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Do BG:EE and BG2:EE bugs come from the original versions of these games?

Are all these bugs or the vast majority of them present in original versions of these games or were they introduced by enhancing them? I would expect Enhanced Editions to actually iron out majority of these bugs before releasing these versions. I do know original versions were VERY buggy and so are most of complex RPG's like Fallout 2, PST, etc. I am patiently waiting for Patches 1.3 to be released for both games before I go through them and get that unbelievable experience that no current RPG can provide.

There is another question I wanted to ask - do Enhanced Edition games have improved path-finding? It was a major issue with original versions and the engine that was used to run them, so I was hoping the Enhanced Editions would greatly improve on that.


  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited July 2014
    MonarchX said:

    I do know original versions were VERY buggy

    The original games are now almost bugless, if you install the relevant unofficial fixpacks. There may be a few remaining bugs, but their impact on gameplay is negligible (otherwise they would have been fixed in the last 15+ years).

    Unfortunately the same it's not true for the Enhanced Editions. For example for BGII:EE, we currently have something like this.

    TJ_Hooker said:

    Pathfinding has not been improved.

    Actually, it is a bit worse in the EE. Because of a bug, still not fixed, a party member may occasionally go on a beeline through walls or other zones not normally reachable, like a body of water or mountainous terrain.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    edited July 2014
    I guess my experience with the originals must be unique as I never found them particularly buggy.

    I know that there were some issues, most of which have been resolved by the EE versions or the unofficial patches that have come out over the years. I also know that new bugs have popped up as a result of the EE games. Hopefully they will be resolved in time.

    But I honestly never understood people saying that the originals were 'Very buggy'. To me, "Pools of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Dranor" was 'Very Buggy'. ToEE on launch was 'Very Buggy'. Quite frankly the fact that in BG, resting while invisible doesn't corrupt my save game makes me EXTREMELY pleased that I am not playing PoR:Ruin...

    Then maybe I just have a higher tolerance for bugs than some. But then again I played Oblivion, so.....
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Many of the bugs I encounter are from the original games. There may be a bit more that come from the EE but I still run across legacy bugs often enough.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited July 2014
    Tresset said:

    Many of the bugs I encounter are from the original games. There may be a bit more that come from the EE but I still run across legacy bugs often enough.

    @Tresset, can you post an example of such legacy bugs?
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    Mazzy and Gorf the squisher are still bugged most of the time.

  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Erg said:

    The original games are now almost bugless, if you install the relevant unofficial fixpacks. There may be a few remaining bugs, but their impact on gameplay is negligible (otherwise they would have been fixed in the last 15+ years).

    After all hard work from the team that went into BG2 Fixpack, I'm proud that it's held in such high regard. I mean, the statement is nowhere near true, but proud. :)

    For a while I tried to keep a running list of EE stuff to port to BG2FP (note one of those is a gamebreaker to boot) but eventually I threw up my hands and realized I'd just need to go through BG2EE with a fine-toothed comb to try and get everything.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    TJ_Hooker said:

    Pathfinding has not been improved.

    Go and edit the value in the baldur.ini from 32k to 400k, this works on both the original BG2 and the EEs. I think it works better.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited July 2014
    Yep, did that already. I don't know, it might be better, I never took a good look at it before and after to compare. But I wouldn't call the pathfinding particularly good in either case.

    Regarding pathfinding in the original vs. the EE:

    Granted, that post is back from when BG2:EE first came out, but I haven't heard anything since to suggest anything's changed. You could however say that pathfinding has been improved in BG1:EE vs the original, simply as a result of porting the game to the BG2 engine.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Pathfinding was never really a problem. Then again, I don't just click on places a mile away and hope the party gets there in any game, much less something as old as BG.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    Having someone get lost when sending your party half way across the map is only half the problem. Even getting your party through a doorway or a short, narrow corridor can require a bit of micro managing. Firewine ruins is probably the most infamous example of this.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    CamDawg said:

    After all hard work from the team that went into BG2 Fixpack, I'm proud that it's held in such high regard. I mean, the statement is nowhere near true, but proud. :)

    For a while I tried to keep a running list of EE stuff to port to BG2FP (note one of those is a gamebreaker to boot) but eventually I threw up my hands and realized I'd just need to go through BG2EE with a fine-toothed comb to try and get everything.

    @CamDawg, your list just confirms my statement that the residual bugs in the original games have an impact negligible on gameplay (e.g. wrong icon on the ground, really?) with the possible exception of the gamebreaking one (I assume you are referring to the Tree of Life one). But even this one must be a very rare bug, considering that no one has reported it in 15+ years and was only recently discovered. The new bugs only present in the EE, especially in BGII:EE, are much more and much more annoying.
  • MonarchXMonarchX Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2014
    Well, I am about to go on a journey and play BG:EE the very first time after buying a year or more ago. I really hope the 1.3 patch left the game in a very playable state. I was disappointed that my requests for 1.3 BETA patch never resulted in ANYONE getting back to me even though someone stated that at the time of my request, the responsible person was on vacation and would get back to me once vacation ends. That never happened... I legally bought the game and followed all the instructions to receive 1.3 patch. No biggie though...

