I know people are bored about Trump - hell, I'm bored of talking about him, but that doesn't mean there's no need to talk about the things he's doing. I posted the other day about Trump's habit of deflecting attention from his devious actions by saying they are being done by or to other people. Here's another example of that - reinforcing the reason for editing the video @smeagolheart refers to.
I know people are bored about Trump - hell, I'm bored of talking about him, but that doesn't mean there's no need to talk about the things he's doing. I posted the other day about Trump's habit of deflecting attention from his devious actions by saying they are being done by or to other people. Here's another example of that - reinforcing the reason for editing the video @smeagolheart refers to.
At this point I'm just waiting for Trump to declare that the whole world is on Candid Camera before he dances off the stage to the Looney Tunes melody. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_X-hyKWznk
I know people are bored about Trump - hell, I'm bored of talking about him, but that doesn't mean there's no need to talk about the things he's doing. I posted the other day about Trump's habit of deflecting attention from his devious actions by saying they are being done by or to other people. Here's another example of that - reinforcing the reason for editing the video @smeagolheart refers to.
This kind of projection is a tactic. It happens CONSTANTLY, this is only the most stark example of it yet. He is trying to destroy reality itself for people who support him (I would argue that he already has). Taking this at face value would require erasing his performance with Putin which is ON VIDEO, and also ignoring the fact that Putin himself said he wanted Trump to win. But, as was pointed out just a few posts ago, they ERASED that from the official government record (which in fact is likely illegal). Then you have Trump saying just yesterday at a rally at a VFW (and I quote) “And just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”
And that only reminds me of one line, which I have quoted before, and everyone would do well to remember:
"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." -George Orwell, "1984"
This isn't new. One of the most important authors of the 20th century warned us about these tactics 75 years ago. I am convinced that even if there was audio and video evidence of Trump committing or admitting to a crime, his based of supporters would deny it's existence. I'm not even slightly joking.
Taking this at face value would require erasing his performance with Putin which is ON VIDEO, and also ignoring the fact that Putin himself said he wanted Trump to win. But, as was pointed out just a few posts ago, they ERASED that from the official government record (which in fact is likely illegal). Then you have Trump saying just yesterday at a rally at a VFW (and I quote) “And just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”
I don't know much about the legal system in the U.S. but wouldn't this be tampering with public records? Or a violation of the Presidential Records Act? Even if it somehow isn't illegal, it's corrupt to the core. And they don't want stenographers around either.
Taking this at face value would require erasing his performance with Putin which is ON VIDEO, and also ignoring the fact that Putin himself said he wanted Trump to win. But, as was pointed out just a few posts ago, they ERASED that from the official government record (which in fact is likely illegal). Then you have Trump saying just yesterday at a rally at a VFW (and I quote) “And just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”
I don't know much about the legal system in the U.S. but wouldn't this be tampering with public records? Or a violation of the Presidential Records Act? Even if it somehow isn't illegal, it's corrupt to the core. And they don't want stenographers around either.
Note in that article how she describes an Obama White House team that took every precaution to make sure a stenographer was in place before any conversation took place. What the President said as a matter of public record was taken 100% seriously, and they believed it was important. I'm quite sure there are DOZENS of statements they would like to take back, joint appearances they would have hoped had went differently, but they did not then attempt to ALTER PUBLIC RECORDS to will that into reality.
There is only one logical explanation for behavior like this, which is an attempt to hide or cover things up. Just the tip of the iceberg really:
Should a newspaper receive a bailout from its state? This is the question now being asked in NY regarding the Daily News.
Although not explicitly stated in the article below, the big source of contention over this is going to be that the News is a very left-leaning paper and consistent basher of Trump - basically the left-wing alternative to the NY Post. Here's a few examples of their covers in the spoilers below.
BUFFALO, N.Y. — The same day the New York Daily News told its newsroom staff it would be cut in half, Governor Andrew Cuomo says he reached out to parent company Tronc Media.
