeared in the vastness of her magical bag of holding.
The two then scouted further south, but saw no further threats. So after a short trek through the grass and the bushes, the party returned to the road again. On it they met Lord Foreshadow who gave Galadhiel a ring she was told she ought to wear because it would help her gain the love of a comrade. This surprised her. She had taken a liking to Khalid, soft-spoken and enchantingly nervous due probably to the unpredictable nature of his (wild) magic, and surely hoped that a priest would resurrect him, but she hadn’t forgotten that Khalid was Jaheira’s husband. For that reason she had never looked at Khalid as anything more than a friend. Xzar and Montaron did not appeal to Galadhiel in any way, so she could only hope that Lord Foreshadow’s ring would help her gain someone else’s love.
In Nashkel, the party was greeted by an Amnish soldier who told them of troubles in the Nashkel Mines and of a Guard Captain who had gone on a murdering frenzy. His whereabouts were unknown though. They also spoke with the town’s mayor, Berrun Ghastkill, who had indeed expected Jaheira’s arrival. He further detailed the problems in the Mines. Not only had the iron ore been of suspect quality as of late, various miners had gone missing as well. Jaheira was eager to get into the Mines but Imoen and Galadhiel didn’t hesitate to point out that their party had not even been able to hold their ground against a couple of puny Kobolds, losing Khalid and Xzar in the process. The girls didn’t feel ready to investigate any Mine where people go missing. Instead they decided to get Khalid and Xzar raised at the local temple of Helm, rest at the Inn, and visit the nearby Carnival to see if they could do some minor quests for people, and earn themselves some gold. That way they could prepare themselves better for an expedition into the Nashkel Mines.
At the Nashkel Inn they were detained by yet another bounty hunter, a priestess this time. She wouldn’t be swayed with gold and she gave the adventurers little to no time to prepare for battle as she buffed herself and started casting a Hold Person, which prompted the party to leave the inn to avoid the energy of the spell. When they re-entered, Montaron and Khalid engaged the priestess in melee, Galadhiel attacked from mid-range with her throwing daggers and Jaheira, Imoen and Xzar remained by the door from where they attacked with their ranged weapons and Larlochs respectively. The priestess pulled off another Hold Person, this time holding Khalid, but a damaging blow by Montaron finished her off.
After the fight, the party finally had the time to rest. When Montaron and Xzar retreated to their rooms, Galadhiel confessed to Imoen, and later Khalid and Jaheira that the priestess hadn’t been the first to be after her head. She explained to them that the warrior that had slaughtered Gorion had wanted the sage to hand her over to him, and that the Mage at the stairs to the entrance of the Friendly Arm Inn had carried a bounty notice mentioning a price on her head. Imoen, Khalid and Jaheira were shocked by the news but expressed tgeir gratitude for Galadhiel's honesty. They'd be better prepared for any future attacks, Khalid told her. Galadhiel was fearful of mentioning the same information to Montaron and Xzar. She had come to appreciate Montaron as a respectable warrior, but the duo’s evil alignment, their unclear intentions and their threats directed at Khalid and Jaheira, who she trusted more, made it difficult for her to trust them.
In the morning Imoen, the merriest of the six, woke the others and urged them to get up and visit the Nashkel Carnival with her as they had planned the day before. Galadhiel hadn't slept very well at all, having dreamt a disturbing dream of Gorion, and woke the next morning with what appeared to be a new healing power. She told this to Imoen but kept it from the others.
The Carnival was a relatively quiet affair, though there was some entertainment in the form of a Mage who summoned a friendly Ogre, a Bard who recited poetry, and gambling tents. There were also a great many merchants with interesting wares for sale, such as enchanted weaponry, magical potions, and spell scrolls. Galadhiel bought a Dagger +1 from one of them. A pompous Jester mocked Montaron’s clothes, infuriating the latter, before he disappeared inside one of the tents. The rogue didn’t hesitate to go after the buffon, and had his companions follow suit. Inside, there was no trace of the Jester, but they did encounter two Human Mages, a male and a female. The man warned them to back off because he was about to kill the witch, obviously speaking of the female Mage. Montaron, still irate, hurled an insult at the Mage, which prompted the latter to kill the female Mage within the blink of an eye and to buff himself with magical protections. The party attacked the Mage, who cast Sleep on Xzar and Khalid before they could flee the tent. He also summoned a number of monsters to his aid: two Hobgoblins and a Worg. This kind of opposition was too much for Imoen and Montaron who fell defending their companions from the summoned monsters while at the same time being under attack from the Mage before Galadhiel’s thrown daggers and a critical hit by Jaheira struck the Mage down.
This wasn’t what they had expected from their visit to the Carnival: no quests and a deadly encounter with a Mage that had left two casualties. The good thing was that they had found some interesting loot in the form of two enchanted mage robes and a few spell scrolls. After Xzar and Khalid awoke, the party returned to Nahskel where they got Montaron and Imoen raised at the Helm temple. Galadhiel then used Montaron’s and Imoen’s deaths at the hands of a single foe to prove her point to the others that they still weren’t ready yet to enter the Nashkel Mines whose corridors were likely to leave little room for escape, compared to the open lands they had explored so far. Besides, the fact that a bounty hunter had recently found her in Nashkel, made Galadhiel reluctant to stay in the region for long. Instead she convinced the others to return to Beregost where they still had a number of jobs to do (getting rid of the spiders for Landrin) and people to do jobs for (returning a cloak to Gurke, killing Half-Ogres for Bjornin the injured Paladin).