    Another question is - did all the gameplay enhancements, like AD&D rules copied from BG2:EE to BG:EE, change the difficulty of the game or deeply changed gameplay? A highly regarded game like BG can be enhanced, but it shouldn't be changed by enhancements to a point where its a completely different experience from the original game. I'm not going to bother with the original BG, but I hope BG:EE is close enough to the original game.

    Last 5 questions:
    1- Would a walkthrough ruin the gameplay for me? I beat the original BG2 almost 12 years ago. It was THE MOST EPIC journey I have ever had with a PC RPG. I used a walkthrough and it didn't ruin gameplay at all because I realized it was rather hard and one really needed to know AD&D rules and the type of game it was to make the most out of it. Without a walkthrough, I would've missed some awesome quests and fights, like there was this lich king in some tomb in Amn that was a side-quest. I think it was the hardest fight in the whole game, although I was playing the game on Easy and was using a walkthrough! Since then the only similar games I played NeverWinter Nights, which was rather easy even on Normal, and Dragon Ages, which was also rather easy on Normal, except for the final fight. I also played IceWind Dale 1 & 2, both of which I played without a walkthrough, except for when I was creating my party as I needed to know how to distribute all the spells, skills, etc. to get an optimal party. Even in BG:EE and BGII:EE reviews, the most negative point is that there is no training, no prologue that would teach you how to play this game, BUT no hand holding requires putting more effort, which results in far more satisfaction when advancing further.

    2 - Am I likely to enjoy BG:EE after beating the original BG2 + expansion? No other game has ever come close to BG2's epic level, so I am afraid BG:EE is going to disappoint me... I feel like I am only going to play it because someone who beat BG2+expansion, IWD+expansion, and IWD2+expansion has NO RIGHT not to play and beat BG:EE!

    3 - Has co-op and network issues been fixed in the latest 1.3 patch? I couldn't join or host a game when BG:EE just came out. Nobody could join and I couldn't join anyone.

    4 - Is there a legit full/offline PC download of BG:EE and BGII:EE (for Windows, not Android)? I figured the answer is NO due to piracy concerns...

    5 - Do you think there will EVER be an RPG of BGII scale? Skyrim doesn't count as its just open-world, not an epic journey IMHO.

    P.S. Everyone who loves BG and BG2 should try Divinity - Original Sin! It's the only decent RPG that doesn't hold your hand, just like good old classic RPG's.
  • ArdulArdul Member Posts: 211
    1) I would definitely not use a walkthrough for BG1. The greatest charm of BG1 over BG2 is, in my opinion, the freedom to explore a much open world. That freedom would suffer, if you use a walkthrough. If you have specific questions during your playthrough, the forums here are usually very helpful.

    2) I do personally not think, that BG1 is as good a game as BG2, but a lot of people do. The tone of the two games are quite different, but both are very enjoyable.

    3) I haven't tried that much multiplayer in 1.3 but it seemed to work quite well as far as I could tell.

    4) You can download and use the game on any computer you choose. Once downloaded it is fully playable with no need for CD-keys, registration or online-connection.

    5) While I tend toward thinking no, I have to realise that I am quite biased in favour of old-school rpgs. While I hold BG2 in the highest regard, I do think that Morrowind is every bit as great a game, though quite different in tone and style obviously.

    I will look into Divinity - Original Sin. I haven't heard about it before. Thanks!
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    Re your 1):
    You will certainly miss some useful stuff, and optimum solutions to some situations, if you don't have a walkthrough available, but your sense of wonder/accomplishment will probably be higher. I suggest play through blind, with frequent hard saves, and with a good walkthrough bookmarked. When you complete an interesting or difficult encounter, or think you have exhausted an area, THEN scan through the veteran's description of that locale. Maybe sometimes you'll want to go back, probably many times you'll just say, "shucky darn - moving on". (I recommend Haeveron's walkthrough on GameFAQ's, - it is thorough, but not overwhelmingly 'powergamey' in tone - except where he is quoting his unabashed powergamer contributor Peter.)

    Re your 2) :

    There is a rather lengthy and active thread over on the BG:EE forum, on the first page, of folks discussing whether BG1 is a BETTER experience than BG2. (I can't personally comment - haven't played BG2 yet.)

    Re your 4) :

    I played it for 2 weeks on a cruise with no Internet this summer, as my principle late night entertainment.
  • BGLoverBGLover Member Posts: 550
    Thanks for the suggestion about 'Divinity - Original SIn'. Like Ardul, I hadn't heard of it before, but a little research and it looks like my sort of game!

    Have just bought it :)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    BGLover said:

    Thanks for the suggestion about 'Divinity - Original SIn'. Like Ardul, I hadn't heard of it before, but a little research and it looks like my sort of game!

    Have just bought it :)

    Like BG its fun and challenging especially at first.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited October 2014
    Personally I like BG1 more than BG2 since it focuses heavily on free roaming and feels like D&D, while BG2 feels to me like a story jammed down your throat that you have to follow. Both are good games though.
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