Well this was surprising

I'm a very confused, and very surprised by this development. I honestly thought you guys were going to work towards a BG3, or downloadable player content for BG1 and 2. I'm curious as to where this company is headed. As of right now I'm going to be honest in saying that I am very hesitant of ordering this game, as I am not sure as where the company is headed as a whole.
Did they deliver on their promises? Perhaps, perhaps not, but at the same time I would think that they wouldn't actually announce a new game until they fully patched bg2... of course I think it was smart of them to at least wait until the patch for BG1 was released... I think that would have just flared an entire outraged group of people on this forum... but I suppose I digress.
All in all I suppose I would just like a simple answer. Does this mean patches and player content have been pushed back for BG1 and 2, or does this simply mean that there will be more on the horizon? I'll be honest, I've never played the IWD games, so this isn't as exciting for me as it could be, I'm just hoping that this doesn't mean we're going to miss out on new NPCs or quests or such.
Did they deliver on their promises? Perhaps, perhaps not, but at the same time I would think that they wouldn't actually announce a new game until they fully patched bg2... of course I think it was smart of them to at least wait until the patch for BG1 was released... I think that would have just flared an entire outraged group of people on this forum... but I suppose I digress.
All in all I suppose I would just like a simple answer. Does this mean patches and player content have been pushed back for BG1 and 2, or does this simply mean that there will be more on the horizon? I'll be honest, I've never played the IWD games, so this isn't as exciting for me as it could be, I'm just hoping that this doesn't mean we're going to miss out on new NPCs or quests or such.
if that is true the same would be for IWD, the hard work is done meaning it would be relatively simple to 'enhance' a few games as a way (cynical business view point) make money/main revenue flow while other (maybe majority of) resources are put towards things like adventure 'Y'
Like i say pure assumptions and educated guess work
Anyway, Adventure Y seems very vapory to me, and BG3 would probably need a thousand licenses from problematic license holders, so I'm not holding my breath.
Still think there'll never be a BG3. The story is over, BG has never been canon in the Forgotten Realms anyway, and WotC or whoever is involved license-wise will most likely either not give out anything or have terrible prerequisites.