Of the nearly 20 inaugurations I can remember, there has never been one that felt like today. Not even close. Never mind the question of the small size of the crowds, or the boycott by dozens of lawmakers, or even the protest marches slated for tomorrow across the country. Those are plays upon the stage. What is truly unprecedented in my mind is the sheer magnitude of quickening heartbeats in millions of Americans, a majority of our country if the polls are to be believed, that face today buffeted within and without by the simmering ache of dread.
I have never seen my country on an inauguration day so divided, so anxious, so fearful, so uncertain of its course.
I have never seen a transition so divisive with cabinet picks so encumbered by serious questions of qualifications and ethics.
I have never seen the specter of a foreign foe cast such a dark shadow over the workings of our democracy.
I have never seen an incoming president so preoccupied with responding to the understandable vagaries of dissent and seemingly unwilling to contend with the full weight and responsibilities of the most powerful job in the world.
I have never seen such a tangled web of conflicting interests.
Despite the pageantry of unity on display at the Capitol today, there is a piercing sense that we are entering a chapter in our nation's evolving story unlike one ever yet written. To be sure, there are millions of Donald Trump supporters who are euphoric with their candidate's rise. Other Trump voters have expressed reservations, having preferred his bluster to his rival's perceived shortcomings in the last election, but admitting more and more that they are not sure what kind of man they bestowed the keys to the presidency. The rest of America - the majority of voters - would not be - and indeed is not - hesitant in sharing its conclusions on the character and fitness of Donald Trump for the office he now holds.
The hope one hears from even some of Donald Trump's critics is that this moment might change him. Perhaps, as he stood there on a grey, drab, January day, reciting the solemn oath of office demanded by our Constitution, as he looked out across what Charles Dickens once called the "city of magnificent intentions", he would somehow grasp the importance of what he was undertaking. Perhaps he would understand that he must be the president of all the United States, in action as well as in word. Perhaps, but there has already been so much past that is prologue.
There is usually much fanfare around inaugural addresses. They are also usually forgotten - with some notable exceptions. I think today will be remembered, not so much for the rhetoric or the turns of phrase but for the man who delivered them and the era they usher us forth.
Mr. Trump's delivery was staccato and there was very little eye contact as he seemed to be reading carefully from a teleprompter. His words and tone were angry and defiant. He is still in campaign mode and nary a whiff of a unifying spirit. There was little or nothing of uplift - the rhetoric of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, or Reagan. We heard a cavalcade of slogans and one liners, of huge promises to "bring back" an America - whatever that really means to many who look at our history and see progress in our current society.
The speech started with a message of an establishment in Washington earning riches on the back of struggling families across the country. It was an odd note, considering the background of many of his cabinet picks. President Trump painted a very dark picture of the current state of our nation, beset by gangs and drugs and violence, regardless of what the data shows. His words swelled with his economic populism and the nationalism of "America first." The applause was sparse, and I imagine many more being turned off, even sickened, rather than inspired by what our new President had to say. President Obama looked on with an opaque poker face. One could only imagine what he was thinking.
It bears remembering that one never can predict the arc of a presidency. It is an office that is far too often shaped by circumstance well beyond its occupant's control. Those challenges, wherever and however they may rise, now will fall on the desk of President Trump. We can only see what will happen. We hope, for the security and sanctity of our Republic, that Mr. Trump will respond to the challenges with circumspection and wisdom. Today's rhetoric was not reassuring.
Our democracy demands debate and dissent - fierce, sustained, and unflinching when necessary. I sense that tide is rising amongst an opposition eager to toss aside passivity for action. We are already seeing a more emboldened Democratic party than I have witnessed in ages. It is being fueled by a fervent energy bubbling from the grassroots up, rather than the top down.
These are the swirling currents about our ship of state. We now have a new and untested captain. His power is immense, but it is not bestowed from a divinity on high. It is derived, as the saying goes, from the consent of the governed. That means President Trump now works for us - all of us. And if he forgets that, it will be our duty to remind him.