"Yes, if they had a financial issue, the state would want to assist in that financial issue," Cuomo said Monday.
The administration said it's not just maintaining a standard of journalism but also the estimated 100 jobs that would be lost, by both the reporters and the state's economy.
"Any job loss, we're trying to help in the state of New York because different sectors of our economy take hits at different times and we want to be of assistance," said Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul.
While Cuomo has been clear the state would be interested in providing assistance, he has not provided a specific plan as to how that would come about. Democrat Assemblywoman Monica Wallace said she didn't read it as a bailout.
"I wouldn't be in favor of a taxpayer bailout, but to the extent that there are regulatory burdens that we can address or ways that the government can play a role with mediating a potential labor dispute, where I think that is an appropriate role for the government to play," she said.
Republican state Senator Rob Ortt is very critical of the plan. He said other local papers across the state have struggled or folded without the same kind of offer from the governor.
"I think there's a lot of conflict or potential conflict or the appearance of conflict when there's state assistance, state input or state money in private news outlets," Ortt said.
Ortt and Wallace said, as a rule, they are wary of bailouts for any industry unless there is a way to address the issues that caused a company to struggle in the first place.
"I think there's a big difference between incentivizing companies to come here or incentivizing companies to grow and expand as part of the private sector, and I think, a bailout," Ortt said.
"I think we have very finite resources in state government and I think we have to be very careful about where we spend that money," Wallace said.
They said if the administration does intervene, there should be intense scrutiny and strict guidelines from the Legislature."
I'm not sure we should do either. The government should not be picking winners in the free market unless there's a distinct and significant public interest in doing so. If a company can't compete in the market as it exists, then another, more efficient company should be able to take its market share.
Why is bailing out farmers harmed by Trump's tarrifs ok but bailing out newspapers harmed by Trump's alternative facts is not ok?
Because the latter isn't actually true - they were losing 20-plus million a year BEFORE Trump became president.
Besides which, other papers (like the NY Times) have been reporting record profits since Trump became president.
I'd say it's more likely that the News' penchant for openly insulting potential customers who don't happen to vote a particular way is a far bigger hindrance to their profitability.
The problem with the farmers isn't them receiving the money. I am all for necessary government intervention. It is that Trump started a trade war and now expects us to bail out his political constituency so he doesn't lose votes. If they need the $12 billion, that is entirely, 100% Donald Trump's fault in the first place. He made a unilateral decision to pick a fight with the entire industrialized world.
And of course the hypocrisy infuriates me. Republicans claim to be against such help, but they are only against it for certain people. Democrats have never claimed to be against such help. The reason we are making a fuss is that this 12 billion is going to go overwhelmingly to people who vote in a way in which they make it clear they are AGAINST government programs. Unless it is for them.
The problem with the farmers isn't them receiving the money. I am all for necessary government intervention. It is that Trump started a trade war and now expects us to bail out his political constituency so he doesn't lose votes. If they need the $12 billion, that is entirely, 100% Donald Trump's fault in the first place. He made a unilateral decision to pick a fight with the entire industrialized world.
I totally understand you.
These farmers, most of them private who also employ undocumented immigrants to work, produce things that you and other Americans eat. If a country cannot keep their farmers working then the dependency of outside produce becomes too high and the price of food skyrockets from what I understand.
It doesn't matter if they are White or if Trump is at fault, on a National level the Farming industry cannot be allowed to fail in any country, especially the size of the U.S.
The problem with the farmers isn't them receiving the money. I am all for necessary government intervention. It is that Trump started a trade war and now expects us to bail out his political constituency so he doesn't lose votes. If they need the $12 billion, that is entirely, 100% Donald Trump's fault in the first place. He made a unilateral decision to pick a fight with the entire industrialized world.
I totally understand you.
These farmers, most of them private who also employ undocumented immigrants to work, produce things that you and other Americans eat. If a country cannot keep their farmers working then the dependency of outside produce becomes too high and the price of food skyrockets from what I understand.