On their way to Beregost, Khalid and Jaheira and Xzar and Montaron kept bickering. Galadhiel and Imoen tried to calm the two camps, but they could both see a fight break out at one point. Montaron especially seemed a walking time bomb. Thankfully they still reached Beregost as a party of six. They decided to first travel west, south-west in search of Bjornin’s Half-Ogres. Their route led them to an area replete with Gnolls and Skeletons, of which they slew a bunch and looted their corpses for their weapons (throwing daggers, halberds, and a short sword) before they met a Ranger, Chaotic Good as Galadhiel’s Know Alignment taught her, who had been observing the party. He introduced himself as Kivan [Stalker, specialized in Spears and Long bows] and said that he was out hunting bandits that had killed someone dear to him. Khalid, Jaheira, Imoen and Galadhiel were sympathetic to the Ranger’s cause; Xzar and Montaron less so. Kivan’s joining the party made Xzar and Montaron decide to go their own, separate path. The party of (now) five reached a perfectly round building; the High Hedge - Imoen and Galadhiel knew this from stories they had been told in Candlekeep of a peculiar, reclusive wizard inhabiting it, Thalantyr. The party paid this Thalantyr a visit and discovered first of all that the Mage was very grumpy and secondly, that he had a great assortment of spells, potions, and enchanted items for sale. Thalantyr gifted Kivan a well-crafted Elven Spear of Entanglement +2 [10% chance with every hit that opponent is entangled for 24 seconds, no save] for services rendered. He enchanted Galadhiel’s Dagger +1, transforming it into a Returning Throwing Dagger +1, and he identified the robes the party had taken from the dead wizards at the Carnival. One was a Knave’s Robe, and the other a Robe of Electric Resistance. Khalid was quite eager to put on the Knave’s Robe, but Jaheira warned him that such a Robe would leave him too exposed in battle as long as he didn’t have any magical protections to shield himself with. Timidly, Khalid agreed to wait with donning the robe. Galadhiel still had an Armor scroll and other scrolls from Tarnesh, and she knew that Gellana Mirrorshade, a priestess presiding over a small temple within the walls of the Friendly Arm Inn, sold potions of genius. She suggested that rather than pursuing the Half-Ogres they could clear the spiders in Landrin’s home first, return to Landrin at the Friendly Arm Inn, and get Khalid a potion of healing. Thus was their course. In Beregost, they had no difficulty dispatching the Spiders with ranged attacks after Kivan had drawn them out in the streets.
Galadhiel picked up Landrin’s boots and wine, as well the corpse of the largest of the Huge Spiders, after which the adventurers allowed themselves some rest. It was Imoen who suggested that they looked for lodgings at the Red Sheaf Inn, an inn they hadn’t visited yet. She came to regret that decision moments later when another bounty hunter, a Dwarf named Karlat, first injured and then slew her at the door. It all went very fast: there was no bargaining with the Dwarf, he simply attacked the first person in sight, which happened to be Imoen. Jaheira and Khalid in melee, and Kivan and Galadhiel retaliated and managed to kill the Dwarf before he’d do any more harm, although he nearly slew Khalid before he fell. The killing blow was for Galadhiel this time.
Embarrassingly, Galadhiel had to tell Kivan about the bounty hunters sooner than she had wanted to, but the Ranger seemed to trust her and her entourage or at least gave them the benefit of the doubt.
I think I’m screwed with Kivan btw, as I recruited after haven spoken to Berrun Ghastkill in Nashkel, which as I understand it leaves a very limited time frame within which I’d have to dismantle the Bandit Camp.
In the inn the companions spoke with a Halfling named Perdue, whose stolen short sword they still had and returned to the man for a modest reward. Before resting, the party made a short visit to the Temple of Lathander where the high priest Keldath Ormlyr raised Imoen and told the companions of a 5,000 GP bounty on the head of Bassilus, an evil Cleric of Cyric. A hunt for Bassilus was something for later though. First the companions traveled back to the Friendly Arm Inn, luckily without having to face any nasty ambushes on the way. Landrin was thankful and rewarded them handsomely, and Gellana the priestess sold them a potion of genius. Khalid, after having quaffed the potion, failed to scribe Color Spray, Larloch’s Minor Drain, and Magic Missile, but fortunately he did manage to copy Armor and Grease to his spellbook. The party rested a night at the Inn and Khalid presented himself the next day in his Knave’s Robe, looking more sagely than ever. Galadhiel mentioned Gurke’s quest, the Tasloi in the Cloakwood, and Kivan eagerly showed the party the way. After having dealt with powerful wizards, bounty hunters that kill for a living and well-organized groups of Kobolds, the Tasloi were easy prey. Thus the party traveled to Beregost with Gurke’s cloak, only to find that Gurke didn’t even want to have the cloak anymore. Not that Galadhiel or Kivan complained about this; they had great use for what indeed proved to be a Cloak of Non-Detection. The sight of Bjornin, still limping, reminded the party of the Half-Ogres south-west of Beregost. The companions traveled to the High Edge and then south, until they saved a talking chicken from an attacking wolf. The chicken claimed to be a polymorphed man, Thalantyr’s apprentice Melicamp, and implored the party to escort the creature. Suppressing snickers, the companions honored Melicamp’s request and returned to Thalantyr with te he chicken only to see the Mage fail to restore Melicamp to his human form, killing the apprentice in the process. A bit of waste of time this venture and a waste of Melicamp's life, Galadhiel thought to herself, but that’s something she couldn’t have known before.
The party’s next foray into the lands south of the High Hedge led them to Bassilus, not far from where they had encountered Melicamp. The priest was surrounded by undead, animated corpses and skeletons of his victims, and spoke to them as if they were his family. The man was clearly delusional. Jaheira wanted to confront the priest, but Imoen and Galadhiel checked her and came up with a plan play along with the priest’s delusions and to lure him back to Beregost. The plan worked in that the priest lost his concentration and his control over the undead, but he wouldn’t accompany the party to Beregost, and turned hostile instead. A very bloody fight ensued, in which two Unholy Blights decimated the entire party but Galadhiel who had been ceaselessly throwing her dagger from a relatively safe distance, and Jaheira, aided by her summoned Spirit Bear. Jaheira fell anyway to a hit of Bassilus’ enchanted war hammer just when she was trying to heal herself, but the Spirit Bear finished the priest off before he could fell Galadhiel, the last one standing of the companions.
Galadhiel sadly picked up her companions’s bodies and equipment and stored them inside her bag of holding, together with Bassilus’ possessions and his undead army’s weaponry. She then scouted the area, had Jaheira’s Spirit Bear kill off three Hobgoblins that threatened her and returned to the Temple of Lathander to claim the bounty and spend a substantial part of it on resurrections of her party members.
At this point I felt bad about not having included a rule on the consequences of party members’ deaths. As of now, I’m tossing a coin each time a party member dies in order to decide whether they’ll permanently lose 1 CON upon resurrection. I think this is a sufficient incentive to be more careful with my NPCs.
With her companions back by her side, Galadhiel guided the party via the High Hedge, where the sale of Imoen’s Wand of Magic Missiles allowed them to buy two Ioun Stones (one for Imoen that grants Infravision and one for Galadhiel that grants +1 DEX), allthe way to the area where Bjornin’s Half-Ogres roamed, south of where they had faced Bassilus before. As such the slow and poorly disciplined Half-Ogres weren't much of a threat, but Khalid, in an attempt to be helpful caused the party some serious problems when he tried to cast Grease on the monsters but somehow targeted himself instead. [This must have his wild magic at work here, because I cannot have aimed that poorly when I had him cast the spell.] Jaheira barely escaped with her life as she suffered a hit by one of the Half-Ogres, before she could get herself into safety and before she saw Galadhiel, Imoen and Kivan kill the slowed Half-Ogres with ranged attacks.
