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The Most Underrated Spells

alastair93alastair93 Member Posts: 117
Every BG guide says that Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Magic Missle, Time Stop and Skull Trap are all great spells. But what do you guys think are underrated spells, irrespective of level?

I'm trying to change my spell strategy to become more diverse and interesting. I've finished the game before by spamming ADHW and skull traps until the cows come home, but want to expand my tactics.

From my own experimentation, I've noticed that Ray of Enfeeblement is a great spell (for BG:EE, at least) that isn't really hyped up in the BG guides. A few times I've noticed that when Jaheira is being pounded by an ogre or whatever (no, not in *that* way - you pervert), a Ray of Enfeeblement spell really neutralises his attack so that he induces minuscule damage. This is sometimes way more helpful than a Magic Missile or Chromatic Orb.

Any recommendations for underrated spells (divine or arcane) that I should try out?


  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    I'm fond of the Black Blade of Disaster spell, it deals some amazing damage on a F/M/T (you can backstab with it) or with a Kensai => Mage because Kai will maximize the 2-24 damage dice.

    Plus it has some uses because the level drain can allow you to kill some immune enemies, like with the Int Drain.
  • ICNICN Member Posts: 61
    edited August 2014
    Ray of Enfeeblement (Reduces target to 5 strength) + Contagion spamming (-2 strength, dexterity, and charisma and the target is slowed permanently) can be a fun, if inefficient, method of killing things. Karoug giving you trouble? Kill him with the common cold!

    Interestingly, from playing around with it a bit on Werewolf Island I think Contagion ignores magic resistance and free action. Bug?

    Also of note: The baby Karoug had on him must be some sort of demigod at least. I tried Fireball, Polymorph Other, Magic Missile, Lower Resistance, everything in the book. Zero effect.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    ICN said:

    Ray of Enfeeblement (Reduces target to 5 strength) + Contagion spamming (-2 strength, dexterity, and charisma and the target is slowed permanently) can be a fun, if inefficient, method of killing things. Karoug giving you trouble? Kill him with the common cold!

    Interestingly, from playing around with it a bit on Werewolf Island I think Contagion ignores magic resistance and free action. Bug?

    The fact that Free Action doesn't protect against contagion's slow may be a bug. I'll tag @Camdawg about it.

    But from what I can tell mechanically Contagion ignores magic resistance (and as far as I know that has always been the case). So that probably isn't a bug.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    @bengoshi‌ Something to be careful about the post you quoted. It is saying (and I know a lot of forumites are believing) that Glitterdust comes with a -4 penalty to the saving throw while it's false. Being blind doesn't inflict you a -4 penalty to your savings throws neither.

    And finally it only reveals the invisibles if the save is failed.

    All in all I find Glitterdust to be a very lackluster spell compared to the almighty Web spell. Which is a better physical disable, a better spellcaster disable, you are guaranty to hit the disabled targets, is a better tactical spell and comes with a -2 save penalty.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    @elminster‌ Web works on Wyverns too, it's a SCS component that gives them the immunity. I agree that it's a pain that you can't save while it's active.

    To get back on topic, another underrated spell I really like is the Detect Invisibility one, every mages I play have it memorized at least once or twice per day because it's so useful with SCS, so many foes use Potion of Invisibility. It's only level 2, the casting time is fast and it goes straight through the Minor Globe of Invulnerability, which is neat.
  • OtilukeOtiluke Member Posts: 13

    I suggest Barkskin as the most under-rated spell. Against hostiles with very high Armor Classes.

    now things get interesting...
  • VorschesVorsches Member Posts: 23
    Sanctuary, cure disease and domination are (as far as I know) a couple of sometimes overlooked spells. Heal and buff party members unnoticed, unsilence and unblind your precious casters, DOMINATE THE OPPOSITION! Also it's fun to blind Firebead and dart him to death before you export your mage and start BG1 again from level 2 (or more...).

    Special mention: Protection from petrification-Because basilisks are both incredibly stronk and exp burdened, so give them a hand and help them carry all that experience.
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    edited August 2014
    Domination definitely comes in handy in a few places; my favorite use is in the druid grove, where if you dominate the druid to the far left in Kyland Lind's group before they all turn hostile, he can then nail the others with Insect Plague, rendering them helpless. Just doing that makes the whole encounter a cakewalk.

    By the way, @Eadwyn_G8keeper‌, does that Barkskin trick actually work? I thought Barkskin didn't affect AC if it was already lower than the spell gives you.
  • Eadwyn_G8keeperEadwyn_G8keeper Member Posts: 541
    edited August 2014
    More research needed. @Abi_Dalzim Will playtest in my next run. I think there is a specific encounter where Barkskin shines. Wish it lasted 4turns +1per level instead of 4rounds +1per level. Would make it an effective replacement for Armor, thus freeing up a spell slot for early game Mages.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    In BG:EE, Chromatic Orb from a max-level Avenger can petrify people. That's fun to play around with, since normally you can't petrify whoever you want.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    Enchanted Weapon... +3 Hittin'sticks for everyone!
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