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Politics. The feel in your country.



  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017

    Trump at CIA (paraphrased)

    "We had a million people. The dishonest media showed an empty field... It went all the way back to the washington monument"

    pathological narcissist

    obama left vs trump'
    who do you believe Trump or you're lying eyes?

    This reminds me of a very persistent meme of right-wingers on the internet the last 8 years, who called Michelle Obama "Moochelle" implying (in some alternate universe apparently) that she was overweight, which is simply insane. Even the eye test doesn't seem to matter anymore. I have no doubt Trump supporters will believe the media doctored these photos to make it look like no one showed up. I mean, at this point, why not??

    Before anyone else gets to it, Madonna did, in fact, drop the f-bomb twice today at a speech at one of the marches, before the news networks could get away from it. Now we'll see everyone who voted for a man who is a serial sexual assaulter of women pretend to care about an "obscenity". Like I said, that argument took the last flight home for the American conservative movement. No more lecturing about language and morals, ever.
  • TakisMegasTakisMegas Member Posts: 835
    Bill Clinton caught staring at Ivanka Trump
  • TakisMegasTakisMegas Member Posts: 835
    People react to Trump Inauguration.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    This reminds me of a very persistent meme of right-wingers on the internet the last 8 years, who called Michelle Obama "Moochelle" implying (in some alternate universe apparently) that she was overweight, which is simply insane. Even the eye test doesn't seem to matter anymore. I have no doubt Trump supporters will believe the media doctored these photos to make it look like no one showed up. I mean, at this point, why not??

    They already are. They are claiming Trump's picture was taken before the ceremony even began (like that would have made a difference) and then posting a picture from the opposite angle in an attempt to show how full it really was (but you could still see an empty mall in the background).

    People will believe what they want and will always find reason to say so.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited January 2017
    "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period," Spicer said

    ? Why u so insecure? This is really some tin pot stuff. And group of 300 CIA becomes 400.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    Meanwhile, Women's Marches have taken over the rest of the country and the world.

    I don't know about anyone else here, but today has made me proud of my country again, and even prouder to be a woman. :bawling:
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    "As you know I have a running war with the media," Trump said.
    "They are among the most dishonest human beings on earth. And they sort of made it sound like I had a feud with the intelligence community. And just want to let you know that the reason you're the No. 1 stop is exactly the opposite."

    This one quote is a extremely scary, and would be the one thing I would be worried about if I was a U.S. citizen atm.

    Media outlets build their reputation on delivering timely and accurate news stories. To have it questioned by the now president of the united states is extremely dangerous as it begins to undermine the first amendment of the constitution.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    He lies to say whatever suits him in the moment. There is NO question he was attacking the intelligence agencies just last week. I mean, we have his own words to back this up. The media is at fault for many things, but he is using the unpopularity of the media to gaslight EVERYTHING he says. He called people who were against him "enemies" again last night at one of the inaugural balls.

    As for the inauguration attendance, I mean, we all have eyes. Many Trump supporters seem to have abandoned their faith in their own sight, but pictures don't lie. There were MAGNITUDES more people in the streets of DC today protesting against him than watched him get sworn in. There were, literally, millions of people in the streets across the country today. Thousands in such small cities as Sioux Falls and the one I live in, Fargo, ND. Hundreds of thousands in Boston, Chicago, and NY. It's absolutely unprecedented. A sizable portion of the country (and again, 3 million votes, in this polarized country, it a hefty amount) does not view him as legitimate.

    I don't know that it amounts to election success in 2018. The Senate seats being defended by Dems are deep red. But I know one thing it accomplished. I guarantee that this evening Donald Trump is as angry as he has ever been. His pathological narcissism will, as always, cause him to lash out. He's a child. He's the most powerful man in the world and he has the emotional maturity of a toddler.
  • TakisMegasTakisMegas Member Posts: 835

    Meanwhile, Women's Marches have taken over the rest of the country and the world.

    I don't know about anyone else here, but today has made me proud of my country again, and even prouder to be a woman. :bawling:

    I was happy to see people coming together in mass numbers for their right to protest. I do not agree with woman and organizations that are Pro Life, where told to stay home and where not welcome. This was also confirmed on CNN.

