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  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654

    It's understandable that Trump wouldn't put much stock in "allegations" after the spectacle of libel the democrats tried to conjure up out of nothing during his presidential race. But can I say for sure that Trump would not have endorsed even if the allegations against Moore were true and he knew it? HAHA Nope! Because politicians, at the end of the day, do what is politically expedient. Morality is illusory in their minds; the end justifies the means. Always. This is doubly true with Trump, and the Republicans have no choice but to sit back and take it, lest he command his hive mind army to vote for another stooge! And it is so hilarious to watch.

    With that said, the Republicans should've learned a lesson from the democrats last year of what happens when you run a candidate embroiled in a scandal.

    Personally, I think both Moore and Jones are degenerate liars. I had no preference - though it would've been nice to watch all the smug liberal outsiders who pooled resources into the State would've gone down in flames. When it comes to self-righteous, virtue signalling "intellectuals" who so dearly love the sickly sweet aroma of their own flatulence, there is hardly anything I despise more...except, well, Moore. I shed no tears.

    On a more somber note, the GOP did warn that gay marriage would lead to acceptance of pedophilia...ah, snap!

    Smug liberal outsiders. Been hearing that one coming out of the South for over a century. The smug liberal outsiders said we can't own slaves anymore. Then the smug liberal outsiders came down and told us we can't have segregated schools, restaurants and drinking fountains any more. Even worse, smug liberal outsiders said we have to let them vote and we can't lynch those black folk without repercussion anymore. And now the smug liberal outsiders are saying we shouldn't vote for a guy who thinks being gay should be illegal and who is a serial child predator. Yeah, those damn smug liberal assholes are the REAL problem.

    Virtue signaling. Or, what used to known as "common decency", except the alt-right has invented a new (very predictable) language for everything. Doug Jones is a degenerate liar?? No one even knows anything about Doug Jones, since the entire race has been about Moore. I DO know that the first thing Doug Jones did tonight was call on the Senate to quite dragging their ass and re-authorize CHIP (which is the Children's Health Insurance Program, which Republicans have refused to fund and is quickly running out of money, possibly leaving up to 9 million children and their parents in limbo for healthcare). But yeah, such concerns are for the smug, virtue signaling liberals. Well, count this guy among them.
    I'm not buying that shit. Liberals behave as though they have a monopoly on truth by which they control the narratives and bash working class whites and other common folk. Do I defend Republicans? No. I despise the way they appeal only to the abstract, seeing as how they have nothing concrete (but slavery) to offer the poor white buggers who place them in power. But to act like liberals or the democrats in general embody some type of righteous resistance that is in any way good for the country really churns my stomach.

    Just a sickening display of smugness and gross over-privilege; the way they virtue signal from their ivy league schools and gated white enclaves; so-called "intellectuals" have established themselves as "moral vanguards", and are rife with self-importance while producing nothing of actual value. They have entrenched themselves in culture, the arts, education, media, entertainment, and the bureaucratic establishments. They control the narratives - they disseminate identity politics by which division is perpetuated among proletarian ranks. And they attack working class whites, call them "privileged" by which they implicate all whites with themselves (as a shield for themselves..."we're in this together - we're all privileged") - which forces the white commoner on the defensive and pushes them even further into reactionism. No, YOU'RE privileged. All whites need not be overcome - it's nowhere near that difficult you self-righteous, non-producing cretins. You'll find no safety in numbers here; only YOU need be overcome.

    I long for the day when both poor white rural folk and social minorities awake from their controllers and unite, seizing power in these United States. Rest assured, all of these neo-capitalist, neo-liberal, identity politics spewing over privileged, yuppie fucks will at last become intimately acquainted with the redemptive power of work - forced communal labour. It will be the only time in their miserable silver-spoon fed lives they've produced anything of actual value.
    Stalin did this. A million people died. This particular revolution isn't coming. The United States will turn fascist LONG, LONG before it descends into Soviet-style Communism. Forced labor camps?? You can't be serious......

    I'm all a major swing to the left in this country, but you seem to be advocating de facto slavery for anyone who is rich or doesn't do manual labor/produce goods. It's entirely possible (maybe even likely) that one day history will record United States-style capitalism as a failed system. God knows we're on the way. But history has already rendered that judgment on fascism and communism. I'd like the rich to pay a bit more in taxes, not end up in a gulag.
    Okay, first of all, I don't advocate for "Soviet style communism" - granted, people do like to point fingers and call me communist - I wouldn't even call my ideals communist, at least as they pertain to the general understanding of the term.

    But why is it that both right-wingers and so-called left-wingers in this country (and pretty much the anglo-world) have no problem joining hands and pelting "commies"? Do you think the right-wing are that gung-ho about joining hands with you and pelting Nazis? Hell no they aren't. This is war and now is not the time to puss out.

