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Going to try the ultimate challenge - BG2/SCS Solo No Reload...with a character of your choosing :p



  • NadNad Member Posts: 20
    Just remembered by looking at the screenshots that NtB has single weapon style and so needs to dump the shield :o
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Nice name!! ;)
    Well done so far. SCS Chateau Irenicus is usually a pain for me though playing a rogue definitely helps.
    I'm still worried about your many self-imposed limitations, but I have good hopes now that NtB will see the light of day again
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    It's cool to see @Blackraven‌ name in other people's playthroughs. Now, @Nad‌ , you just cannot lose. You can't let our raven down.

    On a serious note, good luck. No, not good - GREAT luck.
  • NadNad Member Posts: 20
    Thanks guys!

    NtB stealths before entering the mephit chamber. He goes for the furthest portal first as the radiant mephit is dangerous if it knocks you out (not so lethal with ToBex as you awaken if you take damage, but often fatal without ToBex). Curiously you can backstab the portals, which should surely be fixed as they are constructs...


    In the clone chamber NtB stealths once the clone and assassin start fighting.


    Once the clone kills the assassin she still initiates dialogue even though NtB is stealthed. NtB backstabs her but not fatally and she manages to cast Glitterdust before NtB can dispatch her. That's okay - I'd happily face Glitterdusts all day long rather than Dire Charms or Hold Persons.

    In the eastern corridor NtB kills the ice mephit and assassin and chooses to backstab the salt mephit rather than a duergar - salt mephits are dangerous as their salt crystals can stun, which is very nasty when there are 4 duergar nearby.


    He clears the duergar and stealths to collect the wands before dealing with the 2 duergar in the trap room. The ring of protection is a very nice early item that is not randomised :).

    NtB goes for the easternmost corridor first, stealthing past the first group of duergar to take out the mage as the priority.


    He kills the duergar with ease (the potion of defence is still active and the duergar struggle to hit AC-5) and then frees Frennedan. He tells Frennedan to go alone and kills him when he turns hostile.

    NtB equips his splint mail (potion of defence has expired) and Sarevok's Sword of Chaos before entering the vampire chamber. He only gets 1 attack per round with the sword and sadly that is not enough - the vampire kills the shadow thieves and escapes in bat form before NtB can get her beyond "injured".


    NtB defeats the assassins guarding the exit but takes a couple of painful backstabs in the process.


    Finally at Day 0 Hour 5 NtB is ready to leave the dungeon.


    No troubles at all so far, just considerable physical damage as our equipment is very poor at this early stage, which has led to heavy potion consumption. Promenade next.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    Lucky that you didn't get stunned by Radiant Mephits without using Rage :)
    I wouldn't have risked.
  • NadNad Member Posts: 20
    Radiant mephits cast colour spray which knocks you out, but with ToBex you awaken as soon as you take any damage. So they're not a big deal anymore.

    Salt mephits are the ones that stun for a couple of rounds. However, NtB backstabbed the salt mephit so it never even got a chance to stun him. Granted that if the backstab had missed or not killed the mephit, and it then fired its crystals and NtB failed the save vs breath, not enraging would have been a mistake. But the single backstab turned out to be enough :).
  • NadNad Member Posts: 20


    NtB explored the Promenade and did some trading, selling the stuff he didn't need and buying some scroll cases, an ammo belt and a couple of potions from Ribald (Ribald's randomised stock turned up nothing interesting enough for NtB to want to purchase).

    The main quest here is the Circus - we're not powerful enough to face the Den of 7 Vales gang yet and will have to come back to face them later.

    NtB uses the Sword of Chaos to defeat the shadows and then takes out the peasants at Aerie's behest.


    Before going to the middle floor NtB gulps a potion of invisibility. Unfortunately one of the mods I have (possibly SCS) messes up the werewolves so that they do damage even if you ignore them. So with the aid of invisibility, NtB pops all the werewolves with his 25% Detect Illusions skill and then takes out the shadows.

    On the top floor he takes out the shadows first, then the werewolf and finally Kalah (in turn, taking quite a beating from the illusionary werewolf).


