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The Adventures of Sir (Lord) Gawain in Faerun (Pre-Camelot) (Minimum Reload - Spoiler Warning)



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Just have caught up, @Blackraven‌ ! And to tell the truth, this journal is very interesting and fun to read. Thumbs up for this and for your playthrough with a party! Ajantis and Quayle as not-so-popular NPCs make it look even better.

    I like that you accept the consequences of any actions, for e.g., Neera's death or the reputation hit.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited December 2014
    Like the area surrounding the Temple of the Morning, the area around High Hedge Manor was not in any real danger (especially since I learned Thalantyr was a 17th level Conjuror). The woods around the manor were swarming w/skeletons and we counted 36 skeletons destroyed. We also defeated six Gnolls & a Gnoll Veteran armed w/Halberds. There were also three Flinds armed w/Two-Handed Swords but their bite was harmless. We were attacked by six Wild Dogs which are no longer roaming the woods thereabouts.

    We found a small cottage in the woods which we think might belong to Kivan, although, he never mentioned it when we travelled the road together. We checked the place out & Imoen unlocked a chest that contained an Aquamarine Gym but believing the place to belong to Kivan we let it be. Even if it isn’t Kivan’s cottage it’s someone’s & we’ve no indication they are enemies so it would not be right to take it. Outside the cottage, which looks to have been without a tenant for quite a while, (another reason we think it might be Kivan’s since he’d indicated he move toward the FAI to await me should I need him again) we killed three Ghouls & three Giant Spiders in succession.

    Key Event(s): As we were sitting enjoying a brief respite @ the Red Sheaf as indicated below, a strangle man approached me wearing only a leather girdle over a dark, mages robe. He wore an unkempt dark beard and his hair was matted but I had the sense he was more than just a weary traveler. The man never gave his name, he only mentioned that my exploits were being monitored from afar, a place he called ‘Camelot’. I told him I’d never heard of such a place in Faerun to which he replied, “that’s because Camelot isn’t in Faerun.” He was a man of few words but he encouraged me to continue my efforts on the Sword Coast & that ‘Camelot’ would call me if & when the time was right.

    Treasure of Note: (Purse = 15,750 gold) Garnet Gym, Horn Coral Gym, Jade Ring

    Current Disposition: Enjoying a meal, some wine & ale & a good night’s rest @ the Red Sheaf after selling the little loot we did garner.


    Next Steps: We found as we conducted our mission that we’d missed a location southwest of Beregost, so rather than heading to the Lighthouse nest as planned, we are going to head to the Red Canyons next.

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 – Heroic)
    • Gawain: Ftr/7; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1, Cloak of Protection +2, Helm of Defense, Boots of Grounding, Girdle of
    Bluntness, Rings of Fire Resistance & Free Action; Bastard Sword +1/+3****, Mace +1, (SSS**) (Greater Doppelganger)
    • Minsc: Barbarian/7 w/Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Girdle of Bluntness &Spiders Bane***, Flail 1/THWS**(Spellcaster Defend)(Davaeorn)
    • Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/7 w/Studded Leather +1 w/Bracers of Archery & Boots of the North, Longbow****,
    B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
    • Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/8 w/Leather +1 w/Gauntlets of Ogre Power; Sling*, Club +2 (Eye of the Storm)*, (Phase Spider)(Druid Summoning)
    • Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue)/8 w/Bracers of Defense AC6, Cloak of Non-Detection & Gandolar’s Lucky Ring w/Short Bow*, Short Sword +1* Dagger +1*, Necklace of Missiles, (Sword Spider)(Thief Def)
    • Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/6 w/Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling* & Q/Staff +1*, Ring of Energy, (Tuth)(Wizard Defensive)

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)

    Blue Font: New information;
    Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
    (Best kill)(Current AI)
    * Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class

    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @bengoshi, thanks, it's still no-reload for me so all consequences must be accepted.
    Tell is doing well. My problem is that party members keep on dying and that somehow feels like losing to me. I'm aware that this is my fault because I'm not very good with full parties and because I haven't metagamed at all (which suggests that Tell's luck should run out at some point). I considered Neera permanently dead after about 5 deaths, but most of my other companions have reached or are about to reach that number as well. Have to think of a non-metagamed way of keeping folks alive (better scouting I suppose).

    Day 65, 24 Kythorn 1368
    We've already spent days in Wood of Sharp Teeth in search of the bandit stronghold, but so far to no avail. The vast forest is replete with bandits including Black Talon Elites, but they've all preferred to fight (and die) rather than talk and help us out.

    Day 69, 28 Kythorn 1368
    Even in the wilderness my hide isn't safe from assassins and bounty hunters. We were waylaid by a woman who introduced herself as Lamalha, aided by three companions. They were two priestesses and two rogues. Quayle paralyzed one of the two Clerics, while I kept pelting the other (Lamalha) to interrupt her incantations. My companions took good care of the rogues, making sure we survived the encounter pretty much unscathed.
    It's very agreeable to see the party operate as a unit.

    Day 74, 16 Flamerule 1368
    It's taken us longer than I care for, but we've finally discovered the bandit camp! A gradual increase in the bandits' numbers as we trekked from the Larswood through Peldvale and further north told us we were on the right track. Like the bandits we met before, the groups we encountered along the way were all more interested in robbing us than in informing us of the location of the camp. Those bandits have been dealt with, and I foresee that our visit to the camp won't be any friendlier.
    [note Blackraven: In accordance with my perception of William Tell the legend, I'm roleplaying William Tell as what I called a 'brutally honest' character. Therefore lying his way into the bandits' ranks and into the camp was not an option.]

    Day 77, 19 Flamerule 1368
    As expected, there was no warm welcome for us at the bandit camp. I approached what seemed to be a commander, clad in full plate mail, but he didn't care who I was and what I was doing there. He shouted a warning call, and before I knew it about ten men stepped outside a large tent, and dozens of bandits appeared from all parts of the camp. I shot a couple of bandits down to give the others a scare, but there were too many of them and they weren't intimidated by me. I hurried back to my companions to warn them that battle was imminent.
    Quayle bravely took on the first group of pursuers with a Fireball cast from his wand. It killed and injured many of them, but Quayle was made to pay for his bravery with a rain of arrows that almost killed him. [Note Blackraven: he actually died because I stupidly had Tell quaff an invisibility potion that was meant for Quayle.]
    As had happened before, our frontliners were then overwhelmed by the opposition, especially after a Mage blinded them. Ajantis' and Jaheira's wounds were thus that they could no longer go on. I thought they had died, and I think our foes thought the same, for they focused their attention on Khalid, Imoen and me. [Note Blackraven: as the images show, Ajantis and Jaheira did indeed die. I'm roleplaying that blinded characters cannot receive any potions or items from companions who aren't immediately next to them. It meant they couldn't heal or go invisible on time. Khalid, also blinded, did have an invisibility potion and drank it when he was at 1 hitpoint.]
    With Imoen blinded as well, she wasn´t going to be of much use with her bow, so gave her directions for getting away from the fray while I occupied the bandits as much as I could. My ankheg armor was just as permeable as that of my companions, I soon started to notice when I was their only target left. But after I quaffed a couple of protective potions (Heroism, Power), I became increasingly hard for my opponents to hit. The Boots of Avoidance and a Girdle of Piercing must have helped as well. Using an expensive set of Bolts of Biting I had purchased in Beregost, I soon found myself thinning their ranks without having to worry much about my own safety. Even their higher ups, such as the wizard, the commander in full plate, and another spokesman (Raemon) who had recognized me.
    In the end, the entire camp had turned into a graveyard. I'm not sure how many we felled, but Officer Vai of the Flaming Fist, who had offered us 50 GP for every bandit scalp we brought, counted over a hundred.
    Imoen and I explored the camp, while Khalid took our last healing potions to Jaheira and Ajantis. We released a lone prisoner in one of the tents who explained that the organization behind the bandit camp is called the Iron Throne, with a hidden base in the Cloakwood, and some corrspondence we found in a chest contained the same information.
    We've been enjoying a few days off at the FAI to recover and to discuss our next move. None of my companions have had dealings with the Iron Throne, but Jaheira told me that the Throne is a respected mercantile consortium. Personally I'm not sure if I have much respect for such trading companies, but given their reputation I find it surprising that they would engage in banditry. We will soon see if we can find the hidden Iron Throne base in the Cloakwood, but first we'll go and do some historical sightseeing in the area of Beregost and Nashkel. There are some ruins there that are said to be worth visiting.

