If you could find "exploits" in real life, would you ever use them for yourself???
Even if they were unethical, unlawful, taking advantage of others or their weaknesses or their weak spots? I am referring to everything and anything that could apply here. Especially making others follow your whims, with or without them noticing and understanding the whole thing. Essentially, the old quote: "The purpose consecrates the means".
I do not speak of cheating, or blackmailing or evil and illegal acts. But of subtle actions performed by you, in order to discreetly and passively manipulate others, towards whatever it is you want them to do, and they themselves normally wouldn't...
IF you could discover a method for this, would you ever utilize it? Of course, NOT to harm others, but to take advantage of them, instead. STRICTLY without putting them to risk or danger, that is.
As of late, i managed to find myself some certain, nice exploits. And i use them carefully and responsibly. Like a chaotic neutral person that i am...
I do not speak of cheating, or blackmailing or evil and illegal acts. But of subtle actions performed by you, in order to discreetly and passively manipulate others, towards whatever it is you want them to do, and they themselves normally wouldn't...
IF you could discover a method for this, would you ever utilize it? Of course, NOT to harm others, but to take advantage of them, instead. STRICTLY without putting them to risk or danger, that is.
As of late, i managed to find myself some certain, nice exploits. And i use them carefully and responsibly. Like a chaotic neutral person that i am...
- If you could find "exploits" in real life, would you ever use them for yourself???22 votes
- Yes yes yes CERTAINLY! I love going about my way, and have others play my tunes! Or simply getting whatever it is i normally can't or shouldn't...63.64%
- NO! I am not evil! Leading others to doing ANYTHING that is normally off-limits to them, either by law or by themselves, is a NO-GO!18.18%
- Get lost you freak! Half the society would and probably already does just this (exploiting others), but i hate you having this "power" and even suggesting to OTHERS about its existence or possible use!18.18%
For example, I'd quite like to be able to subtley manipulate someone into giving me a decent job - and by "decent" I mean "one that is within my ability and for an appropriately fair salary". Not to cheat and make myself a millionaire, just to tip the dice in my favour for once. ;-)
I'd rather be kicked repeatedly in the balls than have to deal with another manipulative person.
These skills are also handy elsewhere.
This statement is one of the most evil ones I've ever heard in my life. It enables people to do pretty much anything no matter the cost, and people are using this "rule" on daily basics. Think politicians, for example. Or people, who supports really dangerous ideologies.
I want to live my life the way I want without having regrets. Accomplishin something with any other way than fair is meaningless to me. I'll walk a steep path, if I have to.
In terms perfectly undestandable to you, @Demonoid_Limewire :
You know, about psychological tricks I am aware of some and you know what? People are using them without realizing it. By exploit I understand something that you do willingly to earn easy but not fair profit for yourself. For example, some street perfume merchants are using an entire system of tricks to sell their perfumes to random people. The "victims" aren't feeling bad about this, but they never thought about buying these things before. And, even if the product really isn't good they are conviced by merchants that it is. The merchant can even manipulate information about the price of their products, telling people that it's good occacion, because it's 20% off price, when in reallity this 20% of is an actual price. That is immoral in my book.
Also, other example - let's take bodybuilders. One is working fair for his results, other is using steroids as additon to training. The second one's results would be better, of course, but he's achieving these in unfair way, thus is much less respectable. He exploits his possibilities, without harming anyone, but it's still exploit. And something gutless, too.
And let's take me, as an example. I want to become good artist, but I could just trace other images and feel good about myself, but I won't do it because it's cheap, unfair and unsatisfying. Instead, I want to truly learn the skills I want to posses without rellying on something loser would.
I don't do anything like this though:
Its badness can be EASILY outweighed by more important factors, though. Everything depends to which degree you are using manipulation, what you seek to accomplish, and what the outcome for the manipulated person (and others affected) is.
Here's just one example of good types of manipulation: Allowing people to choose insurance and retirement savings packages freely, but having them opt in by default, thus exploiting a well known psychological bias.
The good kind of manipulation is tricking people into doing what you believe is good for them.
Plus "believe" is very subjective.
There are no exploits in RL, life is a path filled with traps like Durlag's Tower, and at the end you just end up like everyone else--dead. An exploit would be making a clone of yourself and, before dying transfer your soul to his body, killing his mind and gaining a new life/body for you a la Emperor Palpatine. Hahahaha, this is true (I swear...).
This is not OK. I would call it evil.
As for cheat codes in real life, giving yourself infinite wealth would quickly destroy the value of currency and potentially cause a world wide economic collapse. Unless of course the cheat code simply appropriated the money from existing sources, in which case you'd be thrown in prison for theft.
The instakill cheat is pretty obviously dangerous, and most would consider its use evil. Even if you were to only kill "bad guys" I'm guessing the government would want to kill you for the threat you represented if they couldn't find a way to control you for their own ends.
Dropping cows on people, well, I'm pretty sure that's evil. Also, PETA would no doubt start an entire campaign to stop your evil ways! Of course, since such campaigns usually involve actresses and models taking their clothes off, I'm not sure how effective it would be in stopping the behavior.
Create item could also lead to a variety of problems, not the least of which would be somehow explaining to the government where you acquired all those goodies on your meager salary.
Teleporting might be a relatively harmless real life cheat, unless you abused the power. And, if sci-fi movies and television have taught us anything it is that government agents just love to chase and capture people with cool special abilities. So get ready to teleport for your life!
Healing would be a great cheat to have, but then you'd have to live with the burden of deciding if you should heal everyone and the difficulty of not being able to be everywhere at once to heal the sick. Not to mention being overwhelmed by hordes of people hoping for a cure.
Heck, people pay EXTRA for American beer in Canada... beer that btw is popular in the US in part because its really cheap. You can buy cheaper, better beers, yet people in Canada pay exorbitant prices for Bud Light.
Advertising is almost comically good at shaping people, and it is a bit depressing to think most people are totally unaware of how their lives are being shaped and even dictated.