Yes, it is a job that he can quit. I'm sure he could write a book and make plenty of money and he's in the Navy Reserve so it's not like he's hurting for money.
So he must like going out there and lying his butt off. He must enjoy being a combative and unpleasant person. He enjoys being Trumps spokesman.
Well now Trump, on tape with NBC News has confirmed that it was his idea to fire Comey, and that he was going to do so REGARDLESS of the so-called "recommendation" from the DOJ. Does he even know his surrogates have been directly contradicting him for the past 48 hours?? More to the point, does he even care??
You've all seen "A Few Good Men"?? This is Jack Nicholson, when pushed to the brink about whether he ordered the Code Red saying "You're goddamn right I did!!" Except in this case, there is no Tom Cruise. It's just Trump offering up the information to soothe his own ego in the moment.
He said, also, and I quote “I said, ‘If it’s possible, would you let me know am I under investigation?’" He is expecting the leaders of the FBI to TELL him if he is the subject of an investigation. This is insane. He is seriously just oblivious to why this matters. He doesn't even understand.
And in the meantime, as I said.....this is SO much worse than anyone anticipated:
Trump alternate spokesman Huckster Sanders is under investigation for violating the Hatch act for using Twitter to promote the Donald Trump rally which was a partisan event.
Or maybe he just believes the ends justify the means. Not an uncommon belief in politics...
It's hard to see what ends could be achieved by these means. If it was simply to push through a Hard Right agenda, then replacing the Mad King with his deputy would appear to be a better strategy.
In the wake of Trump's interview that is airing non-stop on TV right now, I again offer this prescient analysis from Josh Marshall at TPM:
I mentioned earlier that we shouldn’t forget this simple point. Virtually everyone of note in the White House has already repeated and vouched for President Trump’s story of how and why he fired James Comey. Not only was this story a plain absurdity on day one; all the information which has emerged over the last two days has tended to confirm its falsity. Here’s the key point. Everyone who has repeated it knows it’s false. They have knowingly lied on the President’s behalf and about a matter of grave national importance. That includes the Vice President. So in the extreme scenario that the President leaves office and is succeeded by the Vice President, the sitting President will still be directly implicated in this lie and this cover-up.
But there’s an additional problem for everyone in the White House and all the President’s defenders in Congress. And it’s a big one.
It’s not only that the President has implicated all of these people in his lies and deceptions about Comey’s firing. It is that he will not even stick to his story.
So just a short time ago, NBC released footage of its interview with the President conducted by Lester Holt. In that interview Trump is crystal clear that he decided to fire Comey entirely on his own. He asked Rosenstein to write out his views. But he was going to fire Comey regardless. That specifically contradicts what Pence said in an impromptu press conference yesterday on Capitol Hill.
Trump is like a wild fire hose whipping about violently, driven not by coils and water pressure but his own demons and rage. He will say whatever he wants at any given moment based on emotion, impulse, and his impression of tactical advantage as of that moment. This is not strategy. It’s an out of control person. But there are now large numbers of people and institutions implicated in Trump’s actions. They are on the line and along for the ride with every twist and turn.
If the white house admin was caught off guard by the firing of Comey, they are going to take the narrative that was laid out in front of them and run with it.
If they didn't know the full details, they will take the details they do know and rehash it out whenever they are asked until they get more information.
If the president changes his story a couple days later, they can still point to the given evidence and then point to "off the record, this is coming from the person who just said he invented the phrase 'prime the pump,' it is utter nonsense and you know that. The FBI admin lost respect for Comey, and we need to make a drastic change to prevent it from losing more of its credibility."
The flip side is if the DAG is peeved to the point he's thinking of resigning because he has been portrayed as the bad guy here, Trump speaking now, is his attempt at taking the rap for firing Comey instead of the DAG so he doesn't walk which would make the optics even worse.
If the white house admin was caught off guard by the firing of Comey, they are going to take the narrative that was laid out in front of them and run with it.
If they didn't know the full details, they will take the details they do know and rehash it out whenever they are asked until they get more information.
If the president changes his story a couple days later, they can still point to the given evidence and then point to "off the record, this is coming from the person who just said he invented the phrase 'prime the pump,' it is utter nonsense and you know that. The FBI admin lost respect for Comey, and we need to make a drastic change to prevent it from losing more of its credibility."
