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Do You Want Your BG1 Party Imported into BG2:EE?



  • KholdstareKholdstare Member Posts: 160
    I don't mind not having the party I use, but I really would like my party's ability scores to carry over (pending I'm using the canonical party) if I used some of those tomes that increase said scores on them. Then again, given that many of the characters received buffs in-between games, maybe it's a fair trade-off.
  • DiscoCatDiscoCat Member Posts: 73
    Yes, those NPCs should be imported to BG2 with their proficiencies and other stats exactly as we chose for them. However, they should not appear in BG2 immediately next to you in Irenicus' dungeon. You should have to find them or they should find you sometime after Irenicus' dungeon (similar to how Kivan mod for BG2 works).

    As for the canon NPCs found in Irenicus' dungeon, I'd like for them to also have the stats, experience and proficiencies I chose for them in BG1 (like in BG Trilogy).
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    DiscoCat said:

    Yes, those NPCs should be imported to BG2 with their proficiencies and other stats exactly as we chose for them. However, they should not appear in BG2 immediately next to you in Irenicus' dungeon. You should have to find them or they should find you sometime after Irenicus' dungeon (similar to how Kivan mod for BG2 works).

    As for the canon NPCs found in Irenicus' dungeon, I'd like for them to also have the stats, experience and proficiencies I chose for them in BG1 (like in BG Trilogy).

    Agreed, at least regarding stat/EXP/proficiency consistency across the two games. But Jaheira and Minsc being in there with you is meant to reflect Irenicus' foreknowledge: he's studied you, and he's captured people he believes are relevant to you (whether they are or they aren't depends on your personal canon). If it's just you in his dungeon, you don't get that same feeling that he's been preparing to move against you for a while.
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    edited August 2012
    g314 said:

    How about this?

    - Imoen stays, obviously (even if you didn't keep her in your party).
    - You have Jaheira and Khalid in your party. Khalid dies. No changes (mods are still possible).
    - Jaheira died in BG1 and you kept Khalid in your party. New banters and quests.
    - You have Minsc and Dynaheir in your party. Dynaheir dies. No changes (mods are still possible).
    - Minsc died in BG1 (oh man, how could you?) and you kept Dynaheir in your party. New banters and quests.
    - You have Edwin in your party. Someone else will serve Mae'Var (Yoshimo?).
    - You have Viconia in your party. In Athkatla she will be kidnapped and you must save her. No changes.
    - You have Xan, Yeslick, Alora, Kivan, Branwen, Shar-Teel, or Kagain in your party. If not, you'll never meet them again in BG2, except in your pocket plane if you wish, like anybody else.
    - You have Eldoth and/or Skie in your party. New banters and quests.
    - You have Ajantis in your party. Keldorn (and Anomen?) will recognize him.
    - You have Faldorn in your party. There will be another Shadow Druid to defeat. She could even betray you.
    - You have Xzar and/or Montaron in your party. Chances are you don't have Khalid and Jaheira, but whatever the case, someone else will replace Xzar and Montaron in the Harper's Guild.
    - You have Safana and/or Coran in your party. If not, you will find them both in Chapter 6. No changes.
    - You have Quayle in your party. He will recognize Aerie in the circus. You can still choose who will stay or leave your party.
    - You have Tiax in your party. If not, you COULD still save him from Spellhold. You're not forced to take him with you, though.
    - You have Rasaad, Neera, and/or Dorn in your party. New banters and quests.

    PREMISE: I never played BG1, and I just found out from this post that some of the NPCs encountered (and not recruited) in BG2 are party members in BG1. So forgive me if my knowledge is faulty and/or I sound harsh to someone's beloved character.

    I think this comment pretty much solves any possible problem related to "what they're not allowed to", and the only remaining problem is that of the gargantuan modding job needed.

    So I propose a softer solution: follow this suggestion... but cutting more characters and staying more faithful to BG2's storyline.
    What do I mean? Simple.

