...I like the news. Another game I will be pre-ordering.
But, there's one thing that I noticed on the web-page - IWDEE uses the same old Infinity engine that makes it impossible to swap between 2 weapons and a bow/crossbow/2h weapon. Look at IWD2, it was possible in there, would it be so difficult to implement the feature in IWD? (or BG!)
Look at IWD2, it was possible in there, would it be so difficult to implement the feature in IWD? (or BG!)
If it were easy either modders would have already done it or beamdog would have. Especially since (along with subraces) its probably one of the more requested feature requests
A major obstacle for UB in BG:EE and BGII:EE is the number of original authors whose work would require their permission to use. Many of those people are no longer active in the modding community, so implementing that work officially is a bit more complicated.
UB for IWD:EE is a lot simpler, because A) we have the original design documents, and The author of the UB mod we used is a member of the dev team (CamDawg).
@Dee but there has to be some of the thing in UB in BG series that you can implement right ? the thing that the people whose work require as still around no ? and there is no way finding those people or are you trying to find them ?
For the moment, the UB mod offers a more complete implementation than we could readily offer in any official capacity; I personally wouldn't want to implement only part of it, leaving people to re-create the rest of the mod to get what's missing.
@Dee I don't understand why can't you create your own UB-style fixes/enhancements/restorations from scratch, instead of asking permission from others to donate their work.
@Dee I don't understand why can't you create your own UB-style fixes/enhancements/restorations from scratch, instead of asking permission from others to donate their work.
Exactly - something like Kagain's quest should have been fixed/restored independently of UB.
I feel myself strange: I've been invited to this party (thread) in the first post but couldn't be here because of my family weekend - and now when I've finally come here, I see the afterparty. Everyone is drinking IWD-cocktails and having HoW-tiramisu. The feeling of joy and pleasant fatigue is everywhere. I sit on the sofa with my IWDEEBG friends and we start to share our hopes and expectations regarding future playthroughs.
The afternoon of Doom has turned into the months of (east)Heaven.
Okaaaay, everyone is partying and looks ecstatic about IWD:EE...
...and I'm just sitting here feeling frustrated about something that has been swirling in my mind.
It seems it was a good guess that people would swoop like vultures to grab another "Enhanced" Infinity Engine game, and it seems like the experiment was a success. To me, this consumer frenzy for Enhanced Editions of every possible old game will shift the company policy (if it hasn't shifted already) from Enhanced Editions plus original new content/games (Adventures X/Y/Z, Baldur's Gate 3, Icewind Dale 3 or whatever) to simply vomiting EEs one after another because easy profit, less effort, less risk. Pfft... Why would they commit to the challenge and risk of new content/games anyway, instead of capitalizing on the embellishment of past successes? When we offered our money, we were sold on the prospect of a Baldur's Gate 3 or something similar, but it seems that will not happen until every possible old game is enhanced. So, a decade at least, is it?
I would need pretty solid proof to convince me otherwise. Until then, IWD:EE? GET IT OUT OF MY FACE!
Okaaaay, everyone is partying and looks ecstatic about IWD:EE...
...and I'm just sitting here feeling frustrated about something that has been swirling in my mind.
It seems it was a good guess that people would swoop like vultures to grab another "Enhanced" Infinity Engine game, and it seems like the experiment was a success. To me, this consumer frenzy for Enhanced Editions of every possible old game will shift the company policy (if it hasn't shifted already) from Enhanced Editions plus original new content/games (Adventures X/Y/Z, Baldur's Gate 3, Icewind Dale 3 or whatever) to simply vomiting EEs one after another because easy profit, less effort, less risk. Pfft... Why would they commit to the challenge and risk of new content/games anyway, instead of capitalizing on the embellishment of past successes? When we offered our money, we were sold on the prospect of a Baldur's Gate 3 or something similar, but it seems that will not happen until every possible old game is enhanced. So, a decade at least, is it?
I would need pretty solid proof to convince me otherwise. Until then, IWD:EE? GET IT OUT OF MY FACE!