The flip side is if the DAG is peeved to the point he's thinking of resigning because he has been portrayed as the bad guy here, Trump speaking now, is his attempt at taking the rap for firing Comey instead of the DAG so he doesn't walk which would make the optics even worse.
There is absolutely no way any reasonable person should believe a single word that comes from a official White House spokesman or the President. The sheer weight and number of lies, changed stories, and outright fabrications are piling up so fast you'd have to use a spreadsheet to keep track them.
If the white house admin was caught off guard by the firing of Comey, they are going to take the narrative that was laid out in front of them and run with it.
If they didn't know the full details, they will take the details they do know and rehash it out whenever they are asked until they get more information.
If the president changes his story a couple days later, they can still point to the given evidence and then point to "off the record, this is coming from the person who just said he invented the phrase 'prime the pump,' it is utter nonsense and you know that. The FBI admin lost respect for Comey, and we need to make a drastic change to prevent it from losing more of its credibility."
The flip side is if the DAG is peeved to the point he's thinking of resigning because he has been portrayed as the bad guy here, Trump speaking now, is his attempt at taking the rap for firing Comey instead of the DAG so he doesn't walk which would make the optics even worse.
There is absolutely no way any reasonable person should believe a single word that comes from a official White House spokesman or the President. The sheer weight and number of lies, changed stories, and outright fabrications are piling up so fast you'd have to use a spreadsheet to keep track them.
And that's my point.
So Trump said he'd fire Comey regardless of what was recommended. He lies about incredible stuff, such as inventing the phrase "prime the pump." It's the context not the actual words that matter when he speaks.
That doesn't mean Pence, or anyone else, was covering for the president when they stated that DAG's recommendation was the primary reason why Comey was let go. If they were caught off guard by the firing as been stated in this thread, then that is what they have to go with. They can't hypothesize why it really happened and then share their thoughts. That's political suicide. They have to take the narrative that was fed to them.
If you ask any of them today, they'd probably still run with that narrative, stating Trump meant to say that it was his decision and his alone to fire Comey, not the DAGs.
If Trump does need to be replaced, I don't think Pence's credibility should be hit because of this incident, unless it can be proved that he had a say in his firing.
So far it's just Trump, Sessions, and Rosenstein in the hot seat over this. Rosenstein, imo, can save some face by appointing a special investigator to look into the Trump campaign, someone, who can complete the job unhindered by outside influences. I actually think that move would make this entire incident go away.
EDIT: OR they can just go ahead and attempt to change the narrative back to voter fraud instead of Russia's action during the election.
There is another major point to be made here. Republicans were (rightly) livid when Bill Clinton went to talk to Loretta Lynch on the airport tarmac during the campaign. Lynch recused herself from the Clinton email probe nearly immediately.
Now we (apparently) have a sitting President having dinner with the FBI Director needling him for information about investigations into his own campaign??? You cannot POSSIBLY be upset about the former and excuse the later and remain even REMOTELY intellectually honest. And what kind of innocent person asks these questions?? And this, of course, is assuming Trump isn't lying his ass off about what Comey told him.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, just hours ago, said she had spoken to, quote, "countless" people in the FBI who were happy to see Comey fired. Which, of course, is another lie. I would surprised if she talked to a single one.
There is another major point to be made here. Republicans were (rightly) livid when Bill Clinton went to talk to Loretta Lynch on the airport tarmac during the campaign. Lynch recused herself from the Clinton email probe nearly immediately.
Now we (apparently) have a sitting President having dinner with the FBI Director needling him for information about investigations into his own campaign??? You cannot POSSIBLY be upset about the former and excuse the later and remain even REMOTELY intellectually honest. And what kind of innocent person asks these questions?? And this, of course, is assuming Trump isn't lying his ass off about what Comey told him.
To be completely fair, Trump had just become President so its pretty reasonable he would be seeing in some capacity prominent people under his branches of Government, Thats a little different from an ex-President.
Furthermore, It's rather hard to argue there is a conspiracy between Trump and Comey after Trump just fired Comey.
You'd probably have to argue that having dinner with Trump won't prevent you from being fired.