The parade route is, from a historical perspective, practically empty. Washington DC, when you combine these sparse crowds, the weather, and scattered protests, seems like a scene from a movie base on a dystopian novel. Kellyanne Conway's fashion sense reeks of the garb of those who live in the Capitol in The Hunger Games.
Meanwhile, Brexit con-man and straight up liar Nigel Farage is joining Fox News. Because of course he is.
This inaugural speech is straight garbage. It's a goddamn campaign speech. It's jingoistic, nationalistic, and dark.
What did you expect?!
Yeah we the people are like battered wives or something. "Well I got beat up again but maybe next time it will be different".
Why do people keep expecting something different from the same person?
It was the same on the campaign, people said Hillary's horrible but there was never the hope she would be different. She never got another chance. Trump said and did terrible things but for some reason there was expectation of reform or something.
He kept getting another chance. Says he can shoot someone in times square, give him another chance. Access Hollywood tape? Another chance. Tax returns, Trump University, golden reports, another chance, another chance, another chance. But those emails, that's the end!
This inaugural speech is straight garbage. It's a goddamn campaign speech. It's jingoistic, nationalistic, and dark.
What did you expect?!
Yeah we the people are like battered wives or something. "Well I got beat up again but maybe next time it will be different".
Why do people keep expecting something different from the same person?
It was the same on the campaign, people said Hillary's horrible but there was never the hope she would be different. She never got another chance. Trump said and did terrible things but for some reason there was expectation of reform or something.
He kept getting another chance. Says he can shoot someone in times square, give him another chance. Access Hollywood tape? Another chance. Tax returns, Trump University, golden reports, another chance, another chance, another chance. But those emails, that's the end!
Really bizarre double standards.
You will find the double standards when it comes to Republican politicians as long as you want to look for them. Everyone here probably knows about Joe Scarbourough, former Republican congressman who has a 3 hour morning show on the "liberal" cable news network. Many of you may remember, in the months leading up to 9/11, that the major story in the news that summer was (besides shark attacks) Gary Condit and Chandra Levy. She was an intern of his who was found dead in a park. Gary Condit was never found to have been involved in Levy's death. In fact, someone else eventually went to jail for the crime (though they too were later exonerated). But the media portrayed the story day after day as if Condit had had her killed, and it ruined his career. But what I bet you didn't know?? That around the exact same time, a female intern was found dead in Joe Scarbourough's Florida office. And you simply would not know that is the case unless you were reading liberal blogs at the time.
This isn't to demonstrate that I think Scarbourough killed his intern, because that's surely not the case. The point is that the Democrat was turned into the media circus of the year up to that point, while a Republican finding himself in the exact same (or worse) looking circumstances was met with radio silence.
It's inevitable whenever actual meaningful protests are about to take place that these anarchist nitwits start showing up breaking windows at the nearest Starbucks they can find. And all Trump needs is ONE example to point to and invalidate every other damn thing anyone who went to DC is trying to get across. Has happened since the WPO in Seattle 16 years ago.
The very first act of the Trump Presidency. Anyone who voted for him for "economic" reasons are the biggest suckers on the planet:
An hour after Donald Trump assumed the presidency Friday, his administration indefinitely suspended a pending rate cut for mortgage insurance required for FHA-backed mortgages, which are popular with first-time home buyers and those with poor credit.
The move by the Department of Housing and Urban Development — one of the first acts of Trump’s administration — reversed a policy announced in the waning days of the Obama presidency that would have trimmed insurance premiums for typical borrowers by hundreds of dollars a year.
Amazingly enough (or completely predictably) this woman has not only been married THREE times (family values!!!), but was also the subject of congressional investigation of her ministry (by Republican Chuck Grassley) and is one of the major proponents of the "prosperity gospel", which already has a name, which is Calvinism.
Amazingly enough (or completely predictably) this woman has not only been married THREE times (family values!!!), but was also the subject of congressional investigation of her ministry (by Republican Chuck Grassley) and is one of the major proponents of the "prosperity gospel", which already has a name, which is Calvinism.
Is there anything on the other two, or does the corruption of the American church run much deeper?
Maybe it wasn't a "White Lashing" that won President Trump the election, Maybe it was a "Christian Lashing."
