20th Discussion Special: What is the Single Most Awesome Moment in the Baldur's Gate Saga

Not a poll this time, as I've been told that my polls were flawed (except for my Alignment one) and I've been told to lay off making polls.
So I want to know from you guys, what the greatest Baldur's Gate Moment (or moments) was for you.
Anything from Lines, to Random Encounters is acceptable. And I look forward to your opinions.
So I want to know from you guys, what the greatest Baldur's Gate Moment (or moments) was for you.
Anything from Lines, to Random Encounters is acceptable. And I look forward to your opinions.
As I said before though, that was before I had any clue how to play the game. Now, I'm pratically a Veteran (Although I've never played BG1 on harder than Core Rules or Bg2 on harder than Normal, which I will be trying soon)
I still don't do it most of the time though. But if not playing a good or Lawful character........
And Yoshimo...
Beating Kangaxx for the first time felt so great. I lost a character forever (and their gear) but it was so worth it to send that imprisoning SOB to hell.
But the single most awesome moment was probably when I soloed the game the first time as a sorcerer. Having HLAs and nearly unlimited 9th level spells by mid SoA was cheesy, but highly awesome
This thread will make for good reading. Thank you for starting it!
Playing through EE not knowing what's going to happen next in Dorn, Neera, and Rassad's quests is a great thing for me.
Please, no spoilers for their quests in BG2, I have no details on Neera's TOB, or any of Dorn or Rasaad's quests in BG2.
I could care less about Hexxat, I've heard a little bit about her, and from summoning her in TOB I know it changes, but nothing is worth going through that annoying slow voice.
No offense to anyone who DOES like Hexaat, I just don't
And the whole Polish VO is so awesome that warms my heart to this day. I miss it dearly...
Beating Sarevok as a kid who didn't comprehend hit dice ranks high for sure, as does reaching the epilogues in TOB (with that sad music). The games are full of great and memorable moments, really.
Seeing my party progress from weak people who cast Magic Missile and had 10HP to badass legendary warriors with fabled weapons and armor who could summon angels and bring down Meteors upon their enemies.
It is nature's will, if only a bit expedited.
- Something Cernd might have said (if he had the opportunity).
Also, your picture is awesome.
This ended up being a real nightmare. My charname was dying from a single hit, and i couldn't realise why it was happening, everyone were failing their saving throws, i didn't had a cleric and Jaheira was short on healing spells... I spent a whole night biting and clawing my way through this dungeon, but when i finally did got out, i felt like i just climbed up a mountain or something. I think i never was quite as satisfied with doing something in any other RPG i ever played.
I also always loved dream sequences in BG2. Perfectly voice-acted and very creepy.
- The beginning of chapter 1, when you're out in the wilderness not knowing what to do or where to go. This feeling of the mysterious and enormous world you can explore.
- This may be too broad, but just the exploration of some areas not connected to the main quest and encountering strange creatures (ankhegs, wyverns, basilisks etc.), folks (Bassilus, Brage, Thalantyr etc.), or areas (Firewine bridge, Archeological site, farmlands north from Friendly Arms inn etc.).
- Cloakwood and the mines is one of my favourite segments of the whole game, it's challenging and has beautiful areas with great atmoshpere.
- Entering the Baldur's Gate city. It's an amazing moment and feels like an accomplishment, looking back where you started. It's the title of the game and one of the most interesting cities to be in.
- The Iron Throne tower has in my opinion an amazing atmosphere, the cinematic and its music, as well as the encounter at the top (also you can visit the place of the intro cinematic).
- Going back to the Candlekeep and the discovery that it's not the same place anymore since you left, but actually it's the main character/the player that has changed.
- Entering the ship of Balduran. Especially for the first time when you are not certain what you will find there, this place has a very grim atmosphere, but I have the same feeling everytime.
- The Undercity and the following ending is such a powerful segment, full of tension and atmosphere, the final encounter and the dialog with Sarevok are really great moments.
If I were to choose just one moment form the ones I mentioned, it would be the ending of the game, that final battle, the ending cinematic, the music and the Bhaal's symbol at the end (also the credits after).