    Also still waiting for Madonna to perform fellatio on all the men in America that voted for Hillary.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017

    Meanwhile, Women's Marches have taken over the rest of the country and the world.

    I don't know about anyone else here, but today has made me proud of my country again, and even prouder to be a woman. :bawling:

    I was happy to see people coming together in mass numbers for their right to protest. I do not agree with woman and organizations that are Pro Life, where told to stay home and where not welcome. This was also confirmed on CNN.

    Also still waiting for Madonna to perform fellatio on all the men in America that voted for Hillary.
    Madonna, much like Donald Trump in fact (before his rise to celebrity actually) understands better than anyone that no publicity is bad publicity. The only thing that matters is that you are the topic of the conversation. She managed to stay in the pop culture limelight for well over a decade as a TOP attraction, which is nearly unheard of.

    Ultimately, today was about people realizing that out democratic institutions may not protect us from this man (which is a good bet). The people won't defeat this without taking matters into their own hands.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    One of the first things the trump justice department did was delay a Texas voting discrimination rights case. Gotta keep voters from voting after all. Some voters might match names of felons in other states. Better drop them from the voting registry too.
  • TakisMegasTakisMegas Member Posts: 835

    Meanwhile, Women's Marches have taken over the rest of the country and the world.

    I don't know about anyone else here, but today has made me proud of my country again, and even prouder to be a woman. :bawling:

    I was happy to see people coming together in mass numbers for their right to protest. I do not agree with woman and organizations that are Pro Life, where told to stay home and where not welcome. This was also confirmed on CNN.

    Also still waiting for Madonna to perform fellatio on all the men in America that voted for Hillary.
    Madonna, much like Donald Trump in fact (before his rise to celebrity actually) understands better than anyone that no publicity is bad publicity. The only thing that matters is that you are the topic of the conversation. She managed to stay in the pop culture limelight for well over a decade as a TOP attraction, which is nearly unheard of.

    Ultimately, today was about people realizing that out democratic institutions may not protect us from this man (which is a good bet). The people won't defeat this without taking matters into their own hands.
    Who was protecting us from Madonna after her True Blue Album.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    so madonna is pretty nuts. Anyway, how about the rest of the movement against trump? A lot more people came out against than for the orange one. And how about the unhinged rants at the CIA and by Spicer?

    I wonder did he go to congratulate the CIA and offer support after attacking the "intelligence" community or did he go to rail against them for leaking the report and tell them to close all investigations into his russian connections. There's probably a reason he went there first.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    People react to Trump Inauguration.

    "These are the anti-fascists who physically attack people with whom they disagree. In other words, they're the actual fascists" - that says it all right there.

    Though I don't think anything can top the girl calling for an assassination while hashtagging "love Trumps hate."

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017

    People react to Trump Inauguration.

    "These are the anti-fascists who physically attack people with whom they disagree. In other words, they're the actual fascists" - that says it all right there.

    Though I don't think anything can top the girl calling for an assassination while hashtagging "love Trumps hate."

    Cops across the country are reporting virtually no violence among more than 2 million people on the streets today. Also, unlike the the Tea Party rallies, no one has an automatic rifle strapped over their shoulder.

    As for Richard Spencer getting cold-cocked, well, beating up on Nazis is a time-honored American tradition. Punching a self-proclaimed Nazi might not be a good thing. But being a Nazi is worse. You may not be referring to that incident, but it did happen yesterday:

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017

    Meanwhile, Women's Marches have taken over the rest of the country and the world.

    I don't know about anyone else here, but today has made me proud of my country again, and even prouder to be a woman. :bawling:

    I was happy to see people coming together in mass numbers for their right to protest. I do not agree with woman and organizations that are Pro Life, where told to stay home and where not welcome. This was also confirmed on CNN.

    Also still waiting for Madonna to perform fellatio on all the men in America that voted for Hillary.
    Madonna, much like Donald Trump in fact (before his rise to celebrity actually) understands better than anyone that no publicity is bad publicity. The only thing that matters is that you are the topic of the conversation. She managed to stay in the pop culture limelight for well over a decade as a TOP attraction, which is nearly unheard of.