That is sort of like saying "why would they ever make a movie that isn't a sequel or reboot?"
I mean sure there are a lot of sequels/reboots in theatres, but both indie and mainstream film companies/producers are constantly making new movies.
As for overhaul well they put so much effort into refining the infinity engine. It wouldn't make much sense to not capitalize on that.
It seems it was a good guess that people would swoop like vultures to grab another "Enhanced" Infinity Engine game, and it seems like the experiment was a success. To me, this consumer frenzy for Enhanced Editions of every possible old game will shift the company policy (if it hasn't shifted already) from Enhanced Editions plus original new content/games (Adventures X/Y/Z, Baldur's Gate 3, Icewind Dale 3 or whatever) to simply vomiting EEs one after another because easy profit, less effort, less risk.
Not... really? I mean, if you're talking about Beamdog specifically, there are only so many D&D games out there to begin with. "Icewind Dale" makes sense as an EE project simply because it runs off the exact same engine as BG and BG2; "Planescape Torment" will probably be up sooner or later for that very reason. But it's not like they're rushing off to enhance the "Neverwinter Nights" games, or "Temple of Elemental Evil".
When we offered our money, we were sold on the prospect of a Baldur's Gate 3 or something similar,
That was wishful thinking. No two ways about it. Beamdog never committed to Baldur's Gate 3 or anything like that as an absolute certainty - and, quite frankly, the lack of consensus as to the quality of existing Enhanced Editions should certainly be enough of an indication that everyone needs to tread forward with caution.
Overhaul/beamdog enhances bg --> they use the skill and knowledge learned to do something that fans have been asking for for a long time; one more IE game --> you will never make anything renew or good until ALL the old games are enhanced!
Please, be certain that I don't think this is a path Beamdog will take for certain, but in the grand scheme of things, I like to be very cautious of what are the priorities and incentives. It is my wish that this and perhaps IWD2:EE are the last things to be enhanced, and that their enhancing frenzy and zeal doesn't creep its way into other non-IE games such as Neverwinter Nights, because constantly prioritizing enhanced old games over original new content and games would make me very very grumpy.
Please, be certain that I don't think this is a path Beamdog will take for certain, but in the grand scheme of things, I like to be very cautious of what are the priorities and incentives. It is my wish that this and perhaps IWD2:EE are the last things to be enhanced, and that their enhancing frenzy and zeal doesn't creep its way into other non-IE games such as Neverwinter Nights, because constantly prioritizing enhanced old games over original new content and games would make me very very grumpy.
The thing is, if you boil Beamdog's mission statement down to its most fundamental principle, the impetus behind BG:EE and BG2:EE was simply to create versions of the game that didn't need fixes and mods in order to function. (They're not quite there yet, but that's the goal.)
By comparison, the NWN games don't have that problem: both still work quite well on modern systems. Which isn't to say they don't have their own bugs, but overall, they're in much better condition straight out of the box.
IWD:EE makes sense. So does PS:T:EE. IWD2:EE is a borderline case, because the EE IE engine doesn't seem capable of coping with 3E features (this was the stated reason why the BG games couldn't include PC subraces like drow, aasimar or tiefling).
@Jace, it does make sense that because Beamdog has already overhauled the Infinity engine for the BG series, they have already completed most of the work required for the EE of IWD. It probably won't take anywhere near as long, or require as much expenditure of energies. (That said, that's just a guess on my part.)
I just hope that Beamdog remains focused on developing BG3 or BG Next, whichever it is called. That's the most important thing that I look for from them moving forward. Provided that the stars align properly for that to happen, of course.
I guess I can dismiss my swirling thoughts as irrational fear... for now...
So, I'd like to shift the attention to Unfinished Business for BG:EE. In a previous patch, a broken since vanilla quest regarding Mr. Colquette and his family amulet was successfully restored to a resoluble state. In addition, the Backbiter +3 was a spear that was in the files but nowhere to be found in the vanilla game. A previous patch restored it and can now be found in Larswood. So, what prevents you from pursuing the same treatment to other broken or missing stuff in the game? Is there a difference between what you have already restored and what we want you to restore?
