The Trickiest Thief Class v.2

Number seven now! Continuing my series of class polls, this time we see who the favorite thief is. As always, this is for personal preference, and not to say what is the strongest kit. That said, feel free to debate to your heart's content in the comments! Also, if any of you have a good enough memory, you may notice that the Bounty Hunter's "description" is different. The previous one I had was probably one of the worst in the whole poll series, so making a reference to one of the internet's many never-ending jokes was a better choice, I feel. Bonus points to anyone who can remember what the old one was! Mods aren't allowed to participate in the challenge. ;p
- The Trickiest Thief Class v.282 votes
- Thief: Why be different when you can be a classic?  6.10%
- Assassin: Watch out for knives in the darkness.23.17%
- Bounty Hunter: You triggered my trap (card)!17.07%
- Swashbuckler: Ha-ha! Time for a bit o' the rough and tumble!28.05%
- Shadow Dancer: Now you see me. Now you don't.  9.76%
- Just show me the results.15.85%
I adore backstabs. I revel in 90+ hits from the shadows. I fancy chunking mages into pieces. And nobody can do it better than an Assassin.
I value poisonous weapons. I like the concept of applying Poison to your blade and your arrow. And an Assassin is perfect in this.
@bengoshi And a nice chianti? ;p
Plus, bonus points for the Shadow Step ability which acts like a Time Stop a.k.a. ultimate badass ability, for your enemies who are frozen in time, it looks like you are either teleporting or disappearing.
Assassins are also great, but I like Swashbucklers better in a RP way.
Before I vote I gotta think it through
Swashbucklers are awesome, because they are like awesome pirates and adventurers. Who doesn't like Errol Flynn? Zorro? Robin Hood? They are classic heroes. Plus my boy @Shandyr is a swashbuckler.
Bounty Hunters have Yoshimo. THE Yoshimo. Feared by all. If it is cool enough for the coolest NPC of all, how can it not be cool enough or me? Plus you got Boba Fett and his jetpack? Tough to compete.
Shadowdancers are also sweet. Hide in plain sight basically. They can travel to a "shadow realm"? That is awesome. They are like Nightcrawler from the X-Men! Backstabbing made easy. Also awesome.
Plain thief is meh. Also not a fan of assassins since they are kind of jerks. Artemis Entreri is kind of cool, but for everyone of him there is a Lee Harvey Oswald. That guy sucks.
I gotta go with Bounty Hunters on theme alone. The idea of badass traps is awesome, even if it might not be that useful in the game. Gotta go with Yoshimo and Boba Fett.
Shadowdancer was very close. Swashbuckler missed out only because of no backstab.
in bg I like pure thief for my Halflings and assassin for everyone else
Personal preference definitely leans more towards assassin and bounty hunter. I feel hard to play a non-evil assassin, especially knowing in future versions they're evil only, and a bounty hunter, especially a neutral one can easily complete the story RP wise, while doing every quest.
That said, edged weapons + bows and/or crossbows and poison, striking where it hurts.
Ya I have to say swashie due to location, assassin is next.
Disclaimer: only beaten the games with Paladin, Fighter and Ranger. Considering an Evil assassin next (Also I've beaten BG1 with my evil blade that I wanna re-do.)
But a party often needs someone to break open locks, find and disarm traps and pick the occasional pocket. So when I play a Thief, it is usually a Fighter/Thief or Mage/Thief.
I agree, I don't mind multi-class thieves at all... And for some reason I always kidnap Alora, even if she is less useful than a sack of turnips in combat.