Before they returned to Beregost to bring Bjornin the good tidings, the companions traveled further to the west where they protected an excavation site for an archaelogist named Charleston Nib against any bandits and where they ran into Commander Brage, the frenzied guard captain from Nashkel. They escorted the latter back to Nashkel where they left him in the hand of the priest of Helm, Nalin, and then returned to Beregost to tell Bjornin of the vanquished Half-Ogres. The Paladin was most grateful and rewarded the party with an enchanted medium shield that Khalid would equip.
Also in Beregost, Imoen decided to greet the young man who was still standing in front of the Burning Wizard. It turned out that he had been working for his misstress Silke, a somewhat well-known Bard. Garrick, as the young man was called, a Bard himself, asked the party to help him protect his mistress against a number of thugs. The companions immediately agreed to the task, but when the supposed thugs turned out to be nothing but innocent commoners they refused to kill, it was Silke they had to protect themselves against. Aided by Jaheira's Spirit Lion this wasn't that hard a task as it might have been. Silke cast a few vicious Magic Missiles Galadhiel's way, but they weren't enough to beat her.
The party is now without any quests and has little reason to shun the Nashkel Mines, except my metagame knowledge that they're very inexperienced for SCS Nashkel Mines. Galadhiel is level 4, Imoen level 3, Jaheira level 1/1, Khalid, level 2/1 and Kivan level 3...
I find myself a bit woolly again, upcoming installments (supposing Galadhiel won't fall) are likely to be shorter with only minor character observations for flavor. I'm keen on saving my more extensive writing for my other Swashbuckler Lenno, who fell to a trap introduced by a different mod setup in my game, in a minimal reload advanture.
At the Mine entrance the party decided to split up. Imoen, Khalid, and Jaheira would travel back North, to Baldur’s Gate to see if there was any work there. Kivan and Galadhiel, stealthy the both of them, would investigate the Nashkel Mines together. The five would reunite at the Friendly Arm Inn. What Galadhiel and Kivan encountered at the Mines wasn’t pretty: the first level was quiet, but at the second (lower) level, they encountered human corpses and large groups of Kobolds that would be too much for them to handle even if the others had been there.
Kivan and Galadhiel decided to return to Nashkel, to report their findings to Berrun Ghastkill. They took one of many pieces of what looked to be contaminated iron ore with them. The two Elves tried to convince the Mayor to order the Nashkel Guard to clear the Mines of the Kobold infestation but he would have nothing of it. With increasing tension between Baldur’s Gate and Amn Ghastkill was unwilling to leave his town virtually unguarded. Kivan and Galadhiel had noticed little of such tension but were understanding of Ghastkill’s decision. They could do nothing more than promise him to return later, and better prepared. Meanwhile they suggested that Ghastkill had the Mines closed. There wasn’t any good iron coming from them anyway.
Kivan, a Ranger through and through, proposed that rather than following the beaten track northward, they could trek through the Cloudpeaks and slowly make their way to the Friendly Arm Inn. Galadhiel, a fond explorer herself, approved.
The following quests, until Kivan and Galadhiel reunite with the others, are basically necessary XP farming in order for the party to be able to tackle the Nashkel Mines.
The Cloudpeaks were not friendly to Kivan and Galadhiel. First they ran into a small party of three hunters that provoked them into a fight. One, their spokeswoman, was a melee fighter dual-wielding scimitars. Galadhiel kited the melee fighter while Kivan pelted her until she fell and dropped two Scimitars +1 that Galadhiel kept for herself. The other two were archers who would have perforated the Elven companions if it weren’t for their potions of defense they had ‘acquired’ from the men they had saved from Silke the thespian in Beregost (they were rewarded one, but Imoen had pickpocketed two more). Kivan and Galadhiel closed in on the two and each of them successfully took on one of the archers in melee combat.
After that bloody encounter, still protected by their potions of defense, the duo took on two bandits who had wanted to take their gold. It would have been a one-sided affair if it weren’t for a band of Kobolds that came to the bandits’ aid. This was exactly the type of encounter the Elves had decided to shun in the Nashkel Mines. They first took on the Kobolds, the weaker (but no less damaging) of their foes, and saved the bandits for last. Either way, Galadhiel and Kivan had to consume what healing potions they had, and Galadhiel even had to quaff a potion of invisibility to enable herself to heal.
The adventurers further did a few minor quests, such as helping little two children who had lost their pets and protecting a Dryad, before they traveled to the northwest until they reached the coast. There they met a gypsy-like woman who presented herself as Safana. She told Kivan about a treasure cave, guarded by Golems. Galadhiel snuck past Sirines in front of the cave and past the Flesh Golems inside it. She had to disarm a number of traps (and triggered one, a lightning trap that seriously injured her). She looted the place and left with Kivan, leaving Safana wondering what had happened.
The duo then traveled east to Nashkel where they bought all the healing potions they could get from Nalin, and where they met a Rashemaar Ranger, Minsc, who begged them to help him release his witch from Gnoll captors at a Stronghold on the southern coast. This they did. Getting there was a bit tedious to Kivan and Galadhiel, as they had to pass through the Cloudpeaks again, but the campaign was a successful one, with Minsc showing himself a formidable frontliner and Kivan and Galadhiel being very effective ranged attackers.
Minsc and his protégé, Dynaheir, were very grateful and wanted to remain by Galadhiel’s and Kivan’s side. The four of them traveled north together. Minsc and Dynaheir went all the way to the Friendly Arm Inn, but Galadhiel and Kivan stopped for healing potions at the Temple of Latahander where Keldath Ormlyr begged them to rid the lands east of the Temple of a Basilisk plague, and most importantly, the Gnomish wizard Mutamin who was in control of the Basilisks and used the lizards to petrify hapless travelers. Armed with a green scroll of protection from petrification, Galadhiel had no difficulty dispatching the beasts, while unprotected Kivan made sure to steer clear of them. A very rare, friendly Ghoul named Korax managed to hold Mutamin in spite of his many magical protections, after which the Gnome was easily felled. Galadhiel found an enchanted mage robe and enchanted Bracers on the Gnome as well as a number of spells. In the same area, Korax, Kivan and Galadhiel took on a group of hunters, of which at least one (Peter) was evil according to Galadhiel’s Know Alignment powers. Korax held their Mage, Kivan fought one of their warriors, and Galadhiel resisted their Cleric’s attempts to hold her. A fourth hunter, an archer, was slain by Kivan and Galadhiel together. The duo found a Quarterstaff +1, a number of spells, and some potions and gold on their foes’ corpses. The staff would be a nice present for Jaheira.
[I overwrote two screenshots here, so no pics.]