The point was you probably shouldn't attempt to bully, coerce, or alter an investigation into you and your associates by priming the pump for knowledge when you have your subordinate at a dinner.
And the acting FBI director says Comey had broad support in the FBi which is true and contradicts the like that the FBI was in disarray and hated him.
@vanatos Unless we consider double dealin backstabbers taking advantage of ppl they know to advance their own agenda, hehheh.
Going the additional step, I'll agree with everyones point of view on Russia.
Which means that Trump and Russia colluded to win the election, subsequently Trump tomahawked Syria, Re-imposed sanction on Ukraine incident and isolated Russia by becoming China's next best friend.
So either i reject the Russian conspiracy or Trump has outwitted Putin to his benefit.
@vanatos, Saw it. Yeah, awkward timing indeed. He did take it pretty well, but then again he has pretty good training as far as reacting to things compared to Pres. Trump.
It's almost painful to watch Spicer as PS. From the very first briefing he gave I could almost see the puppet strings n earpiece tellling what he should say. As @Ammar & @smeagolheart mentioned, dude needs to probably get out before he embarrasses himself anymore. I think even the rats woulda jumped ship by now.
Not going to put much stock into these things given the history but still didn't expect this to come out.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has crossed the Rubicon and voiced “unprecedented” readiness to reach a peace deal with Israel, sources close to the efforts to renew talks between Israel and the Palestinians have told The Jerusalem Post.
Since his meeting with Trump last week, Abbas has changed his rhetoric, issuing a number of statements meant to reflect flexibility on previous demands. He has, for example, said that he would renew the talks under Trump’s auspices without preconditions. In the past, he had said he would not negotiate with Netanyahu without a freeze to settlement construction.
He is ADMITTING to deciding this on his own. That he alone gets to make the call on whether this is true or not. He just said in no uncertain terms he fired Comey to put a stop to any investigations. He just admitted to obstruction of justice.
He is now saying he has a "certified letter" that says he is not involved in Russia. What the in the ever-loving f**k does that even mean?? He drafted a letter saying so and put a stamp on it?? This is taking the theory of "thou doth protest too much" to previously unheard of levels of absurdity.
Trump, as predicted needs no rope to help hang himself. He will do it on his own, completely oblivious to all else around him, because nothing can penetrate the shell that is his ego. Nothing. That quote above is crystal clear in 72 point font. He just said on national television to a reporter that he fired Comey to stop whatever investigation is going on. There is no parsing, there is no spinning what just happened. He said it, it's on tape. No amount of gaslighting will make that not true. It's like criminal going back to the murder scene a week later to make sure everything is ok.
Strange that the Clinton Foundation is still causing international problems.
Another Clinton Foundation pay-to-play scheme has been revealed by a foreign government. On May 11, Circa reported, “The Office of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina confirmed to Circa that Mrs. Clinton called her office in March 2011 to demand that Dr. Muhammed Yunus, a 2006 Nobel Peace prize winner, be restored to his role as chairman of the country’s most famous microcredit bank, Grameen Bank.” Yunus’ nonprofit through the bank Grameen America donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation and Grameen Research donated an additional $25,000 to $50,000. The exposure is one of the most overt examples of “pay to play” by the Clinton Foundation.
The Associated Press reported Yunus “met with Clinton three times and talked with her by phone during a period when Bangladeshi government authorities investigated his oversight of a nonprofit bank and ultimately pressured him to resign from the bank’s board. Throughout the process, he pleaded for help in messages routed to Clinton, and she ordered aides to find ways to assist him.” This new disclosure reveals that Hillary Clinton intervened on Yunus’ behalf herself. He was eventually removed from his position in 2013.
The Daily Caller reported in April 2017 that Clinton State Department aides threatened the Bangladesh prime minister with an IRS audit of her son, Sajeeb Wazed Joy, who is a United States resident. “They threatened me with the possibility of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service. I have been here legally for 17 years and never had a problem. But they said, ‘Well, you know, you might get audited,’ ” Wazed Joy told the Daily Caller in an interview. “They would say over and over again, ‘Yunus has powerful friends,’ and we all knew they were talking of Secretary Clinton. Everybody knew it was Mrs. Clinton.” Former Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dipu Moni told Daily Caller there was likely a correlation between the World Bank denying a $1.2 billion loan to Bangladesh and pressure from Clinton’s State Department.