    Day 82, 24 Flamerule 1368
    Our first historical destination was the Ulcaster School, once a famed school for magicians and scholars, but nothing much is left of that. The building had crumbled, and we discovered that any valuable items had long been plundered by treasure seekers. I'm nevertheless glad that we went to take a look for we rid the place of a number of great evils. There was an undead abomination so powerful that it could command the heavens to strike whomever it wanted with lightning, and it was completely resistant to my bolts. With overwhelming melee force we managed to take the creature down.
    Inside the school we had to deal with another undead creature, a Vampiric Wolf that summoned Ghouls and was aided by lots of Dread Wolves and Dire Wolves. It was a horrific beast and did everything to scare us off, to such an extent that Quayle wisely drew upon his gnomish God's power to instil courage in our hearts. We had no intentions of backing down: the wolf was standing next to a massive pile of not-so-old corpses, and the six of agreed to prevent the beast from making anymore victims. Although Imoen failed to disarm a trap that set off a huge fireball (and seriously injured most of us), and although Jaheira got held at one point by one the Ghouls, we prevailed.
    We didn't fare as well at the Firewine Ruins, an ancient remnant of an Elven society that once called the Sword Coast their home. Kobolds were swarming around the ruins, and inside them. I lost track of the number we killed, but I think three dozen would be a realistic estimation.
    When we finally believed to have cleared the place of its Kobold infestation, Imoen (who had been scouting the place) was attacked by a wizard who had many nasty spells that would hurt our entire party at the same time. With a Web, a Stinking Cloud and two Fireballs, he was close to wiping out our entire party. My injuries were mild thanks the the Helmet of Defense but I was powerless, stuck as I was in the web. We were lucky to see the wizard get knocked out by his own cloud, keeping him from doing any further harm for most of the spells' duration.
    When the coast was clear I released two Bolts of Biting and slew the wicked man, and I used two more to finish off an Ogre Mage.
    I later learnt that the Ogre and the wizard had been planning a raid on the nearby Halfling village of Gullykin. A treacherous Halfling had offered the evildoers a secret entrance through his wall. We tried to detain him but he escaped. The village elder, Gandolar Luckyfoot was nevertheless thankful for our help and rewarded us with 250 GP. When we left the area Khalid dueled a fighter who considered himself the best swordsman on the Sword Coast. Khalid won and earned himself a set of Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise.
    We're back in Beregost, and will soon venture into the Cloakwood.

    William Tell
    lvl 6 Archer, 66 HP; ****Army Scythe, *Battle Axe +1, *Daggers, **Two Weapon Fighting; 462 kills (most powerful Shoal the Nereid); Ankheg Armor / Telbar's Studded Leather +2; items of note: Greenstone Amulet, Cloak of Displacement, Bracers of Archery, Boots of Grounding.
    lvl 7 Thief, 56 HP; *Shortbows, *Whistling Sword +2, *Quarterstaff; 94 kills (most powerful Drakar); Shadow Armor; items of note: Masterbelt, Boots of Stealth, Deep Red Ioun Stone; 1 death.
    lvl 6 Paladin, 68 HP; **Bastard Swords, **2H Sword +1, *Dead Shot Longbow, *Two-Handed Weapon Style; 131 kills (most powerful Mustard Jelly); Full Plate Mail; items of note: Helm of Infravision, Gauntlets of Dex, Girdle of Bluntness, Boots of Avoidance, Algernon's Cloak, Ring of the Princes +1; 4 deaths
    lvl 6 Fighter, 78 HP; ****Varscona +2, *Axes, *Longbows; 191 kills (most powerful Flesh Golem); Full Plate Mail; items of note: Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise, Large Shield +1, Ring of the Princes +1; 3 deaths.
    lvl 5/6 Fighter/Druid, 65 HP; **Club +1, *Quarterstaves, **Sling +1; 130 kills (most powerful Revenant); Ankheg Plate Mail; items of note: Boots of the North, Gauntlets of Weapon expertise, Ring of the Princes +1, Large Shield +1; 4 deaths.
    lvl 5/4 Cleric/Illusionist; 24 HP; *Ashideena +2, *Slings, *Short & Shield Style; 22 kills (most powerful Corsone); Adventurer's Robe; items of note: Robe of the Neutral Archmagi, Ring of Holiness, Ring of Wizardry, Cloak of the Wolf, Wands of Fire/Lightning/Paralyzation; 3 deaths.

    Note that I did metagame with a couple of items (Ankheg Armor in Nashkel, Ring of Wizardry, Algernon's Cloak). The reason for this was to do something about the high death rate and the expenses on raising party members. There is no metagaming in terms of handling encounters though.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited December 2014
    Day 88, 29 Flamerule 1368
    William Tell's gone. My stupid insistence on taking on a group of Shadow Druids in the Cloakwood cost him his life. I was supposed to take of him, so I cannot but feel like a complete failure.
    We had traveled through the Cloakwood without encountering much trouble (except Spiders and Ettercaps we dispatched, and two Wyverns that ambushed us). At the Druid enclave, a few Druids recognized me and attacked us on sight, but we slew them. I then explained to my companions the vile ways of the Shadow Druids and urged them to seek out Amarande, their archdruid, with me so that we could put an end to the Shadow Druids' evil actions. In his treehouse he managed to conjure a Fire Elemental, a powerful ally, in spite being hit repeatedly by Tell and Imoen. I'm sure Tell would have used his Bolts of Biting but he got charmed by one of Amarande's aides. An Insect Plague and a Chaos then had most of us lose control of ourselves, and Imoen suffered an even worse fate: Petrification. [Note Blackraven: in the following image you can see that three of the party were even stunned, I suppose due to a lot of Chromatic Orbs.]
    Tell was relatively safe at that time because he had been charmed, causing our foes to leave him alone. When Ajantis, Khalid and I regained control of our bodies and minds, we retreated downstairs (where we found an injured Quayle) and outside. There, a Black Bear attacked us, and we slew it before we could heal ourselves. When we went upstairs Tell was dead.
    [Note Blackraven: While I was busy getting Tell's companions into safety, I noticed a fraction too late that Tell's charm had worn off. I moved him toward the stairs and thought he was making it downstairs, when a Hold Monster hit him. The others were outside and too late to heal him. I also had no inivisibility that Quayle could cast on Tell.]

    I've fallen back into my habit of not even no-reloading my way through BG1... :( There is a Dwarven Fighter/Thief in Amn (haven't posted about him), but that's in a BGT install I'm having problems with after removing one mod and adding another, so I'm not likely to continue that run.

    I'm disappointed with Tell's unncessary death, but it was a strictly roleplayed playthrough. The party weren't going to ignore Jaheira's pleas, and led by LG Ajantis and LG William Tell they weren't going to assassinate Amarande while still neutral either. They wouldn't even use short duration buffs. Instead, they would openly confront Amarande and if battle would ensue, then so be it.
    The real problem though, is that Blackraven lacks the intelligence to process and respond to multiple actions taking place at pretty much the same time, and he also lacks the patience to hit the space bar every split second during battles involving a multitude of characters. This makes him particularly mediocre at playing full parties, and it has also cost him many a solo character's life.

    @CharlestonianTemplar, I'm afraid you're on your own again... unless someone else is joining the challenge.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    I'm really tempted to try this, despite having no time and plenty of other play-throughs to work on. Are their any well-defined sources from D&D books on classical characters that I can access easily? I know CharlesT used some such source to at least draw inspiration for Gawain. I'm thinking a Robin Hood-ey F/T or F>T. (grandmastery on bows (long would likely be more accurate, but it'd be kind of crap in the long run) and then dual to thief for the thieving portion of it all. I also know that Robin Hood is mentioned as a ranger in some 2nd edition book, but then he doesn't really have any thieving skills.) Or perhaps some sort of well known priest/cleric/religious figure.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    edited January 2015
    I've actually played through about a third of BG:EE AS Robin Hood before, (Or at least one interpretation of him) so I have some knowledge of it. First off: It's so easy. Basically, every character must be able to use a sword of some kind and a bow of some kind. This excludes a lot of characters, but it's drop dead easy. A group of six warriors wielding bows, bombarding the enemy with arrows aplenty before finally resorting to swords when the foes come too close. I used a F/T back then and made him utterly deadly.