The time Galadhiel and Kivan spent between just the two of them brought them closer together as friends. Galadhiel has come to appreciate her Elven companion, for his no-nonsense attitude, his trust in her despite the bounty hunters, and his fighting style built on speed, dexterity and wit rather than brute force. She could have seen more in him than a mere trustworthy companion if it weren’t for his backstory. Kivan was still heart-stricken due to the painful loss of his beloved Deheriana after she was tortured and abused by one Tazok. Galadhiel felt they shouldn’t tarry in finding Tazok and his cohorts. If only they had some clues on where to look.
The duo traveled to the Friendly Arm Inn where they reunited with Khalid, Jaheira and Imoen. Kivan and Galadhiel told them of the situation in the Nashkel Mines, and were informed by the three of their trip to Baldur’s Gate. They had been denied entrance into the city because of supposed bandit activity in the region. They hadn’t seen much of such activity, but the party decided to explore the areas surrounding Baldur’s Gate once more, if only for Kivan’s sake. They found a few small groups of bandits, but nothing to lock up an entire city for. Jaheira warned them of Ankhegs south of Baldur’s Gate. They slew a good many of the giant insects, returned the body of a young man that had fallen victim to the beasts to his father, and killed a young priestess of Umberlee (barely an adolescent, but already corrupted by the Bitch Queen) for three fishermen.
[Thanks to the splitting up and the quests done in the meantime by Kivan and Galadhiel (and Minsc) the party was now around level 4-5, Galadhiel even level 6.]
The companions decided to travel south once more, to the Nashkel Mines. They made a stop in Beregost where they accepted Taerom Fuiruim’s offer to make them a suit of Ankheg armor from a shell of one of the Ankhegs they had slain south of Baldur’s Gate, excellent armor for Jaheira. They had to wait a tenday for it though. The companions then continued their way south straight to the Nashkel Mines. They encountered them the way they were when Kivan and Galadhiel had entered them: full of Kobolds. They had to dispatch one group on the second level, which they did mostly by dividing them. On the third level there was a very large group of about 25-30 Kobolds on a bridge. Khalid cast Grease toward them, so that they could only attack the party with a few at a time. This piecemeal approach paid off well even though Jaheira suffered some serious injuries before the battle was over, which required her to retreat.
A third encounter was with a Kobold Chieftain and a Shaman leading a group that contained Commandos and Guards as well. Jaheira summoned insects that effectively neutralized the Shaman. The Chieftain on the other hand was an excellent archer who nearly killed both Khalid and Jaheira with his poisoned arrows before he fell.
One level lower the adventurers encountered the leader of the Kobold invasion, a Half-Orc Cyricist priest. He summoned skeletons and more Kobolds to his aid, but Jaheira’s Spirit Wolf took care of the Skeletons while the others attacked the priest. He managed to hold Kivan, but was otherwise harmless and eventually slain by Khalid. The remaining Kobolds were now no real threat anymore to the experienced Kobold killers.
There was some good loot on Mulahey and in a chest, including two pairs of Bracers AC6, a Short Sword +1 (offhand weapon for Imoen), spell scrolls, an empty bag of holding, some gold, and a beautifully crafted Elven long sword, a Moonblade. Khalid was eager to wield the blade but noticed he couldn’t. Apparently it was made for one wielder only. Inspection of the premises taught them who the sword belonged to, the handsomest Elf that Galdhiel had evr laid eyes on: Xan, a Sorcerer from Everaska who had been taken captive by Mulahey. Xan thanked the party for his freedom and offered to join the party. An offer they all readily accepted. This charismatic Elf, well-versed in sorcery, would be a welcome reinforcement to the party they all reckoned.
And he was, it soon turned out. On the surface he helped save Galadhiel from Ghasts that had held her in a burial chamber they had entered. Outside, he commented on Galdhiel’s healing powers she was now using openly. He doubted their source, which worried Galadhiel who had stopped giving the issue much thought.
Not much later it was Galadhiel and Kivan who saved Xan and others during a terrifying encounter with an evil wizard and Mustard Jellies. The wizard had managed to Hold both Jaheira and Khalid, Charm Imoen and (PW) Sleep Xan. Luckily this all happened out of the Jellies’ sight, so that Kivan and Galadhiel had only the Mage to focus on. Once the wizard’s protections had been stripped by the duo, he offered little in terms of resistance, and fell to one of Kivan’s arrows. Jaheira, Xan, and Galadhiel made short work of the Mustard Jellies with their enchanted weapons in melee.
The party explored more burial chambers, one of which inhabited by a Revenant. Galadhiel plundered it using stealth and a potion of freedom that prevented the undead abomination from holding her. The companions then trekked back to Nashkel but were waylaid by a group of hired killers at the Nashkel Carnival, four women: two priestesses and two rogues. Xan webbed one of the priestesses, and blinded one of the rogues. The other rogue had disappeared into one of tents. This left only one priestess as a possible source of peril. Everyone except Xan attacked her in melee; they killed her before she could become dangerous. After that the webbed priestess, the blinded rogue, and inside the tent, the last rogue were easy pickings. A third Scimitar +1, a suit of Studded Leather Armor +1 and some spells and potions were the party’s treasure.
After the dust-up Jaheira insisted that they traveled straight to Beregost to pick up her Ankheg armor. The others complied, Galadhiel mainly because she was hopeful that they could also acquire a suit of Shadow Armor for her. Upon arrival they discovered that the Shadow Armor had to wait, but they did find Jaheira’s Ankheg armor ready for her.
The party rested and traveled back to Nashkel. Upon crossing the bridge from the north they found another hired assassin waiting for them in front of the Northern Light Inn. He said he was going to kill all six of them. Galadhiel screamed at her companions to retreat over the bridge, which turned out to be a good plan. The assassin was a spellcaster and could have hurt them badly. She hadn’t forgotten about the wizard at the Nashkel Mine exit. Jaheira summoned her Spirit Animal, and Galadhiel, hidden in shadows, returned to check on the assassin. She had the Spirit Lion attack him, and saw how the assassin stupidly saved his best spells for her and her party. But the assassin without his magic was no match for the Spirit Lion.
The party, relieved and full of praise for Jaheira’s Spirit Animals, found a pair of Boots of Avoidance on the assassin as well as some minor loot and a letter pointing toward a contact in Beregost, and brought Berrun Ghastkill the good news of having cleared the Nashkel Mines. They didn’t loiter and headed straight to Beregost to seek out this contact and to purchase the Shadow Armor for Galadhiel (which first required a lucky pickpocketing effort by Imoen with Algernon as its victim) at Feldepost’s Inn with the gold from the sale of miscellaneous loot. Upstairs they dispatched a Mage called Tranzig, the Nashkel assassin’s contact. Apparently there was some bandit activity going on in the Cloakwood, connected to the Nashkel Mine sabotage operation. And interestingly, the letter mentioned Tazok, Kivan’s Nemesis. The party now had the clue they needed to accomplish Kivan’s vengeance.