    As for America turning fascist - newsflash. We're there. We've been there. This is not hyperbole. We are full-fledged, hyper-nationalist, imperialist, corporatist, militant, police state, bonofide goosestepping fascists. In fact, some of the shit we pull would even make Mussolini blush. At least he was a former socialist and preached an end to class war (superficially and detrimentally, granted, but he at least acknowledged it). Our GOP is to the RIGHT - I kid you not - the GOP is to the freaking RIGHT of the French National Front (and the democratic party isn't that far left of it). Think I'm kidding? Half the shit on the GOP platform - try it across the pond and you're ass is headed to the hoosegow.

    America = Total Fascism.... and all the world knows it.

    As for my own beliefs - I've been through it. I am for hyper-democracy, cooporativism, complete nationalization of any/all infrastructure, services and commerce deemed vital to the health of the people and functioning of THEIR state, with access to cost-free healthcare as a fundamental human right.

    I don't hate rich people either - but they've got to give up their spoils, and those who work actively and selfishly, wielding the apparatus of government against the people, in their own self-interest, are quite simply GUILTY of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. And when the shit hits the fan they will be given every bit as much government representation and legal recourse as what their cronyism allowed the people - that is to say, ZERO. No due process of law for those put themselves above law. They will be rounded up; the piper's payment to be exacted upon them... swiftly, summarily, systematically, and void of passion.

    "And the power that was taken from the people, shall be returned to the people."
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    edited February 2018
    @Stormvessel If not Soviet what style of communism do you advocate? You seem like a "it's not real communism" apologist.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited February 2018

    Do you think the right-wing are that gung-ho about joining hands with you and pelting Nazis? Hell no they aren't.

    That's quite the assumption

    This is war and now is not the time to puss out.

    No due process of law for those put themselves above law. They will be rounded up; the piper's payment to be exacted upon them... swiftly, summarily, systematically, and void of passion.

    Nvm, no need to argue with crazy.

    People have been banned from this forum for a lot of reasons. Somehow advocating for violence is not one of them.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited February 2018
    "not real communism" in Vietnan, URSS, Cuba, Venezuela, Camboja(...) Communism will ALWAYS fail.

  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    "not real communism" in Vietnan, URSS, Cuba, Venezuela, Camboja(...) Communism will ALWAYS fail.

    Given enough time they all fail. Republics, monarchies, capitalist, dictatorships. They all fail.

    Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  • MatthieuMatthieu Member Posts: 386
    Well communism doesn't even exist in the first place. Communism means the end of social classes and the single fact to create a government or even a party creates a social class de facto.

    More than "communism always fails" I'd say "any attempt to enforce communism will fail".
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited February 2018

    "not real communism" in Vietnan, URSS, Cuba, Venezuela, Camboja(...) Communism will ALWAYS fail.

    Given enough time they all fail. Republics, monarchies, capitalist, dictatorships. They all fail.

    Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
    Capitalism isn't a form of government.

    It is yet to be seen whether a democratic republic is bound to fail. Currently every stable nation has some form of limited democracy.

    I agree that power corrupts, which is why I'm a big supporter of limiting constitutions and the American idea of separating the powers, so that no one person has the absolute power to legislate, adjudicate, and enforce.
    Post edited by booinyoureyes on
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited February 2018

    "not real communism" in Vietnan, URSS, Cuba, Venezuela, Camboja(...) Communism will ALWAYS fail.

    Given enough time they all fail. Republics, monarchies, capitalist, dictatorships. They all fail.

    Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
    Capitalism isn't a form of government.

    It is yet to be seen whether a democratic republic is bound to failure. Currently every stable nation has some form of limited democracy.

    I agree that power corrupts, which is why I'm a big supporter of limiting constitutions and the American idea of separating the powers, so that no one person has the absolute power to legislate, adjudicate, and enforce.
    The government of the United States is based partly on Ancient Rome model which collapsed. There are certainly more recent governments which have collapsed and failed and been replaced.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Partly. But the U.S. government also had a lot of stuff the Roman system never had, including numerous checks and balances, separation of powers across three branches, a federalist model with a bicameral legislature, and a short, flexible Constitution. And that's just the stuff from the birth of the republic; we've seen numerous reforms since then, with a lot of new amendments and the Supreme Court's self-granted power to strike down legislation.

    High literacy rates and widespread education also gave the United States a basic set of values, and while we've been at war with various neighbors since before the Revolutionary War, notably the Native Americans, none was ever strong enough to pose an existential threat.