    - Imoen is brought to Irenicus' dungeon no matter what.
    - Khalid and Dynaheir die in Irenicus dungeon no matter what (the storyline and Jaheira/Minsc's character development remain unchanged). If they were still alive, but they weren't in your final party, Irenicus brought them there (what are the additional cages for, anyway?). If nobody's there to mourn them... too bad.
    - If you find yourself with 7 characters (or 8, with Yoshimo), the other(s) will accompany you as "ally", but not under your direct control (blue ring) for the duration of the dungeon (and you might choose to swap in / swap out somebody at any time).
    - Some of the BG1:EE party members could become full fledged BG2:EE party members (as most of the people on this thread wish). In a way, they would count as "new characters" as much as Dorn, Neera and Rasaad.
    - The ones that the devs don't have time, resources or desire to thusly "promote" might:
    --- get zapped and die (with a short, additional scene/dialogue) in the confrontation between Irenicus and the mages outside his dungeon (best solution for those that don't have a significant role in BG2, or that don't have a role at all).
    --- abandon the team immediately after the shocking experience of being tortured (and for various personal reasons) and after a certain amount of time (varying, depending on each situation) they reprise their usual BG2 role (best solution for those that cover a significant role in BG2 as non-party NPCs). This might need a few additional dialogue lines (a very small and effortless "enhancement") upon re-encountering them for the first time. Example: Quayle.
    --- abandon the team to disappear forever and, as suggested in the quoted post, somebody else (minor, similar "placeholder" NPCs) might cover their roles in BG2, if their immediate re-appearance somewhere else would clash with said roles. This technique is often used by Bioware (example: in ME3, where 15 out of 16 of your previous companions, not to mention several other minor recurring NPCs, could be either dead or alive, depending on the playthrough). The same could be done (again, as suggested in the quoted post) for Edwin: if he was with you all along, somebody else, not necessarily as memorable, covered his role... a generic mage with a NPC name works just fine. You just won't be able to recruit him.

    What would we accomplish with this?
    Two things:
    1) Internal consistence and continuity in the storyline! Beautiful, easy and free!
    2) A small chance that ONE OR MORE of the BG1:EE personalities might become major BG2:EE players.
    All without forcing the story and with minimal amount of work needed.

    PS: the option to port the supporting characters' stats the way you made them in BG1:EE appears VITAL to me (and easy and quick to do, since we already have that for the protagonist, IIRC). I want to level up my Imoen, Jaheira and Minsc the same way from one game to the other.
    Post edited by Raistlin82 on
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    Bit late to the discussion here, and I for one am in total agreement with keeping it how it currently is. But (and there's always a but!) it would be nice to see a few more returning friendly and familiar faces. I loved the Coran / Safana little side mission towards the end of the game and ... spoilers ... perhaps one or the other could be recruited depending on which way the player decides. I also love Xzar, he is possibly my favourite NPC in the original game, and seems like too good a character to pass up a second time round, anyone else in agreement with me?!

    Might be nice to see someone like Skie or Eldoth, two NPCs from the original game that rarely get a look in make returns ... heh, perhaps the roles could be radically reversed, just imagine that.
  • Fake_SketchFake_Sketch Member Posts: 217
    Id buy it 100% if they did.
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    Yes! Must have Monty and Xzar back! And i chose the import BG1 party and yes i believe they can expand the gameplay and story. As DLC but i'll keep my fingers crossed.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @tanthalas, there's some threads about this lost in the forum maybe add them here could even help this thread.

    I don't want only the BG party i used with me in BG2, i want the game to recognize my actions, pretty much as Mass Effect do, but that's dream too much TT!
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    When I merge a poll with a normal discussion, the poll is always lost.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    O.o, didn't know that. Well a pitty :(, later i try to find the links and post them for reference.
  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 485
    There is a huge problem with trying to take account all players choices. It greatly increases the content has to be made and yet is seen by very few players. In the end the choices wont have any real impact, because that way devs can minimize the "wasted" content. Personally I think going with some canon approach is better as it usually means better story and not something watered down because you have to take account vast number of different choices player has made.

    I believe contractual limitations already completely prevent doing massive changes like this to the original story and there are already mods that add many of the BG1 NPCs into BG2. Even if the contract would allow adding BG1 NPCs into BG2, it would probably be a bad idea. Why not introduce some new interesting characters instead of trying to revive some old ones?
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    edited August 2012
    Bercon said:

    There is a huge problem with trying to take account all players choices. It greatly increases the content has to be made and yet is seen by very few players.

    ...unless you go the route I indicated in my previous post.
    That way, the additional content is minimal and the devs can cherry pick what they want to expand on and what not.
    If it meant to make playable 1 or more additional characters, that's not any different from adding Dorn & Co. Additionally, those few playable characters would be made accessible even to those who did NOT bring them to the final battle (granted they didn't kill them in the previous game) and to those who start a new game from BG2:EE.

    So... it's quite the opposite of what you said.
    It will increase the contents in a minimal, acceptable, workable way and the content would be seen by ALL players.
  • byrne20byrne20 Member Posts: 503
    Iam not really to fussed to be honest. I did prefer the Npc's from bg1 but i also understand that it wouldnt really be simple to bring your party over without breaking the story a tad.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I'm ready to start with a new tale in BG2, so I'm ready for a new party then as well.