Meanwhile, I have news about Galadhiel. After:
barely surviving Molkar and his gang,
taming a hostile bandit camp (in two instances),
beating Lendarn, thanks in part to a nice wild surge by Khalid,
murdering Spiders and restoring Centeol to her true form,
Xan's death at the hands of Shadow Druids in Jaheira's quest
was a very bad omen. How were the companions to survive the Cloakwood ambushes by poisonous Wyverns and by Giant Spiders with their constant web spits without relying on Xan's Invisibility 10' Radius?
Galadhiel was webbed and killed by said creatures before her companions could save her.
Honestly, I don't know how to safely guide a party through the Cloakwood with these SCS ambushes, other than relying on luck or Invisibility 10' Radius. There simply aren't enough invisibility potions and free action items available for a party of six to use. Perhaps I should have had Galadhiel preventively quaff a Potion of Freedom as soon as the ambush took place, but that somehow feel immersion-breaking (unless I'd had all companions drink such a potion, but I hadn't enough for that.)
Also, I want to apologize for my late response. I don't know how I missed this in my notifications, but I just now seen your post today. I very much look forward to your next endeavors on The Sword Coast. In the meantime, I will surely check out your pride and joy, Lenno. Thanks again for the awesome content. Have a great day.
Speaking seriously, those 3 playthrough stories were brilliant. It's so sad to get the bad ending again but it reminds me of Ouroboros. To start something new we have to end something old.
You should write a novel, @Blackraven , where you can combine all your impressions and thoughts from these runs. And, I tell you, at least 500 buyers of your novel are already here, on the forum. ^_^
Write a book.
You're amazing.
The idea of writing a novel isn't as scary to me as it would have been a while back. I'm very interested in writing, and I think the BG Trilogy would make an excellent exercise. I woke up this morning with the idea of telling the story of my newest Charname (a Lorekeeper of Oghma/Mage who barely made it to the Friendly Arm Inn by the way) in a different way: using an omniscient narrator who not only relates the events in Charname's life but also those that involve other NPCs such as Minsc/Dynaheir before you meet them, Sarevok/Tamoko, maybe Tazok, one of BG's Dukes (Eltan, Janneth or Belt), and other characters that come to mind. This would be a huge operation though, and will require lots of added details made up by me. I wonder if this is possible. I would either have to be very concise about Charname's exploits or be very descriptive about the other NPCs. Otherwise there will be no balance between the amount of detail spent on Charname and that spent on other characters.
I really like this idea. I hope you decide to give it a try.
I would certainly buy anything you penned!
Also, you don't really have to consider this a request, but I personally have always wanted to see a RP'ed run of a Half-Orc Fighter/Cleric or pure Cleric, whichever sounds better.
Something is pulling at my heart, telling me that I should try this RP Adventure Thread thing out and that my Half-Orc idea would make an interesting first adventure. Either way, I would definitely need to brainstorm for a good while and write a back story for my character. The funny thing is I rarely ever play a Half-Orc and I think the last time I tried one was almost 10 years ago. I will have to read more of @Blackraven 's work and take some notes on how to be a good writer first though.
Hey @Meanbunny! Thanks once more for your enthusiasm. It really increases my happiness
I've been working on a draft Chapter 1 for a couple of hours now, and I find that the approach I mentioned will require a lot of planning (which perspective to use when etc) as well as knowledge and lore about the FR and the NPCs in the game. I fear I don't have all that knowledge, but I'll see how far I get. I will have to read the dialogues and the books in the game very carefully. Later this week I might post the draft if I make some more progress.
Based on the portrait I'm using my Charname had to be a Half-Elf or a Human; I went with a Half-Elf for multiclass purposes. My approach is usually to find a portrait and invent a Charname including class, personality, alignment etc with it, rather than the other way around.
Re: your Half-Orc Fighter/Cleric or straight Cleric, I can only encourage you to give it a try! Writing a backstory is indeed recommendable, it will guide you in how you'll roleplay your character, and it will help you focus on the roleplay aspects rather than just the strategical (combat) aspects of the game.
Half-Orcs are very rare, and they face a lot of prejudice which may shape your character's personality in different ways. A very interesting race from a narrative perspective (mechanics-wise I think they can be a bit OP for certain classes if you min/max their stats). As to you Charname's class, I find the Fighter/Cleric (dual and multi) a very appealing class. I've never played a single class Cleric Charname, but I like the kits even though I would have prefered more kits. Btw Talos has many Half-Orc followers, and in pnp allows for Chaotic Neutral Clerics, so one option could to edit your character. A CN Half-Orc Stormlord of Talos (or a Fighter/Stormlord multiclass) would be pretty unique I think. Anyway, plenty of options I think. Hopefully you're going to make it happen. I'm already looking forward to reading about your Priest or Priestess.
Kinda like when I was a kid and I was into sports, like for instance I got into hockey at a young age. I cried for pro hockey equipment for Christmas even though I had no idea how to even skate. Whenever I got into something, I wanted to do it big. If I was gonna play Catcher in baseball, I wouldn't get one of those cheap Wal-Mart gloves, I begged my mom to take me to the real sports shop to buy a $100 Catcher's mitt. I know, I know, spoiled little brat, but my whole point is that when I get into something, I get into it hard.
What I will probably do when I do find the time to start this RP Narrative, is most likely write the whole story, or at least half of it before I release it on the forums because I don't want to lose motivation by having wide gaps between my chapters, which I have been known to do before. Also, I am not sure if no reload will be a good idea for my first story since I find it quite aggravating to put so much effort into a character just to lose them to something dumb in the long run. I must admit I have never done a no reload run before, but I definitely am going to give it a shot. If anything, no reload adds to the realism and suspense as you always wonder between the chapters, "Did Soandso make it?" which I think compels the readers to keep coming back for more. Not to mention not every story has a happy ending.
I will definitely take some time here in the near future to put a rough draft together. I don't know where this Half-Orc Battle Priest idea came from, but it hit me pretty hard, thats for sure. I think I would owe that to @Blackraven for the inspiration.
Until then, this Lorekeeper of Oghma/Mage is definitely the most interesting sounding character that I have heard of yet. Looking forward to reading it in the near future. Take it easy everyone. Thanks for reading.