    Ultimately, today was about people realizing that out democratic institutions may not protect us from this man (which is a good bet). The people won't defeat this without taking matters into their own hands.
    Who was protecting us from Madonna after her True Blue Album.
    Oh, idk about that. Like a Prayer was still good. She had alot of good singles in the 90s, they were just more AOR oriented and slow-paced ballads. I think she easily has the best collection of pop singles to her name of anyone outside of The Beatles.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    You will find the double standards when it comes to Republican politicians as long as you want to look for them. Everyone here probably knows about Joe Scarbourough, former Republican congressman who has a 3 hour morning show on the "liberal" cable news network. Many of you may remember, in the months leading up to 9/11, that the major story in the news that summer was (besides shark attacks) Gary Condit and Chandra Levy. She was an intern of his who was found dead in a park. Gary Condit was never found to have been involved in Levy's death. In fact, someone else eventually went to jail for the crime (though they too were later exonerated). But the media portrayed the story day after day as if Condit had had her killed, and it ruined his career. But what I bet you didn't know?? That around the exact same time, a female intern was found dead in Joe Scarbourough's Florida office. And you simply would not know that is the case unless you were reading liberal blogs at the time.

    This isn't to demonstrate that I think Scarbourough killed his intern, because that's surely not the case. The point is that the Democrat was turned into the media circus of the year up to that point, while a Republican finding himself in the exact same (or worse) looking circumstances was met with radio silence.

    Your description of the Chandra Levy case isn't entirely accurate - she was MISSING at the time that the story broke, and there was a massive and ongoing search for her (her remains weren't found until almost a full year afterward). Condit came under heavy fire because he was not forthcoming with investigators or the press, and was facing possible obstruction of justice charges (he later admitted to having an affair with Levy, but initially denied it).

    Scarbourough's intern (Lori Klausutis) was found to have been suffering from a heart condition and ruled to have died from an accidental fall while Joe was out of the state. There was no massive search or ongoing investigation to actually report on. These were certainly not "the exact same (or worse) looking circumstances."

  • TakisMegasTakisMegas Member Posts: 835

    People react to Trump Inauguration.

    "These are the anti-fascists who physically attack people with whom they disagree. In other words, they're the actual fascists" - that says it all right there.

    Though I don't think anything can top the girl calling for an assassination while hashtagging "love Trumps hate."

    Cops across the country are reporting virtually no violence among more than 2 million people on the streets today. Also, unlike the the Tea Party rallies, no one has an automatic rifle strapped over their shoulder.

    As for Richard Spencer getting cold-cocked, well, beating up on Nazis is a time-honored American tradition. Punching a self-proclaimed Nazi might not be a good thing. But being a Nazi is worse. You may not be referring to that incident, but it did happen yesterday:

    Violence of any kind is unacceptable in a civilized society.
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    The attack on Richard Spencer was cowardly and utterly despicable but I expect nothing less from antifa.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    Punching a self-proclaimed Nazi might not be a good thing. But being a Nazi is worse.

    Simply being or proclaiming to be a Nazi is not worse than causing actual physical harm to someone without provocation - like it or not, the first is a legal right that Americans have, the second is flagrantly illegal (incidentally, Spencer is not a "self-proclaimed" Nazi - he was actually in the middle of denying that he's a Nazi when he got punched).

    Ironically, if a person thinks it's "acceptable" to launch unprovoked attacks on others, then there really isn't much that separates them from a Nazi anyway.

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017

    Punching a self-proclaimed Nazi might not be a good thing. But being a Nazi is worse.

    Simply being or proclaiming to be a Nazi is not worse than causing actual physical harm to someone without provocation - like it or not, the first is a legal right that Americans have, the second is flagrantly illegal (incidentally, Spencer is not a "self-proclaimed" Nazi - he was actually in the middle of denying that he's a Nazi when he got punched).

    Ironically, if a person thinks it's "acceptable" to launch unprovoked attacks on others, then there really isn't much that separates them from a Nazi anyway.