Sheikh Hasina, now there's a name. Her perennial skirmishes with Khaleda Zia show what happens when administrative norms really start to break down. That's what we can look forward to if populism becomes the norm.
@Zaghoul I've been wondering if Slick Willy is gonna croak soon. Ever since he got that heart operation, Ol Bill has been looking like a walking corpse.
Really affected his speaking abilities, love or hate him he could turn on the southern charm when he wanted to but he can't say a sentence now without huffing like he is out of breath.
Guess you can't outrun death no matter how well connected you are.
Trump demanded loyalty pledge of the head of the FBI? No, that's not normal at all.
Trump's firing anyone who might say "no" to anything. He's surrounded himself by yes men and people he can bully or who are scared of him so that they will parrot whatever he tells them to parrot.
The FBI is supposed to be independent. Trump obviously has no clue on partisanship. The president isn't supposed to have good guys and bad guys in the government and people aren't supposed to have to pledge loyalty to the great almighty leader or be fired. The president is just supposed to lead not cause problems.
Aetna to exit Obamacare Insurance exchange in 2018.
"Our individual Commercial products lost nearly $US700 million between 2014 and 2016, and are projected to lose more than $US200 million in 2017 despite a significant reduction in membership. Those losses are the result of marketplace structural issues that have led to co-op failures and carrier exits, and subsequent risk pool deterioration. We will not offer on- or off-exchange individual plans in Delaware or Nebraska for 2018, and at this time have completely exited the exchanges"
@Zaghoul I've been wondering if Slick Willy is gonna croak soon. Ever since he got that heart operation, Ol Bill has been looking like a walking corpse.
Really affected his speaking abilities, love or hate him he could turn on the southern charm when he wanted to but he can't say a sentence now without huffing like he is out of breath.
Guess you can't outrun death no matter how well connected you are.
@vanatos Yeah, most presidents look like their office took a toll on there health and seem to age quicker. It is stressful, but yeah, Clinton, went wayyy downhill. I am amazed Carter is still going strong, but that was one term. If Trump even makes it one term no telling how he'll look. Edit: Yep, he does the charm thing pretty well.
On another note.
I thought it was a real hoot when Pres. Trump said COMEY was a showboat and grand stander.
Maybe we all need to install theater seating and a popcorn machine in the house for this show.
Well, a little bit of chaos every now and again can result in 'interesting' things.
So he must like going out there and lying his butt off. He must enjoy being a combative and unpleasant person. He enjoys being Trumps spokesman.
You've all seen "A Few Good Men"?? This is Jack Nicholson, when pushed to the brink about whether he ordered the Code Red saying "You're goddamn right I did!!" Except in this case, there is no Tom Cruise. It's just Trump offering up the information to soothe his own ego in the moment.
He said, also, and I quote “I said, ‘If it’s possible, would you let me know am I under investigation?’" He is expecting the leaders of the FBI to TELL him if he is the subject of an investigation. This is insane. He is seriously just oblivious to why this matters. He doesn't even understand.
And in the meantime, as I said.....this is SO much worse than anyone anticipated:
Cause the USA to break up perhaps?
I mentioned earlier that we shouldn’t forget this simple point. Virtually everyone of note in the White House has already repeated and vouched for President Trump’s story of how and why he fired James Comey. Not only was this story a plain absurdity on day one; all the information which has emerged over the last two days has tended to confirm its falsity. Here’s the key point. Everyone who has repeated it knows it’s false. They have knowingly lied on the President’s behalf and about a matter of grave national importance. That includes the Vice President. So in the extreme scenario that the President leaves office and is succeeded by the Vice President, the sitting President will still be directly implicated in this lie and this cover-up.
But there’s an additional problem for everyone in the White House and all the President’s defenders in Congress. And it’s a big one.
It’s not only that the President has implicated all of these people in his lies and deceptions about Comey’s firing. It is that he will not even stick to his story.