I'm wondering if you've made a start yet with your RP narrative centered around your Half-Orc Battle Priest. I get what you're saying, perfectionism can be stifling. Personally I've already produced about 8 pages of text for my 'novelized' playthrough, and I keep on changing things and wanting to add stuff, and the playthrough itself hasn't progressed in any way since Charname and co made it to the FAI (partly because of aforementioned issues with computer).
I don't think it necessary to play no-reload to keep the journal interesting. Although you're right that not every story needs to end happily, to me it would be too much of a disappointment after investing many hours in the backstory, the thinking and the writing if my character's story ended due to a trap somewhere for example. I think the challenge is rather to hook readers with your storytelling, at least that's what I'll be aiming at.
My plan is to write and publish the story here on the forums chapter by chapter, probably coinciding with the in-game chapters. I can always edit my texts (and posts) if I want to.
I really hope you're going to get your plan going. We could even help each other with questions.
I don't know if you guys have heard of the game Magic The Gathering, the competitive collectible trading card game, but I play it with my friends quite a bit. Tomorrow there is a big Star City Games City Champs tournament that I will be entering, so the past week I have been building my deck and playtesting against the meta game to finely tune everything. Hopefull I can top 8 and win some prize money, I could sure use it, lol.
Anyway, I should be back to posting more often soon. I missed reading all your comments the past week. I hope everyone has been doing great.
@Blackraven I hope your computer problems sort themselves out. I know exactly what you are going through. I went a couple months this part year without my computer when I dropped it during a move which caused the motherboard to go and the CPU contacts to scratch thus needing both replaced. Add on tech and warranty support and you can imagine how long that took to get them to take care of the problem. I do know one thing and that is things will sort themselves out. I hope you get it taken care of soon because you are a super valuable member to these forums and definitely one of my favorites.
My computer problems are mostly solved, but like you I've been quite busy albeit with work rather than play.... Good to know that you're in the brainstorming process. I hope you won't let it slip. I'm tryuing to use spare moments to edit or write, but it's a slow process.
Meanwhile I'm glad you're enjoying yourself with Magic the Gathering. I had friends back in highschool who used to play that game a fair bit, but I never bothered because it would have meant having to spend my allowance on those cards instead of other things I valued more. Later I realized that it's probably lots of fun
Note that this is going to be a strategical challenge rather than a true roleplaying adventure (I'll leave the roleplaying to my to be novelized playthrough with Ánhaga the Lorekeeper of Oghma/Mage).
@bengoshi's Totemic Druid has been very effective with his totemic and other summons, and I'm interested to see how effective I'm going to be with the Werewolf form. The concept of the Shapeshifter has always appealed a lot to me. An age-old mythical creature, there's something fascinating and oddly romantic about the werewolf to me: the full moon, the bond with the wolf (such an intelligent but ill-understood animal), and the curse...
I'm playing with SCS v28 as my only mod. Here's my WEIDU-log for BGEE, for those who are interested.
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1000 // Initialise mod (all other components require this): v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2010 // More consistent Breach spell (always affects liches and rakshasas; doesn't penetrate Spell Turning): v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2030 // Iron Skins behaves like Stoneskin (can be brought down by Breach): v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3030 // Re-introduce potions of extra-healing: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Faster Bears: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4010 // Grant large, flying, non-solid or similar creatures protection from Web and Entangle: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // More realistic wolves and wild dogs: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4030 // Improved shapeshifting: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4110 // Allow NPC pairs to separate: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4120 // NPCs go to inns: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4130 // Move NPCs to more convenient locations: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4140 // Allow Yeslick to use axes: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4146 // Skip the Candlekeep tutorial sections -> Skip Candlekeep altogether (warning: breaks the 4th wall!): v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5010 // Move Boo into Minsc's pack: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5020 // Remove the blur graphic effect from the Cloak of Displacement: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5050 // Stackable ankheg shells, winterwolf pelts and wyvern heads: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5060 // Ensure Shar-Teel doesn't die in the original challenge: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6030 // Smarter Mages -> Mages cast some short-duration spells instantly at start of combat, to simulate pre-battle casting: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6040 // Smarter Priests -> Priests cast some short-duration spells instantly at start of combat, to simulate pre-battle casting: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6100 // Potions for NPCs -> All of the potions dropped by slain enemies are recoverable: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6300 // Smarter sirines and dryads: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6310 // Slightly harder carrion crawlers: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6320 // Smarter basilisks: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Improved doppelgangers: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7010 // Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7020 // Improved deployment for parties of assassins: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7030 // Dark Side-based kobold upgrade: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7040 // Relocated bounty hunters: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7050 // Improved Ulcaster: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7060 // Improved Balduran's Isle: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7070 // Improved Durlag's Tower: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7080 // Improved Demon Cultists: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7090 // Improved Cloakwood Druids: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7100 // Improved Bassilus: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7110 // Improved Drasus party: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7130 // Improved Red Wizards: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7140 // Improved Undercity party: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7200 // Tougher chapter-two end battle: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7210 // Tougher chapter-three end battle: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7220 // Tougher chapter-four end battle: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7230 // Tougher chapter-five end battle: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7250 // Improved final battle: v28
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7900 // Improved minor encounters: v28
As you can see, I installed the component 'Improved Shapeshifting'. According to the readme "this component [...] modifies all of the druid innate shapeshift abilities (and the druid/cleric elemental-shapeshift HLA) to be useable instantly (that is, without requiring a six-second cooldown before the next spell can be cast). It does so by creating 'symbolic paws': if you equip one, you instantly shapeshift.
Other than that, the effects of the shapeshift are largely the same as previously, though some of the ability score and attack bonuses have been tweaked slightly. Note that shapeshifting still blocks spellcasting."
Enemy druids will use it as well, according to the readme, because I also have the 'improved priests' component installed.
I looked up what is meant by "some of the ability score and attack bonuses have been tweaked slightly", and on the gibberlingsthree forum I found the following information:
Lesser Werewolf: Base AC 4, Str 18/76, Dex 16, 1 attack for base 1d6, MR 10%
Werewolf: Base AC 1, Str 19, D17, 2 attacks for base 1d8 (counts as +1), MR 20%, hasted
Greater Werewolf: Base AC -4, Str 21, Dex 20, 2 attacks for base 2d6 (counts as +3), MR 40%, Fire/Electrical/Cold/Acid resistance 50%, hasted, regenerate 6 hp/rd
Interestingly, the mod creates three Werewolf forms, making the player start with a lesser werewolf form in BGEE (I don't know yet until what level). It suggests that the Shapeshifter won't be overpowered at lower levels.
I edited the symbolic paws in NearInfinity:
- I gave the Werewolf paws a +2 enchantment in determining what it can hit, which I think is mostly a symbolic upgrade from the Lesser Werewolf paw. I don't think it will have any effect on gameplay, unless there are creatures immune to +1 yet not to +2 weapons in BG1 / early SoA.