    I'd actually see Imoen as Maid Marian more than Jaheira, actually. The damsel in distress that must be rescued; a fair maiden who is light of foot and sweet of spirit. Jaheira's more like Marian's maid from Robin Hood: Men in Tights. T_T

    I also just had the best idea for an IWD:EE party. The White Company. I don't know if any of you ever read that book, but The White Company is a historical adventure by Arthur Conan Doyle set during the Hundred Years' War. The story is set in England, France, and Spain, in the years 1366 and 1367, against the background of the campaign of Edward, the Black Prince, to restore Peter of Castile to the throne of the Kingdom of Castile. The "White Company" of the title is a free company of archers, led by one of the main characters. It's got four "main" characters, all of whom would be great in the game. A couple of the slightly more minor characters from the Company to round out the team and it'd be awesome! The group would definitely be a combination of fighters (unkitted single class only) and archers, which would probably make a pretty devastating team in IWD.
    Post edited by Elrandir on
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited January 2015
    Elrandir said:

    I also just had the best idea for an IWD:EE party. The White Company. I don't know if any of you ever read that book, but The White Company is a historical adventure by Arthur Conan Doyle set during the Hundred Years' War. The story is set in England, France, and Spain, in the years 1366 and 1367, against the background of the campaign of Edward, the Black Prince, to restore Peter of Castile to the throne of the Kingdom of Castile. The "White Company" of the title is a free company of archers, led by one of the main characters. It's got four "main" characters, all of whom would be great in the game. A couple of the slightly more minor characters from the Company to round out the team and it'd be awesome! The group would definitely be a combination of fighters (unkitted single class only) and archers, which would probably make a pretty devastating team in IWD.

    Another super idea. As a amateur historian of all things medieval, especially the Crusades, the 100 Years War & the Wars of the Roses, anything along these lines is the 'prime rib' of gaming to me. I've not read, 'The White Company' but I'm sticking it on the bucket list. I'm a ridiculously slow reader so I'm reading a book called, 'The Greatest Knight, (The Remarkable Life of William Marshall, The Power Behind Five English Thrones),' one called 'Stonewall Jackson, (The Violence, Passion, & Redemption of Stonewall Jackson), & The Bible (2-3 pages of each or a chapter of each every day; not to mention that I have two new Knights Templar books to read waiting in my stack: 'The History of the Knights Templar' & 'The Templars, (The History & the Myth'). Ugh. By the way, since you appear to have an interest in that period too, I recommend checking out the STARZ mini-series 'The White Queen'. It's under STARZ originals & there's only 10 in the series.

    'The "White Company" of the title is a free company of archers', sounds like a great run. I see them as more' hit & run' (guerrilla), heavily using Composite Bows, Short Bows & Crossbows (that way you can get an enchanted version of all your bows @ some point). Wanna make sure you can get 5 proficiency slots for as many as you can but they should also need to be at least Proficient w/a sword of some type, a staff maybe. One Thief-Swashbuckler too allow you to 'Move Silently/Hide in Shadows' in order the set up 360' ambushes. Like I said, your description, , makes me think of these guys in ambushes as guerrillas. Whatever you do, COOL idea.
    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Yeah, before attempting it, I really need to re-read the book. Get a good feel for the character's abilities. I don't know the last two characters, but I'm thinking along the lines of:

    Sir Nigel Loring: Human male Fighter, pips in swords, longbows, spears (lances), and shields. He'll wear heavy armour and be the tank of the group.

    Alleyne Edricson: Human male Fighter, pips in swords, longbows, maybe shields, and one pip in staff (he starts the book off with one) He'll be the off tank, what with his heavy armour.

    Samkin Aylward: Human male Archer, pips in longbows, longswords, and single weapon style. He'll sit back and turn enemies into pincushions.

    John of Hordle: Human male Archer, pips in longbows, two handed weapon style, and greatswords/staffs/axes

    The group will have a hard time finding enough good longbows, but I think that's just an unfortunate consequence of the group. They were all longbowmen, after all.
  • I’ve decided on my secondary mission, or at least codified the mission I’m already pursuing. My primary effort is to find & slay Gorion’s murderer but my vengeance will have to wait as I’d be a fool to head back to Baldur’s Gate just yet. Having already cleared the Cloakwoods, the Wood of Sharp teeth & the area from the northern side of the Cloud Peak Mountains through Nashkel, I will continue doing so along the Coast Way to Baldur’s Gate & the River Chionthar.

    Next stop was the Lighthouse overlooking the Sea of Swords on the Sword Coast. There were a couple of early battles w/a pair of mated wolves & three Worgs.

    Key Event(s) On one stretch of the sandy coastline we were fighting all the way until we entered, what turned out to be the cave of the Pirate Black Alaric. In about two hours we fought through three Hobgoblins w/Short Bows; three Serine’s w/their deadly Short Bows & Arrows of Biting; three Carrion Crawlers & then three more Serine’s, including their leader, also armed w/ Short Bows & Arrows of Biting. In Alaric’s cave we defeated three Ogrillons & found a super treasure indeed including a set of +1 Full Plate, a Manual of Bodily Health, a Cloak of the Wolf, Potions & over 300 gold. Unfortunately, since it was raining outside, we decided to try & rest to wait out the storm. Having cleared the cave it sounded like a great plan. In hindsight, every time we dozed (twice) another Ogrillon entered the cave & after defeating the first, we lost Minsc to several hard punches to the head & chest before we killed him too. From there, we didn’t press our luck anymore &, exhausted, made our way back to Beregost but still were challenged by three Grey Oozes. I hesitated to confront them, injured myself, & had everyone else clear the immediate area so they would focus their attacks on me. It worked & will killed them rather easily. Back to Nalin to get Minsc Raised & then to town for rest. Here Jaheira improved her best kill to a Sirine.


    On return we got into a lengthy battle w/nine Ripper Hobgoblins surprisingly led by a Chill Sergeant armed w/Bastard Swords & three w/Short Bows. Coincidently, in the same area we later confronted & defeated three more Ripper Hobgoblins armed also w/Bastard Swords & three w/Short Bows which were likely subordinate to the Chill Sergeant also.; two Dread Wolves, two wolves, then three more Chill Hobgoblins w/Short Bows & Bastard Swords; six Tasloi (I don’t know how these things survive in the wild w/all the more powerful monsters/animals just as aggressive as they are);

    Treasure of Note: (Purse = 22,584 gold) Six Pearls; twenty Arrows of Biting (Khalid & Imoen); Cloak of the Wolf (Jaheira); Manual of Bodily Health (Gawain); Full Plate Mail +1 (Gawain ). Unfortunately, I can’t use the +1 Full Plate as it weakens my armor class versus my Full Plate & Cloak of Protection +2 & no one else can use Plate, even Minsc as a Barbarian.

    Current Disposition: Resupplying, inventorying, identifying, selling bounty & generally resting & recuperating @ Beregost

    Next Steps: Shipwreck Coast

    Level Up: Early on we had a visitor from Dynahier’s Mage Guild, the same one the Guildmaster sends each time. How the Guildmaster keeps up w/Dynahier’s progress I don’t know. Still she was informed that she’s granted Warlock (Mage-Invoker//8. She’s added a second Fireball & a Fire Shield Red to memory (Note: Remember in my own rules mages can only write spells in their spellbook from their own school – others they can cast by scroll though.

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 – Heroic)
    • Gawain: Ftr/7; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1, Cloak of Protection +2, Helm of Defense, Boots of Grounding, Girdle of
    Bluntness, Rings of Fire Resistance & Free Action; Bastard Sword +1/+3****, Mace +1, (SSS**) (Greater Doppelganger)
    • Minsc: Barbarian/7 w/Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Girdle of Bluntness &Spiders Bane***, Flail 1/THWS**(Spellcaster Defend)(Davaeorn)
    • Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/7 w/Studded Leather +1 w/Bracers of Archery & Boots of the North, Longbow****,
    B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
    • Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/9 w/Leather +1 w/Gauntlets of Ogre Power & Cloak of the Wolf; Sling*, Club +2 (Eye of the Storm)*, (Sirine)(Druid Summoning)
    • Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue)/8 w/Bracers of Defense AC6, Cloak of Non-Detection & Gandolar’s Lucky Ring w/Short Bow*, Short Sword +1* Dagger +1*, Necklace of Missiles, (Sword Spider)(Thief Def)
    • Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/8 w/Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling* & Q/Staff +1*, Ring of Energy, (Tuth)(Wizard Defensive)

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)

    Blue Font: New information;
    Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
    (Best kill)(Current AI)
    * Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited January 2015
    Key Event(s) The foray to the Shipwreck Coast should have been just another like all those previous. Instead it shattered all of us to the core. We lost our noble companion Dynahier. Our immediate grief had to be put aside though b/c we’d also lost both Imoen & Minsc. We buried Dynahier in a shallow grave and collected as much as Khalid, Jaheira & headed to The Temple of the Morning to raise Imoen & Minsc. Minsc was killed before Dynahier was chunked so he would wake to the painful news of her death. Khalid, Jaheira & I agreed that he would know how her remains should be handled IAW the practices of Rasheman.


