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The tale of a Drow (no-reload complete)



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2014
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Great as always! Keep it up! =D
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Lu'oh zhah dosst wynthe?

    your - dosst
    how - lu'oh
    is - zhah
    success - wynthe

  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Wow Gotural, that's a very ambitious undertaking you've got going there. I'm going to catch up today and tomorrow. Best of luck to Yami for now :)
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    It is time to end this part of the story, I completed BG1 with Yami months ago, but I never wrote it on the forums.
    Now I want to play some BG2 with the Nightmare Mode to continue my run, but first, I'll finish the tale of a Drow :smile:
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    edited March 2015
    The TotSC update, part 2 !

    Finally an update, it's been a very long time since August 2014. I don't exactly remember every details but hopefully I have a really huge number of screenshots, which will help me to write the lasts installements.

    Following the advice of Shandalar, Yami entered the inn in Ulgoth's Beard. It was a nice and cozy place. The Drow didn't need to hide his true nature anymore as he was now well known in the Sword Coast for his acts of bravoure.
    His goal was to meet a Dwarf and he sure met one soon after he came in. The Dwarf's name was Hurlag, and he wanted Yami to retrieve a dagger from Durlag's Tower, which belonged to his grandfather.
    But he also told him that it was a very dangerous place, and retrieving the dagger wouldn't be easy.
    Still, Yami accepted the task and headed directly to the tower.

    After more than a day of walking, he saw the entrance of the building, which was guarded by two Battle Horrors he had to slay.


    In the tower, he was greeted by the "lord of this place" a powerful and evil Demon Knight, who threw a Fireball spell in Yami's direction before escaping with a Teleport spell.
    Surely, Yami would need to fight this Demon toe to toe one moment or another so he prepared himself mentally for the challenges awaiting before exploring the uppers levels.

    Above, he met a powerful Ghost, able to cast PfMW.


    But also Riggilo, a Thief, and Kirinhale, a succubus. The first was dealt with a bit of patience, the second was convinced to flee the tower, the third was killed in melee fight.
    After some more exploration, Yami found another Tome of Strength lying in a chest waiting for someone to recover it.

    In my setup, the Tome of Wisdom from Durlag's Tower is randomized both in location and in attribute (but it is still in the tower), it was a good surprise to find a STR one, and in the uppers levels.

    Now, our adventurer was ready to go into the lower levels, to find what evil was hiding here and to retrieve the dagger ...

    The basement was filled with traps of all kinds, but all were lethal and they had to be disarmed.
    In the main room, he saw a group of Dwarves guarding the entry of the next level. They looked like statue, animated by the powerful magic of this place and they actually asked the Drow to solve 4 riddles, one riddle per Dwarf.

    After a few moments of explorations, Yami solved the differents riddles and came back to the Dwarves. They all suddenly became hostile to him, and a battle occured.

    All of them were some sort of spellcasters, but none of them was really dangerous. Yami used a few backstabs and some spells to kill them safely.



    The last one tried to escape with a Invisibility potion, but Yami revealed him with a Detect Invisibility spell and finished him off.

    After the fight, he went to the next floor which was also filled with traps, traps, riddles and most importantly, traps.


    It was not long before our hero reached the third basement, in which things started to get interesting. He first arrived in a small room, bombarded by Fireballs. One needed to run fast enough between two Fireball spells to cross the door on the other side without getting burned. Hopefully for him, Yami had the Boots of Haste, which made the task quite easy.
    He entered a huge room with a lot of statues and a big skeleton of a colossal Dragon or Wyvern of some kind.

    One after another, the statues were coming back to life and Yami destroyed them swiftly. He also fought two Greater Wyverns. At this point, one of the beasts managed to pierce Yami's Stoneskin and made a solid assault, one Yami would remember for a long time.


