Going to try the ultimate challenge - BG2/SCS Solo No Reload...with a character of your choosing :p

Hi, long time BG player but new to these forums
I'm going to start a solo no-reload game of BG2 with a bunch of the popular mods, including Ascension, SCS and Item Randomiser. I will do a write up here with lots of pictures and silliness to entertain you. What I would like your help with is to choose what character I should play!
We're going to assume the protagonist has been through BG1 and will have appropriate XP. I won't actually be starting in BG1 because I played that game to death for years before starting BG2 and I can't bring myself to go back...sorry
. I have classic BG2, not Enhanced Edition.
You don't need to worry about legal race / class / kit combinations because I have ToBex and Shadowkeeper and will happily use both to cobble together whatever character you want to see.
A quick pointer before the character template - this is solo no-reload with SCS: unless you want to see a very short playthrough, the PC needs to at least have a chance of survival! Item randomiser also means I have no idea where the great equipment is, so I can't rely on crutches like the Cloak or the Shield to overcome difficult challenges.
As part of this challenge, I will attempt to do every quest available to a solo character and explore every area. So the PC will need to fight the likes of beholders, liches, demi-liches etc. And preferably win. Difficulty will be core rules and will not be changed.
So here's the template for your suggestions. Whichever suggestion sounds like the whackiest / original / most fun wins
Weapon proficiencies:
Starting HPs (excluding CON):
In one or two sentences, how did this PC kill SCS-Sarevok? (Serious or comedy suggestions):
In one or two sentences, describe this PC's personality and outlook:
I look forward to your ideas!

I'm going to start a solo no-reload game of BG2 with a bunch of the popular mods, including Ascension, SCS and Item Randomiser. I will do a write up here with lots of pictures and silliness to entertain you. What I would like your help with is to choose what character I should play!
We're going to assume the protagonist has been through BG1 and will have appropriate XP. I won't actually be starting in BG1 because I played that game to death for years before starting BG2 and I can't bring myself to go back...sorry

You don't need to worry about legal race / class / kit combinations because I have ToBex and Shadowkeeper and will happily use both to cobble together whatever character you want to see.
A quick pointer before the character template - this is solo no-reload with SCS: unless you want to see a very short playthrough, the PC needs to at least have a chance of survival! Item randomiser also means I have no idea where the great equipment is, so I can't rely on crutches like the Cloak or the Shield to overcome difficult challenges.
As part of this challenge, I will attempt to do every quest available to a solo character and explore every area. So the PC will need to fight the likes of beholders, liches, demi-liches etc. And preferably win. Difficulty will be core rules and will not be changed.
So here's the template for your suggestions. Whichever suggestion sounds like the whackiest / original / most fun wins

Weapon proficiencies:
Starting HPs (excluding CON):
In one or two sentences, how did this PC kill SCS-Sarevok? (Serious or comedy suggestions):
In one or two sentences, describe this PC's personality and outlook:
I look forward to your ideas!
Race: Halfling
I must say I'd wish you to start in BG1, which imo is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed in these types of challenges. As much as you may have played BG1, solo no-reloading your way through BG1 with difficulty enhancing mods is easier said than done, is something that many forum members would be interested in reading about, and your personal gratification will likely be bigger if you survived BG1 first. However, if you insist on doing BG2 only, I'll obviously respect that.
So without further ado, here's my suggestion for your Charname.
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter/Thief (if you can be bothered it'd be nice if you could kit him/her into a Bounty Hunter, or for better survivability into a Berserker)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
STR: 19
DEX: 18
CON: 20
INT: 15
WIS: 11
CHA: 16
Weapon proficiencies: ** in Short Swords, ** in Axes (I'd like you to work with Throwing Axes for ranged attacks), * in Single Weapon Style (for devasting backstabs), * in Two Weapon Fighting
Starting HPs (excluding CON): maximum for your level
In one or two sentences, how did this PC kill SCS-Sarevok? (Serious or comedy suggestions):
Sarevok fell in the same way as so many of your targets: chunked by one vicious backstab too many.
In one or two sentences, describe this PC's personality and outlook:
You are a ruthless mercenary and a battle-hardened killer who thinks everyone is out there for themselves, and you're no different from that. You accept all jobs offered, and make sure to see them through (Lawful) unless you've been cheated. You have no scruples about honor in battle: surprise attacks, traps, and backstabs are your tools of the trade.
EDIT: oops, @bengoshi, like your suggestion. You just ninja'd me.
Berserker / Bounty Hunter is easy enough to achieve, we just create a Fighter/Thief, assign the bounty hunter kit, add some enrages appropriate to the level and don't put more than 1* in missile weapons. Voila, berserker / bounty hunter.
