Which NPC encounter do you find the funniest?

My own favorite isn't even really funny, but for some reason I couldn't stop laughing.
"Seated with me are Farluck the Fearless, Turpin the Roaring Ranger, and Nelik the Most Devious and Fiendish of Thieves! (We owe him money so he gets the good title...)"
I am interested in hearing your favorites, if you're interested in sharing them.
"Seated with me are Farluck the Fearless, Turpin the Roaring Ranger, and Nelik the Most Devious and Fiendish of Thieves! (We owe him money so he gets the good title...)"
I am interested in hearing your favorites, if you're interested in sharing them.
Charname: What do you mean your space? This is a store and I'm a customer.
Niemain: Thank you for that wonderful display of simian logic, now scram.
Charname: For your information, a number of important sociological and psychological theorists have posited that stores exist in an intermediate space, neither private nor public in nature but combining elements of both. Displays in store windows, for instance, can best be viewed as mental constructs projected onto the public consciousness as a means of engendering mass conformity derived solely from the supposedly private domain of consumer choice...
Niemain: Ack! It's enough to drive one mad... Make it stop, make it stop!
I like it because the paragraph about stores and store windows reminds me of some of the discussions/topics in the university courses I've taken hehe.
I also enjoyed the one with Ajantis:
Ajantis: Halt, be you friend or foe?
Charname: When was the last time someone answered foe, tinhead?
Ajantis: I have not come across such rude travelers in a long time! Off with you!
Charname: We just want to ask you, is that your natural stench we smell, or did you make a mess in your armor because our weapons scared you?
Ajantis: I will not take these insults to my honor, draw steel!
I guess even lawful good Paladins have their limit...
On one hand, I imagine three moronic young thieves sitting around somewhere, arguing over a title. Because one thief was owed money, he got the good title. They put undue weight on, of all things, a silly title??? What are they, the three stooges?
And on the other hand, the text is worded as "we owe him money so he gets THE good title", as if there were only one good title to be had; as if they didn't have the ability to think up anything else (lending further weight to the first thought - that they are incompetent).
Melicamp: "Th...Thank ye *cluck*. You have saved *cluck* me"
Xzar: "Forsooth! Methinks you are no ordinary talking chicken!"
Melicamp: "I certainly hope you are *cluck* jesting with me. Indeed I am "no ordinary talking chicken", and I am in need of your *cluck* help"
Xzar: "No, I refuse to let this conversation go a step further. If it should get around that I spend my days speaking with livestock, I should be the laughing stock of Baldur's Gate. I am sorry"
Some example:
What? You uses sling? What is you, a big sissy?
Mmm... old rations? Do you clean pack sometimes or just pretend?
What's this? Stale cookie? (munching noises) Ugh... that is no cookie...
Mmm? What's this? You gots hammer? Bhaal once drop hammer on big godly toe. Jump around and swear for days, he did. Kicked poor me all the way to Baator. Very bad week, that.
Oooo... big weapon, this. You over-compensating, maybe?
Umm... Cespenar only serve the Great One. You'se nice maybe, but you'se still a nobody.
Mm. Cool bastard sword, oh yes. Why bastard, you think? No parent?
I keep looking, but I runnings out of recipes soon. Needs to find Martha, soon. She around Hell somewhere, I thinks.
Stupid friggin' Bhaal... (indistinct grumbling) ...not even a friggin' pension!
What's this? A book? Is good bedtime readings, maybe? Oh. Is Tome of Golems. Yuck! BOR-ing!
and the priceless
Ooo! Shiny ones!
Ghereg the Ogre in that tower outside of Kuldahar Pass
"Head hurt! Why you make Ghereg head hurt skinny people?"
"We make your head hurt because you are a big dummy, haha!" rofl
but if you deny it he says "Why it hurt then? Why? Why? Ghereg want to pound head through walls make pain go away." (heh, classic Ghereg)
"I think that's an excellent idea, Ghereg. Hitting your head against the wall *as hard as you can* will certainly make the pain go away. It's an old Rhaegadaeran barbarian remedy. Go ahead, try it!"
That poor guy is awesome
Also Lauchegar (iirc his name :P) in the Red Sheaf Inn sings Monty Python's Lumberjack song
Really good voice acting. I believe the actor also did some work in the Elder Scrolls 4 (the Gray Prince).
There are a lot of funny parts in the game. One of my favorites is Portalbendarwinden. Everything about that guy is hilarious!
Charname: Hey wait! We've come to benefit from your divine wisdom. Let us speak!
Centeol: You've come to learn from my infinite wisdom? Speak quickly!
Charname: How did you get so fat?