Boo seriously needs to go on a diet!

I'm not sure if it was part of a mod, or part of the original game, but Minsc did tell one of my PCs off for feeding Boo. (Has anyone else had this conversation?) This is what happened when I ignored him ... Boo is the one on the left.

Art by Johannes Holm on

Art by Johannes Holm on
...I would read the ever living heck out of any fanfic like that.
Jan- Minsc! Look out! Behind you!
Minsc- Where? He who sneaks on Minsc loses teeth!
Jan- C’mon Boo! Quickly, come to jan!
Minsc- Stop it! Boo is not for you tiny! You’ll hurt him!
Jan- He likes me. Gnomes are far cuddlier then oafish humans.
Minsc- No, I know best when talking to Boo, If you could hear his wishes you would agree, but you cannot. The words of Boo are for Minsc alone.
Jan- You can’t fault a fellow for trying.
Minsc- I can and will. And another thing; no more sneaking Boo crackers. He is getting rather portly, and the crumbs make for an itchy bedroll.
I'm just big-boned, guys.
@CaloNord Boo's a mean, not lean killing machine!
Look at Boo's glare would you?! He will wreck your sh#@.
It makes a cute desktop background as well.
Good god I need to clean up that mess. It's shamefull I can't believe people can see it now... *shameful!*
It is too late. You have been judged.