Amazingly enough (or completely predictably) this woman has not only been married THREE times (family values!!!), but was also the subject of congressional investigation of her ministry (by Republican Chuck Grassley) and is one of the major proponents of the "prosperity gospel", which already has a name, which is Calvinism.
Is there anything on the other two, or does the corruption of the American church run much deeper?
Maybe it wasn't a "White Lashing" that won President Trump the election, Maybe it was a "Christian Lashing."
The plot thickens.
The Republican base is generally a combination of both. I'm not surprised they went for Trump, but if the media had any integrity whatsoever, the idea that Republicans would ever again be able to run on the traditional platform of "values" would be laughable on it's face. Of course, that will never happen. I mean, everyone KNOWS that Democrats are the decadent heathens in this equation.
I'm not entirely sure how Michelle Obama didn't recoil in disgust when Trump embraced her while they were getting aboard Marine One for their last flight as First Family.
The Neo-Nazi alt-right leader Richard Spencer was also punched in the face during an interview today by an anarchist protester. Poor guy. I feel so bad for him. Probably won't be able to sleep tonight because I'm so upset.
One of the first things Trump signs is an executive order stating his top priority in the Oval Office will be dismantling the Affordable Health Care act that covers some 20 million Americans. And the first post on the new alt-white house website is that Donald Trump will eliminate The Climate Action Plan a landmark climate protection plan. And he wonders why people are upset.
Also after Melania ripped off Michelle Obama's speech during the campaign, Trump himself ripped off Bane's speech from the Dark Knight Rises.
I don't approve of vandalism, violence going on in the protests. It seems there can't be a good protest without these things for some reason. Why is that? It's definitely in the corporate interests to paint a protest as a riot in order to dismiss any legitimate protest. James O'Keefe was trying to pay people to stir up trouble during the inauguration. I think that might be part of it, part of it is opportunists looking to loot or whatever.
One of the first things Trump signs is an executive order stating his top priority in the Oval Office will be dismantling the Affordable Health Care act that covers some 20 million Americans. And the first post on the new alt-white house website is that Donald Trump will eliminate The Climate Action Plan a landmark climate protection plan. And he wonders why people are upset.
Also after Melania ripped off Michelle Obama's speech during the campaign, Trump himself ripped off Bane's speech from the Dark Knight Rises.
I don't approve of vandalism, violence going on in the protests. It seems there can't be a good protest without these things for some reason. Why is that? It's definitely in the corporate interests to paint a protest as a riot in order to dismiss any legitimate protest. James O'Keefe was trying to pay people to stir up trouble during the inauguration. I think that might be part of it, part of it is opportunists looking to loot or whatever.
It's been a very depressing day for alot of people in this country. Everything that is going to happen is entirely predictable. None of it should surprise anyone. Trump told you who he was during the campaign. That's how he's going to govern. That's almost always the case. But I say to anyone who voted for him, and especially the Republican Party, you OWN this. And you won't get off the hook like you did after Bush by re-branding yourselves as the Tea Party and dressing up in Revolutionary War costumes because a black man got elected.
By the way, Mr. America First?? Guess where the apparel for his inauguration was made?? China. Because obviously, unless you've had your head in the sand for the last two years. A total, utter fraud. And I'm not sure what's worse, that he's President, or that people buy into his scams.
Just out of curiosity, what happens if you wind up being incorrect? Remember, none of the worst-case scenarios people were envisioning in 2008 happened so none of the worst-case scenarios will happen now, either.
Meanwhile in the UK Theresa May has opted for the a quite bracingly hard Brexit. Her negotiating leverage to get what the country needs is the threat to revise our economic model into a sort of giant tax haven offshore of Europe. Like a sort of floating parasitic turd... I rather agree with an anonymous UK diplomat quoted as saying: "If you are going to sell your soul, make sure you have something to sell."
To be fair, there was never actually any alternative. Those supposing that the EU would ever agree to a "soft" Brexit where living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.
That's one flank. I think in terms of the negotiations the EU may be regarded as Scylla, while Ukip etc. play the role of Charybdis.