    And for what it's worth, Rome didn't collapse entirely. The empire broke apart, with the eastern half becoming the Ottoman Empire based in Constantinople/Byzantium/Istanbul. It was more of a relocation plus a reduction in territory than a proper collapse.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    An unreleased U.N. report has claimed that the Syrian regime has been purchasing chemical weapons from North Korea. It's not confirmed, but it would explain how Assad was able to keep using chemical weapons even after it gave up its chemical weapons in an agreement with the Obama administration.

    I'm guessing the report will not be officially published. Russia would want to veto its publication because it makes Syria look bad; China would want to veto it because it makes North Korea look bad, and Syria and North Korea's misconduct reflects on Russia and China, respectively.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    The wait is over - celebrations erupt as Trump confirms at long last he's running again in 2020.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Isn't it a bit early to start campaigning lol
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited February 2018
    Grond0 said:

    The wait is over - celebrations erupt as Trump confirms at long last he's running again in 2020.

    He also personally "saved" a billion dollars awarding a 3 and a half billion agreement framework for a new Air Force One with Boeing due to be ready in 2021 when he thinks he'll be able to fly around in a brand new plane in his second term. Waste of money and wishful thinking. But he rly wants to fly around in a brand new plane.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    Grond0 said:

    The wait is over - celebrations erupt as Trump confirms at long last he's running again in 2020.

    He also personally "saved" a billion dollars awarding a 3 and a half billion agreement framework for a new Air Force One with Boeing due to be ready in 2021 when he thinks he'll be able to fly around in a brand new plane in his second term. Waste of money and wishful thinking. But he rly wants to fly around in a brand new plane.
    Which irks me because I view this as a government subsidy.

    I doubt there was a RFP on this contract and that extra money allows Boeing to finance research and development it wouldn't have access too giving it a leg up on other companies.

    Without the RFP, I'd be questioning the costs lf these contracts. The government paid $24 Million to install refrigerators units on Air Force One back in January, right around tbe time the company lost it tariff spat with Bombardier.

    Hypocrites. I know when I buy my personal jet, it won't be a Boeing.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044

    Isn't it a bit early to start campaigning lol

    Unfortunately, for many politicians it is *never* too early to begin campaigning.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164

    Grond0 said:

    The wait is over - celebrations erupt as Trump confirms at long last he's running again in 2020.

    He also personally "saved" a billion dollars awarding a 3 and a half billion agreement framework for a new Air Force One with Boeing due to be ready in 2021 when he thinks he'll be able to fly around in a brand new plane in his second term. Waste of money and wishful thinking. But he rly wants to fly around in a brand new plane.
    That was in the works before he was president, wasn't it? They were saying the current Air Force One was not very cost efficient.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    Surely by becoming absolute dictator Trump and other progressive visionaries will be performing a selfless act. Democracy grants power to the majority of the people. Since power corrupts democracy ensures that the greatest number of citizens will be tainted. The benevolent leader who takes on the burden of all responsibility should be respected as the martyr who sacrifices themselves that we be freed from the tyranny of the majority. Just think of all the tears these giants must shed...

    Epitaph on a Tyrant
    W. H. Auden, 1907 - 1973

    Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after,
    And the poetry he invented was easy to understand;
    He knew human folly like the back of his hand,
    And was greatly interested in armies and fleets;
    When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,
    And when he cried the little children died in the streets.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    Kushner has had his clearance downgraded from "top secret" (which was interim only) to "secret". This will prevent him from having access to the Presidential Daily Brief and effectively makes it impossible for him to do the job he was hired to do.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    edited February 2018
    It's actually good to hear from @Stormvessel again. I was afraid we lost him/her. I fear that even the poor in the U.S. have it to good for a revolution of the type described to succeed here however.

    I believe that the rich have a purpose in society. Some folks have to be unconcerned where their next meal is coming from to advance humankind. The rich have been patrons of the arts since time immemorial for one thing. They also tend to value the finer things rather than the cheap shit bought at Wal-Mart. That happens to promote skilled craftsmanship which is also valuable to humanity. Many of them start charitable organizations, colleges and fund libraries too. Do they Lord it over the rest of us? Sure, many of them do but to me they're no worse than the early-developing muscular pricks in Junior High and High School that used to bully me and my friends back in the day.
    Post edited by Balrog99 on
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850

    Kushner has had his clearance downgraded from "top secret" (which was interim only) to "secret". This will prevent him from having access to the Presidential Daily Brief and effectively makes it impossible for him to do the job he was hired to do.

    That's the least of the problems:
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164

    Kushner has had his clearance downgraded from "top secret" (which was interim only) to "secret". This will prevent him from having access to the Presidential Daily Brief and effectively makes it impossible for him to do the job he was hired to do.

