The Most Underrated Spells

Every BG guide says that Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Magic Missle, Time Stop and Skull Trap are all great spells. But what do you guys think are underrated spells, irrespective of level?
I'm trying to change my spell strategy to become more diverse and interesting. I've finished the game before by spamming ADHW and skull traps until the cows come home, but want to expand my tactics.
From my own experimentation, I've noticed that Ray of Enfeeblement is a great spell (for BG:EE, at least) that isn't really hyped up in the BG guides. A few times I've noticed that when Jaheira is being pounded by an ogre or whatever (no, not in *that* way - you pervert), a Ray of Enfeeblement spell really neutralises his attack so that he induces minuscule damage. This is sometimes way more helpful than a Magic Missile or Chromatic Orb.
Any recommendations for underrated spells (divine or arcane) that I should try out?
I'm trying to change my spell strategy to become more diverse and interesting. I've finished the game before by spamming ADHW and skull traps until the cows come home, but want to expand my tactics.
From my own experimentation, I've noticed that Ray of Enfeeblement is a great spell (for BG:EE, at least) that isn't really hyped up in the BG guides. A few times I've noticed that when Jaheira is being pounded by an ogre or whatever (no, not in *that* way - you pervert), a Ray of Enfeeblement spell really neutralises his attack so that he induces minuscule damage. This is sometimes way more helpful than a Magic Missile or Chromatic Orb.
Any recommendations for underrated spells (divine or arcane) that I should try out?
Plus it has some uses because the level drain can allow you to kill some immune enemies, like with the Int Drain.
BG2 may be problematic due to better saves for monsters or an increase in casters/ranged units, but in BG1 this strategy is pretty sound all the way up until the very late game. If you can time some debuffs, it might STILL work in BG2. The great thing is, your multiclass casters/rangers will be able to contribute if you manage to make this strategy effective because such hold-type spells are quite low-level. Let me know if you get any mileage out of it in BG2, even though bows got seriously nerfed.
Chromatic Orb isn't the most brilliant spell imo, but I don't think I've ever seen it mentioned that from level 10 onwards, it does acid damage, so you can kill trolls with it.
On the other end of the spectrum, Firestorm does a truckload of damage, inflicts it over time, and best of all ignores magic resistance. One of my favorite tricks involves casting Protection from Fire on a fighter and send them in to occupy the enemy while you roast everything with Firestorm. Good times, good times.
Mislead is a ton of fun, albeit cheesy as hell. Just cast it somewhere safe and leave the copy there while your caster moves forward to confront the enemy, and they'll be helpless to react.
It can be a life saver [think "no-reload"] for ambushes.
The awesomeness of that post is beyond limits:)
Another one I wouldn't necessarily call underrated, but I still don't hear much about is mass invisibility. I use it before almost every big fight.
Power Word: Blind is another one that gets overshadowed by other spells of the same level, but is incredibly useful, imo.
Interestingly, from playing around with it a bit on Werewolf Island I think Contagion ignores magic resistance and free action. Bug?
Also of note: The baby Karoug had on him must be some sort of demigod at least. I tried Fireball, Polymorph Other, Magic Missile, Lower Resistance, everything in the book. Zero effect.
But from what I can tell mechanically Contagion ignores magic resistance (and as far as I know that has always been the case). So that probably isn't a bug.
I'll run before the rules lawyers arrive.
And finally it only reveals the invisibles if the save is failed.
All in all I find Glitterdust to be a very lackluster spell compared to the almighty Web spell. Which is a better physical disable, a better spellcaster disable, you are guaranty to hit the disabled targets, is a better tactical spell and comes with a -2 save penalty.
I was playing Icewind Dale II and my Sorceress casts Ray of Enfeeblement on the Half-Dragon "boss" chick, Sherincal.
Her STR was lowered by 15, her base STR is 30. She was as harmless as a kitten, then.
Or casting Web/Entangle/Grease on a group of ogres (or something like that) in IwD2 as well and watching them get trapped and then get hit by arrows, bolts and darts.
To get back on topic, another underrated spell I really like is the Detect Invisibility one, every mages I play have it memorized at least once or twice per day because it's so useful with SCS, so many foes use Potion of Invisibility. It's only level 2, the casting time is fast and it goes straight through the Minor Globe of Invulnerability, which is neat.
On that note I'll say Wyvern Call probably doesn't get a lot of notice. Which is fair given Animate Dead, Invisible Stalker and Mordenkainen's Sword. Nonetheless its probably a bit underrated.
Special mention: Protection from petrification-Because basilisks are both incredibly stronk and exp burdened, so give them a hand and help them carry all that experience.
By the way, @Eadwyn_G8keeper, does that Barkskin trick actually work? I thought Barkskin didn't affect AC if it was already lower than the spell gives you.
All of the power words are great, except kill which is a waste of a slot.