Only one party make sense...

I found it extremely frustrating and disappointing that at the start of Baldur' Gate 2, you were assumed to have had kept Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Minsc, and Dynaheir in your party all throughout BG1. It was illogical to have anyone else and the story wouldn't have matched and would have made no sense.
I do hope this is changed when the BG2: EE come out next year... before you start the game during the import process you could choose which companions you had with you in BG1, that way it makes more sense and I could experience more of the NPC companions.
I dunno who else agrees but that always bothered me very much.
I do hope this is changed when the BG2: EE come out next year... before you start the game during the import process you could choose which companions you had with you in BG1, that way it makes more sense and I could experience more of the NPC companions.
I dunno who else agrees but that always bothered me very much.
And while on it, it would also be nice if the game then kept track of changes you had made to those characters, such as their proficiencies, memorized spells, if you had given them stat tomes, etc.
Well, looks like I'm gunna have to use the same party again
Adjusting your starting party for BG2 based on the ending of BG1 would make me one happy panda.
It would be interesting to have Xzar or Xan along though, which are not options in BG2 without either cheats or creating them in a multiplayer game.
My personal theory on how those people ended beiong in the dungeon with you is that Irenicus captured those who would have reason to be tracking you, The Rashemen Witch and the Harper. The others just happened to be with them.
Well, looks like I'm gunna have to use the same party again
Do not despair. As I can see it, there are three ways:
1. Get more people involved in petitioning Overhaul to include BG1 NPCs (a poll comes to mind),
2. Petition Overhaul to include them as a post-release DLC,
3. Download new fan-made mods. There are some of them for the original BG2 already.
I mean, you think the series is replayable now? IMAGINE the replayability if you could have imported your party from the first game and given them their own dialogue in the dungeon and connected all the other NPCs in some extravagant web of possibilities... I'm sure it would have been EXTREMELY complicated but it would have a masterful work of storytelling... OH just thinking about it makes me............... I have to go to the bathroom..
If you don't use the canon party, then you can always come up with a story of why you have previous members in BG1 that have been captured or don't turn up in BG2. Once I did that, I never thought about it again.
For instance I truly hated Imoen and she has never survived the woods outside candlekeep in any of my games I played.Just think how weird my BG 2 game would start with this option?Most likely would have never escaped Irenicus being Imoen was dead, how the writers explain that one would be epic. But at the same time the writers would be working serious overtime trying to tie in each npc and story.
All in all I was pretty happy how BG 2 started.I would not have had Imoen save the CHARNAME at the start of course , and would have had Tiax at my side once more after I found him in Spellhold.But after playing some really shallow story RPG"s over the years BG 1 and 2, still blows them away.
-Khalid is dead in BG2
-Dynaheir is dead in BG2
-There is a quest with Xzar and Montaron so if they are in your starting party, the quest should be changed.
-If you don't choose Minsc, the NPC that replaces him will not be able to free himself(no Berserrk ability).
-There is a quest with Viconia, too. It will be less romantic if the quest is changed so that if she is in your party she gets "arrested" when you enter in Government District. I mean, freeing her will not be that epic if you let the townsfolk get her in the first place(especially if your main character is male).
Also, the party you described above is one of my favourite BG1 parties.
Ice Island was pretty tough to get out of, since no amount of brute magical power would let you just walk out like Irenicus could with Spellhold.
Still, as far as the PC knows, there's no reason to go to Spellhold to kill Irenicus beyond petty revenge. The only motivation that makes sense is rescuing Imoen, which most Evil characters simply would not care about.