First the UK's internal politics get played out on the international stage, and now the EU's 27 will get to squabble as to what crumbs to pass us. Frankly the UK hand in these negotiations is disastrously weak and a conciliatory attitude may have worked rather better than the current bravado.
That's not actually true. The UK has the strongest military force in Europe (apart from America, obviously, but they have shown they cannot be relied upon). All they have to do is threaten to withdraw British troops from eastern Europe and Britain can demand any terms they like. Of course no one has the balls to actually do that. They have spent so long playing Monopoly that they have forgotten how to play Risk. Apart from Putin of course.
It's not that we've forgotten how to play Risk for me, it's that we have forgotten the costs. It is not uncoincidental to me that as the WW2 generation gradually passes on (a funeral for me last year) the knowledge that instability has a cost all of its own must be painfully relearned. A treaty entered into on the terms you suggest would be meaningless in the long term- and would spell the end of NATO obviously.
It's been a very depressing day for alot of people in this country. Everything that is going to happen is entirely predictable. None of it should surprise anyone. Trump told you who he was during the campaign. That's how he's going to govern. That's almost always the case. But I say to anyone who voted for him, and especially the Republican Party, you OWN this. And you won't get off the hook like you did after Bush by re-branding yourselves as the Tea Party and dressing up in Revolutionary War costumes because a black man got elected.
It's been a very depressing day for alot of people in this country. Everything that is going to happen is entirely predictable. None of it should surprise anyone. Trump told you who he was during the campaign. That's how he's going to govern. That's almost always the case. But I say to anyone who voted for him, and especially the Republican Party, you OWN this. And you won't get off the hook like you did after Bush by re-branding yourselves as the Tea Party and dressing up in Revolutionary War costumes because a black man got elected.
This is exactly what happened. Now we all have to sit through this for 8 yrs. He will not be impeached and he will not lose the election for his second term. If anyone even talks about this man getting harmed, going out and destroying property or just causing chaos should seriously have their mental state assessed.
The left has ALWAYS been about chaos and anarchy. If you don't get what you want go out and break something. In every country all over the globe it's the same song and dance. I hope the President comes down hard on Violent protests. They tried doing that shit in Canada and it got shut down quick. The police in the Great White North don't fool around. You break something they break you.
This is why Canada is a very safe and friendly country. We all live together and try to get along but when a group tries to push and shove, the whole country shoves back.
This SJW argument has gone beyond my capacity for tolerance of it at this point. It's a complete and utter fabrication in the minds of people that has no actual tangible effect on the lives of those who perceive it to be true, unless you believe that people's rights are a zero-sum game, and that if a minority demographic group gains them, then white men by default LOSE them. Equality seems like oppression to those who are accustomed to privilege. You know what phrases get thrown around just as much as racist and sexist?? SJW and PC.
Is the guy is this video for real?? The financial receipts of the female Ghostbusters movie?? Good god. This was actually THE example of when I realized this SJW nonsense had gone off the rails. Here you had a entire movement of angry, sexually repressed nerds defending the legacy of a franchise from females that essentially has no legacy to begin with. It was one great movie in '84, a universally recognized terrible movie in '89, and a above-average Saturday morning cartoon series. That isn't a "legacy" any rational person goes to bat for. It was the anti-PC/alt-right crowd fishing for a fight, which denigrated into calling one of the actresses in the movie (and African-American) every racial epithet in the book on Twitter and posting nude photos of her online. Quite the blow for male justice that was. Yeah, the new Ghostbusters movie sucked. The Warcraft movie was a piece of garbage too, but that doesn't mean it has some kind of great cultural significance. How does that make it different from the 2 dozen other shitty remakes that get made each year?? It was never about that. It was a tailor-made, manufactured piss and moan fest for internet sociopaths.
Oh, and he quotes Alex Jones while he's at it. A certified nutcase who believes that the 19 first-graders who got shot to death in Sandy Hook didn't actually die, but that is was staged by the Obama administration. Gotcha.