It doesn't matter if they are White or if Trump is at fault, on a National level the Farming industry cannot be allowed to fail in any country, especially the size of the U.S.
These tarrifs are effecting EXPORTS. It has nothing to do with feeding the USA.
The real threat to farming and also Humans is the monopoly that Monsato has on the industry. This is the discussion that Republicans and Democrats should be having.
The problem with the farmers isn't them receiving the money. I am all for necessary government intervention. It is that Trump started a trade war and now expects us to bail out his political constituency so he doesn't lose votes. If they need the $12 billion, that is entirely, 100% Donald Trump's fault in the first place. He made a unilateral decision to pick a fight with the entire industrialized world.
I totally understand you.
These farmers, most of them private who also employ undocumented immigrants to work, produce things that you and other Americans eat. If a country cannot keep their farmers working then the dependency of outside produce becomes too high and the price of food skyrockets from what I understand.
It doesn't matter if they are White or if Trump is at fault, on a National level the Farming industry cannot be allowed to fail in any country, especially the size of the U.S.
These tarrifs are effecting EXPORTS. It has nothing to do with feeding the USA.
If the farmers cannot sustain they will shut down. Bigger companies gobble up what's left and them we are left with tomatoes being 8$ to $10 dollars a pound.
Another issue. If soy bean farmers are handed massive chunks of cash despite not selling anything, next year they are going to plant the same amount of soybeans. Which is going to lead to crops just sitting there creating a massive overflow in the market. Even in the small amount of time I have spent on my friend's farm, I was shocked at just how much of the crop is just perpetually in storage while government subsidies pick up the slack in off years.
Another issue. If soy bean farmers are handed massive chunks of cash despite not selling anything, next year they are going to plant the same amount of soybeans. Which is going to lead to crops just sitting there creating a massive overflow in the market.
I think they burn them or let them rot out and claim as a loss but yes I get you.
The problem with the farmers isn't them receiving the money. I am all for necessary government intervention. It is that Trump started a trade war and now expects us to bail out his political constituency so he doesn't lose votes. If they need the $12 billion, that is entirely, 100% Donald Trump's fault in the first place. He made a unilateral decision to pick a fight with the entire industrialized world.
I totally understand you.
These farmers, most of them private who also employ undocumented immigrants to work, produce things that you and other Americans eat. If a country cannot keep their farmers working then the dependency of outside produce becomes too high and the price of food skyrockets from what I understand.
It doesn't matter if they are White or if Trump is at fault, on a National level the Farming industry cannot be allowed to fail in any country, especially the size of the U.S.
These tarrifs are effecting EXPORTS. It has nothing to do with feeding the USA.
If the farmers cannot sustain they will shut down. Bigger companies gobble up what's left and them we are left with tomatoes being 8$ to $10 dollars a pound.
Isn't that the free market? If market forces dictate expensive tomatoes how is that a bad thing? Why do farmers need bailouts from the totally optional and unilateral Trump tarrifs?
We aren't worried about people without healthcare, why are we worried if people eat?
75% American farming productivity falls to the 10% of farms with more than $350k annual sales. The dystopia of mom and pop farmers being gobbled up has already happened long ago.
Oh my the Koch brothers Freedom Caucus are trying to impeach Rod Rosenstein for having the gall of allowing criminal investigations by Mueller into the President.
Open treason by Republicans. This will not end well.
See #3 Actions that would prevent the investigation from being conducted freely, such as replacing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mueller’s current supervisor, or repealing the regulations establishing the office.
White House edited the official transcript and video to remove Putin saying that he wanted Trump to win.
That's got to be illegal as feck. Arrests should be made to the staffers that did this.
And that only reminds me of one line, which I have quoted before, and everyone would do well to remember:
"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
-George Orwell, "1984"
This isn't new. One of the most important authors of the 20th century warned us about these tactics 75 years ago. I am convinced that even if there was audio and video evidence of Trump committing or admitting to a crime, his based of supporters would deny it's existence. I'm not even slightly joking.