    It all happened when we stumbled on three Sirine’s which we’ve always handled w/ease. The difference this time was that I came under one of their Dire Charm spells. I actually thought about the fact that I had no potions of magic protection & it gave me pause, just not enough to halt. The rest is gone to me except that I came to standing near the beach w/Dynahier lying, obviously un-resurrectable, @ my feet. Khalid & Jaheira remember it like this: The battle started as usual, Minsc & I rushing to melee w/the Sirine’s while the remainder fired arrows, stones or cast spells. The first time the group realized I was charmed was when I attacked & injured Minsc pretty badly. He immediately knew to reposition himself & did so. I’m told I then moved toward my other companions & they all tried to shift their positions to continue to attack the Sirine’s while they awaited the spell affects to wear off. Imoen had already been injured & when she tried to avoid me I cut her down, before returning & finishing Minsc. By now, only one Sirine was dead. Dynahier was blasting them w/spell after spell & had moved around behind them. Khalid finished off a second but not before he saw one of them hit & poison Dynahier w/an Arrow of Biting. She managed to quaff a Potion of Healing & tried to retread to the beach to reach into her pack for an Antidote. I then headed toward Dynahier, still Dire Charmed, & began attacking her while the remaining Sirine continued shooting, & hitting, Dynahier w/her arrows so she was taking poison damage & arrow damage simultaneously. Khalid agreed that I’d been swinging @ her also but said, “There’s no way to know if it was your sword that killed her or another arrow from the Sirine. Dynahier was lying on the ground, bleeding profusely from the arrows. One last arrow could have done the same thing as your blade. Don’t blame this on yourself.” I’ll never know for sure but I’m not ready to talk about it w/Minsc yet. Not while he is grieving so. Khalid finally killed the last Siring using Arrows of Fire & we returned as I described above. Minsc was pleased we’d buried her as we did, rather than bringing her back. He took us back to the spot & but we had no tools to build a boat to cast her off to sea in where Khalid would shoot an Arrow of Fire. Instead we built a funeral pyre, uncovered her remains, and placed her gently upon it. We placed rings on her fingers, a necklace around her tiny neck & dressed her in her dress & then Minsc insisted on lighting the pyre himself. We watched until the pyre burned out & then returned to town, rested & then, w/much reticence we approached Thalantyr about another Mage that could willing to travel w/us as we all agreed you need a Mage in Faerun. Thalantyr said the pickings were slim for Mages that were not purely evil. I thought Jaheira might preach balance or something but she didn’t…I think she might be changing her views a bit. He said, “You will find a Mage @ the Nashkel Carnival. He’ll be a Gnome Illusionist w/a sarcastic, cranky disposition & few helpful spells. He can cast every type of Invisibility, including Improved & 10’ Radius. He’ll also be able to cast Blindness, Spook & Deafness but will never be able to reach the more powerful spells except w/a scroll.” We found the Gnome but its obvious Minsc is uncomfortable w/his presence so soon after Dynahier’s passing… but we all agree that we can’t go forward w/o a Mage.

    We finished up @ the Shipwreck Coast afterward. In all, we fought & defeated: six Ghouls; an Ogre Mage; two Ogrillons & three Ghouls together; six Carrion Crawlers; three pairs of wolves & four pairs of mated Dire Wolves; a Dread Wolf mated w/a Wolf; three Kobolds; three Ogre’s & then a group of four Ogre Berserkers, three Ogrillons & a Half-Ogre (without a scratch to any of us).

    Treasure of Note: (Purse = 2,461 gold) Bought Imoen Shadow Armor for 20 some thousand gold. We grabbed three pearls, Moonstone Gym & a Waterstar Gym, etc. @ Shipwreck Coast.

    Current Disposition: Recuperating, recovering, resting, resupplying in Beregost @ the Red Sheaf

    Next Steps: Lion’s Way, Coast Way, Mutamin’s Garden

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 – Heroic)
    • Gawain: Ftr/7; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1, Cloak of Protection +2, Helm of Defense, Boots of Grounding, Girdle of Bluntness, Rings of Fire Resistance & Free Action; Bastard Sword +1/+3****, Mace +1, (SSS**) (Greater Doppelganger)
    • Minsc: Barbarian/7 w/Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Girdle of Bluntness &Spiders Bane***, Flail 1/THWS**(Spellcaster Defend)(Davaeorn)
    • Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/7 w/Studded Leather +1 w/Bracers of Archery & Boots of the North, Longbow****,
    B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
    • Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/9 w/Leather +1 w/Gauntlets of Ogre Power & Cloak of the Wolf; Sling*, Club +2 (Eye of the Storm)*, (Sirine)(Druid Summoning)
    • Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue)/8 w/Shadow Armor, Cloak of Non-Detection & Gandolar’s Lucky Ring w/Short Bow*, Short Sword +1* Dagger +1*, (Sword Spider)(Thief Def)
    • Quayle: Mage (Illusionist)/8) w/Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling* & Dagger +2*, Ring of Energy, Necklace of Missiles, (No kills)(Wizard Defensive)

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)

    Blue Font: New information;
    Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
    (Best kill)(Current AI)
    * Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class
  • Figure I'll play on the torture Minsc takes from Irennicus in Baldur's Gate II to have him be a little delusional about what happened to Dynahier.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited January 2015
    My progress going north worked in south a way as to allow my team to continue our progress while giving them a low threat reconnaissance of the areas of Coast Way & Lion’s way that were yet to be explored. They, we, all needed some down time, so after we’d rested well following the heartbreaking ordeal @ the Shipwreck Coast I took them north on the Coast Way Road.

    Everything worked out as planned. On the Coast Way we walked over six Kobolds w/Short Bow & Short Sword; six Gibberling’s; 14 Diseased Gibberling’s; a pair of mated Dread Wolves; two pairs of mated Wolves; an Ogre & 18 Xvarts.

    Key Event(s): As far as key events go, there were none. The only moment of pause came when we were almost done on the Coast Way. We stumbled on three Bandits w/Short Bows & Long Swords led by a young woman in Splint Mail w/Long Bow & Long Sword. After the events @ the Shipwreck Coast the confident challenge made me think for a split second. I was most concerned about the new Mage hoping he’d use his Invisibility spells to protect himself. I noted he also cast Mirror Image so he must also have that one memorized. I released the team to act independently & pick target of opportunity & deal w/them as they determined best. We made short work of them & no one took a scratch.


    We quickly finished our work on the Lion’s Way next. There we destroyed a pair of mated Dire Wolves; a pair of mated Wolves & six Diseased Gibberling’s.

    At this point I feel good about having cleared the roads from Nashkel north to the FAI & eastward from Candlekeep to the Coast Way of monsters, creatures & hostile wildlife. We’ve also cleared those areas adjacent to the main road & south of Nashkel all the way out to the coast & eastward to most of the Wood of Sharp Teeth. People should be much safer travelling these roads & commerce should pick up slowly as people figure that out. Not much I can do about hostiles that return, as they are sure to do, but the original inhabitants are no more. The only areas I’ve yet to visit are Mutamin’s Garden & Durlag’s Tower. I’ve read much about Durlag’s Tower & I plan to visit there but not just yet. I want us to train together before we assault the keep there.

    Treasure of Note: (Purse = 2,790 gold) Nothing to speak of. Minsc took the Splint Mail as a second set should his suddenly deteriorate.

    Current Disposition: We sold the minimal loot, resupplied w/arrows & sling stones, had dinner & relaxed & recuperated @ the Red Sheaf.

    Next Steps: Mutamin’s Garden

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 – Heroic)
    • Gawain: Ftr/7; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1, Cloak of Protection +2, Helm of Defense, Boots of Grounding, Girdle of Bluntness, Rings of Fire Resistance & Free Action; Bastard Sword +1/+3****, Mace +1, (SSS**) (Greater Doppelganger)
    • Minsc: Barbarian/7 w/Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Girdle of Bluntness &Spiders Bane***, Flail 1/THWS**(Spellcaster Defend)(Davaeorn)
    • Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/7 w/Studded Leather +1 w/Bracers of Archery & Boots of the North, Longbow****, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
    • Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/9 w/Leather +1 w/Gauntlets of Ogre Power & Cloak of the Wolf; Sling*, Club +2 (Eye of the Storm)*, (Sirine)(Druid Summoning)
    • Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue)/8 w/Shadow Armor, Cloak of Non-Detection & Gandolar’s Lucky Ring w/Short Bow*, Short Sword +1* Dagger +1*, (Sword Spider)(Thief Def)
    • Quayle: Mage (Illusionist)/8) w/Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling* & Dagger +2*, Ring of Energy, Necklace of Missiles, (No kills)(Wizard Defensive)

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)

    Blue Font: New information;
    Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
    (Best kill)(Current AI)
    * Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class
    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited February 2015
    Key Event(s): We’ve continued to travel w/heartache as one of our companions. For the second time in a span of less than 10 days we faced the final death of one of our own; this time Khalid’s beloved wife & a friend & companion to us all, Jaheira. Once again, I wonder, could I have been more careful. Especially after it was Jaheira who warned us all of the dangers of Basilisks in Mutamin’s Garden. I set us in our standard ‘V’ formation for wilderness expeditions, then sent Imoen ahead as a scout ‘Hidden in Shadow’ so that she could return & warn us of Basilisk’s giving us time to prepare, i.e., Quaff Potion of Mirrored Eyes or cast spells of Protection form Petrification’.