    Nothing except the genocide part. But between that and a black eye I guess it's a coin flip. The "sieg heil" chants he led to their god king Trump at his party after the inauguration would say otherwise. He's called for "peaceful ethnic cleansing", whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. He called Trump's win a "victory of the will" and unless you want to be completely disingenuous about it, that is a direct reference to "The Triumph of the Will". So Richard Spencer is a self-proclaimed Nazi, he just doesn't have the actual balls to admit it in those words. This guy is banned from many countries in Europe, possibly because they have some idea about this sort of thing. And I said he shouldn't have been punched. I just don't happen to care that he was. I guess I would have preferred that he wasn't. Kind of. Spencer said his Nazi salute party was "in the spirit of irony", so I guess that makes it ok for me to talk about him getting punched in the "spirit of irony". It's such a neat little trick, by Richard Spencer's rules, it gets you off the hook for anything you say. Yeah, we'll go with that. The spirit of irony. God bless America.

    And again, it was one of those anarchist dipshits in a facemask who always seem to show up at these things breaking windows of coffee shops and setting trash cans on fire. Nothing of the sort happened today, though I'm 100% positive we are going to hear "reports" about it all over the place in the coming days.
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017

    You will find the double standards when it comes to Republican politicians as long as you want to look for them. Everyone here probably knows about Joe Scarbourough, former Republican congressman who has a 3 hour morning show on the "liberal" cable news network. Many of you may remember, in the months leading up to 9/11, that the major story in the news that summer was (besides shark attacks) Gary Condit and Chandra Levy. She was an intern of his who was found dead in a park. Gary Condit was never found to have been involved in Levy's death. In fact, someone else eventually went to jail for the crime (though they too were later exonerated). But the media portrayed the story day after day as if Condit had had her killed, and it ruined his career. But what I bet you didn't know?? That around the exact same time, a female intern was found dead in Joe Scarbourough's Florida office. And you simply would not know that is the case unless you were reading liberal blogs at the time.

    This isn't to demonstrate that I think Scarbourough killed his intern, because that's surely not the case. The point is that the Democrat was turned into the media circus of the year up to that point, while a Republican finding himself in the exact same (or worse) looking circumstances was met with radio silence.

    Your description of the Chandra Levy case isn't entirely accurate - she was MISSING at the time that the story broke, and there was a massive and ongoing search for her (her remains weren't found until almost a full year afterward). Condit came under heavy fire because he was not forthcoming with investigators or the press, and was facing possible obstruction of justice charges (he later admitted to having an affair with Levy, but initially denied it).

    Scarbourough's intern (Lori Klausutis) was found to have been suffering from a heart condition and ruled to have died from an accidental fall while Joe was out of the state. There was no massive search or ongoing investigation to actually report on. These were certainly not "the exact same (or worse) looking circumstances."

    Except Condit didn't kill her. And Scarbourough's story was NEVER reported on. At all. Never would claim he killed her. But a dead intern in a Democrat's office (hell, just a MISSING intern whose fate was unknown) would be (and was) page one news regardless of the circumstances. We could also talk about how David Vitter ADMITTED to soliciting prostitutes in the DC madam case, and not only was he not even charged with any crime, he went back to the Senate for another term and ran for Governor of his State. Elliott Spitzer was drummed out of public life for the same crime. Newt Gingrich was cheating on and serving his wife divorce papers while she was in the hospital with cancer, at the same time he was leading the charge on the Clinton impeachment. And let's not even get into how many Republican House members did or did not know about the PEDOPHILE Denny Hastert who was the goddamn Speaker of the House for the entire first 6 years of the Bush Administration. Larry Craig, who spent a career denying gay people rights found soliciting sex in a Mpls airport bathroom (that one did get some play). The Hastert story got about 4 hours of play for a couple afternoons after it was initially revealed and after the verdict in his trial. And we are talking about someone who was 3rd in line to the Presidency for 6 years, who was making hush money payments to keep his child molestation quiet. If that had been a Democrat, we'd still be talking about it this week.
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768

