Two bugs: need more info.*rest bug seems to be messing with romance dialogs*

Alright, I don't know if any of these are known, or if one is even a bug, but here we go. The first one is very obvious and I'm sure it's been reported, but here you go:
This one is in bg2:ee, iPad. Sometimes I rest and I don't get the effects. Until now it's only been the occasional spell not being renewed, and reloading and trying again usually works, but this time we all stayed fatigued.
Second bug is in both bg1 and bg2, which leads me to believe that it may not be a bug at all, but here we go. And even if it isn't, i need more information anyway. (Also why this is in general):
If you get poinson by a green slime, you die. No matter what. And you don't just die, you get chunked. And no "poisoned" icon appears. You turn green, take a few poison damage,(which I think stops if you cast slow poison, but I'm not sure) and then you explode. No matter what, as far as I can tell. This is also happening to commoners, not just PC. This is incredidbly annoying and perplexing.

I had the same thing happen on my barbarian solo, but the screenshots are essentially the same so I don't feel the need to retrieve them from my thread. I also had this happen in the first level of watchers keep. Please tell me if there's something I need to know about green slides, and even if this is intended a 'poisoned' icon would be great.

This one is in bg2:ee, iPad. Sometimes I rest and I don't get the effects. Until now it's only been the occasional spell not being renewed, and reloading and trying again usually works, but this time we all stayed fatigued.
Second bug is in both bg1 and bg2, which leads me to believe that it may not be a bug at all, but here we go. And even if it isn't, i need more information anyway. (Also why this is in general):
If you get poinson by a green slime, you die. No matter what. And you don't just die, you get chunked. And no "poisoned" icon appears. You turn green, take a few poison damage,(which I think stops if you cast slow poison, but I'm not sure) and then you explode. No matter what, as far as I can tell. This is also happening to commoners, not just PC. This is incredidbly annoying and perplexing.

I had the same thing happen on my barbarian solo, but the screenshots are essentially the same so I don't feel the need to retrieve them from my thread. I also had this happen in the first level of watchers keep. Please tell me if there's something I need to know about green slides, and even if this is intended a 'poisoned' icon would be great.
Post edited by meagloth on
Basically every time a green slime hits you your character makes a save vs death (+4 bonus). If you fail it you are dead. From my testing it appears as though Death Ward will prevent this. That said the jelly has 17 Thac0 so its pretty easy to avoid it hitting you generally (besides critical hits).
Assuming its not scripted Commoners likely just get hit so often because they are considered unarmed. So the slime would get +4 to their hit rolls against them. Plus the fact that they aren't wearing any armor.
Anyway I think that since I started testing BG2:EE I have only seen the rest bug like once. It made me go "huh" but that is about it. Funny thing is that, IIRC, it happened to me in the druid grove too.
"Ye gods! Get to identifyin' already!"
All the un-id'd items makes me twitchy. . . I. Must. ID.
The green slimes are supposed to be a panic monster, as in "Omg, we're screwed! Let's get out of here!" I usually run rather than take the chance of fighting them. Sure, they have a hard time hitting, and you get a bonus to your save, but consider the consequences if Tymora is not with you.
Anyways, I've not experienced this rest bug.