    We killed four Gnolls & a Ghoul before I fought a duel w/a mouthy female warrior of some kind w/dual-handed swords. I won easily but spared her life. Then we made quick work of a pair of mated Lesser Basilisks. Onward from there, we ran into six Gibberling’s & moved to swat them. As Minsc & I got to them & all of us began our assault, Jaheira had moved out to the far right to avoid some trees when she came upon a pair of mated Greater Basilisks, one of them enormous in size. At that moment, Mutamin himself came out from behind the trees & challenged us. As Jaheira tried to back out of range, she was hit with a Basilisks Gaze from both Greater Basilisks. She was Petrified once & then obliterated w/the second.

    Minsc finished the Gibberling’s while I turned my companion’s on Mutamin. I moved to take on the Monster Basilisk after having knocked down a Potion of Mirrored Eyes. I was hit multiple times w/their gaze &, despite the potion, their gaze rocks you when it finds its mark. While I was punishing the larger of the two, Minsc & the remainder of us finished Mutamin off. By this time, I was just finished killing the larger of the two Basilisks & heading for the second before the potion could wear off. Minsc & the others turned their attention on her also & we killed her as a team.

    Then, not knowing Jaheira’s fate yet, we all went to find her so that we could use a scroll of Stone to Flesh to revive her. We looked everywhere & found nothing. Eventually, we all realized that a pile of stones & sand right near where she’d last been seen was the unwanted answer to her fate. Khalid just stood there, staring. Imoen walked over, even Minsc, to be with him in that moment while I stood taking this in from opposite him. After only a few moments that seemed like hours, he looked @ me & said, “Sh-sh-shall we be going? We’ve much work yet to do.” Imoen asked if he didn’t want to move the stones elsewhere or bury them. He replied, “N-n-no. I think she would want to remain here. With the Gnome destroyed, nature can return to its normal state here. Sh-she would want to remain her, I think. This pile of stones a monument to her commitment to defending nature.” He leaned down & took a small stone from the pile & placed it into a pouch on his girdle. Then he said, “She’ll always be w/me & after we’re done, I’ll return to this place where my beloved, Jaheira fell…Now let us destroy any more of these monsters at once!” With that he turned & led us back to where we’d begun the seemingly quick battle w/the Gibberling’s. How quickly things can go wrong out here. There’s so much responsibility that comes w/leading warriors who trust you. Khalid’s correct. We have work to do…our fallen will not fall in vain nor shall their vengeance be dispensed w/o extreme prejudice!

    From there we dispensed of, in order: four more Gnolls, four Gnoll Veteran’s, four adventurers...


    ...a Greater Basilisks mated with one of the lesser types, a pair of mated Lesser Basilisks, four Gnoll Elites; four Flinds & a lone Lesser Basilisk.

    We travelled, troubled & silent back to Beregost. The weight of losing two such valued companions is heavy on me. When we returned I made business a priority to keep all of us from dwelling in that dark place for long. We sold substantial bounty, bought arrows & sling stones, rested @ the Red Sheaf, & then approached Kelddath @ the Temple of the Morning about a Cleric to aid our efforts. He directed us to the Nashkel Carnival once again where he said we’d find a Priestess of Tempus who would add both strength to our front line & bring an offensive spell set. I remembered her, we all did, but thought she would’ve moved on. As we travelled there, Khalid said to me, “We had to find another, you know? Jaheira who’d have wanted us to move on.” Sure enough the Priestess was there & joined us readily. I purchased her a set of Plate Mail, a Large Shield & a Warhammer & she provided us a Warriors feast as our first meal together. And what a feast it was: roast lamb, salted fish & pork, goat & plenty of fresh bread, fresh fruit & honey on buttered bread & honey mead to wash it all down. I know of Tempus, The Lord of Battles, but nothing in the readings @ Candlekeep prepared me for a meal like that. (This is an innate ability of the Warrior Priest(ess) of Tempus kit).

    Treasure of Note: (Purse = 3,852 gold) Adventures Robe (Quayle); Gems/Jewelry: Black Opal, two Garnet, Flame Dance Ring; Many Scrolls

    Current Disposition: I moved us from Beregost north to the FAI. This will be a better place to rest & resupply during the next few weeks.

    Next Steps: The Spider Wood east of the FAI

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 – Heroic)
    • Gawain: Ftr/7; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1, Cloak of Protection +2, Helm of Defense, Boots of Grounding, Girdle of Bluntness, Rings of Fire Resistance & Free Action; Bastard Sword +1/+3****, Mace +1, (SSS**) (Greater Basilisk)
    • Minsc: Barbarian/7 w/Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Girdle of Bluntness &Spiders Bane***, Flail +1/THWS** (Spellcaster Defend)(Davaeorn)
    • Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/7 w/Studded Leather +1 w/Bracers of Archery & Boots of the North, Longbow****,
    B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
    • Branwen: Priestess of Tempus/7 w/Plate Mail, Large Shield & Warhammer*; (Mace*, SSS*);(None)(Cleric Aggressive)
    • Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue)/8 w/Shadow Armor, Cloak of Non-Detection & Gandolar’s Lucky Ring w/Short Bow*, Short Sword +1* Dagger +1*, (Sword Spider)(Thief Def)
    • Quayle: Mage (Illusionist)/8) w/Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling* & Dagger +2*, Ring of Energy, Necklace of Missiles, (Gibberling)(Wizard Defensive)

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)

    Blue Font: New information;
    Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
    (Best kill)(Current AI)
    * Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class
    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
  • I allowed us to get off course on the way to Spider Wood & we ended up in Larswood again. As a result we encountered three Ettercaps, seven Gibberling’s & two Hobgoblins (Ripper Tribe) w/Short Bows & Bastard Swords before I ever got us to our destination.

    When we finally did get to Spider Wood the place lived up to its name. We immediately came across three Huge Spiders & then an Ettercap. We turned south & travelled w/a rocky, heavily wood line to our left. About half way through we fell upon a nest of spiders including a Sword Spider, a Phase Spider & six (or seven) Giant Spiders. A web trap sprung but both Minsc & I are able to negotiate freely in webs so we continued our work while the others stood back @ range, well except Branwen, she obviously likes getting into the fray & punishing enemies w/her Warhammer.

    We followed that by defeating three Giant Spiders, three Ettercaps & six more Huge Spiders respectively.

    Key Event(s): We were just wrapping when we stumbled on the ruins of a temple. Moving closer we were attacked by four Red Wizards before we could even respond. I attacked followed closely by an Enraged Minsc. Khalid switched to Arrows of Biting, Quayle cast Deafness on the leader & Branwen cast Silence 15’ Radius in the midst of them. Imoen cast Magic Missiles at the wizards to disrupt their casting. None of the four of them ever got off a spell.


    Treasure of Note: (Purse = 5,399 gold) Four Mage Robes (two Cold, one Fire & one Electrical Resistance); some 14 Scrolls including Melf’s Acid Arrow, Web, Chromatic Orb, etc. two Waterstar Gyms

    Current Disposition: Resting, resupplying, recuperating @ the FAI

    Next Steps: North to the Fishing Village

    Level Up: Imoen was notified by a rider that she was now a full THIEF (Thief/Charming Rogue//9). The rider had a letter from Imoen’s Guild master asking her if she still pledged her loyalty the Guild & if she intended to break off & start her own. Imoen said she was happy w/her Guild & intended to continue travelling w/me for the foreseeable future. The rider rode off convinced that Imoen was no threat to the Guildmaster’s status. Imoen improved to (F/Remove Traps & Pick Locks 100%; Hide in Shadows 45% (60% w/her Shadow Armor) & Move Silently 50%. She’s put no effort into other Thieving Skills. She also added Luck & Glitterdust to her innate abilities to compliment two each Magic Missiles, Invisibility, Charm Person, Reflected Image, Friends, Set Snare. (Note: Innate to Charming Rogues)

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 – Heroic)
    • Gawain: Ftr/7; HP84; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1, Cloak of Protection +2, Helm of Defense, Boots of Grounding, Girdle of Bluntness, Rings of Fire Resistance & Free Action; Bastard Sword +1/+3****, Mace +1, (SSS**) (Greater Basilisk)
    • Minsc: Fighter (Barbarian/7); HP58; Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Girdle of Bluntness &Spiders Bane***, Flail 1/THWS**(Spellcaster Defend)(Davaeorn)
    • Khalid: Ranger (Archer/7); HP60; Studded Leather +1 w/Bracers of Archery & Boots of the North, Longbow****, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
    • Branwen: Cleric (Priestess of Tempus/7): HP45; Plate Mail, Large Shield & Warhammer*; (Mace*, SSS*);(None)(Cleric Aggressive)
    • Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue/9); HP34; Shadow Armor, Cloak of Non-Detection & Gandolar’s Lucky Ring w/Short Bow*, Short Sword +1* Dagger +1*, (Sword Spider)(Thief Def)
    • Quayle: Mage (Illusionist/8); HP19; Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling* & Dagger +2*, Ring of Energy, Necklace of Missiles, (No kills)(Wizard Defensive)

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)

    Blue Font: New information;
    Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
    (Best kill)(Current AI)
    * Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited February 2015
    Next it was due north to the Fishing Village. We’d already been through the Fishing Village earlier when we travelled to Baldur’s Gate the first time but we stayed to the road. This time, as with places south, I had us clear every threat that would/could hinder travelers using that important thoroughfare between The FAI & Baldur’s Gate. The Fishing Village did not yield any large or difficult battles & it was nice that it was so after the difficulties we’ve faced together in recent days. We defeated eight Bandits & seven Ankheg’s as we worked our way through the area. Branwen improved her best kill to an Ankheg.