    After he healed himself with a few Potions of Extra Healing, Yami cut down the creature and continued the exploration of the level. He found a large corridor with multiples doors leading to different challenges.
    It seems there was one room for each element, all of them were relatively easy for our adventurer. He used a few Potions of Fire Resistance to deal with the Phoenix Guards.


    After all the four rooms were cleared, Yami was teleported to what looked like a chess game ...

    Actually there is a known bug with SCS which make the teleportation to the chess game impossible, so I had to use the CLUA Console to get there after the four challenges. Maybe it is fixed by now, it was a long time ago !
    Post edited by Gotural on
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    edited March 2015
    The TotSC update, third part :

    In front of what looked like another challenge, Yami fought bravely against multiples statues.
    First, he took down the pawns, before heading for more powerful pieces of the game, then finishing with the Queen and the King.


    After this battle, he was free to continue to explore the place. He slew some Ettercaps, some Astral Phase Spiders, some Helmet Horrors, but also some Crypt Crawlers and some Superior Ghasts. Yami looted a lot of treasure during the trip.


    After some more monsters, traps and riddles, the Drow finally met the creator of this tower, Durlag Trollkiller himself. It was his spirit, trapped here forever. He told Yami about the true master of this place and asked him to follow him.


    Yami remembered the Demon Knight who "greeted" him when he first entered the tower. He was ready to defeat it.


    And he found the Soultaker Dagger on his body. What an adventure he thought. But it was over ...

    Well maybe not so fast, as soon as Yami left the Demon Knight's chamber, he heard some noise in the previous room. He hid in the shadows and saw another group of mercenaries from the Oversight organisation.
    Yami thought it would be better to ambush them before they did it themselves.


    He found some documents on their bodies, including letters which indicated where the headquarter of the organisation was. But it would be for later.
    Yami traveled back to Ulgoth's Beard to told him Hurlag about his success and to gave him back his grandfather's dagger. But as soon as he walked in the village, a group of cultists attacked him. One of them pickpocketed the dagger and escaped with a Dimension Door spell while the others assaulted the Drow.


    Yami retaliated and used his magic to dispatch them quickly.


    He followed the stream of guards, killing them along the way until he went inside a house. There he slew the last enforcers coming for him, but he knew something terrible was about.
    Yami prepared himself with a lot of spells and potions, then he went downstairs and met with Tracea Carol.


    After this short discussion, she summoned Aec'Letec, a powerful Tanar'ri from the deeps.
    Yami had no troubles to kill it.


    But everytime he died, one of the cultists would transformed himself into Aec'Letec. Amused, Yami thought it would be a fun challenge to kill Aec'Letec seven times, and that's what he did, for goodness !


    After Aec'Letec was truely dead, he cut down Tracea and thus, destroyed the cult entirely.


    After this fight, Yami came back to Hurlag with the dagger who thanked him alot.
    He was now ready for some new adventures ...
    Post edited by Gotural on
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Impressive work Gotural! Durlag's Tower is a bit of a scary place but you made it look like a walk in the park :)
    Keep up the good work!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    edited March 2015
    Thanks everyone for your kind support ! I really appreciate it.

    The TotSC update, fourth and final part :

    After destroying the cult that was threatening the entire Sword Coast, Yami decided it would be good time to seek the headquarter of the Oversight organisation. He read the letters he found earlier more carefully and found out that they were actually established in the middle of Baldur's Gate.
    He really wanted to know why these guys were after him for now so long.

    But before he went to the city, a man named Mendas talked to him about more adventures beyond the sea. Yami considered the idea and the man said the only thing he needed what some maps, which could be found in Baldur's Gate.
    What a good coincidence he thought. He would be able to do both quests at the same time.

    And he headed for the great city. He didn't take him long before he discovered the entrance of the headquarter, near the huge wall in the middle of the town.

    As soon as he entered, he was attacked by a huge number of the best agents they had, including a fair amount of high level Mages, casting level 4 spells with ease.
    Yami did his best to incapacitate the guards with multiple Webs spell, before cutting down the casters.
    He didn't fear his own spells, as his saves were well in the negatives.