Sounds tough. Good luck. Looks like you'll need it.
The BG2 portion of the game is no joke, with Vampires, Illlithids and Beholders around every corners, you will need strenght to defeat them.
You could try a Sorcerer, well rounded single class for this kind of challenge. Playing evil could be interesting indeed !
wizard slayer/diviner.
Chaotic evil, heavy role play. Kill All. The. Things. ALLTHETHINGS!!!!!!
Also, you should do a poverty run, using only the quarterstaff that Gorion gave you in candelkeep. And make it a level 1 run, so no leveling up.
If that sounds too hard, just a dwarf swashbuckler. High charisma a must!
Class: swashbuckling illusionist
Alignment: CN
STR: 9
DEX: 16
CON: 15
INT: 19
WIS: 10
CHA: 8
total: 77
Weapon proficiencies: club, two weapon fighting, daggers
Starting HPs (excluding CON): base.
In one or two sentences, how did this PC kill SCS-Sarevok? (Serious or comedy suggestions):
His grumpy cat familiar went for the eyes and landed a critical hit.
In one or two sentences, describe this PC's personality and outlook:
Does things on a whim. Could care less about what others think of him and doesn't really have any clear motivations (not looking for power, or wealth or fame) except to live life and have his idea of fun. Can be cowardly if things don't seem to go his way using both stealth or magic to run away. Grumpy Cat is his familiar and will spout random gloom much like Xan would.
Now we have Meagloth's dwarves. Their stats scare enemies to death.
Agreed. In fact, you can add any mage to the list of difficult encounters. Even low level mages are incredibly annoying, because they all start off with stoneskin, shield, mirror image and MGoI, which makes getting through their defences a pain, and they love casting chaos, hold person and charm / dire charm, of which the latter are the most dangerous as charm = game over. A single failed saving throw ends it...
Sorcerer is always a good choice though perhaps a little overdone. Looking way ahead but Watcher's Keep level 3 might be impossible with a sorcerer, as the maze is randomised with SCS and you can end up in a dead magic zone facing pit fiends or worse. Since our stated aim is to do all the challenges rather than run, a sorcerer might not fare so well.
Very good
I was with you until you suggested level 1 and poverty
Maybe if I can survive with a stronger character, I might try something like this. Except maybe with all 9s instead of 3s. I do like the concept of a wizard slayer who hates all magic except his own and is on a quest to rid the world of all mages. Except him.
Seems like everyone wants to see evil alignment though
Kensai / Totemic might actually be more suitable (as well as much easier to create in Shadowkeeper) as you could the spirit animals to take some of the aggro while the PC demolishes everything in sight.
Love the idea of a dwarven swashbuckler but he might not even survive the first dungeon. Not being able to use helmets = big trouble. Then ioun stones are randomised, so it's not a case of rushing to Pai'Na either. Maybe if I used UAI at the start only to use helmets (and wait until 3m XP before using other disallowed items) it might be doable.
Thanks for all the suggestions so far and keep em coming! Hope to be able to start tonight if I have some time
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And... Tastes differ. I very much like the black interface. It suits discussions about BG so much, I think. You can, of course, use another site/forum and post it here but this forum is so good I haven't ever thought about it.
In all honestly, this room is so dangerous that I think you will avoid it whatever your character is, don't forget SCS2 no-reload is not easy.
As for formating posts, here is a thread explaining everything you need to know : http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/161/how-to-format-your-posts/p1
Woah, the spoiler tags are the same. yay!
Going to tweak it a little bit though.
Race: Dwarf
Class: Berserker / Thief (any of the 3 thief kits would make this character a bit too overpowered I think. We'll stick to just one kit to avoid going overboard on powergaming).
Alignment: Neutral Evil (Berserkers can't be Lawful)
Starting XP: 500k total, level 9 Berserker / level 11 Thief (I think this is a reasonable balance. From what I recall, when I did solo BG1 I finished with over 1m XP, so we'll take half).
HPs: max, which by my calculations would be 76 + CON bonus of 45 for a very healthy 121
STR: 19
DEX: 18
CON: 19
INT: 15
WIS: 10
CHA: 8
I've toned CON down by a point so we don't regenerate, and WIS and CHA down to fit the character's personality a bit more. This means that at the beginning of BG1, the PC's stats were 18/x, 17, 18, 14, 7, 7, for a total of 81, which is strong but not crazy strong.
Weapon Proficiencies: 2 x Axe, 2 x Scimitar, 2 x Two Weapon Style, 1 x Single Weapon Style.