So just a short time ago, NBC released footage of its interview with the President conducted by Lester Holt. In that interview Trump is crystal clear that he decided to fire Comey entirely on his own. He asked Rosenstein to write out his views. But he was going to fire Comey regardless. That specifically contradicts what Pence said in an impromptu press conference yesterday on Capitol Hill.
Trump is like a wild fire hose whipping about violently, driven not by coils and water pressure but his own demons and rage. He will say whatever he wants at any given moment based on emotion, impulse, and his impression of tactical advantage as of that moment. This is not strategy. It’s an out of control person. But there are now large numbers of people and institutions implicated in Trump’s actions. They are on the line and along for the ride with every twist and turn.
If they didn't know the full details, they will take the details they do know and rehash it out whenever they are asked until they get more information.
If the president changes his story a couple days later, they can still point to the given evidence and then point to "off the record, this is coming from the person who just said he invented the phrase 'prime the pump,' it is utter nonsense and you know that. The FBI admin lost respect for Comey, and we need to make a drastic change to prevent it from losing more of its credibility."
The flip side is if the DAG is peeved to the point he's thinking of resigning because he has been portrayed as the bad guy here, Trump speaking now, is his attempt at taking the rap for firing Comey instead of the DAG so he doesn't walk which would make the optics even worse.
So Trump said he'd fire Comey regardless of what was recommended. He lies about incredible stuff, such as inventing the phrase "prime the pump." It's the context not the actual words that matter when he speaks.
That doesn't mean Pence, or anyone else, was covering for the president when they stated that DAG's recommendation was the primary reason why Comey was let go. If they were caught off guard by the firing as been stated in this thread, then that is what they have to go with. They can't hypothesize why it really happened and then share their thoughts. That's political suicide. They have to take the narrative that was fed to them.
If you ask any of them today, they'd probably still run with that narrative, stating Trump meant to say that it was his decision and his alone to fire Comey, not the DAGs.
If Trump does need to be replaced, I don't think Pence's credibility should be hit because of this incident, unless it can be proved that he had a say in his firing.
So far it's just Trump, Sessions, and Rosenstein in the hot seat over this. Rosenstein, imo, can save some face by appointing a special investigator to look into the Trump campaign, someone, who can complete the job unhindered by outside influences. I actually think that move would make this entire incident go away.
EDIT: OR they can just go ahead and attempt to change the narrative back to voter fraud instead of Russia's action during the election.
Now we (apparently) have a sitting President having dinner with the FBI Director needling him for information about investigations into his own campaign??? You cannot POSSIBLY be upset about the former and excuse the later and remain even REMOTELY intellectually honest. And what kind of innocent person asks these questions?? And this, of course, is assuming Trump isn't lying his ass off about what Comey told him.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, just hours ago, said she had spoken to, quote, "countless" people in the FBI who were happy to see Comey fired. Which, of course, is another lie. I would surprised if she talked to a single one.
Furthermore, It's rather hard to argue there is a conspiracy between Trump and Comey after Trump just fired Comey.
You'd probably have to argue that having dinner with Trump won't prevent you from being fired.
And the acting FBI director says Comey had broad support in the FBi which is true and contradicts the like that the FBI was in disarray and hated him.
Which means that Trump and Russia colluded to win the election, subsequently Trump tomahawked Syria, Re-imposed sanction on Ukraine incident and isolated Russia by becoming China's next best friend.
So either i reject the Russian conspiracy or Trump has outwitted Putin to his benefit.
Not sure which one i prefer
No fan of Putin, but this was rather awkward timing and he took it pretty well.
Thought he would go ape on the reporter.
I have to admit the Hate/Hate relationship between Trump and the media is funny sometimes.
It's almost painful to watch Spicer as PS. From the very first briefing he gave I could almost see the puppet strings n earpiece tellling what he should say. As @Ammar & @smeagolheart mentioned, dude needs to probably get out before he embarrasses himself anymore. I think even the rats woulda jumped ship by now.
Not going to put much stock into these things given the history but still didn't expect this to come out.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has crossed the Rubicon and voiced “unprecedented” readiness to reach a peace deal with Israel, sources close to the efforts to renew talks between Israel and the Palestinians have told The Jerusalem Post.