    I can understand how someone might want to keep a few more characters from BG1 in BG2 than Immy, Minsc, and Jaheira. But custom mods provide a decent way to bring at least some of the BG1 NPCs into BG2 if that what one wishes.

    And finally, notwithstanding the legal agreements that prevent it, I just don't see Beamdog spending its precious resources on this.
  • Fake_SketchFake_Sketch Member Posts: 217
    I think Beamdog may have more resources after they get the income from this game. Well, only sure thing is that we wouldn't be able to leave Imoen lol.
  • WonKoWonKo Member Posts: 72
    Whilst it would be nice, I think that their contractual obligations would prevent them from messing with the default setup in the dungeon and the default state of those like Edward and Xzar (Though maybe not prevent extra non-original NPCs from also being present?). If we're not getting Party Banter in BGEE because it messes with the original content (Even though it just adds rather than changes) then it seems incredibly unlikely that they would be able change how BG1 npcs appear in BG2. Those that don't appear will likely have to stay so.

    What's possible though (and I think mentioned by Trent) is an adventure linking BG1 to BG2 and perhaps better explaining the setup at the beginning of BG2.
  • the_sexteinthe_sextein Member Posts: 711
    Personally, I normally use xzar and Montaron as well as Minsc and Dynheir and Imoen. Minsc Mentions that Dynheir died and that he would get revenge. Xzar and Montaron being the evil types that they are, fled in order to save their own skin. I find them later in the docks where they are both killed. Imoen gets captured. That leaves me with Minsc and Jehiera. I travled with Jaheira and Kaleid from candel keep to the mines and then we went our seperate ways. Not suprisingly, they trailed my party being the nosy types that they were. I always figured they were captured at the same time as my party and were considered part of my party by the shadow theives doing the kidnapping. Kaleid died from torture after our capture.

    So I move on and pick up Yoshimo who also goes down. Imoen returns and at the end I bring my old foe Serevok back to help aid me.

    Personally, I find the story to be more epic and have more realism and weight with all the loss that my party endured throughout the series. I don't think it's realistic to have the same party the whole time when you go on a quest as crazy as this one.

    One of the greatest things about the beginning of Baldru's Gate 2 is that your party is cut in half and your equipment is missing. It makes you feel naked and the world feels more dangerous. It gives you reasons to meet new NPC's and find new and exciting gear while trying new gameplay tactics that were differant than what you had gotten used to in the original game. I wouldn't want it any other way. I believe mods should be the only way to force the same party members through the whole series.
  • kiroskiros Member Posts: 119
    Only problem I foresee with this would be for Xzar (drow compound quest). As already having him in your party would conflict with this..However, it would be nice for Xzar to offer his services after you complete this quest.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    shawne said:

    @Shawne That's kind of what I was saying xD

    I just meant that's why you don't need an update on your BG1 party: someone like Kagain or Shar-Teel would just go back to doing whatever they were doing before you found them.
    Which is completely true, although I really would've appreciated if they hadn't have made a direct rip-off of Kagain and expected me to treat him the same way or something. Yeesh I hate Korgan's guts.

    Anyway, other than that though, a lot of my opinion has already been said here, particularly by MooseChangerPat's first post. (Btw, awesome avatar ... staff of Miroku from InuYasha right?)

    I would love for that consistency to be added a la Mass Effect, but it's not do-able because of contract reasons, it really is that simple.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239

    Personally, I find the story to be more epic and have more realism and weight with all the loss that my party endured throughout the series. I don't think it's realistic to have the same party the whole time when you go on a quest as crazy as this one.

    One of the greatest things about the beginning of Baldru's Gate 2 is that your party is cut in half and your equipment is missing. It makes you feel naked and the world feels more dangerous. It gives you reasons to meet new NPC's and find new and exciting gear while trying new gameplay tactics that were differant than what you had gotten used to in the original game. I wouldn't want it any other way. I believe mods should be the only way to force the same party members through the whole series.

    Exactly so. BG2 begins by putting the PC in a state of extreme vulnerability - mages may be slightly better off (since Irenicus can't take your spells away), but you're still bereft of all the equipment and defenses you'd cultivated, trapped in a foreign land far away from any location you recognize. That effect is negated if you walk out the front door with a full party of familiar faces.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Quartz said:

    Which is completely true, although I really would've appreciated if they hadn't have made a direct rip-off of Kagain and expected me to treat him the same way or something. Yeesh I hate Korgan's guts.