    Yes, but the president has the power to declassify anything, meaning he can restore Kushner's clearance at any time if he really wants to.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    The Ben Carson story is very disappointing. Second time something like this has happened in this administration (Dr. Price being the other), and its only been a year.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371

    Another day, another cabinet member openly defying all regulations, rules, and laws. Does anyone care?? Doesn't seem like it. This time, it's Ben Carson (again). Friday I'm sure we'll get back around to Scott Pruitt or Ryan Zinke. From NY Times:

    Department of Housing and Urban Development officials spent $31,000 on a new dining room set for Secretary Ben Carson’s office in late 2017 — just as the White House circulated its plans to slash HUD’s programs for the homeless, elderly and poor, according to federal procurement records.

    The purchase of the custom hardwood table, chairs and hutch came a month after a top agency staff member filed a whistle-blower complaint charging Mr. Carson’s wife, Candy Carson, with pressuring department officials to find money for the expensive redecoration of his offices, even if it meant circumventing the law.

    Mr. Carson is also facing questions on another front. Under pressure earlier this month, he requested that HUD’s inspector general investigate his son’s involvement in a department-sponsored listening tour of Baltimore last summer. Department lawyers had warned Mr. Carson that including Ben Carson Jr., an entrepreneur who does business with the federal government, could create a conflict of interest.

    $31,000? That's kind of chump change. While I agree that le' Empereuer is going commando, that doesn't sound like an egregious expenditure in the grand scheme of things really. That's less than an Air Force 1 flight to Atlanta!
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited February 2018
    Balrog99 said:

    Another day, another cabinet member openly defying all regulations, rules, and laws. Does anyone care?? Doesn't seem like it. This time, it's Ben Carson (again). Friday I'm sure we'll get back around to Scott Pruitt or Ryan Zinke. From NY Times:

    Department of Housing and Urban Development officials spent $31,000 on a new dining room set for Secretary Ben Carson’s office in late 2017 — just as the White House circulated its plans to slash HUD’s programs for the homeless, elderly and poor, according to federal procurement records.

    The purchase of the custom hardwood table, chairs and hutch came a month after a top agency staff member filed a whistle-blower complaint charging Mr. Carson’s wife, Candy Carson, with pressuring department officials to find money for the expensive redecoration of his offices, even if it meant circumventing the law.

    Mr. Carson is also facing questions on another front. Under pressure earlier this month, he requested that HUD’s inspector general investigate his son’s involvement in a department-sponsored listening tour of Baltimore last summer. Department lawyers had warned Mr. Carson that including Ben Carson Jr., an entrepreneur who does business with the federal government, could create a conflict of interest.

    $31,000? That's kind of chump change. While I agree that le' Empereuer is going commando, that doesn't sound like an egregious expenditure in the grand scheme of things really. That's less than an Air Force 1 flight to Atlanta!
    When you judge the merit of spending you have to consider what the money went toward. $31,000 for a dining set is extravagance, and doesn't come close to fulfilling the promise of fiscal responsibility we consistently hear from this administration.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371

    Balrog99 said:

    Another day, another cabinet member openly defying all regulations, rules, and laws. Does anyone care?? Doesn't seem like it. This time, it's Ben Carson (again). Friday I'm sure we'll get back around to Scott Pruitt or Ryan Zinke. From NY Times:

    Department of Housing and Urban Development officials spent $31,000 on a new dining room set for Secretary Ben Carson’s office in late 2017 — just as the White House circulated its plans to slash HUD’s programs for the homeless, elderly and poor, according to federal procurement records.

    The purchase of the custom hardwood table, chairs and hutch came a month after a top agency staff member filed a whistle-blower complaint charging Mr. Carson’s wife, Candy Carson, with pressuring department officials to find money for the expensive redecoration of his offices, even if it meant circumventing the law.

    Mr. Carson is also facing questions on another front. Under pressure earlier this month, he requested that HUD’s inspector general investigate his son’s involvement in a department-sponsored listening tour of Baltimore last summer. Department lawyers had warned Mr. Carson that including Ben Carson Jr., an entrepreneur who does business with the federal government, could create a conflict of interest.

    $31,000? That's kind of chump change. While I agree that le' Empereuer is going commando, that doesn't sound like an egregious expenditure in the grand scheme of things really. That's less than an Air Force 1 flight to Atlanta!
    The merit of spending has to consider what the money was spent on. $31,000 for a dining set is extravagance, and doesn't come close to fulfilling the promise of fiscal responsibility we consistently hear from this administration.
    I don't disagree necessarily but that's probably 0.0000001% of our total budget. Not a big deal as far as I'm concerned. For that to be a news item is nitpicking. I'd need a breakdown of everything other administrations spent on upgrades for their offices and such before I believed that was overly extravegent.
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