CHARNAME Power Ranking

Where does everyone think CHARNAME would rank among the other beings in the Realms? Even early, by BG1, he exceeds the other mortal ascendents (Kelemvor - lvl 5, Cyric - lvl 8, and Midnight - lvl 7, all with lower stat rolls). It's actually pretty amazing they managed to kill Gods. By TOB Elminster mentions not wanting to take him on. So where would he rank?
At the end of ToB CHARNAME is well over epic levels (20+) and is almost over the legendary levels (40+) so... CHARNAME will be surely one of the most powerful creatures walking on the Prime Material and maybe on the Planes.
"By TOB Elminster mentions not wanting to take him on."
That's what Elminster says about everything.
I hear he gained most of his mage levels by being an XP sponge in a party. Used to say 'hey, I'm the emergency backup caster! You dont want me expending my precious spell slots during non-emergencymsituations, right? What if something happens?! Also, I am not using a sling or darts, they look stupid'.
Are the rumours true, @elminster ?
If charname is more powerful than Elminster he is nearly unstoppable I believe. Elminster is the main servant of Mystra. Goddess of magic.
That said, the Archdevils tend to be personally much stronger than Demon Princes and the like. This is probably because there are a nearly limitless supply of demons, but Devil's are pretty finite. Asmodeus is pretty much a greater deity, but his lore is mildly 'all over the place'.
Big names in the realms include the Night Serpent and the Chaos Hound. They're scary to lesser gods for sure. There are other beings of similar power level, but most are kinda 'stuff we made up to fill books for 3rd Edition', like the world ending elder evil summoned by the Imaskari. I dont THINK thats official cannon, I'd have to consult my handy guidebook.
I mean, just ask Khalid. That's where you could always find him, after all.
(I'm so sorry. I'm a bad person. *crosses self* RIP Khalid...)