    You will find the double standards when it comes to Republican politicians as long as you want to look for them. Everyone here probably knows about Joe Scarbourough, former Republican congressman who has a 3 hour morning show on the "liberal" cable news network. Many of you may remember, in the months leading up to 9/11, that the major story in the news that summer was (besides shark attacks) Gary Condit and Chandra Levy. She was an intern of his who was found dead in a park. Gary Condit was never found to have been involved in Levy's death. In fact, someone else eventually went to jail for the crime (though they too were later exonerated). But the media portrayed the story day after day as if Condit had had her killed, and it ruined his career. But what I bet you didn't know?? That around the exact same time, a female intern was found dead in Joe Scarbourough's Florida office. And you simply would not know that is the case unless you were reading liberal blogs at the time.

    This isn't to demonstrate that I think Scarbourough killed his intern, because that's surely not the case. The point is that the Democrat was turned into the media circus of the year up to that point, while a Republican finding himself in the exact same (or worse) looking circumstances was met with radio silence.

    Your description of the Chandra Levy case isn't entirely accurate - she was MISSING at the time that the story broke, and there was a massive and ongoing search for her (her remains weren't found until almost a full year afterward). Condit came under heavy fire because he was not forthcoming with investigators or the press, and was facing possible obstruction of justice charges (he later admitted to having an affair with Levy, but initially denied it).

    Scarbourough's intern (Lori Klausutis) was found to have been suffering from a heart condition and ruled to have died from an accidental fall while Joe was out of the state. There was no massive search or ongoing investigation to actually report on. These were certainly not "the exact same (or worse) looking circumstances."

    Except Condit didn't kill her. And Scarbourough's story was NEVER reported on. At all. Never would claim he killed her. But a dead intern in a Democrat's office (hell, just a MISSING intern whose fate was unknown) would be (and was) page one news regardless of the circumstances. We could also talk about how David Vitter ADMITTED to soliciting prostitutes in the DC madam case, and not only was he not even charged with any crime, he went back to the Senate for another term and ran for Governor of his State. Elliott Spitzer was drummed out of public life for the same crime. Newt Gingrich was cheating on and serving his wife divorce papers while she was in the hospital with cancer, at the same time he was leading the charge on the Clinton impeachment. And let's not even get into how many Republican House members did or did not know about the PEDOPHILE Denny Hastert who was the goddamn Speaker of the House for the entire first 6 years of the Bush Administration. Larry Craig, who spent a career denying gay people rights found soliciting sex in a Mpls airport bathroom (that one did get some play). The Hastert story got about 4 hours of play for a couple afternoons after it was initially revealed and after the verdict in his trial. And we are talking about someone who was 3rd in line to the Presidency for 6 years, who was making hush money payments to keep his child molestation quiet. If that had been a Democrat, we'd still be talking about it this week.
    Did you see where Hastert is now suing one of victims to recover his hush money?
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017
    BillyYank said:

    You will find the double standards when it comes to Republican politicians as long as you want to look for them. Everyone here probably knows about Joe Scarbourough, former Republican congressman who has a 3 hour morning show on the "liberal" cable news network. Many of you may remember, in the months leading up to 9/11, that the major story in the news that summer was (besides shark attacks) Gary Condit and Chandra Levy. She was an intern of his who was found dead in a park. Gary Condit was never found to have been involved in Levy's death. In fact, someone else eventually went to jail for the crime (though they too were later exonerated). But the media portrayed the story day after day as if Condit had had her killed, and it ruined his career. But what I bet you didn't know?? That around the exact same time, a female intern was found dead in Joe Scarbourough's Florida office. And you simply would not know that is the case unless you were reading liberal blogs at the time.

    This isn't to demonstrate that I think Scarbourough killed his intern, because that's surely not the case. The point is that the Democrat was turned into the media circus of the year up to that point, while a Republican finding himself in the exact same (or worse) looking circumstances was met with radio silence.

    Your description of the Chandra Levy case isn't entirely accurate - she was MISSING at the time that the story broke, and there was a massive and ongoing search for her (her remains weren't found until almost a full year afterward). Condit came under heavy fire because he was not forthcoming with investigators or the press, and was facing possible obstruction of justice charges (he later admitted to having an affair with Levy, but initially denied it).