I know it's easier to borrow work from others that is proven to work fine, but that doesn't prevent you from implementing your very own UB-style fixes. I hope @Dee or any other could enlighten me in this matter.
"Q: When will Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition release?
A: Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition has entered beta and will release "when it's ready" to ensure the best experience for players, likely within a month."
"Q: When will Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition release?
A: Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition has entered beta and will release "when it's ready" to ensure the best experience for players, likely within a month."
But, there's one thing that I noticed on the web-page - IWDEE uses the same old Infinity engine that makes it impossible to swap between 2 weapons and a bow/crossbow/2h weapon.
Look at IWD2, it was possible in there, would it be so difficult to implement the feature in IWD? (or BG!)
UB for IWD:EE is a lot simpler, because A) we have the original design documents, and
Is there any chance at all that it will happen in the future ?
The afternoon of Doom has turned into the months of (east)Heaven.
...and I'm just sitting here feeling frustrated about something that has been swirling in my mind.
It seems it was a good guess that people would swoop like vultures to grab another "Enhanced" Infinity Engine game, and it seems like the experiment was a success. To me, this consumer frenzy for Enhanced Editions of every possible old game will shift the company policy (if it hasn't shifted already) from Enhanced Editions plus original new content/games (Adventures X/Y/Z, Baldur's Gate 3, Icewind Dale 3 or whatever) to simply vomiting EEs one after another because easy profit, less effort, less risk. Pfft... Why would they commit to the challenge and risk of new content/games anyway, instead of capitalizing on the embellishment of past successes? When we offered our money, we were sold on the prospect of a Baldur's Gate 3 or something similar, but it seems that will not happen until every possible old game is enhanced. So, a decade at least, is it?
I would need pretty solid proof to convince me otherwise. Until then, IWD:EE? GET IT OUT OF MY FACE!
I mean sure there are a lot of sequels/reboots in theatres, but both indie and mainstream film companies/producers are constantly making new movies.
As for overhaul well they put so much effort into refining the infinity engine. It wouldn't make much sense to not capitalize on that.
By comparison, the NWN games don't have that problem: both still work quite well on modern systems. Which isn't to say they don't have their own bugs, but overall, they're in much better condition straight out of the box.
IWD:EE makes sense. So does PS:T:EE. IWD2:EE is a borderline case, because the EE IE engine doesn't seem capable of coping with 3E features (this was the stated reason why the BG games couldn't include PC subraces like drow, aasimar or tiefling).
I just hope that Beamdog remains focused on developing BG3 or BG Next, whichever it is called. That's the most important thing that I look for from them moving forward. Provided that the stars align properly for that to happen, of course.
So, I'd like to shift the attention to Unfinished Business for BG:EE. In a previous patch, a broken since vanilla quest regarding Mr. Colquette and his family amulet was successfully restored to a resoluble state. In addition, the Backbiter +3 was a spear that was in the files but nowhere to be found in the vanilla game. A previous patch restored it and can now be found in Larswood. So, what prevents you from pursuing the same treatment to other broken or missing stuff in the game? Is there a difference between what you have already restored and what we want you to restore?
I know it's easier to borrow work from others that is proven to work fine, but that doesn't prevent you from implementing your very own UB-style fixes. I hope @Dee or any other could enlighten me in this matter.
Now... And this is my clairvoyance spell working overtime...
This could be a reference to DnDNext so called next ed. of the game and a BG engine running that ruleset.
Or a reference to a BG game set after BG and before BG2... BGNext would incorporate both.
Or it could be a reference to more added content after BG2 so in reality BG3.
But they are working on new content @Jace of the wheeled warriors... Maaan I loved that cartoon... Lightening strikes!
"Q: When will Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition release?
A: Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition has entered beta and will release "when it's ready" to ensure the best experience for players, likely within a month."
Within a MONTH?? *faints*
"Q: When will Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition release?
A: Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition has entered beta and will release "when it's ready" to ensure the best experience for players, likely within a month."
Within a MONTH?? *faints*