    To be fair, Korgan's a lot funnier - his exchanges with Aerie, Imoen and Mazzy are quite amusing. :)
    Quartz said:

    I would love for that consistency to be added a la Mass Effect, but it's not do-able because of contract reasons, it really is that simple.

    Well, contract reasons and the fact that that kind of consistency has never been part of the "Baldur's Gate" experience - it's more like two pen-and-paper campaigns in which you use the same character. Same world, same PC, different circumstances.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    shawne said:

    Quartz said:

    Which is completely true, although I really would've appreciated if they hadn't have made a direct rip-off of Kagain and expected me to treat him the same way or something. Yeesh I hate Korgan's guts.

    To be fair, Korgan's a lot funnier - his exchanges with Aerie, Imoen and Mazzy are quite amusing. :)
    Quartz said:

    I would love for that consistency to be added a la Mass Effect, but it's not do-able because of contract reasons, it really is that simple.

    Well, contract reasons and the fact that that kind of consistency has never been part of the "Baldur's Gate" experience - it's more like two pen-and-paper campaigns in which you use the same character. Same world, same PC, different circumstances.
    Depends on your sense of humor don't it? I don't find him funny in the slightest.

    That was just because of the technology of the time, really. But I agree that if you tried to change it, it would be a drastically different game.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    kiros said:

    Only problem I foresee with this would be for Xzar (drow compound quest). As already having him in your party would conflict with this..However, it would be nice for Xzar to offer his services after you complete this quest.

    NPCs from BG already used in BG2 must finsh their original roles before become joinable PCs, a good excuse could be used to keep Xzar from main char in irenicus dungeon (not that a good excuse is needed, after stop Sarevok, the zentharim will not suffer anymore blame from the irom shortage, and Xzar probally would betray the PC easly in my view).

    By another side some of the dead NPCs should stay dead, while i agree it's entirely possible to justify a revive for Xzar, that unlike Khalid and dynaheir death, isn't a death linked directly to the the main quest, some of the purists could complain about his return. Ajantis is in the same package.

  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Quartz said:

    That was just because of the technology of the time, really. But I agree that if you tried to change it, it would be a drastically different game.

    True, but I don't think it's about technology - it's just structured on how you'd play an actual D&D campaign. The only things that ever carry over from game to game are your characters; everything else tends to be at the GM's discretion. I suppose it's possible to construct a pen-and-paper sequence in which, as with "Mass Effect", the world reflects your choices back at you, but I just don't think it'd be right for this particular series.
  • SophiaSophia Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 581

    Personally, I find the story to be more epic and have more realism and weight with all the loss that my party endured throughout the series. I don't think it's realistic to have the same party the whole time when you go on a quest as crazy as this one.

    One of the greatest things about the beginning of Baldru's Gate 2 is that your party is cut in half and your equipment is missing. It makes you feel naked and the world feels more dangerous. It gives you reasons to meet new NPC's and find new and exciting gear while trying new gameplay tactics that were differant than what you had gotten used to in the original game. I wouldn't want it any other way. I believe mods should be the only way to force the same party members through the whole series.

    I totally agree with you, even though I'd like to find more recruitable bg1 npc in bg2, expecially the ones you met late in bg1 (like alora or tiax) which I never took because I already had a strong party at the time
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    I think it's important to recognize that there are mods which already serve this purpose, and more will probably emerge once the modding community gets ahold of the EE: why exactly do we need Beamdog to spend time and resources making official BG1 Comeback DLCs when they could be creating new quests and characters (or, in the most ideal scenario, starting the process towards PST:EE or IWD:EE)?
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Some of the mods out there to add BG1 NPCs to SoA include

    BG1 NPCs for SoA
    Branwen NPC
    Coran BG2 NPC
    Quayle NPC
    Kivan and Deheriana
    Tiax BG2 NPC
    Xan BG2 NPC

    found variously at Gibberlings 3, Pocket Plane Group, Spellhold Studios, and Chosen of Mystra.
  • mercyfulfate1988mercyfulfate1988 Member Posts: 43
    I want them included even if they are silent the whole game. Only because I have enough imagination to come up with my own reactions and stories for each character and their were presence is a huge help with that. Now I have to make a multi-player game and create each character. No big deal but if they could do it that would make me happy!
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    @mercyfulfate1988: But you can already do that yourself. Just go to Pocket Plane Group or Gibberlings, pick the BG1 NPCs you want included in BG2, and have at it.
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