    The randomised treasure found on Kalah is a horn which NtB cannot identify...possibly the Horn of Silence?

    NtB does not gain any rep for completing the Circus quest (we have rep increasing at 1/2 the normal rate, so it was a 50/50 chance). He acquires the genie's flask from Myara from the Unfinished Business extended quest.

    With a number of unidentified items, NtB purchases two potions of mind focusing, a potion of genius and a potion of insight (for nearly 3000 gold :p) from the Temple of Ilmater. He now has enhanced AC, thief skills and least until the first mage he meets casts Remove Magic at him :(.


    NtB can now identify everything he has except the 2 cursed scrolls from Irenicus' Dungeon and the horn...he will have to wait until his lore increases through level ups to try again.

    Promenade completed for now, NtB heads to the Slums and begins Chapter 2. He purchases a gem bag from Arledrian and this is his updated inventory.

  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    edited June 2014
    You should have imported your char with Helm of Balduran and Drizzt's equip (for roleplay fun) ;p
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    But the voiced dialog: "Hey! I recognize you! You're the scoundrel that attacked me for no good reason near Baldur's Gate and made off with my equipment!"
    is priceless!
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Doesn't he say "murdered"? For some reason, I find that even funnier.
    What? Don't judge me.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    This is purely for humour's sake.

    Race: Half-Orc
    Class: Monk
    Alignment: TN (He can barely think, let alone have an alignment)
    STR: 25 (explained later)
    DEX: 10
    CON: 25
    INT: 5
    WIS: 5
    CHA: 25 (He's gorgeous. Unrealistically so)

    Weapon proficiencies: Quadruple Wielding ***** (he fights with all four limbs. Simultaneously. He can defy gravity.) Shorties *****

    Starting HPs (excluding CON): 69 *He turns and winks at a girl*

    How did this PC kill SCS-Sarevok?: He took an entire party of gnomes, halflings, and dwarves, and threw them at Sarevok. Five dead shorties later, the 'Vok was defeated.

    Describe this PC's personality and outlook: He has no personality (5 INT) but his unnaturally gorgeous appearance draws others to him. His massive STR comes from the fact that Gorion tested magical steroids on him when he was young. Oh, yeah, by the way, this reality's version of Gorion was more of a mad wizard than the kindly old Gorion we all know and love.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    I sorta wanna do this myself but starting from level 1
  • SionaSiona Member Posts: 79
    Dang. Late to the party. I would have suggested a kensai dualed to cleric. Sort so a fryer tuck. Maxed out with quarter staff. This is actually what I'm going to try once I finally beat bg2.
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    Enjoying following this, keep it up :)
  • SanguineSatanSanguineSatan Member Posts: 9
    Baldur's Gate Fighter/Mage/Cleric walk-through SOLO NO RELOAD. [part 1]

    My friends told me its impossible to finish Baldur's Gate in a solo run without reloading,
    I wanna try and prove them wrong !
    If I die -- I start all over again ! however... I'm not planing to die so easily...
    Join my adventure of fk#ing the hell out of Faerûn with my power hungry
    fighter cleric majestic bitch DiViNA :)

    In Baldur's Gate 1 there's a very small amount of cheese u can apply due to the level restriction [xp cap] so most of the Arcane magic shenanigans are out of reach.
    what you CAN do [and its really doesn't count as cheese ] is use the fact the most enemies have rather low saving throws and Hit Dice.

    This is basically my plan... things like "Command" [cleric spell] are under your reach even at Level 01 and they actually work on a lot of enemies lol.
    I haven't finished my run yet though... but I tell you this, I never had that much fun playing Baldur's Gate 1, my heart stops at every hostile encounter !
    This is great experience whether I succeed or not ^^

    This is NOT a speed run.
    I am playing a Half-Elf (for the cleric multiclass) and got nice stats.
    After rolling stats for about 1 minute or so I ended with the following stats :

    Strength :17
    Dexterity :18
    Constitution :18
    Intelligence :17
    Wisdom :17
    Charisma :3

    And here is the video :
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