I changed Short Sword to Scimitar...somewhat unashamedly. Kundane and Belm could be anywhere but we know exactly where the Scarlet Ninja-To is
I will play the character pretty much as Blackraven suggested, as a hardened mercenary who'll go after anything for the right price, and whose backstabs are as lethal as they are frequent.
Happy with that?
Bhaal await your come.
We want a proper challenge. These are the additional rules we'll abide by.
1) No cheese. No abuse of the engine such as running up and down stairs to avoid spell effects. Cheese is pretty subjective, and I have no problem with using cheesy items such as the Cloak (if I ever find it), but I will try to fight fair as far as possible.
2) Metagame knowledge and pre-buffing is allowed. The enemies will also be pre-buffed with spells and potions so this is fair enough IMO.
3) No changing equipped items during combat. Only weapons and shields can be changed, and of course we can drink any potions or use scrolls that we possess, but equipped items like amulets, belts etc cannot be changed during combat.
4) No pickpocketing and no stealing from stores. It's just too easy to abuse.
5) We can only loot buildings if nobody is watching. It just seems silly to me that you can pinch everything in the Thieves' Guild for example, without any of them batting an eyelid. Of course we can loot whatever we want in hostile areas.
6) Only 1 rest is allowed per chapter (on average)! That means 7 voluntary rests for SoA. To be fair, we do get up to an additional 4 free rests (Windspear Hills, Spellhold, Phaere and Hell). This doesn't have as much impact on a fighter/thief as on a mage, but it does mean we have to strictly ration our rages and traps rather than using them for everything and resting whenever they run out.
7) No trap spam. Only 1 trap can be active at any time, and we cannot set another until the first has been triggered or we move to a different area.
Does anybody have any other suggestions?
I don't want to be playing inventory management so I will console in a Bag of Holding at the start. I won't abuse it by looting everything though, I will only loot gems, scrolls, potions and magical weapons and armour (+ normal full plate).
My starting save vs death will be 3 and save vs spell will be 6. Chuck in some protection items and we can get those down by a point or two. Fighter level progression will be slow (500XP per level up) but at level 13+ those saves should be around 0. That's still not totally safe since many effects have save penalties, and there's always greater malison.
We can also try to manage the effects. Enrage protects against everything except slow, death and petrification I think, and I will use that for the particularly tough fights. Arbane's Sword and Lilarcor are not randomised and are available early, and they will protect against charm, confusion and hold person, if I see the spell coming and I can equip them in time
Potions of freedom are very common with SCS, and I should hopefully also manage to get hold of some potions of invulnerability. So those will also help considerably.
We'll see how it goes. Heroic failure is just as good as success, right?!
One tip, If you're going to rely on Saves, make sure to stock up on potions that protect against magic. And keep in mind that Potions of Invulnerability reduce Saves by 5. Perhaps use the Claw of Kazgaroth (which is normally imported from BG1).
You also have to bear in mind that 3m XP grants UAI, which means all scrolls will be usable. Possibly Carsomyr too, if I can defeat Firkraag. That will help a lot, since I can mitigate physical damage with stoneskins and mirror image scrolls, and use Carsomyr + potion of magic protection to get 100% magic resistance (at least until the first remove magic is thrown
And don't worry, I will be buying every potion out there that helps! Randomiser means there isn't much to spend money on in Chapter 2...the Scarlet Ninja-To will be my only big purchase, if I get UAI in Chapter 2. Everything else will be spent on potions and later scrolls.
We'll see about the traps. I should be able to do a lot of damage just with weapons, so may not need to resort to them much. Besides, doesn't SCS prevent boss level opponents from being damaged by traps? I've never really tried them as I tend to play fighter or mage types.
And so it begins
This is the full weidu of my modlist so you can see exactly what we're playing with.
From SCS I've disabled beholder theft (I'll be damned if they're stealing the shield after the effort it will take to acquire it!) and illithids start visible. I've also consoled in a bag of holding and since I have OCD about seeing area maps fully, the console does that too
This will be a tactical playthrough rather than a roleplay, so I will write a summary of events and commentary rather than 1st person journal style.
Nad the Blackraven (henceforth NtB) starts by dismissing Imoen, freeing Jaheira and Minsc and heading west. He stealths to get close to the lightning mephit and launches his first attack.
Critical Miss! What an auspicious start
Second attack.
Haha! I might as well give up now, hadn't I?
Thankfully the third and fourth connect and NtB's first enemy is dispatched!
So let's have a look at NtB's inventory and character sheets.
NtB's open locks and find traps are maxed out and his stealth is decent. The focus next will be on set traps and then detect illusions - it'll take 5 thief levels to max those out. After that we'll improve stealth again. His saving throws are decent.