Anyway, it's a brilliant tactic. If Trump sucks, it's the liberal's fault anyway. Not the people who voted for him because of "SJWs". They get a free pass because they are pissed you can't say n****r and f****t in public anymore without being called out on it.
It's been a very depressing day for alot of people in this country. Everything that is going to happen is entirely predictable. None of it should surprise anyone. Trump told you who he was during the campaign. That's how he's going to govern. That's almost always the case. But I say to anyone who voted for him, and especially the Republican Party, you OWN this. And you won't get off the hook like you did after Bush by re-branding yourselves as the Tea Party and dressing up in Revolutionary War costumes because a black man got elected.
This is exactly what happened. Now we all have to sit through this for 8 yrs. He will not be impeached and he will not lose the election for his second term. If anyone even talks about this man getting harmed, going out and destroying property or just causing chaos should seriously have their mental state assessed.
The left has ALWAYS been about chaos and anarchy. If you don't get what you want go out and break something. In every country all over the globe it's the same song and dance. I hope the President comes down hard on Violent protests. They tried doing that shit in Canada and it got shut down quick. The police in the Great White North don't fool around. You break something they break you.
This is why Canada is a very safe and friendly country. We all live together and try to get along but when a group tries to push and shove, the whole country shoves back.
The whole country is on the side pushing. The minority are the ones that are happy. I guess maybe some farmers in Wyoming are thrilled but the cities (places where most the people actually live in america) are not happy.
Is the left a bunch of chaos and anarchy or are they a bunch of PC snowflake tree hugging push overs? I guess the left is whatever suits the right's mood. The other side is the bad guy.
To the left, the right are the ones that are all about aggression and denying rights. They attack equal rights in the name of religious freedom while praising god for a guy that has no idea how to bible and has been divorced and cheated on his wives. They push against social progress, deny climate change because it causes a small burden on business today, they are against social programs for the old and poor. They want to privatize every aspect of government so their businesses can profit of things that are probably better not profit based ventures.
Anyway, this is what power wants. They want us divided. Left vs. Right. The enemy is the other side. While we're divided then they can go loot the country and give their donors (businesses and top 1%) tax breaks. They've shifted the burden of paying for the government to poor and middle class. The rich can afford to hide their wealth and buy off the government to give themselves tax breaks.
You know what phrases get thrown around just as much as racist and sexist?? SJW and PC.
That's why the words racist, sexist and rape don't even make people flinch anymore. Like the N word that the black community throws around like candy even towards other ethnicities.
You know what phrases get thrown around just as much as racist and sexist?? SJW and PC.
That's why the words racist, sexist and rape don't even make people flinch anymore. Like the N word that the black community throws around like candy even towards other ethnicities.
I went into that in detail in a previous post, and see no real reason to do so again. And rape doesn't mean anything anymore as a word?? I guess I had no idea how debased things have gotten.
Anyway, this is what power wants. They want us divided. Left vs. Right. The enemy is the other side. While we're divided then they can go loot the country and give their donors (businesses and top 1%) tax breaks. They've shifted the burden of paying for the government to poor and middle class. The rich can afford to hide their wealth and buy off the government to give themselves tax breaks.
I agree with this 1 trillion percent. A voice of reason.
And so it begins.
Of the nearly 20 inaugurations I can remember, there has never been one that felt like today. Not even close. Never mind the question of the small size of the crowds, or the boycott by dozens of lawmakers, or even the protest marches slated for tomorrow across the country. Those are plays upon the stage. What is truly unprecedented in my mind is the sheer magnitude of quickening heartbeats in millions of Americans, a majority of our country if the polls are to be believed, that face today buffeted within and without by the simmering ache of dread.
I have never seen my country on an inauguration day so divided, so anxious, so fearful, so uncertain of its course.
I have never seen a transition so divisive with cabinet picks so encumbered by serious questions of qualifications and ethics.
I have never seen the specter of a foreign foe cast such a dark shadow over the workings of our democracy.
I have never seen an incoming president so preoccupied with responding to the understandable vagaries of dissent and seemingly unwilling to contend with the full weight and responsibilities of the most powerful job in the world.
I have never seen such a tangled web of conflicting interests.