    Their lieutenant came to strengthen them. He was called Sir Jones, a powerful knight wielding a holy bastard sword +4, which also increased the strength of his owner.

    Hopefully Yami managed to overcome him in melee, using his ability to hide in the shadows for some quick multiples backstabs.


    Afterward, the swift Drow ran to the lower levels, eliminating everyone who crossed his road. When he arrived downstairs, he faced the one who was behind all of this.


    A huge fight occured, every enemies were under a permanent Improved Alacrity effect, but thanks to his saves and his MR, Yami was safe from harm. He killed the leader quickly, before dispatching the others.


    It looked like Oversight was destroyed, and the mercenaries no longer a threat. Still, he heard some rumours in the headquarter about a mystical crypt somewhere near Ulcaster that would need some investigation later.

    Then he proceeded to the Merchant League to try to get the maps he was looking for.
    The guardian here, Ulf, was not a very nice folk, but he was easy to convince that Yami's business with the Merchant League was private. After he agreed to let him pass, the Drow sneaked in and managed to loot the map on another trader.

    He came back to Mendas, in Ulgoth's Beard and as soon as he could, the ship was ready to cross the sea.
    But during the travel, a storm wrecked the ship and Yami ended on a small and strange island, filled with werewolves and mad people.
    He had no troubles to dispatch them then he reached an old boat which was the lair of the werewolves. The leader of the pack was here and Yami killed him with ease thanks to the silver dagger.


    In the end, he managed to escape this place with another ship. An endless stream of werewolves tried to stop him but he prevailed.


    Back in town, he faced Mendas, who actually was another Greater Werewolf but also a talented spellcaster.


    Yami used his Detect Illusion skill to dispell his Shadow Door then he managed to kill him, after breaking his Stoneskin and thus ending the Tales of the Sword Coast !

    Now he's heading for the Arcane Sanctum, before finishing Sarevok.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    The late game update :

    After a few days of traveling, Yami reached the Ulcaster's Ruin. According to the rumors, the Arcane Sanctum was near the ruins of the school, or even in the ruins. A few hours of exploration later, the Drow found what he was looking for and he was nicely greeted by the ghosts who guarded this place.


    The battle started inevitably, the Sanctum was filled with high level spellcasters, Ghosts, Helmet Horrors and Demon Knights like the one in Durlag's Tower. All of them were dealt with using backstabs.


    Some very interestings items were obtained during this quest, a Tome of Strength, a Tome of Wisdom ( I guess it's because the map is a duplicate of the Candlekeep's catacombs) and most importantly, an item so powerful Yami would have done this a lot earlier if he knew about it : The Ring of Wizardry. which doubles your number of spells from level 1 to 5.

    After this was done, it was time for Yami to head back to the city of Baldur's Gate to finish Sarevok once and for all. He came back to the Iron Throne headquarter where he fought Cythandria, Sarevok's wife.


    It was a quick fight, after he felled her, he looted her corpse and found Sarevok's journal which contained most of his plans to become the new Lord of Murder.
    In order to stop him, Yami needed an invitation to the Ducal Palace. The best way to obtain these was to fight Krystin and Slythe. The later was assassinated easily with some backstabs while the former was a bit harder thanks to Stoneskin / Mirror Image / PfMW / Fireshield / Shadow Door and Minor Globe of Invulnerability.

    Yami started by using his Detect Illusion skill to dispell her Shadow Door and Mirror Image, then he casted a Spell Thrust to destroy her Globe and finally threw a Breach at her to remove her last protections before killing her in close range.

    The invitation in his posession, Yami needed to do one last thing before heading for the Ducal Palace. He went to the headquarter of the Flaming Fist and saved the Duke Eltan from the Greater Doppleganger who tried to "help him".

