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Boo's Party of Adventurers for IWD:EE! Updated periodically (the way chemists do it on the table)

booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
Sup fools!

So I'm gonna make a little Icewind Dale playthrough with a party of 6 when I get the chance. These are characters I made as a kid, but I updated them.

It is kinda a family of adventurers forced to travel to Icewind Dale. They are forced to try and restart their lives in this remote place due to troubles back home in Amn. They are kinda dysfunctional, but the hardship and the adventure in the tundra will bring them closer together and ignite a new sense of appreciation in each member... if it doesn't destroy them first

I will give a brief description of each character in the opening paragraph, then I will add one by one periodically as I expand on them.

Adrian Allendale: CG Human Wild Mage (Male, 62 years old) In his youth, a powerful wizard and accomplished adventurer, respected by all. Yet after the death of his wife and a brief disappearance from his hometown Athkatla, he is now an unstable old man with Alzheimers. His disease unfortunately affects his magic in odd ways: he will occasionally forget how to cast his spells, resulting in disaster. However when things go right he can be quite powerful. His run-ins with the Cowled Wizards forced his family to move to the land of Icewind Dale, as such powerful yet unstable magics would be a threat to a civilized city. Jolly despite his tragedies, he is both a boon and a liability to the family, as likely to save them from a dangerous situation as he is to get them into one with but one misplaced syllable.

Alphonse Allendale: LG Human Cavalier (Male, 28 years old) The son of the carefree, adventurous Adrian and his far more serious human Cleric of Helm wife, Alphonse is certainly his mother's son. He followed in her steps by joining the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. So uptight he can barely function, his high-strung nature never let him appreciate his more frivolous and kooky father. This tension was exacerbated following the death of his mother and his father's subsequent 6 year disappearance. Despite resenting his father for abandoning his family in a time of need, Alphonse's sense of familial duty leads him to follow his father and half-sister to the land of Icewind Dale

Tra'Oudia Allendale: NG Half-Elven bard (Female, 19 years old) When Adrian disappeared following the death of his wife, no one had any clue where he had gone. Yet when he returned six years later, he had nothing in his possession but a small and mischievous half-Elven toddler that he said was his daughter. Tra'Oudia grew up in Amn since then, under the guidance of her half-brother Alphonse. Though her brother loves her dearly, her recklessly playful nature often rubs him the wrong way. She is a bit like her father in that regard. While most of the family feels their travels to Icewind Dale is an unfortunate hardship they have to endure, Tra'Oudia sees it only as a grand adventure waiting to be experienced.

Timia Cathicon: NG Half-Elven Fighter/Cleric of Tyr (Female, 30 years old) The wife of Alphonse, Timia was the daughter of a Paladin of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart in Athkatla and an elven ranger woman from the Umar Hills. When both her parents died while fighting a dragon in the Windspear Hills, she was adopted by a local Cleric of Tyr who was their dearest friend. Growing up in the Temple District, she met a the dashing young Alphonse while he was still a squire under the guidance of Sir Klarion Firecam, the most respected Inquisitor in the Order. The young lovebirds eventually wed, and now she spends her days using the powers granted to her by Tyr to heal Adrian's Alzheimer's. She hopes that one day he will tell her the story of her parents, who apparently he knew quite well.

Manolo Espada: CG Halfling Fighter/Thief (Male, 22 years old) Manolo grew up in the slums of Amn, often making ends meet by relieving the more dastardly customers of the Copper Coronet of their hard-stolen jewels. One day he ended up robbing a local noble during one of his... adventures in the slums. The embarrassed noble was enraged, and ready to turn Manolo into the authorities. Luckily for the imprudent young halfling, a local knight he had aided during an ambush in the Dock's District by the name of Alphonse vouched for him. He was allowed his freedom, as long as he is under the supervision of Sir Alphonse. While appreciative of his second chance at life, he often finds that Alphonse's strict way of life is at odds with his more carefree nature. Hopefully he will never find out that Manolo has eyes for his young half-sister... who knows how he might react.

Andoria Dassos: NG Elven Druid (Female, 94 years old) 'Doria, as she is tenderly referred to by Adrian, was a companion of the kooky mage during his time as an adventurer. She now serves as the families guide to Icewind Dale. She has many connections with local rangers, officials in the Ten Towns, and even within some of the Barbarian tribes. A woman of few words, she is often at odds with Timia due to their philosophical differences. Nevertheless, she is vital for the survival of the group, and her knowledge about the local terrain as well as customs will prove invaluable if the Allendale family hopes to survive their journey. As the entourage from Amn arrives in the region, she sends word to her old friend Hrothgar to greet them, as she is busy in Lonelywood dealing with some unknown troubles...

Will give each character an even more in depth description in subsequent posts.

Hope you all enjoy!
Post edited by booinyoureyes on


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    What a wonderful idea! I've always said (and the very last time happened even today , @Fandraxx‌ was involved) that this forum can give the best feedback there can ever be. And to read such a detailed, such an inspiring story and to "feel" good written characters is such a pleasure.

    I'm eagerly awaiting for the continuation. This thread along with @Blackraven‌ 's story and along with many others are surely big, big reasons this forum is unbelievable.

    I'm sure @Ravenslight‌ will gladly have a look on Boo's idea. To see how mute generated characters become alive, become persons deserves all the praise there can be, of course!

    Thumbs up!
  • DexterDexter Member Posts: 253
    You can count me as a big Manolo Espada fan! Nice to see more spanish speaking people around here
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    No hamster companion?
  • CalmarCalmar Member Posts: 688
    What a nice party and thread! I, too, still remember my first Icewind Dale party - actually my *one* party, because the second time I went through the game and on HoF, I played them again.
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