Despite the pageantry of unity on display at the Capitol today, there is a piercing sense that we are entering a chapter in our nation's evolving story unlike one ever yet written. To be sure, there are millions of Donald Trump supporters who are euphoric with their candidate's rise. Other Trump voters have expressed reservations, having preferred his bluster to his rival's perceived shortcomings in the last election, but admitting more and more that they are not sure what kind of man they bestowed the keys to the presidency. The rest of America - the majority of voters - would not be - and indeed is not - hesitant in sharing its conclusions on the character and fitness of Donald Trump for the office he now holds.
The hope one hears from even some of Donald Trump's critics is that this moment might change him. Perhaps, as he stood there on a grey, drab, January day, reciting the solemn oath of office demanded by our Constitution, as he looked out across what Charles Dickens once called the "city of magnificent intentions", he would somehow grasp the importance of what he was undertaking. Perhaps he would understand that he must be the president of all the United States, in action as well as in word. Perhaps, but there has already been so much past that is prologue.
There is usually much fanfare around inaugural addresses. They are also usually forgotten - with some notable exceptions. I think today will be remembered, not so much for the rhetoric or the turns of phrase but for the man who delivered them and the era they usher us forth.
Mr. Trump's delivery was staccato and there was very little eye contact as he seemed to be reading carefully from a teleprompter. His words and tone were angry and defiant. He is still in campaign mode and nary a whiff of a unifying spirit. There was little or nothing of uplift - the rhetoric of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, or Reagan. We heard a cavalcade of slogans and one liners, of huge promises to "bring back" an America - whatever that really means to many who look at our history and see progress in our current society.
The speech started with a message of an establishment in Washington earning riches on the back of struggling families across the country. It was an odd note, considering the background of many of his cabinet picks. President Trump painted a very dark picture of the current state of our nation, beset by gangs and drugs and violence, regardless of what the data shows. His words swelled with his economic populism and the nationalism of "America first." The applause was sparse, and I imagine many more being turned off, even sickened, rather than inspired by what our new President had to say. President Obama looked on with an opaque poker face. One could only imagine what he was thinking.
It bears remembering that one never can predict the arc of a presidency. It is an office that is far too often shaped by circumstance well beyond its occupant's control. Those challenges, wherever and however they may rise, now will fall on the desk of President Trump. We can only see what will happen. We hope, for the security and sanctity of our Republic, that Mr. Trump will respond to the challenges with circumspection and wisdom. Today's rhetoric was not reassuring.
Our democracy demands debate and dissent - fierce, sustained, and unflinching when necessary. I sense that tide is rising amongst an opposition eager to toss aside passivity for action. We are already seeing a more emboldened Democratic party than I have witnessed in ages. It is being fueled by a fervent energy bubbling from the grassroots up, rather than the top down.
These are the swirling currents about our ship of state. We now have a new and untested captain. His power is immense, but it is not bestowed from a divinity on high. It is derived, as the saying goes, from the consent of the governed. That means President Trump now works for us - all of us. And if he forgets that, it will be our duty to remind him.
- Dan Rather
Obama on the left vs Trump
Meanwhile, Brexit con-man and straight up liar Nigel Farage is joining Fox News. Because of course he is.
Why do people keep expecting something different from the same person?
It was the same on the campaign, people said Hillary's horrible but there was never the hope she would be different. She never got another chance. Trump said and did terrible things but for some reason there was expectation of reform or something.
He kept getting another chance. Says he can shoot someone in times square, give him another chance. Access Hollywood tape? Another chance. Tax returns, Trump University, golden reports, another chance, another chance, another chance. But those emails, that's the end!
Really bizarre double standards.
This isn't to demonstrate that I think Scarbourough killed his intern, because that's surely not the case. The point is that the Democrat was turned into the media circus of the year up to that point, while a Republican finding himself in the exact same (or worse) looking circumstances was met with radio silence.
An hour after Donald Trump assumed the presidency Friday, his administration indefinitely suspended a pending rate cut for mortgage insurance required for FHA-backed mortgages, which are popular with first-time home buyers and those with poor credit.