- The Greater Werewolf paw I gave a +4 enchantment. This will make a difference indeed because there are a number of enemies in SoA and ToB that are immune to +3 weapons but not to +4 weapons. I wanted this change because I know I won't like the Werewolf form to gradually become obsolete.
Note that these changes only decide what the Werewolf can hit; they do not improve Thac0 or damage.
Finally I found in NearInfinity that the 'Improved Shapeshifting' component converts the Werewolf's attacks into slashing attacks rather than piercing attacks, which I understand is the vanilla damage type. This is a tweak because slashing damage > piercing damage. I'm fine with it because realistcally the paws slash rather than pierce.
I've no experience with Shapeshifters, so there'll be a lot of experimenting with ways to make the Werewolf form as effective as possible. So far I've only discovered two things:
(1) weapon proficiency dagger doesn't give a Thac0 bonus even though the paws are flagged in NearInifinity as daggers, and
(2) equipping an offhand weapon gives an extra attack even in shapshifted form, at this stage at a massive penalty, but I think my next weapon proficiency pip will go to Two-Handed Weapon Fighting.
At this stage there isn't much to report yet. Guadelupe did some chores in Candlekeep and bought two scimitars (one never knows with the Iron Crisis), a helmet, and 160 darts. She tried to test Shank's mettle but got backstabbed for 2 damage (no poison), after which she hurriedly left the citadel with Gorion. After Gorion's untimely death she had Imoen and Xzar and Monty join in order to receive their donations to her cause, after which she promptly dismissed them. She then traveled south to the High Hedge, where she shifted into Lesser Werewolf form to slay a skeleton. She kept the skelly's skull in her pack and marched on, further southward until she ran into Melicamp the chicken who was attacked by a Wolf. Guadelupe shifted into a Lesser Werewolf and was glad to see she was stronger than the wolf.
Back at the High Hedge Thalantyr successfully anti-chickenated Melicamp, causing Guadelupe to reach level 2, gaining the full 9 hitpoints! In nearby Beregost, pacifying Marl and helping Firebead Elvenhair to a copy of the History of the Unicorn Run (if I'm not mistaken) got her to level 3, with 7 more hitpoints
Guadelupe now has access to three level 2 spells. She's going to sleep now, and contently memorize Barkskin. When she's well rested, she'll probably try to make some money in order to buy a scroll or some potions that help her kill basilisks (and be careful with that devious little Mutamin).
I'm very interested in this run. The more druids are there, the better
I like Guadelupe's portrait and stats. Your tweaks are fun and add diversity.
@Gotural, thanks, I'm having a blast indeed!
In and around Beregost Guadelupe took on Unshey's Spiders, a tiresome dance with darts that only deal 1-3 damage on average, Ogrillons and a rogue Ogre.
Her Lesser Werewolf form was definitely too weak to deal with stronger melee opponents, and besides vulnerable against archers, even with Unshey's girdle equipped (which she learnt from a couple of Hobgoblin archers and Kobold archers). She therefore decided to help Joia at the FAI, and speak with Landrin for the much welcomed XP rewards. She also picked up the Ring of Wizardry, the sale of which helped her assemble a nice collection of potions. At the FAI Tarnesh formed a tricky obstacle. He was provoked into wasting his spells on Guadelupe while she entered and left Gellana's temple. Once he had run out of spells, she finished him off with her darts.
With plenty of gold due to having sold the Ring of Wizardry, Guadelupe bought a scroll of Protection from Petrification at the Nashkel Carnival, and used it in Mutamin's garden to finish off ten Basilisks and Mutamin as well. The operation helped her gain three levels (and, curiously, five hitpoints each time she leveled up). The Basilisks were dealt with in melee, Lesser Werewolf Form, rather than with her darts.
Korax was called upon to deal with Mutamin (and the two Basilisks near him). Having quaffed her at that time only Invisibility potion, Guadelupe approached with the Ghoul, and saw Mutamin turn hostile before the Ghoul could make his first attack. The brave Ghoul nevertheless managed to hold Mutamin, after which, the wizard and his pets were easily taken care off.
At level 6, Guadelupe was only one level from her Werewolf form, and thus from permanent haste, and increased attacks. She did a couple of relatively manageable fights and easy quests - including Karlat (against whom two Summon Insects were cast), Greywolf (who thankfully didn't haste himself), Zordral (using the door trick), Charleston Nib, and Brage - before she made it to level 7. The Werewolf form turns out to be quite strong, especially after Guadelupe decided to equip het shapeshift paw in the offhand and the Dagger of Venom in the main hand. The +2 Thac0 penalty in the main hand is a bit of a shame, but the extra APR make up for it, at least for the time being although I can see that change: Thac0 is going to be something to focus on I think).
Either way, Ankhegs, Sirines (whose charms were harmless thanks to two potions of magic blocking bought at Thalantyr's), and Flesh Golems all fell to her might in melee combat, though one of the Sirines somehow managed to bring her under the effects of Rigid Thinking and Feeblemind, luckily at a time when it had run out of charms and arrows of biting; and one of the Golems gave her a good pounding, requiring her to retreat and heal. Inside the treasure cave, Guadelupe cast Find Traps. She got held by the first trap, and quaffed two potions of insulation to be prepared for the second trap, but that one didn't trigger when she crossed it (twice).
All this action brought Guadelupe well beyond the level 8 benchmark, and again she was very fortunate at leveling up, receiving no less than 6 hitpoints. With the CON Tome she now sits on 61 hitpoints out of a possible 80. (It's the first time in ages that I'm not playing with the BG2 Tweaks mod that sets all friendly and hostile creatures' hitpoints to max numbers. I must say the game has been kind to me in this respect.)
South of the High Hedge, Zargal, Malkax and Geltik were no match for Guadelupe in her Werewolf form. She would rush the archers and hurt them once or twice before they could even switch to melee, and then deal with the sturdier Zargal. Bassilus on the other hand did instil a feeling of awe in Guadelupe, especially after her Nymphs managed to mentally dominate the priest, allowing her to have a look at his spell repertoire. Various Hold Persons, Animate Dead, Poison, Slay Living, Flamestrike, Harm... lots of potentially lethal spells. Guadelupe had the priest cast most of them on his skeletons. His Animate Dead brought forth a Skeleton Warrior that helped Guadelupe and her Nymphs deal with the priest when the charm wore off.
Guadelupe is now at 6000 XP points from level 9. She'll probably try to scrape those points together, and then go and investigate the Nashkel Mines, armed with wands of sleep and fear to deal with the nasty Kobold mobs.