Since his meeting with Trump last week, Abbas has changed his rhetoric, issuing a number of statements meant to reflect flexibility on previous demands. He has, for example, said that he would renew the talks under Trump’s auspices without preconditions. In the past, he had said he would not negotiate with Netanyahu without a freeze to settlement construction.
He is ADMITTING to deciding this on his own. That he alone gets to make the call on whether this is true or not. He just said in no uncertain terms he fired Comey to put a stop to any investigations. He just admitted to obstruction of justice.
He is now saying he has a "certified letter" that says he is not involved in Russia. What the in the ever-loving f**k does that even mean?? He drafted a letter saying so and put a stamp on it?? This is taking the theory of "thou doth protest too much" to previously unheard of levels of absurdity.
Trump, as predicted needs no rope to help hang himself. He will do it on his own, completely oblivious to all else around him, because nothing can penetrate the shell that is his ego. Nothing. That quote above is crystal clear in 72 point font. He just said on national television to a reporter that he fired Comey to stop whatever investigation is going on. There is no parsing, there is no spinning what just happened. He said it, it's on tape. No amount of gaslighting will make that not true. It's like criminal going back to the murder scene a week later to make sure everything is ok.
Another Clinton Foundation pay-to-play scheme has been revealed by a foreign government. On May 11, Circa reported, “The Office of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina confirmed to Circa that Mrs. Clinton called her office in March 2011 to demand that Dr. Muhammed Yunus, a 2006 Nobel Peace prize winner, be restored to his role as chairman of the country’s most famous microcredit bank, Grameen Bank.” Yunus’ nonprofit through the bank Grameen America donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation and Grameen Research donated an additional $25,000 to $50,000. The exposure is one of the most overt examples of “pay to play” by the Clinton Foundation.
The Associated Press reported Yunus “met with Clinton three times and talked with her by phone during a period when Bangladeshi government authorities investigated his oversight of a nonprofit bank and ultimately pressured him to resign from the bank’s board. Throughout the process, he pleaded for help in messages routed to Clinton, and she ordered aides to find ways to assist him.” This new disclosure reveals that Hillary Clinton intervened on Yunus’ behalf herself. He was eventually removed from his position in 2013.
The Daily Caller reported in April 2017 that Clinton State Department aides threatened the Bangladesh prime minister with an IRS audit of her son, Sajeeb Wazed Joy, who is a United States resident. “They threatened me with the possibility of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service. I have been here legally for 17 years and never had a problem. But they said, ‘Well, you know, you might get audited,’ ” Wazed Joy told the Daily Caller in an interview. “They would say over and over again, ‘Yunus has powerful friends,’ and we all knew they were talking of Secretary Clinton. Everybody knew it was Mrs. Clinton.” Former Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dipu Moni told Daily Caller there was likely a correlation between the World Bank denying a $1.2 billion loan to Bangladesh and pressure from Clinton’s State Department.
Ever since he got that heart operation, Ol Bill has been looking like a walking corpse.
Really affected his speaking abilities, love or hate him he could turn on the southern charm when he wanted to but he can't say a sentence now without huffing like he is out of breath.
Guess you can't outrun death no matter how well connected you are.
Trump's firing anyone who might say "no" to anything. He's surrounded himself by yes men and people he can bully or who are scared of him so that they will parrot whatever he tells them to parrot.
The FBI is supposed to be independent. Trump obviously has no clue on partisanship. The president isn't supposed to have good guys and bad guys in the government and people aren't supposed to have to pledge loyalty to the great almighty leader or be fired. The president is just supposed to lead not cause problems.
Banana Republic.
"Our individual Commercial products lost nearly $US700 million between 2014 and 2016, and are projected to lose more than $US200 million in 2017 despite a significant reduction in membership. Those losses are the result of marketplace structural issues that have led to co-op failures and carrier exits, and subsequent risk pool deterioration. We will not offer on- or off-exchange individual plans in Delaware or Nebraska for 2018, and at this time have completely exited the exchanges"
Not looking good at all.
Edit: Yep, he does the charm thing pretty well.
On another note.
I thought it was a real hoot when Pres. Trump said COMEY was a showboat and grand stander.
Maybe we all need to install theater seating and a popcorn machine in the house for this show.
Well, a little bit of chaos every now and again can result in