    Scarbourough's intern (Lori Klausutis) was found to have been suffering from a heart condition and ruled to have died from an accidental fall while Joe was out of the state. There was no massive search or ongoing investigation to actually report on. These were certainly not "the exact same (or worse) looking circumstances."

    Except Condit didn't kill her. And Scarbourough's story was NEVER reported on. At all. Never would claim he killed her. But a dead intern in a Democrat's office (hell, just a MISSING intern whose fate was unknown) would be (and was) page one news regardless of the circumstances. We could also talk about how David Vitter ADMITTED to soliciting prostitutes in the DC madam case, and not only was he not even charged with any crime, he went back to the Senate for another term and ran for Governor of his State. Elliott Spitzer was drummed out of public life for the same crime. Newt Gingrich was cheating on and serving his wife divorce papers while she was in the hospital with cancer, at the same time he was leading the charge on the Clinton impeachment. And let's not even get into how many Republican House members did or did not know about the PEDOPHILE Denny Hastert who was the goddamn Speaker of the House for the entire first 6 years of the Bush Administration. Larry Craig, who spent a career denying gay people rights found soliciting sex in a Mpls airport bathroom (that one did get some play). The Hastert story got about 4 hours of play for a couple afternoons after it was initially revealed and after the verdict in his trial. And we are talking about someone who was 3rd in line to the Presidency for 6 years, who was making hush money payments to keep his child molestation quiet. If that had been a Democrat, we'd still be talking about it this week.
    Did you see where Hastert is now suing one of victims to recover his hush money?
    I mean, why not, right?? This is a country where you can rise to the 3rd highest office in the land while engaging in decades of child sex abuse, and the HIGHEST office in the land by sexually assaulting no less than a dozen women. Only stands to reason someone who would do those things would also try to sue their victims. The only reason Trump didn't sue the women who came forward about him is because he isn't stupid enough to open himself up to deposition from someone like Gloria Allred.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    If Trump is willing to send his Press Secretary out to lie about the Inauguration crowd-size, what won't they lie about?? The gamble (and plan) is to wear the public out with sheer bullshit overload. A 1/3 of the country will believe them no matter what, a 1/3 won't, and the other 1/3 will be so overwhelmed with conflicting narratives that they'll say "maybe, maybe not". It's a response based on Trump's ego, but also a tactic of authoritarian regimes.
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited January 2017
    The Heil Trump speech was ridiculously stupid but no one deserves to be sucker punched in the face for simply giving an interview.

    But this is antifa we're talking about here. Anarchists and commies. These are the kinda of people who have no problem whatsoever setting fire to the proverbial Reichstag, and then they sit back and wonder why people like Richard Spencer grow in support.

    People like antifa are doing a better job for the far-right than a thousand blackshirts ever could, and that's a fact. It almost makes me wonder if the whole thing was planned. I wouldn't put it past a professional agitator like Spencer to arrange for something like that to happen.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited January 2017
    I'm way less concerned with that white nationalist getting punched than with the Press Secretary and President.

    Why's Trump so scared of the press? He gave one press conference, he's scared to do another.

    Yesterday, Spicer promised consequences to the free press since they reported the truth on inauguration sizes. And earlier the president, standing in front of a wall honoring fallen CIA operatives, spent a third of the time complaining about the media. They're lying two days in about dumb stuff like that that is easily verifiable. What will happen in six months when they've got more of their ideologues entrenched in the government? What will the lies be about then?

    Something's got to give here.

    Trump's "Alternative Facts". You don't like the facts? Offer alternative facts.
    "Why did you lie with that press conference?"
    "The moon is round this is a fact!"

    lol from reddit

    "Alternative facts" Boy that's bold

    [–]cbarrister 575 points an hour ago
    Sounds about right. When you live in an alternative reality, you should use alternative facts.

    [–]InsertCoinForCredit 210 points an hour ago
    Can we deport them back to their alternate reality?

    [–]ginger_vampire 130 points an hour ago
    And build a wall to keep them there?