    We came upon some of the local fisherman in a hamlet & they complained vociferously about a Priestess of Umberlee that was preventing them from fishing, their livelihood. They claimed she’d even killed one of them w/rough seas she is able to conjure up @ will. They told us we’d find her in a shack north of the hamlet but it was all the way into Wyrm’s Crossing. We found her easily enough & she was indeed belligerent & attacked us. We’d started to dismantle her & she was unable to cast even a spell. She suddenly begged for mercy & told us that the fisherman had killed her mother & taken a bowl from her that could control the seas, Bowl of Water Elemental Control. In the end we killed her but I’m pretty sure her story was true. It’s just that she’s a Priestess of Umberlee & that means there’s one less evil priestess out there. Still on return to the fisherman it became clear that they were lying & I had a good mind to unleash on them. But…I decided it wasn’t worth it & the deaths of backwater fisherman wouldn’t solve anything. They paid up w/a Flail +1 which has Minsc thinking he was to learn to weapon style fighting for those times when Spiders Bane isn’t the answer.

    Key Event: I was given the sad task of helping an old farmer locate his missing son. The answer was simple based on tracks he showed us & an underground tunnel that led to a series of Ankheg Tunnels, we were later to learn. We had little trouble in the burrows, killing 11 Ankheg’s. Ankheg’s always have a gem or some gold on them but in the burrow there was a treasure in a small cave in the wall. We found, amongst gyms, jewelry & gold farmer Brun’s son. We carried his body back to his father who was devastated & fearful that he’d lose his farm. We gave him 100 gold to help him & take the fear of losing his farm to take some of his burden during this hard time.

    After that we had to go to High Hedge to try & identify two potions we found w/Thalantyr. Even though I know what they are I like to be sure but unfortunately Thalantyr couldn't say for sure. While there, we killed three skeletons & Brown Bear.

    Treasure of Note: (Purse = 8,318 gold) Gems: Mithril Ring, Fire Opal Ring, etc.; Scrolls: Blur, Invisibility, etc.; Flail +1 (Minsc);

    Current Disposition: Resting @ the FAI after selling loot, resupplying & enjoying a Warriors Feast.

    Next Steps: Finish reconnaissance in force @ Wyrm’s Crossing onward to the Farmlands & then to Ulgoth’s Beard.

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 – Heroic)
    • Gawain: Ftr/7; HP84; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1, Cloak of Protection +2, Helm of Defense, Boots of Grounding, Girdle of Bluntness, Rings of Fire Resistance & Free Action; Bastard Sword +1/+3****, Mace +1, (SSS**) (Greater Basilisk)
    • Minsc: Fighter (Barbarian/7); HP58; Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Girdle of Bluntness &Spiders Bane***, Flail 1 x2/THWS**(Spellcaster Defend)(Davaeorn)
    • Khalid: Ranger (Archer/7); HP60; Studded Leather +1 w/Bracers of Archery & Boots of the North, Longbow****, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
    • Branwen: Cleric (Priestess of Tempus/7): HP45; Plate Mail, Large Shield & Warhammer*; (Mace*, SSS*);(Ankheg)(Cleric Aggressive)
    • Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue/9); HP34; Shadow Armor, Cloak of Non-Detection & Gandolar’s Lucky Ring w/Short Bow*, Short Sword +1* Dagger +1*, (Sword Spider)(Thief Def)
    • Quayle: Mage (Illusionist/8); HP19; Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling* & Dagger +2*, Ring of Energy, Necklace of Missiles, (Diseased Gibberling)(Wizard Defensive)






    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)

    Blue Font: New information;
    Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
    (Best kill)(Current AI)
    * Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited February 2015
    Occasionally this adventuring life has its rewards & I don’t refer to treasures. We passed thru Wyrm’s Crossing where we killed another Ankheg before continuing on through the Farmlands on the Way to Ulgoth’s Beard. While in the Farmlands we destroyed an infestation of Zombies, 20 of them, that were threatening the farmers & their families. Very gratifying.

    Key Event: Just helping the farm families to be safe to tend their crops.


    I find that Branwen & I have grown closer than warriors should be. That worries me because I've already seen two friends die, Dynahier & Jaheira, & those closest to them suffer, Minsc & Khalid respectively. If I lose Branwen I may never forgive myself & lose my edge. I admire the warrior spirit in her & would not interfere w/her regardless of my feelings but, Ugh!

    Treasure of Note: (Purse = 1,321 gold – purchased three Raise Dead Scrolls & four Potions of Mirrored Eyes); Gave the set of Plate of the Dark, Full Plate +1 to Branwen

    Current Disposition: Rested in the two rooms available @ the Ulgoth’s Beard Inn. We were hit up quickly, not once but twice, to travel to Durlag’s Tower. So be it. Moved back to Nashkel for the time being while we assault Durlag’s Tower.

    Next Steps: Durlag’s Tower

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 – Heroic)
    • Gawain: Ftr/7; HP84; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1, Cloak of Protection +2, Helm of Defense, Boots of Grounding, Girdle of Bluntness, Rings of Fire Resistance & Free Action; Bastard Sword +1/+3****, Mace +1, (SSS**) (Greater Basilisk)
    • Minsc: Fighter (Barbarian/7); HP58; Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Girdle of Bluntness &Spiders Bane***, Flail 1 x2/THWS**(Spellcaster Defend)(Davaeorn)
    • Khalid: Ranger (Archer/7); HP60; Studded Leather +1 w/Bracers of Archery & Boots of the North, Longbow****, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
    • Branwen: Cleric (Priestess of Tempus/7): HP45; Full Plate +1 (Plate of the Dark) w/Large Shield & Warhammer*; (Mace*, SSS*);(Ankheg)(Cleric Aggressive)
    • Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue/9); HP34; Shadow Armor, Cloak of Non-Detection & Gandolar’s Lucky Ring w/Short Bow*, Short Sword +1* Dagger +1*, (Sword Spider)(Thief Def)
    • Quayle: Mage (Illusionist/8); HP19; Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling* & Dagger +2*, Ring of Energy, Necklace of Missiles, (Diseased Gibberling(Wizard Defensive)

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)

    Blue Font: New information;
    Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
    (Best kill)(Current AI)
    * Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited February 2015
    Upon arrival we reconnoitered the surrounding area & external portions on the wall. We crossed a natural narrow stone bridge that led toward a Drawbridge spanning a deep natural trench in the elevated rocky surface that provides the Motte for the stone Keep that common folk know as Durlag’s Tower. Upon crossing the natural narrow stone bridge we encountered & defeated two Battle Horror’s. We retired to rest as I, surprisingly, took significant damage as I was the focus of both Battle Horror’s attacks. Sleep was not easy to come by either as we were disturbed three times by small raiding parties of Gnolls. By the time the night was through & we’d finally rested we’d killed 18 Gnolls. Since they were all travelling the same direction, I assume there is a Gnoll lair somewhere to the east of here, likely not too far.

    It’s taken exactly 280 days this morning to reach Durlag’s Tower, the same amount of time since Gorion & I left Candlekeep travelling in the unknown. Today is 8 Alturiak, 1370 & it is this day I plan to enter Durlag’s Tower.

