[not an issue] Watcher's Keep Hexxat death bug.

So I started ToB today with my Blackguard, did Saradush and went to Watcher's Keep. After clearing the first floor, Hexxat died in the second statues battle. After that, I rested as usual and when Hexxat was supposed to be revived, she just turned into her cloud form, took Dragomir's Respite and went out of the party. No dialogue, nothing.
I have tried resting outside, in the pocket plane, in the first and second floor of Watcher's Keep and this always happens. She resurrects, becomes a cloud, floats away and leaves the party.
I have tried resting outside, in the pocket plane, in the first and second floor of Watcher's Keep and this always happens. She resurrects, becomes a cloud, floats away and leaves the party.
Post edited by Illydth on
If that doesn't work can you zip and attach a save for inspection please.
If you wish I can just rush it to Amkethram to see if she's at the inn there like she's supposed too if not in the party to see if she left the game world or went there.
Once again, thanks for the help!