I'm proud to present to you Hardeth Keenhammer, after my Half-Orc Grynne this time a Dwarven Executioner of Wizards:
I spent a lot of time rerolling until I got a 18/00 STR score, which I consider essential since the STR tome won't be available to Hardeth unless she invites Imoen or another Thief to Candlekeep. (The violet potion sold at the Nashkel Carnival isn't usable by WS, and DUHM won't suffice to get her to the required 24 STR).
Her starting proficiencies are ** Darts and (obviously, given her last name) ** Hammers.
- no-reload
- full hitpoints allowed at leveling up (I want to minimize the luck factor in this playthrough)
- party help allowed at Sarevok's inauguration ceremony
- undecided about hiring a Thief to help out in Candlekeep for the above-mentioned STR tome and the WIS tome
Hardeth did most of the mini-quests in Candlekeep, including one-hit killing Shank and Carbos, accepted Imoen, Xzar and Monty for their loot and then booted them, went to the North Coast area (via the High Hedge area) where she killed Shoal with her darts. She then traveled back east, and south-east to help Melicamp. In Beregost she pacified Marl and helped Firebead, after which she returned to the Melicamp/Bassilus area to unlock the South Coast. There she calmed Brage, and convinced him to accompany her to Nashkel. In the border town she found a suit of Ankheg armor and at the local Carnival she acquired a scroll of Protection from Petrification with which she traveled to the Basilisk area. Eight out of ten Basilisks were easily dealt with; Hardeth's first challenge were Mutamin and the two remaining Basilisks. Korax was recruited and led toward Mutamin while Hardeth wisely kept her distance. The Gnome diligently wasted his mind-controlling magic on the Ghoul.
When Mutamin hurled a Magic Missile at Korax, Hardeth stepped in. She directed Korax toward the Gnome, and the Ghoul managed to hold the wizard. Together they slew the mage and the remaining Basilisks.
These feats were just enough to make Hardeth reach level 6. She then started working toward level 7, beginning with the FAI quests: Joia, Tarnesh, Landrin and Unshey. Tarnesh would never be a threat to Hardeth at that point thanks to her excellent HP pool. The wizard did manage to Blind her, but failed to harm her otherwise.
North of the FAI Hardeth cleared the Ankheg cave and slew some more Ankhegs above ground. She also gave Brun the corpse of his dead son plus 100 GP. The Ankhegs altogether cost Hardeth about five potions of healing, well worth the XP.
Hardeth's next and so far biggest challenge was Bassilus. While the priest was in the process of insta-buffing himself with all kinds of protections, Hardeth attacked him with her Darts of Stunning (she had found five Darts of Stunning and five Darts of Wounding in the Ankheg cave). Her first dart stunned him, so she switched to normal darts to finish him off.
She was delighted to lay her hands on the Ashideena, a much better weapon than her mundane War Hammers that kept on shattering. On her way to Keldath to claim the bounty on Bassilus' head she dealt with three Gnolls for Perdue and killed Karlat her fellow Dwarf at the Red Sheaf Inn. With more than 15,000 GP (thanks in large part to the bounty and the Ring of Wizardry she had sold before), Hardeth paid Thalantyr a visit to buy his Protection from Magic Scroll, and she bought about 70 Darts of Stunning from Erdane near Durlag's Tower.
Hardeth intends to explore the coastal areas and some of the southern areas in order to gain more XP and hopefully make it to level 7 for that sweet extra 1/2 APR (giving her four APR with her darts), before she proceeds to investigate the Nashkel Mines.
It's a little bit unfortunatel you've found a Shapeshifter run so easy, it's far from what I encountered with the Totemic Druid. Maybe your tweaks influenced it?
Anyway, I'm eager to see how the Wizard Slayer will deal with those who constantly cast *Hold Person / *Fear / *Emotion and so on..
Indeed quite the contrast with the Shapeshifter, where I simply shredded most enemies with Guadelupe's Werewolf form. I'm not sure if the tweaks made a huge difference because I put the paw in the off-hand. This means I dealt out most damage with the dagger of venom, which is the same in an untweaked game. Ah one thing I forgot to mention: I noticed the tweaked Werewolf MR stacks with MR obtained from potions/items. This was something I disliked, as it can make the Werewolf quite OP. Imagine a Werewolf with Cloak of Balduran and Potions of Magic Protection... It's another reason why I abandoned the run. If I do another Shapeshifter run, it will be unmodded, meaning I would have to uninstall that SCS component, even though I like the fact that the paws cannot be dispelled and that they do slashing damage.
Re: the optimal weapons for a WS, I find it very difficult to decide. Ranged I think bows, crossbows and darts are all fine because they have nice ammo with nasty effects (arrows of dispelling, biting etc, bolts of biting, bolts of lightning, darts or stunning/wounding). Darts have the advantage of 3 base APR. Slings, and throwing daggers/axes seem to be less suitable, due to lack of APR and lack of special effects. Have you been experimenting more with a WS yourself?
When it comes to melee weapons, I think the Stupefier, Varscona, and Ashideena are all very nice weapons. In BG2 flails might be the best option, though I prefer Hammers and Axes for my Dwarf. Some people mention speed weapons as well (i.e. scimitars, short swords), but I think I that if Hardeth makes it to BG2, she'll be rocking the Shield of Harmony most of the time.
I didn't touch my dwarven wizard slayer since the last update - I understood I wanted to finish (hopefully) my Totemic Druid run first. A planning of this run consumes all the free time I have to think about the game. I feel obliged to complete the bet that was born from the @bbear 's poll.
But nonetheless I have thought about a WS. And have come to a conclusion that in order to succeed he should use all the weapons that are somehow useful, no matter what his proficiencies are: darts for darts of stunning/wounding, two-handeded swords for the Free Action effect (spiders bane) in BG1 and immunity to charm/confusion in BG2 (lilarcor), short sword for immunity to hold + hasted (arbane) and mirror image from the mimic sword, long swords for silence spell etc. Arrows can be used to attack enemies from the far distance+retreat, several crossbows have elemental damage to go throw the Stoneskin. The Dagger of Venom is needed to prevent enemy casters from casting. Clubs and staves with a good enchantment are needed for crushing damage in BG1, FoA can do it in BG2. Stupifier can stun even Sarevok. There're wonderful axes in BG2, including the undead-killing one (if your character has a good alignment).
In other words, I think that no matter what the type of the weapon is, the WS has to use it if it's useful from the battle and especially magic point of view.
The fact he's a fighter, makes penalty of not being proficient not big at all.
For BG1 darts are one of the best choices though. And they will stay a good choice in Amn.
Edit: grammar