@Buttercheese So I MIGHT'VE just sung the whole thing... Except for one part where I forgot which part I was at in the song, it flowed quite well. Great job. If I had recording equipment, you could guarantee a video being posted of me singing that...
@Buttercheese So I MIGHT'VE just sung the whole thing... Except for one part where I forgot which part I was at in the song, it flowed quite well. Great job. If I had recording equipment, you could guarantee a video being posted of me singing that...
You...might be expecting a video of me singing later tonight... >.>;;
One time my girlfriend wanted me to see Frozen so bad. She saw it with her sisters the previous week and was raving about how it had really good songs, and really cute princesses and stuff. Yet I refused and stood my ground (made like 9 will saves) and we finally saw Jack Ryan: The Shadow Recruit instead.
It was a victory for all disenfranchised move-going males everywhere, and I am still proud to this day at the resilience I showed in the face of relentless, dogged opposition.
Funny you should say the characters are likable. I didn't like any of them, which is why I couldn't get into the movie.
And normally I don't get upset about this sort of thing, but since the movie was directed towards children as much as it was, I got a little bent out of shape because I felt it encouraged [fdja;d]
[fdja;d]: A word I can't think of and a thesaurus isn't helping. Not quite sleazy. It's literarily correct but has a negative connotation. It's like, not being very picky about lovers, or whatever. fuuuudge.
A word I can't think of and a thesaurus isn't helping. Not quite sleazy. It's literarily correct but has a negative connotation. It's like, not being very picky about lovers, or whatever. fuuuudge.
Area-image-like wallpapers could be made by exporting the .TIS as .PNGs with NearInfity. Images are from 200x800 up to 2000x1800 I think, or maybe even 5000x4300... I dunno that.
I have NEVER used Turn Undead. Well, I did it only once when I had like a level 20 Anomen and killed a random skeleton in the Graveyard District. I don't know why I never really valued this ability.
@booinyoureyes, you never valued turn undead because it's not terribly useful in Baldur's Gate. Icewind Dale is a totally different game. Just wait until you're swarmed under by 5 bone golems, 10 wights, 6 skeleton mages, and 25 bomber skeletons that run up to you and blow up in your face. You'll be *really* glad to have a cleric who can make a few of them go away for awhile!
Maybe it's just my imagination, but I always got the feeling that turn undead is infinetly more useful in IWD, especially in the forest labyrinth.
Do you mean the Fell Wood? That is IWD2...but your assessment is still accurate. There are enough undead in IWD to warrant extensive use of Turn Undead and the spell Undead Ward. Vale of Shadows...the third level of Dragon's Eye...Severed Hand...Tiers of the Dead in Upper Dorn's Deep....one part of Lower Dorn's Deep...Burial Isle...*under* Burial Isle (here, especially--ugh)...and the Catacombs in the Luremaster's Keep. I am certain I am forgetting something but you get the idea. Oh, wait--isn't there a section on that island where the Tribe of the Whale is located?
A word I can't think of and a thesaurus isn't helping. Not quite sleazy. It's literarily correct but has a negative connotation. It's like, not being very picky about lovers, or whatever. fuuuudge.
@booinyoureyes in thought I was going to hate frozen. I dislike Disney as a rule(but l love Pixar, of course) and it didn't look good. But when I saw it I didn't totally hate it. I don't really like it, but the songs are actually really catchy, and I can relate with wanting to stab people with magic icicles and subsequently run off into the mountains and become an evil lvl 80 I've dragon disciple with an ice castle, but after that there are some unfortunate character developments and I kinda tuned out when people started trying to save eachother.
Ihave to say if it had been a tragedy, and the prince had gotten the throne, the one girl had stayed in her castle and the little person died it would have become one of my favorite movies ever.
Unfortunately Disney has a target audience, and it isn't me.
It was a victory for all disenfranchised move-going males everywhere, and I am still proud to this day at the resilience I showed in the face of relentless, dogged opposition.
... but now I kinda wanna see it.
Unfortunately, Nona does not have a very good mic. >.>;; She may have overestimated herself a bit... *frantically begins to study Audacity*
But yeah, the movie is good fun, the characters are likeable, the songs are catchy.
And you can do it, Nonna! We believe in you!
And normally I don't get upset about this sort of thing, but since the movie was directed towards children as much as it was, I got a little bent out of shape because I felt it encouraged [fdja;d]
[fdja;d]: A word I can't think of and a thesaurus isn't helping. Not quite sleazy. It's literarily correct but has a negative connotation. It's like, not being very picky about lovers, or whatever. fuuuudge.
Only 1024x768 but the largest one I found
I have NEVER used Turn Undead. Well, I did it only once when I had like a level 20 Anomen and killed a random skeleton in the Graveyard District. I don't know why I never really valued this ability.
Here is a fan art movie poster I made for the fanart page, for all those who like zombie movies.
Go for the eyes!
I am a wonderful artist, lol
EDIT: I meant Boo's pic: in the meantime I was writing, two posts appeared! O,o
I can't be the only one who had trouble with these guys...
@booinyoureyes in thought I was going to hate frozen. I dislike Disney as a rule(but l love Pixar, of course) and it didn't look good. But when I saw it I didn't totally hate it. I don't really like it, but the songs are actually really catchy, and I can relate with wanting to stab people with magic icicles and subsequently run off into the mountains and become an evil lvl 80 I've dragon disciple with an ice castle, but after that there are some unfortunate character developments and I kinda tuned out when people started trying to save eachother.
Ihave to say if it had been a tragedy, and the prince had gotten the throne, the one girl had stayed in her castle and the little person died it would have become one of my favorite movies ever.
Unfortunately Disney has a target audience, and it isn't me.
Oh well.
Almost on topic, this is good for a laugh: