The Most Magical Mage Class v.2
Number six in my class poll series, and this one's a doozy! Lots of options here. As always, this is for personal preference, and not to say what is the strongest kit. That said, feel free to debate to your heart's content in the comments! Unfortunately, there aren't enough poll options for me to add a "Just show me the results" option on this one, so you'll have to choose something else to see the results. Fortunately, with ten options, you're sure to find SOMETHING you like. Sorry for being late with this poll. (yet again) I'll try to get the next one out on time.
- The Most Magical Mage Class V.286 votes
- Mage: Who needs more spells when you can use them all?18.60%
- Abjurer: No spells shall touch me!  1.16%
- Conjurer: Look at all the pretty things I can summon! Did I mention they're deadly?  4.65%
- Diviner: Look into my crystal ball...  1.16%
- Enchanter: How else would old mages get all the pretty girls?  4.65%
- Illusionist: Thieves envy me.15.12%
- Invoker: Two words. Magic Missile.11.63%
- Necromancer: I can bring life from death! Well... Unlife, but it's close enough.10.47%
- Transmuter: Form of... A squirrel!  4.65%
- Wild Mage: Oh look! I blew up all your money... Sorry!27.91%
Post edited by Elrandir on
Illusionism spells are a bit less spectacular, but Blindness, Spook, the Invisibility spells and Simulacrum are great. Also, I love Thieves (Illusionism has very good synergy with that class), and I love Gnomes, so yeah Illusionists are great. At present I'm tentatively exploring the Sword Coast with a Gnome Fighter/illusionist/Thief, good fun
I voted Transmuter in the end because I expect them to receive little love in this poll.
As for my own tastes, I just love the versatility of standard mage. Other favorites are illusionist (for the same reasons Blackraven mentioned), necromancer for all the flavor fun, and diviner. (Because how else will I explain my meta-game knowledge? ;p)
And you know what, I like Blur. Song 2 is so good.
Also, I seem to always choose these spells from Illusion school no matter what mage I play (besides necromancers, of course):
Mirror Image
Improved Invisibility
Are you talking about Specialist Wizard classes as implemented in BG or their original versions in 2E PnP? It makes a huge difference because the opposition schools are very different.
If the vote is for the classes as implemented in BG - Conjurer
If the vote is for the classes as described in true 2E PnP - Necromancer
If the vote is for the spells that are most representative of the school - a tie between Abjuration and Enchantment. Abjuration is more practical, but I like Enchantment more
In 2E PnP, illusionists have the very awful distinction of being the only specialist with not one, not two, but THREE opposition schools. It's no wonder why the Simbul thinks very lowly of Mythrell'aa. Then again, she thinks lowly of just about any Red Wizard. LOL
(Incidentally, this is also the reason I call Haste "Vanhel's Danse Macabre".)
And I really love the idea of having a huge power inside you that you can unleash with risks, like the Slayer transformation for example, so Wild Mage are naturally my favorite.
Annnnyywaayyyyy.... YES! WILD MAGE!
This is one of my favorite pictures because it happened on a solo-limited-reload-24-roll run. I lived
And it was my favorite moment of your run, you should continue !
I voted Wildmage. Because summoning uncontrolled fiends is fun for the whole family!
I do suppose that, to be fair, my gnome Illusionist/Thief (Jan watch out) is still my all time favorite.
Abjuration - Alteration and Illusion
Conjuration - Greater Divination (5th-level Divination spells and higher) and Invocation/Evocation
Divination - Conjuration/Summoning
Enchantment - Invocation/Evocation and Necromancy
Illusion - Necromancy, Invocation/Evocation, AND Abjuration
Invocation/Evocation - Enchantment/Charm and Conjuration/Summoning
Necromancy - Illusion and Enchantment/Charm
Alteration - Abjuration and Necromancy
When you deal with the dead, you just do not care for enchantment and illusion - they typically work on living, sentient targets. That leaves the following:
Manipulate life and death with necromancy magic - yeah
Blast enemies to oblivion with invocation/evocation magic - yeah
Summon monsters to aid you with conjuration/summoning magic - yeah
Learn forgotten secrets with divination magic - yeah
Protect yourself with abjuration magic - yeah
Alter your environment with transmutation magic - yeah
With the above spell access, do necromancers really lose out big for losing Enchantment/Charm and Illusion access? Usually, not quite. They can always threaten another living spellcaster to do it for them anyway :P
If you notice, most of the other specialists have at least one glaring weakness in combat, with the possible exception of abjurers. Conjurers and enchanters have limited blasting magic. Diviners and invokers cannot readily summon. Transmuters have limited protection options. Illusionists... sigh.
Also, necromancers are the most likely of all specialists to become liches in PnP. After all, they strive to gain mastery over life, death, AND undeath. If you are using the Ravenloft rules, liches are absolutely awesome - they function as necromancers, but have NO opposition schools (!) and they do not even suffer a penalty from learning spells from other schools (typically, add +15% to spell scribing success for the specialized school and -15% to all others).
There is a good reason why some of the most powerful specialist wizards in the Forgotten Realms are necromancers and liches, like Szass Tam.
Slow is Alteration, btw. Invokers can use it.