Favorite Alignment

I realize I have been making a lot of polls lately, but this is fun! A couple of you have been complaining that my polls from before left out a few quotes, so I decided to make a poll that can't possibly leave anything out.
From a Roleplaying Perspective. What is Your Favorite Alignment to Play?
From a Roleplaying Perspective. What is Your Favorite Alignment to Play?
- Favorite Alignment82 votes
- Lawful Good  4.88%
- Neutral Good20.73%
- Chaotic Good23.17%
- Lawful Neutral  8.54%
- True Neutral  6.10%
- Chaotic Neutral20.73%
- Lawful Evil  8.54%
- Neutral Evil  2.44%
- Chaotic Evil  4.88%
My all-time favourite alignment however still is Chaotic Evil. Also known as "Passionate Evil", at least when trusting the words of Fall-from-Grace from Planescape: Torment. But hey, she as an true Tanar'ri should know about that alignment better than anyone else! Guess I just feel more at ease when playing this emotion rich side of the scala than, for example, the cold calculating Lawful Evil side. Never was much of an planner anyway. And the evil dialogue choices as limited as they currently are make roleplaying any kind of (non-good) lawful quite a chore anyhow.
@Elminster Thanks for coming. I was just making a reference to Elminster the character. Is that truly your favorite alignment, or are you just trying to be in character?
I can't find myself correctly potraying Neutral Evil, and I cannot see Chaotic Evil be able to be played correctly in Baldur's Gate.
Regardless, no matter the alignment, my characters always have a soft spot for Imoen. Just because you're Evil doesn't mean you don't legitmately care about somethings.
"Family is all"- Hector Salamanca.
I will say, I'm playing CG with my Cleric/Wild Mage, but that's only because I want the fairy dragon. I get a LOT of use out of invis 10'.
However, I have a Pathfinder game going with a CN Half-Orc Ranger. He's not a sociopath, like a lot of people like to paint CN characters, but as a woodsman who is more connected with nature than society. And, being of a race that is often discriminated against by both his bloodlines, it's easy for him to be indifferent to the bigger picture. Orcs, humans, what's the difference? He still supports and works with the party, and isn't shady in the least. He would die to protect his wolf (animal companion). He's just his own person.
I tend to favor (and legitimize) CN characters in general, though. I just really like the personal freedom that comes with it. But, I don't play them jerky. CN characters are fun, but I also don't want to ruin anyone else's game. I'm glad you posted that. It inspired me to rewatch his final scene. Best. Show. Ever.
Oh my CN Dragon Disciple, Zaram isn't a Sociopath. He's just an arrogant, greedy, jerk who does things on a whim. Luckily for the world, most of his whims lean more towards good.
I'm playing him from a roleplaying perspective though, so he'll get a lot of character development in Baldur's Gate 2
I'm going to be play him in Table Top eventually, but when I play him in tabletop he'll be a Wild Mage.
Perhaps not, I don't know. But the point of tabletop is being able to do what you want. And if Wild Mage is a kit in Baldur's Gate, why shouldn't it be a kit in Tabletop.
My friend has created a few new classes, races, and even a couple gods.
Lawful good is potentially undermined by a commitment to the law, while chaotic good allows for the possibility of going too far in the opposite direction. Neutral good combines the best aspects of both alignments and without the potential drawbacks of either.
Apathy about everything is hard to play though, and not neccesarily how a True Neutral character is played.
Take Druids for example, they aren't apathic, they just want balance of all things, especially nature
Nobody likes being a Goody Two-Shoes huh?
Can't say I blame you :P
Hey Guys, I have an idea. Create a character with your alignment and make up a line they would say.
This should be fun.