    Getting to the Drawbridge required us to hack through three Doppelgangers. The Drawbridge itself is apparently un’manned’ so besides the Doppelganger’s getting to the Barbican was easy enough & since it too was wide open we were able to march unhindered into the Bailey. Once there, I wanted to clear any dangers in the Bailey & check the Curtain Wall Battlements to make sure we were safe from ambush. To do just that we battled two Greater Doppelgangers in the Bailey courtyard. The Battlements on the Curtain Wall were another story & we ended up defeating another Battle Horror w/six Skeletons armed w/Composite Longbows & Halberds to the left of the Portcullis. To the right we were attacked by two skeletons armed w/Composite Longbows & Halberds which Imoen & Khalid smashed from down below. Climbing a stone staircase to where the skeletons had attacked us, we were confronted by & defeated a Doom Guard w/four Skeleton’s armed w/Warhammer (2), Morning Star (1) & Composite Longbow & Halberd. We gathered what treasure they had & headed for the ‘Gatehouse.’ It doesn’t appear to be a traditional Gatehouse but it has a Drawbridge & another Portcullis, although the Drawbridge doesn’t span a trench like the Drawbridge to the Barbican does. The Gatehouse is covered appropriately w/Murder Holes I did note.


    Key Event: The Ground Floor of the inner keep was unspectacular. Besides Imoen disarming a trap & a few pieces of gold there was little of interest. It wasn’t’ until we purchased a ward stone from the ‘Guide’ we hired in Ulgoth’s Beard that the tide went out on us. Suddenly a Skelton figure in Black Armor appeared threatening us literally & figuratively. He tossed Fireballs like they were innate to him & every one of us retired from the tower to safety as we were all injured save Quayle who’d smartly backed off to work @ range w/his spells.

    Treasure of Note: (Purse = 1,321 gold) Pearl Necklace, Sphene Gym, et al;

    Current Disposition: Camped not far from the location of the natural arch where we’d earlier battled three Doppelganger’s. We sold what we could to an opportunist merchant who makes his gold selling items @ exorbitant prices to adventures daring to enter Durlag’s stone Motte & Bailey.

    Next Steps: Back into the keep & upwards on the spiral starcase

    Level Up:
    • Branwen’s patron deity, Tempus, increased her power. She is now a Matriarch (Cleric//Priestess of Tempus/8) & was granted Cure Disease, Zone of Sweet Air, Cure Serious Wounds & Defensive Harmony.
    • I humbly accept an increase in rank & ability to Superhero (Fighter/8)

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 – Heroic)
    • Gawain: Ftr/8; HP91; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1, Cloak of Protection +2, Helm of Defense, Boots of Grounding, Girdle of Bluntness, Rings of Fire Resistance & Free Action; Bastard Sword +1/+3****, Mace +1, (SSS**) (Greater Basilisk)


    • Minsc: Fighter (Barbarian/7); HP58; Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Girdle of Bluntness &Spiders Bane***, Flail 1 x2/THWS**(Spellcaster Defend)(Davaeorn)
    • Khalid: Ranger (Archer/7); HP60; Studded Leather +1 w/Bracers of Archery & Boots of the North, Longbow****, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
    • Branwen: Cleric (Priestess of Tempus/8): HP48; Full Plate +1 (Plate of the Dark) w/Large Shield & Warhammer*; (Mace*, SSS*);(Ankheg)(Cleric Aggressive)
    • Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue/9); HP34; Shadow Armor, Cloak of Non-Detection & Gandolar’s Lucky Ring w/Short Bow*, Short Sword +1* Dagger +1*, (Sword Spider)(Thief Def)
    • Quayle: Mage (Illusionist/8); HP19; Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling* & Dagger +2*, Ring of Energy, Necklace of Missiles, (Diseased Gibberling)(Wizard Defensive)

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)

    Blue Font: New information;
    Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
    (Best kill)(Current AI)
    * Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class
  • We headed back into the tower & ascended the spiral staircase to the 1st floor. There we killed a total of six Ghasts & were wrapping up when…

    Key Event: Imoen found a chest that was locked & that she didn’t detect any trap on. Even w/her skill (100%) @ detecting/removing traps, once she opened it a Lightning Bolt loosed & it was bad. Everyone tried to take cover but before the bolt stopped bouncing off walls, down halls & dissipated it had taken both Branwen & Minsc. Once again, we were all scorched except Quayle but he has to stay clear b/c a puff of wind could chunk him. Thankfully, my two lost companions could be raised so I got them directly to Kelddath & paid him the gold required for the service, 1600 gold.

    That night, Branwen & I were sitting @ a candlelit table near the fireplace @ the Nashkel Inn. She’s been trying to teach me how to speak to a woman, the whole chivalry part of knighthood. I must have done well because she agreed to share my bed that night. It’s official now. Great stress relief but it cuts into the sleep. 

    Returning the next day we killed six Doppelganger’s coming & going. Inside we found an entrance to a Bastion. I sent Imoen up having used her innate Invisibility while still checking for traps. She came back down the stairs & reported that a lone Lesser Basilisk was waiting just outside the door. I quaffed a Potion of Mirrored Eyes & went up alone to eliminate the threat. Up a long, straight, stone staircase we killed four Gnolls before finding another Bastion that circled the entire keep. Once again, Imoen went up using Invisibility. She reported three Greater Basilisks up there so I had Quayle cast a Protection from Petrification Scroll on me while I quaffed another Potion of Mirrored Eyes just in case. I went up alone again & destroyed them. Man those things are big reptiles.

    Treasure of Note: (Purse = 1,606 gold) Gems/Jewelry: Pearl Necklace, Bloodstone Amulet

    Current Disposition: Resting near the Keep on the stone path that leads to Nashkel thru the Carnival.

    Next Steps: Up to the 2nd Floor of the Keep

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 – Heroic)
    • Gawain: Ftr/8; HP91; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1, Cloak of Protection +2, Helm of Defense, Boots of Grounding, Girdle of Bluntness, Rings of Fire Resistance & Free Action; Bastard Sword +1/+3****, Mace +1, (SSS**) (Greater Basilisk)



    • Minsc: Fighter (Barbarian/7); HP58; Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Girdle of Bluntness &Spiders Bane***, Flail 1 x x2/THWS**(Spellcaster Defend)(Davaeorn)
    • Khalid: Ranger (Archer/7); HP60; Studded Leather +1 w/Bracers of Archery & Boots of the North, Longbow****, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
    • Branwen: Cleric (Priestess of Tempus/8): HP48; Full Plate +1 (Plate of the Dark) w/Large Shield & Warhammer*; (Mace*, SSS*);(Ankheg)(Cleric Aggressive)
    • Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue/9); HP34; Shadow Armor, Cloak of Non-Detection & Gandolar’s Lucky Ring w/Short Bow*, Short Sword +1* Dagger +1*, (Sword Spider)(Thief Def)
    • Quayle: Mage (Illusionist/8); HP19; Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling* & Dagger +2*, Ring of Energy, Necklace of Missiles, (Diseased Gibberling)(Wizard Defensive)

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)

    Blue Font: New information;
    Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
    (Best kill)(Current AI)
    * Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class
  • After resting up from our difficulties on the 1st floor of the keep, we headed off to see what we’d find on the 2nd floor. I had Imoen use one of her Potions of Clarity to increase her ability to find/remove traps even further (120%). The good thing about those potions is that they last about six hours so.

    Key Event: As soon as we topped the spiral staircase onto the 2nd floor, Imoen detected a trap at the entrance to a hallway directly across from the stairs. She Removed Traps & then I had her use her innate Invisibility to scout the hallway. She snaked around a half-C hallway until she found a chamber & was questioned by a Ghost who I guess could Detect Invisibility. She kept him from acting in an aggressive fashion for a few moments but then he turned on her. She got off one of her innate Magic Missiles (she’s poppin’ off five @ a time now). She retreated back to the where we had arranged ourselves to face a foe coming behind her down the hall. Nothing happened so she used her innate Invisibility again (not sure why in retrospect) & slipped back down the hall until he saw her again. She fired off her 2nd & last Magic Missile but we’re not sure if it got him b/c suddenly he was in the midst of us. I immediately used one of my innate Draw on Holy Might spells, Minsc & Branwen went into their Enraged state. I’m not sure what Quayle did. He usually casts a protection spell of some sore on himself & the casts Blindness. (He doesn’t use Spook or Deafness as much as I’d like & he usually has Protection from Normal Missiles in his quick item slot along with Potions of Healing & Antidotes in the other two slots. He did manage after the battle to pull a two Scrolls of Dispel Magic out of his pack & use them to dispel a Confusion Spells that had affected me, Minsc & Branwen. Khalid, meanwhile, fired Arrows of Biting. Minsc got the kill.

    After that we unlocked a few chests, Imoen removed a few traps & we almost had a run-in w/a rogue that was working the same floor. He backed down & we raided the chests right under his nose.

    Treasure of Note: (Purse = 1,544 gold)

    Current Disposition: I returned us to Nashkel to identify a wardstone & a potion or two. I couldn’t do it as Nalin wasn’t able so we made our way north to Kelddath who could. Back in Nashkel we’ve spent the night at the inn. Branwen joined me once again.


