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Turned into squirrel

So, I rarely play, once every few weeks. Too busy at work all the time. Neera and Minsc turned into squirrels when on Neera's quest. Polymorph other, remove curse and remove magic will not reverse it. My last save game is hours back. Just about ready to pack it in. I truly did not expect such final consequences when playing, and I just don't have time to figure it out or re-run the last couple of hours. Help, help help help! thank you!


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Well, this is what you get when some wild magic is in action!

    Try Ctrl+R when pointing a cursor on your squirrels.

    As far as I know, when you're turned into squirrel you are controllable, you get a huge penalty to STR, lose your attacks, and spell casting - but only for some duration. So after some time it should be cured.
  • iavasechuiiavasechui Member Posts: 274
    if it comes to it the effect can be removed in shadowkeeper as well i believe.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    Ahh that was a fun wild surge! :D If you can't get any of these solution to work, upload a save and one of us will fix it for you. ;) Free of charge, we love doing things like that! :D
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    I'm assuming you tried resting as well?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Resting will not cure it but dispel magic will. Try casting a few Dispel Magic on Minsc and Neera.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Remove Magic will certainly not work, as the description says that it only removes effects on enemies. Remove Magic is like Dispel for enemies only. Try Dispel as Tresset suggested.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    edited July 2014
    Dispel should work. I would say it should wear off eventually to(sex change does), but I've never gotten this one. Wild surges are very rarely permanent.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited July 2014
    meagloth said:

    Dispel should work. I would say it should wear off eventually to(sex change does), but I've never gotten this one. Wild surges are very rarely permanent.

    Ahh, but that is not a wild surge. It is a trap that casts the Polymorph Other spell. Polymorph Other is permanent until dispelled. Which reminds me that, failing everything else, you can always just go to a temple and buy a couple of Dispel Magics.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    I believe that you can also pay at a temple to have the magic dispelled. At least, I think I was able to do that once upon a time. Perhaps my mind was addled by polymorphing though. :)
  • nosecretnosecret Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2014
    Before you dispelled it... did they have a ring of luck in their pockets?
  • ArtemidorusArtemidorus Member Posts: 6
    Jan got squirreled by the elemental lich, and no number of Dispel Magics at the temple cured him. So, I just killed him and had a priest cast Raise Dead. That did the trick.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Did you cast "remove curse" on them?
  • ArtemidorusArtemidorus Member Posts: 6
    The temple didn't give me the option. I did try Heal and Greater Restoration, neither of which worked.

    Okay, I just went back to a save file and tried having CHARNAME memorize Remove Curse and cast it on Squirrel-Jan. No dice.
  • LioraValkyrieLioraValkyrie Member Posts: 17
    Same thing happened to me... permasquirrelled. I cast about 5 dispel magics, nothing. I did the same thing at the temple, nothing. I then killed Neera and resurrected her- and behold she was half-elf again!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    the thing to remember about dispel magic is that you need to make a caster level check to succeed in dispelling an effect, so for example:

    if you are level 10 and you are trying to dispel an effect on someone else is level 10 then you have a 50% chance for success, but for every level higher you are than the person you are trying to dispel you get a +5% bonus to the check, for every level lower you are you get a -10% penalty to the check
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164

    Jan got squirreled by the elemental lich, and no number of Dispel Magics at the temple cured him. So, I just killed him and had a priest cast Raise Dead. That did the trick.

    You should have asked him if he went to gnome heaven or squirrel heaven
  • Deadman582Deadman582 Member Posts: 1
    Jan got squirreled by the elemental lich, and no number of Dispel Magics at the temple cured him. So, I just killed him and had a priest cast Raise Dead. That did the trick.

    I wish I could do that but I'm the one who is cursed. I'm a bear at least it's better than a squirrel.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,940
    Due to a quirk of how the game works, temple dispels are remarkably ineffective. It's as if the character cast priest Dispel Magic on themselves ... which means that it's usually at caster level 1, since most characters aren't priests. A level 1 dispel is very unlikely to actually dispel anything.
    (I have a fix for this in my tweak mod, replacing "Dispel Magic" in temple shops with a single-target version that doesn't have a level check.)

    There are alternatives. Another spellcaster in your party can cast "Dispel Magic"; it's on both the priest and mage lists. Or you can hit them with a dispelling weapon; arrows of dispelling always dispel, while Carsomyr and the Staff of the Magi use fixed high levels. Of course, the damage that weapon deals might be an issue...
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