Erdogan got a little feisty earlier today.
There is only one logical explanation for behavior like this, which is an attempt to hide or cover things up. Just the tip of the iceberg really:
Should a newspaper receive a bailout from its state? This is the question now being asked in NY regarding the Daily News.
Although not explicitly stated in the article below, the big source of contention over this is going to be that the News is a very left-leaning paper and consistent basher of Trump - basically the left-wing alternative to the NY Post. Here's a few examples of their covers in the spoilers below.
Article: http://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/binghamton/politics/2018/07/24/daily-news-cuomo-bailout
BUFFALO, N.Y. — The same day the New York Daily News told its newsroom staff it would be cut in half, Governor Andrew Cuomo says he reached out to parent company Tronc Media.
"Yes, if they had a financial issue, the state would want to assist in that financial issue," Cuomo said Monday.
The administration said it's not just maintaining a standard of journalism but also the estimated 100 jobs that would be lost, by both the reporters and the state's economy.
"Any job loss, we're trying to help in the state of New York because different sectors of our economy take hits at different times and we want to be of assistance," said Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul.
While Cuomo has been clear the state would be interested in providing assistance, he has not provided a specific plan as to how that would come about. Democrat Assemblywoman Monica Wallace said she didn't read it as a bailout.
"I wouldn't be in favor of a taxpayer bailout, but to the extent that there are regulatory burdens that we can address or ways that the government can play a role with mediating a potential labor dispute, where I think that is an appropriate role for the government to play," she said.
Republican state Senator Rob Ortt is very critical of the plan. He said other local papers across the state have struggled or folded without the same kind of offer from the governor.
"I think there's a lot of conflict or potential conflict or the appearance of conflict when there's state assistance, state input or state money in private news outlets," Ortt said.
Ortt and Wallace said, as a rule, they are wary of bailouts for any industry unless there is a way to address the issues that caused a company to struggle in the first place.
"I think there's a big difference between incentivizing companies to come here or incentivizing companies to grow and expand as part of the private sector, and I think, a bailout," Ortt said.
"I think we have very finite resources in state government and I think we have to be very careful about where we spend that money," Wallace said.
They said if the administration does intervene, there should be intense scrutiny and strict guidelines from the Legislature."
Besides which, other papers (like the NY Times) have been reporting record profits since Trump became president.
I'd say it's more likely that the News' penchant for openly insulting potential customers who don't happen to vote a particular way is a far bigger hindrance to their profitability.
And of course the hypocrisy infuriates me. Republicans claim to be against such help, but they are only against it for certain people. Democrats have never claimed to be against such help. The reason we are making a fuss is that this 12 billion is going to go overwhelmingly to people who vote in a way in which they make it clear they are AGAINST government programs. Unless it is for them.
These farmers, most of them private who also employ undocumented immigrants to work, produce things that you and other Americans eat. If a country cannot keep their farmers working then the dependency of outside produce becomes too high and the price of food skyrockets from what I understand.
It doesn't matter if they are White or if Trump is at fault, on a National level the Farming industry cannot be allowed to fail in any country, especially the size of the U.S.
The real threat to farming and also Humans is the monopoly that Monsato has on the industry. This is the discussion that Republicans and Democrats should be having.
*Gun is also from the States.
A young Swedish activist recorded herself while protesting on a plane to keep a flight carrying a 52-year-old Afghan man from being deported.
We aren't worried about people without healthcare, why are we worried if people eat?
75% American farming productivity falls to the 10% of farms with more than $350k annual sales. The dystopia of mom and pop farmers being gobbled up has already happened long ago.
"Isn't that the free market? If market forces dictate expensive tomatoes how is that a bad thing?"
I happen to like tomatoes.
Open treason by Republicans. This will not end well.
The website below has rapid response plans for just this scenario if these guys are successful.
See #3
Actions that would prevent the investigation from being conducted freely, such as replacing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mueller’s current supervisor, or repealing the regulations establishing the office.