The move by the Department of Housing and Urban Development — one of the first acts of Trump’s administration — reversed a policy announced in the waning days of the Obama presidency that would have trimmed insurance premiums for typical borrowers by hundreds of dollars a year.
Maybe it wasn't a "White Lashing" that won President Trump the election, Maybe it was a "Christian Lashing."
The plot thickens.
I'm not entirely sure how Michelle Obama didn't recoil in disgust when Trump embraced her while they were getting aboard Marine One for their last flight as First Family.
The Neo-Nazi alt-right leader Richard Spencer was also punched in the face during an interview today by an anarchist protester. Poor guy. I feel so bad for him. Probably won't be able to sleep tonight because I'm so upset.
Also after Melania ripped off Michelle Obama's speech during the campaign, Trump himself ripped off Bane's speech from the Dark Knight Rises.
I don't approve of vandalism, violence going on in the protests. It seems there can't be a good protest without these things for some reason. Why is that? It's definitely in the corporate interests to paint a protest as a riot in order to dismiss any legitimate protest. James O'Keefe was trying to pay people to stir up trouble during the inauguration. I think that might be part of it, part of it is opportunists looking to loot or whatever.
By the way, Mr. America First?? Guess where the apparel for his inauguration was made?? China. Because obviously, unless you've had your head in the sand for the last two years. A total, utter fraud. And I'm not sure what's worse, that he's President, or that people buy into his scams.
The left has ALWAYS been about chaos and anarchy. If you don't get what you want go out and break something. In every country all over the globe it's the same song and dance. I hope the President comes down hard on Violent protests. They tried doing that shit in Canada and it got shut down quick. The police in the Great White North don't fool around. You break something they break you.
This is why Canada is a very safe and friendly country. We all live together and try to get along but when a group tries to push and shove, the whole country shoves back.
Is the guy is this video for real?? The financial receipts of the female Ghostbusters movie?? Good god. This was actually THE example of when I realized this SJW nonsense had gone off the rails. Here you had a entire movement of angry, sexually repressed nerds defending the legacy of a franchise from females that essentially has no legacy to begin with. It was one great movie in '84, a universally recognized terrible movie in '89, and a above-average Saturday morning cartoon series. That isn't a "legacy" any rational person goes to bat for. It was the anti-PC/alt-right crowd fishing for a fight, which denigrated into calling one of the actresses in the movie (and African-American) every racial epithet in the book on Twitter and posting nude photos of her online. Quite the blow for male justice that was. Yeah, the new Ghostbusters movie sucked. The Warcraft movie was a piece of garbage too, but that doesn't mean it has some kind of great cultural significance. How does that make it different from the 2 dozen other shitty remakes that get made each year?? It was never about that. It was a tailor-made, manufactured piss and moan fest for internet sociopaths.
Oh, and he quotes Alex Jones while he's at it. A certified nutcase who believes that the 19 first-graders who got shot to death in Sandy Hook didn't actually die, but that is was staged by the Obama administration. Gotcha.
Anyway, it's a brilliant tactic. If Trump sucks, it's the liberal's fault anyway. Not the people who voted for him because of "SJWs". They get a free pass because they are pissed you can't say n****r and f****t in public anymore without being called out on it.
Is the left a bunch of chaos and anarchy or are they a bunch of PC snowflake tree hugging push overs? I guess the left is whatever suits the right's mood. The other side is the bad guy.
To the left, the right are the ones that are all about aggression and denying rights. They attack equal rights in the name of religious freedom while praising god for a guy that has no idea how to bible and has been divorced and cheated on his wives. They push against social progress, deny climate change because it causes a small burden on business today, they are against social programs for the old and poor. They want to privatize every aspect of government so their businesses can profit of things that are probably better not profit based ventures.
Anyway, this is what power wants. They want us divided. Left vs. Right. The enemy is the other side. While we're divided then they can go loot the country and give their donors (businesses and top 1%) tax breaks. They've shifted the burden of paying for the government to poor and middle class. The rich can afford to hide their wealth and buy off the government to give themselves tax breaks.
I know, I couldn't stop myself...