[Known 7175] Korkorran Bug

First post. At the Hexxat quest in ToB, I have this wierd bug with after I defeat Korkorran, it goes through the cutscene and fades to black. Several seconds pass and the screen comes back again, still in the tomb, but now with no HUD and I can't do anything other than quitting the game. Can't even bring up options.
Help me please, you're my only hope.
Help me please, you're my only hope.
Post edited by Gate70 on
Best workaround is to CLUAConsole to Watcher's Keep, then go to the Pocket Plane, cluaconsole out of the Pocket Plane, and go back to the Pocket Plane. That SHOULD fix it (if it doesn't I'll edit the .Gam and fix it manually).
I tried to do what you wrote, but the same broken cutscene played, fade to black and back again with no HUD.
Perhaps I did something incorrectly or I may have misunderstood what you wrote. I CLUA'd to WK, went to PP, CLUA'd out of there back to the tomb and went back to the PP and then back to the tomb again.
No. I have tried several strategies (trapspam, dispel and slash, summonspam, even just ctrl-y) but the same result every time.
I usually never use turn undead.
I think I did, but I can't say for sure.
I have a save ready for you to test - I'd like to get your confirmation before logging an issue. Unfortunately I'm struggling to upload it at present so might be a little while.
Note for self
The Baldur.gam file had incorrect details around Pocket Plane.
Current Area: Should be AR5501.ARE (or wherever Hexxat used the casque), was AR5500.ARE
Master Area: Should be AR4500.ARE, was OH7300.ARE
Stored Location (1 per character): Should be same as Current Area with x,y values, was None and 0,0
I can't be certain why the issue happened, still suspect a pocket plane jump which should be disabled.
It should be fairly easy to see if there has been an issue - no stored locations.
So 2 possible options - identify the cause and fix, or add a default destination.
(which might be issue 7175)
I am sorry for I cannot remember, but thanks for looking into this problem, I really appreciate it. I will check out your zip when I am home.
That zip fixed it. Thank you.
If seen in a game started before the 1.3 patch, the below works.
- Jump to AR5501
- Pocket plane
- Return from pocket plane
- Speak to Hexxat
- Jump near to Korkorran.