    Next Steps: Durlag’s keep, 3rd level; maybe the basement

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 – Heroic)
    • Gawain: Ftr/8; HP91; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1, Cloak of Protection +2, Helm of Defense, Boots of Grounding, Girdle of Bluntness, Rings of Fire Resistance & Free Action; Bastard Sword +1/+3****, Mace +1, (SSS**) (Greater Basilisk)
    • Minsc: Fighter (Barbarian/7); HP58; Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Girdle of Bluntness &Spiders Bane***, Flail 1 x x2/THWS**(Spellcaster Defend)(Davaeorn)
    • Khalid: Ranger (Archer/7); HP60; Studded Leather +1 w/Bracers of Archery & Boots of the North, Longbow****, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
    • Branwen: Cleric (Priestess of Tempus/8): HP48; Full Plate +1 (Plate of the Dark) w/Large Shield & Warhammer*; (Mace*, SSS*);(Ankheg)(Cleric Aggressive)
    • Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue/9); HP34; Shadow Armor, Cloak of Non-Detection & Gandolar’s Lucky Ring w/Short Bow*, Short Sword +1* Dagger +1*, (Sword Spider)(Thief Def)
    • Quayle: Mage (Illusionist/8); HP19; Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling* & Dagger +2*, Ring of Energy, Necklace of Missiles, (Diseased Gibberling)(Wizard Defensive)

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)

    Blue Font: New information;
    Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
    (Best kill)(Current AI)
    * Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class

  • Two questions for you smart folks & old timers:

    1) I want to change the M & S portraits of Branwen to those of Lagertha the Shieldmaiden from the Vikings series on History Channel (who's based on a real woman from Norway of the same name & who was married to the infamous Viking Ragnar Lodbrok. She is a buttkicking woman & find her exactly what I think Branwen would look like.

    a. But...when you pull up an NPC, the only thing you can change really is their Script/AI. I want to change her appearance/portrait. I've already gotten some great M & S Images of Lagertha from the series & sized them for BG but don't know how to do it.

    b. I tried to use Shadowkeeper but that seems only to have the basic portraits & few others but does not seem to have an option for 'uploading' an image.

    2) Second question is: who can tell me the spells/abilities that are assigned to Kirinhale the Succubus on the third upper level of the keep. I'm writing my update but, as always, that takes me more time than to play the game. I really want to know what spells & abilities she has in order to flesh out my narrative & make it interesting. I don't know how to go in & find code & stuff & I wouldn't know what it meant anyway. :I In AD&D they were able to: cause darkness 5' radius; their kiss drains the victim of one energy level; become ethereal; charm person; ESP; clairaudience; suggestion; shape change (to any humanoid form of approximately their own height and weight), or gate in a type IV Demon (70% chance), type VI = Balrog (25%), or a Demon Lords or Prince (5% chance). I'm sure Kirinhale's abilities are a bit different. Please help.

    Thanks for a quick reply folks. Been working on this narrative all day & want to get it posted so I can hit the 1st Labyrinth Level & get into some of the big stuff.

  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited February 2015
    Next I intended us to climb another level in the keep, which turned out to be the topmost floor. It seemed to be easy enough as we killed five Ghasts & gathered a few gems.

    Key Event: It was then that we came across a Succubus without her wings. She claimed they’d been clipped by Durlag Trollkiller & thus she’s been trapped there for hundreds of years. This is the first demon or demoness we have crossed in our travels. Having lived @ Candlekeep I had lessons from the monks on demon kind:

    …the Succubus is a member of the Tanar’ri, the dominant subcategory of demons. Originally created by the Obyriths as slaves, they eventually revolted against their masters, killing most of them and taking over as the dominant race of demons in the Abyss. Most known demon lords are Tanar'ri.1 A succubus appears as a stunning woman with flawless skin, long beautiful hair, small horns & large bat-like wings mounted on their backs. They have the following powers, at will, Charm (men preferably), Teleport, become Ethereal, Shape Change & kisses that drain a victims energy. It is said they have other powers, the most terrifying of which is the ability to gate in another more powerful demon: Nalfanshee (70% chance), Balrog (25%), or even one of the lords or princes (5% chance) - there is only a 40% chance of such a gate opening, however. They can perform any of the five demonic roles: Overlord, Assassin, Brute, Corrupter or Manipulators. By far, they are most often the latter two, assuming a beautiful, irresistible, human form in order to tempt mortals with a kiss, or other acts of passion, after which the victim may become weakened and under the control of the succubus. Succubi delight in causing suffering by manipulating the desires of mortals and tempting them into depraved acts that they would normally avoid. This strife often causes the destruction of long-term relationships and sows distrust between life-long friends and lovers. Succubi are not warriors. Their method of causing destruction is slow and manipulative when compared to other demons. A Succubus’ as Corrupter & Manipulator can easily lead mortals seeking a host of perversions, debaucheries & euphoric experiences to become dupes to a life of capitulation of the senses & when the mortals finally give themselves fully to the pursuit of their new sensations & addictions they are drawn into the 570th layer of the abyss, Shendilavri (as soul larvae or still in the flesh). They now belong to Malcanthet, the Demon Queen of the Succubi who takes great pleasure in the torment & ruin of her ‘guests’.

    Luckily, in our meeting with this Succubus, Durlag had taken her wings so she could not get airborne but she still had her other innate powers. When she tried to become Ethereal, Imoen used Glitterdust to perfection & we were able to continue to strike her. Truly, this was Imoen’s fight & she got her best kill yet by delivering the killing blow w/a Magic Missile spell, her second one in addition to the Glitterdust that kept the Succubus somewhat visible. Minsc landed at least one damaging blow but everything happened so fast I’m not sure what else happened. Kirinhale was cornered & I expected her to use Teleport to get away but our assault was merciless & we killed her quickly. A demon or demoness’ death comes in various forms. In the case of this Succubus she let out a death cry that was almost overwhelming as her body twisted & tore apart into a vicious whirlwind.3 An incredible, unnerving thing to witness that my words can’t even come close to actually describing!!!


    Afterward, still shaken from witnessing the demoness’ death but healthy otherwise, I led us down the stairs to the Basement to see what was down there. We smashed five more Ghasts & found various gems & 570 Gold in a trapped and locked tile in a tiled alcove. We also found another doorway but elected to head back out for a while to rest/recover, etc.

    Treasure of Note: (Purse = 1,906 gold) 570 Gold in the locked tile

    Current Disposition: Resting @ the Nashkel Inn after unloading & resupplying

    Next Steps: Continue to the first Labyrinth Level

    Level Up: None

    Current Party: (Reputation: 20 – Heroic)
    • Gawain: Ftr/8; HP91; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1, Cloak of Protection +2, Helm of Defense, Boots of Grounding, Girdle of Bluntness, Rings of Fire Resistance & Free Action; Bastard Sword +1/+3****, Mace +1, (SSS**) (Greater Basilisk)
    • Minsc: Fighter (Barbarian/7); HP58; Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Girdle of Bluntness &Spiders Bane***, Flail 1 x x2/THWS**(Spellcaster Defend)(Davaeorn)
    • Khalid: Ranger (Archer/7); HP60; Studded Leather +1 w/Bracers of Archery & Boots of the North, Longbow****, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
    • Branwen: Cleric (Priestess of Tempus/8): HP48; Full Plate +1 (Plate of the Dark) w/Large Shield & Warhammer*; (Mace*, SSS*);(Ankheg)(Cleric Aggressive)
    • Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue/9); HP34; Shadow Armor, Cloak of Non-Detection & Gandolar’s Lucky Ring w/Short Bow*, Short Sword +1* Dagger +1*, (Kirinhale)(Thief Def)
    • Quayle: Mage (Illusionist/8); HP19; Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling* & Dagger +2*, Ring of Energy, Necklace of Missiles, (Diseased Gibberling)(Wizard Defensive)

    Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)

    Blue Font: New information;
    Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
    (Best kill)(Current AI)
    * Name Levels are ancient, AD&D titles that used to represent each new level in a class
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited February 2015

    Two questions for you smart folks & old timers:

    1) b. I tried to use Shadowkeeper but that seems only to have the basic portraits & few others but does not seem to have an option for 'uploading' an image.

    Did your resize and rename the new Branwen portraits?
    You need one medium size (110*170 pixels), and one small (38*60 pixels). Rename those images using a relatively short name, for example Bran_M and Bran_S, and place them in your portraits folder where you also have your Gawain custom portrait. In Shadowkeeper you'll be able to assign the new portraits to Branwen with the 'Change Portrait' button.

    I can't help you with the second question, because I think my aTweaked demons are different from your SCS demons. The description in your latest post seems to match my experience with Kirinhale though...

  • are officially the man. Take the rest of the day off. CT
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