    Afterwards, he was ready to go to his last destination.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Well played my friend, and good luck with the last hurdle!
    What's that Oversight encounter? Is that from a mod? Or some EE content I've never seen?
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    @Blackraven Thank you ! I'll write the last installment soon.
    Everything about the Section and Oversight organisations comes from the mod Dark Horizons which is awesome I think. It also includes some more ambushes, and the Arcane Sanctum. The downside is that the gear you can obtained is too powerful in some cases.
    Like the ring I found at the end of the game, doubling all your spell slots.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    The Final Update :

    When Yami arrived at the Ducal Palace, most participants transformed themselves into Gopplegangers of all sorts. They were trying to kill the remaining Dukes but he stopped them before they could do any harm.
    From this point, Yami was always hasted thanks to a huge stock of Oil of Speed he prepared previously and the liberal use of most of his Potions / Scrolls made him a threat to not underestimate.


    Usually, one of the Duke dies during this fight. It's probably the first time I managed to save everyone in SCS which is pretty cool I think. Yami was fast and deadly enough to make this happen.

    After Sarevok escaped, the Drow followed him in the maze beneath the Thieves's Guild.
    Lots of traps in this place, but all of them were magical, which means Yami could protect himself with a Minor Globe of Invulnerability without wasting any more time here.


    He spared Winsky's life before entering Undercity.

    Here, he fought a last group of powerful mercenaries who wanted to kill both him and Sarevok.
    Yami thought otherwise, it was his role to slay his brother to avenge his foster father Gorion and it couldn't be otherway.

    The Drow started to wreak havoc, casting multiples Web and Cloudkill spells to impair his foes before vanishing in the shadows only to reappear behind them to kill them.


    Afterward, Yami headed for the Bhaal's Temple. Before he entered, he made sure to use everything at his disposal, including every Potions / Scrolls / Spells he had to buff himself.


    Even with saves that low, I managed to fail a saving throw once. So I'm pretty sure you can roll a critical fail for saving throws in some rare instance. Maybe it's only related to BG:EE, a specific patch, a specific mod or even a specific spell I don't know. It was my own Spirit Armor spell for the record.

    Once he was in the temple, there was no going back, only the sight of his nemesis and his party, waiting for him.

    "Your death is inevitable." said Sarevok.

    As soon as he pronounced these words, Yami went through the Shadow Plane, teleported behind him, and decapitated his lieutenant Tazok with a single, lethal strike.


    "You do not fear death do you ? That's what you said to me back in Candlekeep." replied the Drow.

    His brother looked furious, he raised him weapon and shot "Face me ! Face the NEW LORD OF MURDER !".

    But the fight was over a few seconds later, Sarevok's party was dealt with one at a time.


    And now it was time to make him pay ...


    "Your life ends here." announced Yami while he pierced his body with his scimitar.

    Sarevok fell on his knees. "Only the strongest shall prevail ..." he said, before lying on the ground, dead.

    And that's how the tale of a Drow ended. Thanks to everyone for the support !
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Too much overdose. The cheese of the highest order. The only way of the drow.

    Thanks for all the fun you've shared!
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Holy crap, those stats lol!

    Anyway well done! The only part I liked a bit less:
    Gotural said:

    And that's how the tale of a Drow ended. Thanks to everyone for the support!

    No continuation in SoA? Yami could be a no-reload trilogy success :smiley:
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Hoorah! A great addition to the forum's written play-throughs! Like Blackraven, I wouldn't mind seeing it continue, though I can understand if that's not on the schedule.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    @bengoshi indeed ! I used the best cheese I had in my bag of holding for this run along some very good wine :wink:
    @Blackraven I was only referring to this part of the trilogy as I definitely intend to play SoA aswell with Yami. I'm a bit nervous to be honest because the character is so blatantly overpowered that I'm afraid of losing too early lol.

    Thanks again for the nice comments ! Now I will need some help for my BG2:EE setup as I'm not sure in which order I should install my mods. More information as soon as I get back to my computer.
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