    [–]sultry_somnambulist [score hidden] 48 minutes ago
    An alternate wall

    [–]D3RP4L3RT [score hidden] 34 minutes ago
    The wall just got 10 dimensions higher

    Post edited by smeagolheart on
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308

    People like antifa are doing a better job for the far-right than a thousand blackshirts ever could, and that's a fact. It almost makes me wonder if the whole thing was planned. I wouldn't put it past a professional agitator like Spencer to arrange for something like that to happen.

    it's not planned. spencer knew that there was an increased likelihood of this happening because he appeared at a place where he knew there would be such people. I suspect that he wanted for some kind of confrontation to happen. i absolutely condemn the attack, goes without saying.
    and everyone else must condemn it. relativizing it or expressing support for it publically is actually very serious and real (online) harassment, because it's connected to real violence and essentially calls for more of this violence. the ridicule is meant to make spencer feel insecure. sadly, i don't see a lot of people understanding this.

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2017
    Kellyanne Conway lies with an almost prenatural ability. I've never seen someone so unfazed by constantly telling such obvious fabircations with a straight face. She is missing a component most other people have, because it's almost like she's in a serene state of zen when she's doing it. By the way, pay attention to how the media simply refuses to actually use the word "lie", because "falsehood" is a softer phrase. We are truly living in an Orwell novel.

    "The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

    By the way, these are direct quotes from an article in the online magazine Richard Spencer was the editor of. If I ever start giving a platform to people calling for the genocide of the black race, feel free to walk up to me on the street and knock me the hell out. Please.

    It strikes me that one of the main things about having a good debate is how it is framed. Get that right and the chances are something good will be the outcome. However, for too long now, when we consider questions of race, especially questions concerning the Black race, we have been framing things in completely the wrong way. Instead of asking how we can make reparations for slavery, colonialism, and Apartheid or how we can equalize academic scores and incomes, we should instead be asking questions like, "Does human civilization actually need the Black race?" "Is Black genocide right?" and, if it is, "What would be the best and easiest way to dispose of them?" With starting points like this, wisdom is sure to flourish, enlightenment to dawn.

    The writer then couches his previous paragraph (which he was dying to get out) by using another neat little trick, pointing out some blog in South Africa that says these things about white South Africans. So, neat little rhetorical device, until you get two paragraphs down and realize that it isn't:

    But why should Whites even be in a position where we are forced to consider such a possibility? The White race is history's victor. We conquered Africa and the Africans on the sheer merit of the superiority of our race, culture, and society, and in a land that was largely going to waste we built an affluent and modern society capable not only of supporting a large number of our own people but also a vastly larger number of Blacks than would otherwise have been able to survive there. Of course, Black labour helped, but if that hadn’t been there, we would have imported White, Indian, or Chinese labour and have done the job anyway.

    Rather than asking about White genocide, it surely makes more sense by any objective standards of utility, morality, or progress, to ask whether there should be such a thing as Black genocide.

    And to wrap up:

    With Europeans and some Asians having much less children, most of the population growth leading to this future crisis is projected to come from Africans. This is the race that history and the present example of South Africa proves is least able to take care of itself; a race that has contributed almost nothing to the pool of civilization and which even shows little inclination to stay within the bounds of that civilization; a race that also seems to harbor a potent inferiority complex and savage hatred towards the creators of that civilization; and a race that votes to keep the ANC in power, the very party that helps power their increasingly genocidal attitude towards Whites.

    Here's the actual article, scrubbed from the internet (imagine that), but preserved by the internet archive:
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308

    By the way, these are direct quotes from an article in the online magazine Richard Spencer was the editor of. If I ever start giving a platform to people calling for the genocide of the black race, feel free to walk up to me on the street and knock me the hell out. Please.

    no. it's not acceptable to relativize violence like that ("he said that so it's ok to hit him"). you are free to campaign for instituting hate speech laws in usa so he could be given a trial. look at laws in Germany, Netherlands, Canada...I agree with certain prohibitions for speech and i'm against absolute freedom of speech so we'd be on the same page there

    ...but it's not the right way, hitting people in the street. it's not just some negligible physical trauma, it's a very nasty and disturbing attack. don't make excuses for it.
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